Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 155 Gift from Ancestor Seven

Chapter 155 - Gift from the Seven Ancestor

"Civil War Phantom: When fighting on the home ground, all attributes +1.

Intelligent Jungler: According to the research level of the opponent, get 1-5 attribute improvements. Research 20%, improve 1, research level 40%, improve 2... and so on."

Loss in the east, gain in the west.

Transformed into a jungler, without the bonus of the top light and top overlord, but brought two different characteristics, up to 6 points of all attribute improvement.

In addition, there are five S-level heroes' proficiency inheritance, namely, excavator, barrel, prince, blind monk, and widow.

After Mingkai's prince and PDD's prince, the SS-level proficiency of Jarvan IV appeared.

《Gift from the Seven Ancestor》

Looking at his suddenly expanded jungle hero pool, Yuan Shen felt mixed emotions.

It took him a long time to upgrade Kindred to S-level, but the factory manager's inheritance almost broke him.

This is like a rich second-generation who started his own business and suddenly got a wave of support from his family.

He was not happy at all!

Two days after returning to China, a piece of news spread throughout the entire League of Legends circle, which then caused a big earthquake.

This time, the LPL game was no longer hosted by PLU, but by the principal's Banana Plan Cultural Development Co., Ltd.

Responsible for the execution of LPL events in China in the 2016 season, event live broadcasts, on-site management and other related work, Riot Games and Tengda Interactive Entertainment will also work together with Banana Culture to bring players more and better LPL interactive entertainment experience.

S5IG won the championship, Banana Culture became the organizer of the event, and Panda Live was officially launched.

The principal, in the last month of 2015, showed up again.

The new organizer naturally has to change the competition system.

There are a total of twelve LPL teams, divided into two groups according to the performance of the S5 playoffs.

The teams ranked 1-2 are the No. 1 seed pool (LGD, IG)

The teams ranked 3-6 are the No. 2 seed pool (QG, EDG, Snake, VG)

The teams ranked 7-10 are the No. 3 seed pool (OMG, M3, WE, RNG)

The teams ranked 11-12 are the No. 4 seed pool (HYG, EPA)

The teams in Group A are IG, Snake, EDG, RNG, M3 and EPA.

The teams in Group B are LGD, VG, QG, WE, OMG, HYG.

The S6 Spring Regular Season is divided into three stages, and the games in each stage are scheduled from Thursday to Sunday, with two to three BO3 games every day. In the ten-week event, ten BO3 games are scheduled every week, but considering that the first game of four Sundays is a bye, there are actually 96 BO3 games. In the BO3 system, the winner gets 1 point and the loser gets no points.

The first stage is from January 14 to January 31, which is the first round of confrontation between teams in the same group. Group A and Group B will play alternately on different match days, with only one group of teams participating on each match day. For example, on the first day of the competition on January 14, the LGD vs. NB and IG vs. RNG matches in Group B will be staged. In this stage, each team will play against other teams in the same group once, for a total of 30 BO3 matches.

The second stage is from February 18 to March 20, which is a confrontation between different groups. Each team will play against each of the six teams in the other group once, for a total of 36 BO3 matches.

The third stage is from March 24 to April 10, which is the second round of confrontation between teams in the same group. The rules of the game are the same as the first round, with a total of 30 BO3 games. After the game ends on April 10, the entire regular season ends.

Therefore, each team needs to play 16 BO3 games in the regular season, which is more than last year's double round-robin BO2 system, that is, 22 BO2 games.

The BO3 system adopted in the new season replaces the previous BO2 system, which makes the game scoring simpler and clearer. At the same time, the new competition system also brings higher competitive value and viewing for participants and spectators. Due to the increase in the number of games, the competition between teams will be more intense, and the audience will enjoy more exciting games. Of course, the BO3 competition system also means longer game time and increased game intensity. In extreme cases, the game time may increase by 50% compared with before.

In order to ensure that the quality of the game will not be affected by excessive fatigue or too intensive schedules for players and teams, LPL adopts a group competition system to replace the previous full-group double round-robin system. This not only reduces the number of games, but also ensures the quality of the game, and also makes e-sports projects more scientific and reasonable.

