Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 162 The situation on the field changes rapidly, Qian Jue leads the way

Chapter 162 - The situation on the field changes rapidly, and Qian Jue leads the way

"Xiao Hu and Xiang Guo are still late. This wave..."

"Maybe Skateboard Shoes lost, but this Qian Jue..."


I remember looking at Guan Zeyuan and seeing a trace of horror in each other's eyes.

The first wave was hanging in the middle and catching the top, and the second wave was hanging down and catching the bottom.

The feint to the east and attacking the west has fallen into the inferior position. The changes in tactics and rhythm on the field are completely in the hands of Yuan Shen.

"Xiao Hu in the middle pushed the line and lost experience. Gnar in the top lane was afraid of being caught and also lost a lot of experience. Although Uzi got Jack's head, he gave away a double kill... RNG lost a lot in this wave."

In the RNG lounge, the coaching staff and the manager all looked at the person next to them, and they didn't even dare to breathe.

Bai Xing, the boss of RNG, was sitting in the lounge at this moment, watching the game between IG and RNG.

"Still... can't win?"

Looking at the situation where IG had the upper hand on the field, Bai Xing clenched his fists tightly.

They had a party at the end of last year, and he still remembers how high-spirited Principal Wang was.

Qin Fen, Zhu Yihang, Principal Wang, Pan Jie, Shuangquan of the Snake team, and him...

The bosses behind the major LPL teams got together to discuss the distribution of the e-sports pie.

But IG, which just won the world championship, took up almost half of the share.

There is no way, who let them win the championship?

It can even be said that the LPL pie was made big by IG!

Pan Jie and Zhu Yihang also made a lot of efforts.

But his RNG is nothing.

The whole 2015 was like a nightmare for him.

In the first half of the year, Uzi left the Royal Club and was replaced by the world's No. 1 ADC Nami, but failed to stay in the league and fell into the LSPL.

In the second half of the year, RNG could not even enter the playoffs and struggled to stay in the league.

That night, he drank a lot of wine before making up his mind.

Zhu Yihang and Shuangquan talked all night and finally reached an agreement.

And Pan Jie's eyes were on MaRin, who had just won the runner-up in LCK.

And he still wants to find some players in China.

Recruit players vigorously, and in the new year, we must catch this giant ship that is about to set sail!

In the training match, RNG's winning rate is 95%! !

Whether it is LGD or EDG, they are not their opponents.

Even against IG, they can have a 60% winning rate.

But when the official game started, it was completely changed.

This Yuan Shen...

Bai Xing's eyes were fixed on Qian Jue, who was about to make a warrior jungle knife and upgrade to level 6.

Why is he so fierce? ?

In this game, he made a bet with Principal Wang, whoever loses will have to...

"We will win, boss."

RNG manager, Quan Damon said firmly.

"We have paid a lot, and we will definitely win!"

"Yes, Xiaogou has grown a lot now, and he has the ability and potential to become a leader."

Coach Fly promised solemnly.

However, the next moment, the voice of RNG's internal voice sounded in the lounge, and everyone fell silent.

"If you had listened to me and come to the bottom lane, wouldn't three wards be enough to stop the opposite Kindred?"

Uzi's voice was emotionless, but it was like a heavy hammer hitting the hearts of the RNG players.

Xiaohu and Xiangguo both had a bad feeling.

In the previous wave, Xiangguo was ready to go to the Stone Beetle after clearing F4.

But Xiaohu called him over to help push the line.

Two consecutive waves of rhythm were caused by Xiaohu.

In the first wave, Xiaohu made a wrong judgment, and Kindred went to the top lane and took the first head.

In the second wave, Xiaohu made a mistake in command, and Kindred went around and got a double kill.

It can even be said that if Kindred didn't have straw shoes and that long sword, it would be impossible to kill the two people in the bottom lane.

Even if he could kill them, he couldn't escape the pursuit of Corki and Lee Sin.


Xiaohu smiled awkwardly.

He was the core of the team last year, but his current situation is very embarrassing.

Uzi could find a lot of mistakes in him when he won the training game, not to mention that he is in a disadvantage now.

"Qian Jue should come up from the dragon pit. Next time, we need to place a ward at this position."

Xiang Guo pinged the bush behind the red buff. The placement of wards is also worth their study.

Especially in the case of lack of vision in the early stage, every ward position needs to be used to prevent ganks.

"What's the point of saying this now? Fortunately, I have a kill. Just play around me."

Uzi was a little annoyed.

He has tried his best to consider his teammates, but why do his teammates always disobey?

You don't have to do anything, give me the economy, protect me in team battles, don't you win?

Is it that difficult?

It's a pity that Yuan Shen doesn't know Uzi's thoughts, otherwise he would have to do a personality analysis.

Altruism, this word doesn't seem to be related to Uzi.

But it is indeed reflected in Uzi.

You don't have to operate, don't think, don't command, just leave everything to me.

The altruism generated by the protagonist's personality has been completely distorted.


"Now the bottom lane is more difficult to play, but the jungle..."

"Qian Jue can even chase Lee Sin and hammer him!!! Xiang Guo could have set the pace in the early game, but he was always supporting, either helping the bottom lane to place wards or helping the middle lane to push the line, and instead, Qian Jue found an opportunity to develop."

Ji Ji sighed.

