Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 201: Giant Dragon Collided with Kun, Light Speed ​​EQ

Chapter 201 - The giant dragon hits Kun, the speed of light EQ

"It's over, this prince is going to be invincible."

In the LCK commentary box, Roaring Emperor has no hope.

He was not familiar with the damage of the prince before, but after seeing Bang personally try the terrifying size of the pure output dragon impact, even he realized one thing, how big a threat a prince with explosive output would be.

After controlling the dragon and returning to the city for repairs, the prince directly made the Infinity Blade

As early as version 6.5, Prince's ultimate move was changed to area damage. With this kind of equipment, as long as he finds an opportunity to produce a wave of output in a team battle, it is enough to destroy SKT's entire back row.

Relying on the advantage of the prince, IG started a strong attack and continued to advance.

But SKT defended every defensive tower extremely tenaciously and cautiously.

Delaying development time, SKT is the most familiar.

In twenty-three minutes, SKT lost all three outer towers, and the economic gap has reached 8,000.

But Highland Tower was different. SKT launched an unprecedented strong resistance with Highland Tower behind them.

Just like it is extremely easy to take off your jacket and pants, but it is very difficult to take off your underwear.

It is still a bit difficult for IG to get higher than the tower.

Several attempts were made to get to the high ground, and several times Baron forced the team to end the game, but SKT's defensive ability was simply too strong.

The ward control, resource selection, and lane switching support in the disadvantageous round are all done beautifully.

Not only the commentators, but also the opponent IG couldn't help but marvel.

"It's a bit difficult to deal with..."

Yuan Shen did not expect the current situation.

Compared with LPL teams, SKT, as the king of LCK, is very familiar with Korean operating routines.

It would be no exaggeration to say that the team’s operational capabilities in disadvantaged situations are the best in the world.

Never be greedy for resources that can be given up.

Resources that cannot be discarded must be defended to the death.

But once IG wants to start a group fight, they are very resolute in their execution to retreat and avoid the fight.

Duke's single belt also put a lot of pressure on them.

The hero Titan must join the team in the mid-term. The only one who can clear the line with the trolls is Rookie's Syndra.

IG, which failed to find a chance to end the game, could only further compress the opponent's development space and wipe out SKT's jungle area.

The resources in the wild area have been occupied, and the economic gap is also widening little by little.

Olaf is already making a meat suit.

All resources were given to Snake and Jhin.

There are bull heads and trolls in the front row, so we can resist for a while.

As long as they can find opportunities, SKT is not without hope of making a comeback.

"The financial gap is almost 10,000, but..."

Wang Duoduo frowned.

"The pace has been slowed down, which is a bit detrimental to IG."

"Yes, the biggest opponent of IG's lineup is not the enemy, but time. We can see that the three lanes of troops have been eaten up by Snake Girl and Jhin. On the economic panel, the development of these two heroes is not bad at all. ”

Not bad at all!

The development of Snake Girl and Jhin has almost surpassed that of Syndra and EZ.

This is the difference between the double-C system and the three-core system.

With IG's lineup, SKT has a lot to deal with when starting a team.

But it will take time and a lot of extra money for all three to grow.

Including head money and wild area resources.

"Uenosuke's lack of development is acceptable for SKT."

I remember saying: "In other words, even if SKT's early rhythm does not collapse and the two sides are evenly matched, SKT's Ueno Suke's development will lag behind IG because they will give up resources to the core C position."

This is the double C system.

Ueno Suke, after the core equipment is released, it only needs to be able to provide basic functionality.

The resources are tilted and concentrated on fattening the C position.

SKT's Double C is also world-class.

As long as they can hold off, they can see the dawn of victory.

According to Faker's calculations, their counterattack time is——

About thirty-six minutes.

"I'm almost crazy."

Bang breathed a sigh of relief.

He ate too many resources.

Snake Girl can save an equipment slot because she doesn't have to buy shoes, but Liushen is still a little behind.

And the prince has already made the Six Gods costume.

Endless, Youmeng, Curtain Blade, Greed, Black Cut, Mercury Shoes.

"I can't delay it any longer..."

Xiao Ming was a little anxious.