This group competition system is reasonable because the viewing of the game is very important for the audience; for the players, the confrontation of the game is equally important. Last year's competition system often saw a score of 1 to 1, and the audience wanted to see that the two sides could win or lose, rather than end in a draw. This competition system lasted until the S8 season, when it was changed to a non-group BO3 competition system. The main reason is that after the LPL alliance, the number of teams has increased significantly, basically adding two teams every year.

The opening ceremony will be on January 14th, and the game will last until January 31st, two game weeks. Then we will take the annual leave and wait until February 18th after the Chinese New Year to start the post-New Year games.

After returning from the United States, there was still about a month left before the opening of the spring season.

During this period, almost all the popularity was dominated by Panda TV.

EDG settled in Panda TV.

LGD settled in Panda TV.

IG, the champion of the S5 World Championship, settled in Panda TV! ! !

The three strongest teams in LPL were invited to join Panda TV.

These are also the three teams that represented LPL in the S5 World Championship.

Since the end of the bubble game, these three teams have had the largest exposure for four months!

The combined exposure of other LPL teams is not even half of EDG.

The three most popular teams have all settled in Panda TV! !

If it were just that, it wouldn't be a big deal.

But when the news spread that RNG took the initiative to ask to settle in Panda TV and was rejected, the entire LPL broke out in a wave of enthusiasm.

You beggars, do you think our Panda TV is a charity?

Who can enter?

In the past, your father Royal won two runner-ups, and now IG won the championship, and the runner-up is a shame.

Since you came to my door, then...

Come on, feed the young master a cake!

However, the attention of many LPL viewers was diverted to other places.

Yuan Shen is going to start live broadcasting! !

The live broadcasting platform is Panda TV!

This live broadcasting platform led by IG Principal Wang has been aggressive since its birth, and has launched a charge towards the status of the top live broadcaster of Huya Douyu!

EDG, LGD, and IG have all joined, and the LOL section of Panda TV has suddenly jumped to the top of all live broadcasting platforms!

Then, some famous anchors also jumped to the top.

For example, Da Sima, PDD, Wuhu God...

IG's official blog also released a notice of live broadcasting.

All IG members, start broadcasting at the same time!

Yuan Shen's Weibo also sent a message.

"New anchor Yuan, please pay attention!"

As soon as this Weibo came out, the e-sports circle was directly blown up!

S5 champion FMVP, the world's number one top laner, start broadcasting?

All LPL viewers were shocked by this news.

Yuan Shen has not started a live broadcast since he started playing games!

Whether in OMG or IG, he is very mysterious.

After the World Championship, Yuan Shen's popularity can be said to have skyrocketed!

But because of the World Championship, German Cup, All-Star series of games, for a long time, the audience was able to access his platform, except for games and games!

Yuan Shen is still very mysterious to many viewers.

Now after winning the championship, no matter which division, many people have a strong interest in this player with a fierce playing style and explosive performance.

Since winning the championship, almost all the hot searches on Weibo are related to IG.

The scene of the entire network being paralyzed at that time still impressed many people!

At this time, everyone was waiting for him to start live broadcast!

Panda 7777 live broadcast room, this is the room number that Yuan Shen specifically requested.

Before Yuan Shen started live broadcasting, many people were already waiting in the live broadcast room.

Less than ten minutes after Yuan Shen's Weibo was sent out, the number of comments exceeded 70,000!

And the number of reposts was as high as 90,000!

The average number of comments per minute is 7,000, which is not much less than that of many first-line stars!

"I cried... In my lifetime, I can see my father live broadcasting and talking to me!"

"It's the first broadcast in the country, I'm so excited that I cry!!"

"Will it be crowded this time?? All the gifts I saved for a long time will be used today!"

"I'm ready today, just give gifts!"

"Brothers, get ready, Yuan's first broadcast can't be less!"


The number of comments is still skyrocketing.

At the same time, the number of likes has reached 150,000!

The number of reposts has reached 130,000!

Although there is still more than a day, Yuan Shen's live broadcast room has already been overcrowded.

Countless gifts of all sizes have been flooding the screen, forcing Yuan Shen's live broadcast room to be the first in the same period!

And there is still a full day before Yuan Shen's first broadcast...

Many passers-by saw the promotion of this live broadcast room and clicked in with curiosity, but found that there was no one, and couldn't help but curse and retreat.