On the field, in seven minutes, Qian Jue reached level 6.

The number of marks has reached three.

Xiang Guo's Frog was captured by Qian Jue without even being able to look at it.

The basic attack carries 3.75% of the current health value in physical damage, which is close to half of the passive of Ruined King.

"Xiao Ming, be steady, your hero is countering the opponent!"

Jack kept saying, and Xiao Ming accepted it humbly.

The two have a good relationship, and Xiao Ming is also good-tempered. As a newcomer to IG, he does not have a rebellious mentality, and will not say nonsense like "you are invincible" in a fit of anger.

Yuan Shen is still satisfied with the overall atmosphere of IG.

"Old Song, I'll do it!"

After catching the upper and lower lanes and ensuring that TheShy would not have any major problems in the solo laning, Yuan Shen's focus also shifted to the lower half.

The confrontation between the middle and lower lanes is the focus of this game.

Before the birth of the big dragon, there is nothing in the long 20 minutes of the dragon pit, which is one of the reasons why the bottom lane has a high status.

The bottom lane advantage can control the dragon, but what can the top lane advantage do?

Invade the jungle?

Don't be funny, there is no one to help you defend the lower half jungle.

In the upper half jungle, there are no strategic resources that need to be fought for in the early stage.

Wait for the big dragon to refresh in 20 minutes, and the laning phase will be over long ago.

The Riot designer also realized this problem.

So they added a Rift Herald.

The current version of the Rift Herald can give the hero a pseudo-baron buff after getting it.

The hero with this buff can strengthen the surrounding minions, but can only strengthen the offensive attributes, not the defensive attributes.

And it can speed up the return to the city.

The refresh time of the Rift Herald is the same as the red and blue buffs, five minutes.

Although this strategic resource is not as good as the little dragon, it is enough to stop the loss.

IG, who has the initiative, can give priority to the resources they want.

RNG can only be forced to make a counter-half-area resource exchange.

Kindred appeared in the bottom lane vision with a swagger, and Uzi and Mata could only retreat.

At this point in time, they can't beat Kindred with this equipment at all.

"IG controlled the first little dragon, and Xiangguo also helped Gnar take the vanguard. The effect of accelerating the return to the city should be very useful for Gnar."

Looking at the situation on the field, Guan Zeyuan felt sorry for Looper.

In his opinion, TheShy's operation is not much different from Looper, but the blood exchange of the immortal Yasuo is too rogue.

"IG's BP is too good, both top and bottom are counters, and the mid-lane airplane has no good way to deal with Titan. The status of the tank in this version is higher." Jijie said.

In the battle between strong teams, the individual strength of the players is certainly important, but more importantly, the strength of the lineup and the hero restraint.

Poppy's W can block all displacements.

This point can restrain all the players of RNG.

Gnar's E, Corki, Tristana, Lee Sin, and Alistar's W.

Each player has a small displacement, but flying is prohibited.

Alistar's WQ combo is restrained.

If Mata wants to attack, he can only pursue surprise...

Seeing Kindred who controlled the little dragon and went back to the jungle in the field of vision, Mata wanted to kill.

Tristana's record of 1-1 is much better than that of Skateboard Shoes.

Their duo is also stronger than the opponent.

Shaking and moving, pulling the distance, suddenly with WQ, Mata rushed directly to Skateboard Shoes who was still last-hitting.


A muffled sound came, and many viewers couldn't help but touch their foreheads.

This... I'm afraid it hurts a little?


Xiao Ming smiled.

It's not difficult for Poppy's W to interrupt Alistar's WQ operation.

The real difficulty lies in keeping concentration at all times.

If you get caught distracted, the result will be explosion.

Most supports can't do this, because in addition to laning, supports also have to look at the overall situation, consider vision, command teammates, and need to switch perspectives frequently.

But he can.

IG's commanders are the mid and jungle, Yuan Shen and Rookie.

TheShy usually stays out of the battle, relying on his own performance to open up the situation, and only says a few words when he cooperates with the mid and jungle.

When it comes to team battles, TheShy is more of a person who receives orders.

And he only needs to focus on laning.

When vision is needed, Jack will also teach him.

Of course, after a long time, he still has to do these things himself.

Liberating the laning ability of the bottom lane is the most important role of IG.

"Qian Jue is coming, Qian Jue is coming!"

Xiaohu shouted loudly.

After taking the blue, Qian Jue came to the middle lane again, and after helping Titan push the line, he went straight to the bottom lane.

Titan + Qian Jue, lock the head and save life.

There is also a skateboard shoe ultimate that can protect the support...

Just thinking about it, everyone in RNG is scalp numb.

"This... Four in the midfield and two in the jungle!! Is this IG's ultimate goal?"

Remember to swallow.

Minotaur has the E skill that can restore health, so the health of the bottom lane is maintained well at this moment, but even under the tower, they can't survive this wave.

"The mark on the red buff is also taken by Kindred, is Xiangguo going to...catch it??"

The familiar scene appeared again.

Kindred has four layers of marks, and cooperates with Titan to directly attack four against two.

Uzi and Mata can only return to the city helplessly, allowing two waves of soldiers to be eaten by the defensive tower.

After clearing all three groups of jungle in the bottom half of RNG, and clearing the vision of the bottom half of RNG with the true vision effect of F4, Yuan Shen went back to clear his own frog.


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