In this situation, they were already getting tired when the prince had a four-piece suit.

This is the big advantage in the early stage, which can suppress the opponent until now.

In the game League of Legends, the economy becomes more and more useless in the later stages.

After all, you can only buy six pieces of equipment in the equipment column, so there is no point in spending more money.

The prince in Liushen costume has no room for growth.

Anxious Xiao Ming made a mistake.

When he was doing vision, he was caught by SKT.

WolfQ flashed W and pushed him back. Even if he handed over his flashing ultimate move, he couldn't escape SKT's pursuit.

The comeback opportunity SKT has been waiting for has been found!

Under the output of Snake Girl and Jhin, the dragon's blood volume dropped quickly.

With bull heads and trolls as bodyguards, Bang had no worries.

When I saw everyone from IG rushing over, the troll and the bullhead formed two solid barriers.

However, at this critical moment, Rookie's Syndra found the right opportunity and pushed the ball through the wall, controlling Bang and Faker in place!

The team battle was about to start!

The moment TheShy's Q hit the troll, he directly handed over his ultimate.

The target was Bang's Jhin!

All eyes were on the SKT back row.

But at this moment, Yuan Shen moved.

In order to maximize the speed, his operation key position is...

E flash Q!

That is, release E outside the range, flash into the range instantly, and use the speed of light EQ.

This operation can be done by both the Stone Man and the Blind Monk, but the combo sequence is different.

The Stone Man can perform an operation similar to the R flash, and the Blind Monk can also cross two distances to touch the eye at the speed of light.

Such an operation is very difficult.

But at this time, he must gamble!

This is an amazing choice!

This is the operation of the theoretical limit!

This is the confidence of being an ace!

"Death is not to be missed, today!"

In Bang's field of vision, only golden light can be seen.

When he came to his senses, he had already flown into the sky.

In the knock-up state, he couldn't use any skills.

E flash QA greedy A.

Jhin died on the spot without even using his ultimate!

Because one of his normal attacks triggered a 25% crit.

Even without this crit, the ultimate could kill Jhin instantly.

But the prince who saved this ultimate could play a more terrifying role.

The sky collapsed and the earth cracked!

This ultimate trapped Snake Lady and Olaf.

The terrifying AOE damage directly knocked down most of the health of Snake Lady and Olaf!

The punishments fell one after another, and Baron Nashor let out a thunderous roar!

"Baron!! Whose Baron is it!"

"Got it!! Yuanshen got the Baron!!"

The prince punished the Baron, and the four IG players were bathed in dragon blood, and their momentum was greatly boosted.

Snake Lady's ultimate skill suddenly attacked, petrifying the prince, and her own life came to an end.

EZ's precise barrage and Syndra's flash ultimate skill, six dark magic balls were stuffed into Snake Lady's body, bursting it directly! !

"My energy is endless!!"

Only Olaf, who was only half-blood, had no chance of survival in front of IG's mid and jungle even if he activated his ultimate skill!

Outside the dragon pit, only Titan and EZ were left to face the troll and the Minotaur.

SKT's most core double C died instantly, and even Olaf died tragically on the spot. SKT's team battle fell from the peak to the bottom in an instant.

It was completely impossible to fight! !

After killing the troll and the Minotaur, the IG team went straight to the SKT crystal main fort.

"My old swan! ! What is the speed of this EQ! ! "

Remember to shout directly.

"Yuan Shen is really too brave!!"

"The blood-stained battle robe is red, who dares to compete with him in the canyon? In ancient times, I am the only IG General Yuan who can help the lord in troubled times! This Yuan Shen is like a person in a deserted place. He can turn the tide in a desperate situation alone, and he can turn the sky upside down with one hand. The blood-stained spear and red halberd are still there today, and he is not inferior to Lu Fengxian in the past!!"

Wang Duoduo was so passionate that he made the audience in the live broadcast room dumbfounded.

This buddy, why does he write poetry when he disagrees with something? ?

"Fuck!! Can this comeback happen?"

"I don't dare to watch it, Xiao Ming is too anxious!"

"Why can this flash EQ be so fast!!"

"Bang died again, why is he still killed in seconds even though he is 6102! When can ADC stand up??"