The official Weibo of Panda Live also did a lot of publicity for Yuan Shen's first broadcast!

"Tonight at 8 o'clock, lock in Panda Live 7777 live broadcast room, and the world champion FMVP will chat with you about the championship!"

At the same time, many new Panda live broadcasters also posted Weibo to promote Yuan Shen's first broadcast.

Chen Yifa, Zhou Erke, PDD, and Rookie and Jack who had already started live broadcasts.

There are many people who followed the official announcement of Panda and took advantage of the popularity.

Although Panda Live has just started, it has surpassed Quanmin and Zhanqi and has become a large platform similar to Huya Douyu.

The three teams of IG, EDG, and LGD alone have brought a lot of traffic to Panda.

There are also many retired professional players, such as Ruofeng Weixiao, and the kings of passers-by such as Jiaowoguanren, Du Ji, and Hushen, including the major commentators and hosts in the LPL league. Almost 90% of them are broadcasting on the Panda platform. Even Da Sima has switched to Panda!

Now, with the collective efforts, Yuan Shen, who was already at the forefront of the storm, has instantly reached a higher point.

And the number 7777 has left a deep impression on many viewers.

In this atmosphere, on December 17, Yuan Shen started live streaming on time!

For the whole day, the opening screen recommendation of Panda Live was Yuan Shen's live streaming room, and the most popular banner was also Yuan Shen.

The popularity of the first person in League of Legends is so terrifying.

Yuan Shen's strength is naturally beyond doubt, but the promotion of Panda Live has also contributed to it!

As one of IG's shareholders, Yuan Shen's live streaming contract has been much more relaxed, whether it is gift sharing or other conditions!

The live streaming room number of 7777 looks very impressive!

With such vigorous promotion, Yuan Shen's live streaming room once directly came to the top three in the LOL section!

The barrage speed was so fast that I thought it was the most exciting time for some big anchor to live stream!

When the time came, the live streaming officially began!

In the live streaming room, the moment Yuan Shen appeared, all the audiences instantly boiled up.

Popularity and heat instantly soared!

Yuan Shen took a deep breath. He was not nervous at first.

But at this moment, he suddenly became a little nervous.

This was his first time!

This was also his first time to broadcast live...

"Hello everyone, I... am Yuan."

With just one sentence, the live broadcast room became extremely popular instantly! ! !


"Finally I've waited for you!!"

"I love you!!!"

"Brothers, let's go!"


The barrage was so dense that it instantly engulfed the entire live broadcast room.

The next moment, countless gifts instantly flooded the screen! !

In the Panda Live Broadcast Room, there were hundreds, thousands, and tens of thousands of gifts! !

"[PDD, who will soon have a mermaid line, sent Buddha Jumps Over the Wall × 66!!!]"

"[Gold Medal Hong Kong Normal University Sima sent Buddha Jumps Over the Wall × 66!!!]"

"[IG-WXZ sent Buddha Jumps Over the Wall × 520!!!]"

"[IG-Rookie sent Buddha Jumps Over the Wall × 10!!!]"


Everyone went crazy instantly!

They are witnessing miracles together!

They are creating miracles together!!

The special effects of various gifts almost cover the entire live broadcast room!

The most expensive gift in Panda Live is Buddha Jumps Over the Wall!

One is equivalent to 1,000 RMB!

The level of Yuan Shen's Panda Live account has skyrocketed wildly!!

At the beginning, it jumped up by dozens of levels, and then it became slower and slower, but it was still skyrocketing wildly!

Looking at the densely packed barrages and gifts on his screen, Yuan Shen felt his scalp exploded instantly!


The computer was turned off directly, and the barrage in the live broadcast room instantly turned into question marks! !

Panda Live, almost tens of thousands, hundreds of thousands of people, at this time, were madly brushing question marks on the black screen.

At the Panda headquarters, Principal Wang's face was instantly gloomy.

Black screen!

It's a black screen again!

He had already estimated Yuan Shen's popularity, and specifically asked the staff to increase the bandwidth, but this kind of thing still happened.

Before he could curse, the secretary beside him swallowed and said, "He went offline..."

Principal Wang's expression eased a little, but he soon felt annoyed again.

He went offline in just a short while? ?

Are you kidding? ?

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