Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 169 Post-match interview, Grasp of Immortality

Chapter 169 - Post-match interview, Grasp of the Undying

As the base exploded, all five QG players looked very depressed.

They were invincible in the training match, winning all five games in Group B and losing only three games in the small game.

They thought they were a team of the same level as IG.

But they didn't expect to be crushed like this as soon as they met.

QG fully realized the strength of the jungler and the support in this version, and their jungler and the support were also very well coordinated, which was also the key factor for them to get the first place in Group B.

In other words, they belong to the version team.

The version team is not a derogatory term. Throughout history, every team that won the world championship is the one that has the most thorough understanding of the version.

Whether it is SKT in S3, SSW in S4, or IG last year, they all grasped the essence of the version.

Yuan Shen transformed into a jungler, and IG's dominance in the top lane declined.

But the overall strength of the entire team is stronger than in S5.

Because when Yuan Shen transformed, the version also reduced the strength of the top lane and reduced the influence of the top lane on the overall situation.

This is the result of data analysis, no doubt.

《Version nerfs are always one step behind me》

Rookie's personal strength improvement is also a very important factor.

The more top players, the more difficult it is to improve.

Rookie, who was a gift at the time, is so strong and can continue to grow. Now he has become an indispensable thigh of IG.

Compared with QG, IG's understanding is obviously a step further.

Why are junglers and supports important?

The reason is that they can roam in the early stage, forming a local situation of more people against fewer people, so as to help teammates get heads and snowball better.

So, the top laner can't roam?

As long as you have the line right, you can roam.

Or, heroes with full-map or half-map support skills such as Card, Shen, Nightmare, and Excavator will also be on the field.

Furthermore, are there any heroes who can help teammates without leaving the line?


Gangplank is a typical example.

Karthus and Sorcerer are such heroes.

Their ultimate skills are effective in the whole map.

IG has completely grasped the true essence of this version, or in other words, they have achieved the ultimate with more people against fewer people.

In the second game, Yuan Shen took out Lee Sin again.

While inheriting Mingkai's characteristics, the proficiency of this hero was also inherited.

Although the impression left by Mingkai's Lee Sin in Yuan Shen's memory is more 4396 and not daring to operate, but in terms of winning rate alone, Mingkai's Lee Sin still has 70%.

In just eight minutes, with the blessing of the three-way advantage, Yuan Shen counter-exploded Swift's jungle.

This is the power of the team.

When the three-way laning can occupy the advantage, the jungler is comfortable to play.

The jungler controls the dragon, which is itself a team decision and a team problem.

If there is no line right in the three lanes and teammates do not support you, you will have no dragon.

It is really stupid to criticize the jungler in a game without a dragon.

Always remember that League of Legends is a team game.

It is not one person who can change the situation.

BO3 ended with IG 2-0 QG.

After shaking hands with the QG team, they entered the post-match interview session that everyone loves to see, and the interviewees were the IG top and jungle duo.

"Welcome, both of you! Say hello to the audience first!" said the host Ren Dong with a smile.

"Hello, everyone. I am IG jungler Yuanshen."

"Hello, everyone. I am IG top laner TheShy."

TheShy now speaks fluent Chinese. Although he still has some accent, he can probably express his ideas accurately and it will not affect communication.

Yuanshen and TheShy took the microphone and greeted the audience, and there was a very warm applause from the audience.

"The first question is for Yuanshen. It is really shocking to get a pentakill with a hero like Karthus. This is the first time such a scene has appeared in the top five leagues. I wonder how you did it?" Ren Dong asked expectantly.

Looking at Ren Dong's curious face, Yuan Shen was a little confused.

"Ah? I just pressed R."

"Uh, can you be more detailed?"

Ren Dong continued to smile.

This is his professionalism as a host.

"Well, I just saw that the opponents were all low on health, so I tried to press it. Unexpectedly, they all died. In fact, I am not good at playing Karthus. I basically used my passive skill at the beginning and never used it again afterwards."

Ren Dong felt a headache.

But the barrage didn't care so much.

"That's right! Isn't it okay to have hands?"

"Okay, you've finished developing, and it's my turn to play next."

"It's so funny, why play Karthus if Karthus doesn't die? Do you know how to play it?!"

"I didn't even try hard and the opponent fell down. It's so boring."

"QG: It's a pity that I couldn't let Master Yuanshen do his best!!"


"Well, okay, the next question is for TheShy. He performed very well in the two games today. It has been more than a month since he entered the professional arena. Do you have any feelings you want to share with everyone?" Ren Dong decided to avoid Yuan Shen's black hole of this question and turned to ask TheShy.

