Chapter 173 - Killed in one shot?

The battle between IG and WE is more brutal than others imagine!

The fake first place in Group B, the mid and jungle were ordered, the top laner was exhausted, and the bottom lane duo fished in troubled waters.

The real first place in Group B, the mid and jungle rhythm is not inferior, the situation is back and forth, and the offensive rhythm is exciting.

This wave of 3V3 team battle between the top and jungle just ended, and the bottom lane of both sides started fighting again.

The mid and jungle of both sides, all leaned towards the bottom lane at the same time.

No one was willing to retreat, and it was another 4V4 fight.

The ADCs of both sides were miserable, because they had no flash. Less than a second after this wave of team battle started, they were beaten back to the fountain by various AOE damage and thunder bursts, and could only OB the duel between the mid, jungle and support of both sides.

However, Syndra's combat power in this wave was too strong. Although Yuan Shen took down the jungle and support heads and escaped successfully, Karma and Titan were killed by Syndra.

Syndra, who was 5-0, had surpassed Corki and was the first in the game.

Half a minute later, Yuan Shen came up again and cooperated with Corki to replace the troll with his ultimate.

However, because the troll was too tanky, Yuan Shen resisted too much and was kicked to death by Lee Sin who came later.

As soon as Yuan Shen died, Lee Sin came to the middle lane.

Without the protection of the excavator, Karma's combat effectiveness was extremely insufficient.

Lee Sin touched the eye and RQQ into the tower, and cooperated with Syndra's burst to directly take Rookie's head.

But Corki, who had already got the explosive pack, took Lee Sin's head again with a Valkyrie dive.

Teammates from both sides appeared in the middle lane, and Ben's Minotaur immediately made a flash difference, flashing WQ to the wheel mother, and the bottom lane duo fought each other, and it was a two-for-two exchange, and both died.

It was fierce, too fierce.

There was no place in the game where there was no fighting.

The match between WE and IG was like a rank match, with no rules or routines.

WE was a rookie, and the newborn calf was not afraid of the tiger.

When did IG ever fear a battle of operations?

In the IG lounge, Fu Manduo tapped the armrest of the chair with his right hand, leisurely and contented.

Although the situation on the field was more complicated, he still saw the core essence of the problem.

Homme's BP level was much better than other coaches, and WE's lineup was not worse than IG's.

But there was a very important problem, WE had no late game.

Now it seems that both sides are playing fiercely, but in fact WE is at a disadvantage.

Because of the strength of their lineup, they should be ahead by at least 3,000 economy at this time.

Instead of the current state of equal economy.

In the lounge, you can hear the voice communication within the team.

The reason why IG played like this is because Yuan Shen's command ability was very well played.

The double shooter system is indeed a bit weak in the early stage.

Several times, WE had higher damage and won the fight.

But every time they were about to gain momentum, TheShy could always appear in the right position under Yuan Shen's mobilization and complete the harvest.

A plane with explosives or teleporting behind can always support teammates spiritually, interrupt WE's rhythm and stop the loss for the team in time.

TheShy's operation is definitely not bad.

It's just that his teamfight awareness and support timing are not in place.


And this point was completely made up under Yuan Shen's command.

Yuan Shen's command plus TheShy's operation already has the shadow of Yuan Shen's top lane in S5.

There is a gap, but it is definitely not much.

Rather than saying that TheShy is Yuan Shen's apprentice, it is better to say that he is Yuan Shen's second clone on the court...


"This plane is so annoying!!"

Xiye is very angry now.

It's a pity that there is no way to vent.

They didn't want to operate with IG a long time ago, so they could only fight.

If it drags to the late stage, IG's double shooter system has too strong teamfight ability. They want to end the game as soon as possible with the advantage in the early and mid-term, but they didn't expect IG to be so tough and not give in at all!

The audience enjoyed this game too much, and the fight was too intense.

More than one kill per minute.

There has never been a game with such a fast pace in the entire spring season.

This means that this game will be a very fast group.

Because there are too many kills, the speed of equipment formation is faster than before.

In 27 minutes, the score between the two sides was 22 to 19. WE had slightly more kills, but the kills were more concentrated.

Xiye's record was 11-1-9, and the participation rate was close to 91%.

The equipment was also extremely luxurious. Now he has made a hat, Luden, Ghost Book, magic penetration stick, and magic penetration shoes.

At this pace, Syndra will be able to find the last piece of magic equipment, Zhonya's hourglass, in just over 30 minutes.

The fattest one on IG is undoubtedly TheShy's Corki.

The record of 9-0-6, although less than Syndra, but with the economy of extraction and defense towers, the last hit is also ahead.

There are too many fights, and Syndra has no time to last hit.

Instead, TheShy only needed to support when Yuan Shen called him, and the several harvest battles ended quickly without much loss.

Yuan Shen's excavator also had a very good record.

5-2-12, also a nearly 100% participation rate.

The mid and jungle of both teams are the engines of the teamfight rhythm.

"You can't die, Chengluo, the rhythm will be broken if you die."

Yuan Shen didn't know how many times he had said this.

TheShy's airplane is their fattest point, and if something goes wrong, the big dragon will definitely fall.

At this stage of the game, TheShy's teamfight performance is crucial.