"Flash doesn't use treatment or treatment, what a show??"


"Let's congratulate IG!! They won this decisive battle!!"

Wang Duoduo said: "They proved that even the champion of LCK Spring Split is no match for them! They are one of the strongest teams in the world!! SKT's mid-term operation is actually very good, but they didn't expect this extremely violent Prince!"

"Yes, this hero is too hard-working and too risky. I feel that no one dares to play a pure output Prince on such a stage."

I remember feeling very sorry.

"They should have saved this trick for the knockout stage. It's a bit too early to use it now. In fact, even if we lose one or two games in the group stage, it shouldn't be a big problem for us to enter the final."

"Maybe IG has its own considerations..."

Wang Duoduo didn't know IG's thoughts.

In fact, Yuan Shen didn't think that Prince was a big move.

Prince, this hero, has been revised for a while.

Many people know that Prince can output, but there is still the same problem.

The tolerance rate is too low.

In this game, only because Cassiopeia and Jhin didn't have displacement, Prince had the opportunity to play.

But even so, Cassiopeia, Troll, and Minotaur can still restrain Prince from entering the field.

If the opponent has a Poppy, there will be even less to do.

This kind of thing is a 50-50 chance of winning or losing, and it is not a big move.

At best, it is a smoke bomb, and maybe a team will ban his Prince.

Hidden system is what they should do most.


After beating SKT, TheShy was as happy as a child, and the whole person was excited.

At first, he tried out for SKT, but unfortunately, they were not compatible, so he left LPL and came to a foreign country.

Yuan Shen and Rookie chatted and high-fived. Their performance in the last team battle was perfect. Jack stood up and rubbed Xiao Ming's head.

"Sorry, I was too anxious."

Xiao Ming was a little embarrassed.

"It's okay. We couldn't fight for more than ten minutes. If you hadn't exposed a flaw, SKT wouldn't have killed the big dragon. I'll give you a credit when I go back."

Yuan Shen waved his hand and didn't care.

Xiao Ming is still young and still lacks some experience in major competitions.

However, in the situation just now, sacrificing Jyra made SKT take the initiative to start the big dragon, which was a coincidence.

The applause at the scene was thunderous, and the home audience did not hesitate to call the ID and name of each IG member.

The loudest shout was undoubtedly Yuan Shen's name.

Yuan Shen led the team to shake hands with SKT as usual. Faker was fine, just a little depressed, but he still hugged Yuan Shen very friendly.

The two often met in the Korean server ranking, and they were not strangers.

There was a god-level cooperation between Clockwork and Lee Sin, and there was also the experience of pitting each other when Minotaur and Yasuo went to the bottom lane.

They are friends.

They cherish each other.

But when it was Bang's turn, Yuan Shen couldn't help but be stunned.

Why is this kid covering his head with one hand and looking a little pale?

Is he sick?


Is Haidilao really poisonous?

But Bang's development was affected in this game because he was too targeted.

In terms of Bang's performance alone, there was actually no big problem.

Bang did not look at Yuan Shen. After shaking hands with everyone in IG with his head down, he sat back in his chair and silently packed up his peripherals.

Today's game is still going on.

After the decisive battle between SKT and IG, the game between CLG and G2 will be held.

Europe and the United States area.

A-P appeared on camera with a big smile on his face.

"Thank you very much for Yuanshen's appreciation. Regarding his belief that I am the world's best mid laner, I can only say...

"Today is our match with CLG. EU\u003eNA. If we lose to the North American team, we don't have to go back to Europe."


Less than half an hour after A-P finished speaking, G2 lost.

With a huge score of 4 to 18, G2 was crushed by CLG.

In 30 minutes, the economic gap was 13,000.

If it weren't for Kikis's Ekko who desperately destroyed a tower, CLG would have beaten a Linglong Tower.

The audience in the European division was completely blown up.

Everyone was joking about the plane crash, and G2 didn't have to come back.

It was understandable that they lost to SKT yesterday, because they were not strong enough.

After all, SKT itself is a recognized strong team.

Last year, FNC was shaved bald for catching a single player.

If A-P hadn't been slapped in the face for his harsh words before the game, there wouldn't be so many people scolding him.

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