This is his first interview with TheShy. He looks very shy. He shouldn't have any weird remarks... right?

"I...I want to win. Only by winning can I play Solo with Yuanshen. He is very strong and I can't beat him."

TheShy spoke intermittently, but everyone understood what he meant.

The audience in the live broadcast room and on site were instantly in an uproar.

"WOC, is this the god of top laner? Can he still beat the first line top laner after switching to jungle?"

"It's so funny. Why do some people always think that Yuanshen is afraid to play top lane?"

"I really hope that one day Yuanshen can return to the top lane!!"

"The top laners who have been killed by TheShy don't know whether to cry or laugh."

"This players Yuanshen and TheShy often have some discussions on the top lane position?"

Ren Dong carefully organized his words and asked.

"Well, let's learn from each other. Chenglu also taught me a lot of jungle skills. As for the top laner, I think he's not good enough and needs to practice."

Yuan Shen was not polite at all. It was not a PUA, but sometimes TheShy would indeed float, and I always felt that I could already fight Yuan Shen.

Whenever this happens, he will bring TheShy back to reality.

"Huh? We all know that player TheShy has also played the jungle position before. Maybe one day we will be able to see the two players swing positions on the court."

"Shhh, who said that? This is a secret. If you want to see me, you'd better win over Chenglu first, haha."

Looking at Ren Dong in the interview seat who didn't know what to say for a while, the barrage instantly boiled over.

"Woc, my dad hasn't given up on top order yet?"

"TheShy is so strong, I love both of them, what should I do!"

"Can players change positions? Is this not against the rules?"

"Fuck you, why didn't you say it was against the rules when the duo came to bully our top laner last year? Double standards, right?"

Ren Dong quickly reacted and did not delve into the issue. Instead, he changed the subject and asked: "As the first team in Group A, we defeated the first team in Group B today. What do you think? New What are your goals for the season?”


Yuan Shen thought for a while and decided to tell the truth.

"To be honest, the strength of Group B is a bit disappointing to me. The competition system is not reasonable. I think the top three teams in Group A are at the same level as QG. Because of the replacement of players and the transfer of players, I will go to the competition with the results of last season. Grouping is not fair to everyone.”

After Yuan Shen finished speaking, Ren Dong and the audience were stunned.

Do you really mean that? ?

I'm just asking! !

Regarding the competition format, is your boss the organizer?

Can this also be said?

"In the new season, I don't think the goal should be set too high. It's not a good habit to be too ambitious. Set a small goal. Let's win the spring championship first, and then go to MSI to figure out the rest."

(The 100 million small target should be released at the end of August 2016, but it’s not yet available)

After Yuan Shen finished the first half of the sentence, the audience nodded in approval.

But after the second half of the sentence was finished, the audience couldn't stand it any longer.

QNMLGB, you regard the spring split championship as a small goal, right? ?

What do these teams and players think of those teams and players who don’t even have a German Cup championship on their wall of honor, and who can only put flowerpots behind them after retirement? ?

"Damn it!!"

As soon as this statement came out, countless players who were watching the post-game interview program became hard-fisted.

"They're all naughty things."

Ren Dong felt so tired.

Although the interview with Yuan Shen brought a lot of topic and traffic, it also prevented some viewers from exiting the live broadcast room after watching the game.

But if you say this, you really won’t be criticized? ?

Yuan Shen didn't think anything about this.

Teenagers have their own teenage madness.

If young people are not energetic, can they still be called young people?

If you want to slap me in the face, you should defeat IG first and then talk about it.

"Where is player TheShy? What is your goal for IG in the new season? Or what kind of player do you want to be?"

"Me? As for me, I want to be a player like Yuan Shen and achieve FMVP in top lane."

As TheShy spoke, he scratched his head and glanced at Ren Dong sheepishly, seeming to be looking at Ren Dong's expression.

"Um...don't you have a shorter goal? It's still the Spring Split. Isn't it too hurtful to say this to other teams?"

Ren Dong was speechless. Why are all the IGs such slutty people?

However, when he thought about who IG's top laners were in the past, he felt relieved.

PDD, posture, Yuan Shen...

Is there any good person among these three?

Compared to them, TheShy is pretty normal.

"Oh, when we had the meeting, we were already studying the MSI players. We all watched SKT's games. Duke's performance was very good. I want to play against him."

After TheShy said it seriously, there was a burst of whistling and laughter from many fans.