Once he dies, the resurrection time is nearly one minute, which will have a great impact on both fighting and development.


TheShy obviously prefers this rhythm.

In this game, the play style is too much like Rank.

And the Rank strength of him and Yuan Shen is also at the forefront of the entire LPL.

Faced with this situation, TheShy directly adopted the play style that he is most accustomed to in Rank.

Unique, very unique, attaches great importance to KDA.

"WE is going to attack, and their lineup must end the game at least before 35 minutes, otherwise it will be IG's strong period. Jack already has four sets of equipment. When he makes the Hexdrinker, Syndra's threat will be much smaller." Changmao said.

"It's not easy to play. Corki also has five pieces of equipment, and he has too many last hits. This development reminds me of Yuan in S5 last year. He really has a bit of the shadow of that time."

"Not so close. At that time, Yuan was truly invincible in the laning phase and performed perfectly in teamfights." Changmao laughed.

On the field, Corki has already made Triforce, Cannon, Magic Penetration Boots, Electric Knife, and Infinity.

For the fifth piece of equipment, Corki chose Infinity.

And WE also began to build vision around the dragon.

"The strongest points of both sides at present are Syndra and Corki. The performance of these two core carries in this teamfight will largely determine the outcome of the teamfight!"

Changmao explained the situation quickly, excited and expectant.

And the director also focused the camera on Corki and Syndra.

I saw Corki just came out of his house with a dynamite pack, and Syndra stood at the front of the WE formation. Because there were four little brothers protecting him behind him, he was not afraid of being attacked at all. He threw skills very strongly, and the terrifying output forced the IG team to retreat again and again.

But behind him, the troll and the blind monk had already started to attack the dragon.

With the help of Jhin's output, the speed at which the dragon's health dropped was not slow. When the dragon had only 4,000 health left, WE didn't pretend anymore and pushed in with all their members!


Yuan Shen immediately took action. The moment Jack's blue trinket lit up the dragon pit, the dragon's health line was clearly displayed in front of everyone on IG.


It was too late.

Yuan Shen shouted.

He didn't have enough time to walk over.

Must speed up!

Rookie understood and used the E skill to speed up immediately.

The excavator moved forward at a high speed, but before it got close to the dragon pit, the blind monk had already touched the eye and landed.


A powerful kick sent the excavator out, but the next moment, an operation that made everyone exclaim appeared.

Silver light flashed on the excavator, and golden light exploded in the air! !

Flash! !

The knockback effect of the blind monk's ultimate move only lasted for less than a second before it was lifted!

Flashing down to the dragon pit, the moment he saw the health of the dragon clearly, the punishment fell steadily!

The excavator's flash was faster than the echo shot! !

Although Syndra gave the QE combo at the first time, it was useless!

The control effect could not prevent the excavator from releasing the punishment!

The WE team was furious and unconsciously leaned towards the plane in the dragon pit.

A blue light flashed, and the roar of Baron Nash resounded through the canyon.


"Excavator grabbed the dragon!!"

"The plane is coming in!"

On the other side, TheShy, who had teleported to the ground, appeared on the front battlefield with a dynamite pack. Karma accelerated with a group RE, giving the two shooters the effect of the censer.

The next moment, relying on the dynamite pack and Karma's speed, TheShy took three steps forward, relying on the ultra-long-range range given by the artillery, activated the E skill, and fired a general attack.

Ziz! ! !

The triple effect of artillery + electric knife + three-phase radiance triggered a critical strike again!

A flash of lightning flashed, and Syndra, who was full of blood, lost four-fifths of her blood in an instant! !

Just as the name means, she disappeared directly!

Before Xiye recovered from this terrifying burst of output, the plane had already fired a strengthened R skill.

Before Xiye gave up the flash, the excavator had already E'd him up to the sky.

The queen in a black silk long skirt flew high, and the scenery under the skirt was unobstructed.

But Yuan Shen didn't care, the excavator was also the queen.

Boom! !

"IG-TheShy (Heroic Bombardier) killed WE-Xiye (Dark Leader)!!!"

Looking at the gray screen, Xiye was stunned.

The two commentators: "..."

The audience at the scene burst into shocking screams after a moment of silence!

"Xiye, gone??" Su Xiaoyan couldn't believe it.

Because of her smile, she has a very good relationship with the WE members.

"What kind of damage is this?"

Changmao swallowed.

The core C position of both teams was very obvious. They were looking forward to a wonderful team battle and the wonderful performance of the core Carry of both teams.

In order to arouse the audience's expectations, they hyped for a long time and once made Xiye the hope of domestic mid-lane players.

What was the result? ?

Just like that? ?

On the field, the fattest Syndra was killed, and WE was already defeated.

The enhanced version of the plane's explosive pack directly passed over the heads of all WE players.

The general attack W once again avoided the fatal brilliance of Jhin's W, successfully drew a "7" on the battlefield, successfully divided the battlefield, and left everyone behind.

The 30-minute intense fighting rhythm came to an abrupt end. A wave of zero-for-five, IG directly ended the game.

However, just when the five IG players were about to push the middle together, the screen suddenly turned black and white, and a progress bar appeared in the middle.

"WE team, apply for a timeout."

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