"Guigui, IG is really interesting!!"

"You're making me laugh. You're already studying MSI before the Spring Split is even halfway through?"

"You've decided not to go after the research, right?"

"Why do I feel that these two people have such a strong desire to perform today? Is there any bond?"


After the interview, Yuan Shen collapsed on the sofa after returning to the lounge.

When playing games, he was excited, but after the game, he really didn't want to move a finger.

"Chenglu, why did you say that today? This is not like you, right?"

Rookie came over and looked at TheShy.

When he first started playing professionally, he was also brought here by his brother.

Now that he met TheShy, he immediately put himself into the role of the brother.

There are three Koreans in IG, so it won't be boring at ordinary times.

"Yuan Shen, it's not good to say that."

TheShy looked at Rookie seriously and whispered.

"He will be scolded for being so proud. If I am like this, others will scold me."

"Yuan Shen, when he is happy, he will Solo with me."

"I don't have anyone paying attention to me, so I'm not afraid."

TheShy's simple and unpretentious logic chain directly silenced Rookie.

"ShyShy, you've changed. You haven't treated me like this. Hey... it's gone."

"Oh! What are you talking about? You have a girlfriend. Yi Jin Guo..."

TheShy adjusted his bangs and lay on the sofa like Yuan Shen.

No one noticed that TheShy was whispering something.

"FMVP in the top lane? I want to be like this too!"


After the game with QG, there were almost no teams in Group B that could cause trouble for IG.

Whether it was VG or OMG, or the experience baby HYG, they were all ruthlessly passed by IG.

Two to zero, the average game time was not even more than 23 minutes.

This data has exceeded IG's record in the S5 summer season.

However, the version change of S6 did speed up the pace in the early stage, and the shortened game time was also a common situation in all major regions.

Since the cross-group competition, IG has played two to zero in four consecutive games, and even solved the battle in one hour against HYG.

Such an efficient play naturally made the LPL audience cheer and feel a little regretful.

Can't get enough!!

Everyone in IG was in a hurry to get off work, so what's the point of playing!!

They felt that they lost money after buying tickets!

They paid hundreds of dollars to watch you play for an hour and left?

It's not as long as the time I waited in line?

And since that interview, it seems to verify the correctness of Yuan Shen's words. Group A has almost crushed Group B!

Among the top three teams in Group A, QG only scored one point against RNG, and was also swept 2-0 against EDG.

In the other team battles, the teams in Group A are also stronger.

Even the EPA team at the bottom of Group A scored two points against OMG and HYG, avoiding the embarrassment of 0 wins.

The imbalance of strength between Groups AB is being discussed by more and more people.

On March 18, IG also ushered in the penultimate opponent of the cross-group competition, LGD.

LGD's state is a little stronger than in the German Cup.

But even with the world-class three Cs, LGD still had no power to fight back against IG.

MaRin, the top laner, was able to maintain a 50-50 situation against TheShy with his experience, and sometimes he could even suppress TheShy in turn.

However, the gap between the jungler and the support was fully reflected in the early and middle stages of the game.

With the jungler and the support in tandem, the entire IG team was extremely aggressive.

Winning 2-0 again, the rumors that IG never works overtime continue.

"Ah Wei, don't you really consider changing your jungler?"

Whether it's Eimy who got lost in the jungle or Xiaoxi who likes Cao Fen, Yuan Shen has only one evaluation.

It's a pity for LGD.

MaRin is already an old man, and it's unlucky to have to deal with such a jungler.

"There's no replacement. MaRin and IMP have taken up the Korean aid quota, and there's nothing outstanding about the domestic jungler. Even you can't pick one, where can we find one."

Wei Shen was also helpless.

LGD has quite a few choices for junglers.

Sofm from Vietnam and Karsa from Taiwan are both strong.

But even if the foreign players come, they can't play.

Seeing Wei Shen say this, Yuan Shen had no choice.

There are only a few domestic junglers in LPL, Xiaochang, Xiaoguo, and Ning Wang can try, and their styles are also suitable for LGD, but...

After thinking about it, Yuan Shen still said something to Ning Wang.

LPL needs more strong teams. It's not good to have only one IG in the first division.

Apart from other things, this year is okay.

There will be an intercontinental competition next year. You can't let IG go up and fight four people alone, right?

After chatting with Wei Shen for a few words, Yuan Shen continued to play Rank.

The life of a professional player is so boring.

Tomorrow, they will face the last opponent in the cross-group competition stage-WE.

Good luck in the college entrance examination~!

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