Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 207 Peak showdown, two powerful teams meet in advance!

Chapter 207 - Peak showdown, two strong teams meet in advance!

Time flies, and in five days, IG only did one thing.

That is to practice with EDG.

SKT used the four-protect-one system in the group stage, and they have many tactics and ideas to test.

It's Friday night again, and the nine-to-five office workers and students finally have a weekend.

In normal times, many people would choose to go out with friends for a drink, a barbecue, or play games.

But now, everyone has opened the live broadcast channel without exception and stayed in front of the computer.


The biggest highlight of this MSI semi-final!

The outside world's attention to this game is like the final.

This situation is not uncommon in e-sports competitions.

For example, in the S4 World Championship, many people believe that the duel between the ten Samsungs is the real S4 final.

The actual gap between Royal Club and SSW is too obvious.

When two teams that really have the strength to win the championship meet in advance due to the competition system, this regrettable situation will occur.

After all, most people like to save the best food for last.

The current situation is the same.

IG won the championship last year and is still brilliant this year. Needless to say, the team is the favorite to win the championship in everyone's mind.

As for SKT, although the performance in the group stage was not good and the players' condition was questionable, no one would doubt the combat effectiveness and state adjustment ability of the LCK team in BO5, which is the authority they have established in the past few years.

Five days, under the rigorous and scientific management system of the LCK team, are enough to complete the transformation of mentality and restore them to the best state.

The confrontation between Yuan Shen and Faker, the two players with the most fans in the world, also makes many people look forward to it.

And now, almost everyone is sure that no matter whether it is IG or SKT, as long as they win the semi-finals, there is an 80% chance of winning the championship.

In the other half of the zone, CLG should win.

After all, everyone knows the BO5 level of FW.

Before the game starts, it is the customary trash talk session.

The players of both teams appeared on camera and showed off their own sassy words.

Bang: "IG is a very strong team. They undoubtedly have the strength to win the championship...Except for their bottom lane, especially JackeyLove, he is too young. I don't think his strength matches IG's current achievements."

Wolf: "Compared to IG's mid and jungle, Ming seems a bit out of place. I think he is the fifth-ranked support in this MSI."

Wolf spread his hands and continued: "Except for SUP, any other team's support is stronger than Ming. Among LPL's supports, only Meiko can get my recognition."

Jack waved his hand: "Bang is indeed very strong. We also attach great importance to him. At the same time, we also thank him for his little help in helping us win the world championship last year."

Xiao Ming said with a smile: "I hope there will be a head-on confrontation today. I will prove it on this stage...Hahahaha!"

Xiao Ming's laughter infected many viewers, and the barrage was full of piglets gathering.

Faker: "Rookie is indeed very strong, but I have proved that I am better than Perkz, which means Yuanshen's vision is not very good. Now I want to prove that I am better than Rookie!"

When these words came out, the LPL audience couldn't help but smile.

Damn, Zhou Zhiruo scratched Zhu'er's face, and she also wants to compete with Zhao Min, right?

So good!

Blank: "I think Yuanshen's jungle level is not as good as his top lane. I will prove that his transformation is a failure."

Yuan Shen: "Blank may have forgotten that he is just an LSPL jungler. To use an old Chinese saying, he is a frog in the well and has never seen the blue sky."


After the trash talk session, the figures of Wawa and Miller appeared on the big screen.

"Welcome to the finals of 201SI... Oh, no, the semi-finals stage, I am Wawa."

"Hello everyone, I am Miller."

"Hello everyone, I am Wang Duoduo!"

For all important games, the LPL officials tend to let the old partners of Haier Brothers to commentate.

The commentary of the two cannot be said to be the most interesting, but their style is definitely the most stable and can mobilize the atmosphere the most, and they will not go wrong in important occasions.

Especially this year, MSI will be held in Shanghai, and any mistake may become an international joke.

It is also safer to let two veterans lead the newcomer Wang Duoduo.

"Five days, although SKT's previous state was not good, now five days have passed, IG should still be careful."

"I don't know if SKT has thought of a way to deal with the hero Prince this time. If this problem cannot be solved, then it will be like last year's World Championship, and the ban position will be restricted."

"Professional teams learn very quickly. In five days, other teams may have developed a way to crack Prince's jungle, and even set a trap. IG must not be careless."

Miller and Wawa sang in unison, not even giving Wang Duoduo a chance to interrupt.

When Wang Duoduo heard the two talking about the prince, he finally found a chance to interrupt and said, "That's right. There is a saying in the military: more planning leads to victory, less planning leads to no victory, let alone no planning!"

Haier Brothers: "..."

The three discussed today's BP for a while and felt that there were only two key points.

One was the violent and unparalleled prince that Yuan Shen brought out during the group stage.

The other was the trump card that SKT brought out before, the four-protect-one system of the time nurse.

These two are the trump cards that the two major teams brought out at MSI.

As for the four-one split push, the double shooter system, and Jhin plus Jyra, they are all old news.

There are only a few popular versions, so whether they all have to be considered.

The first game officially began.

Since IG was the first in the group, it had the priority to choose the side.

Naturally, IG chose the red side that it was best at.

The right to choose the side is only useful in the semi-finals. When it comes to the finals, it will be a draw again, which is also a convention.

The same is true in the World Championship. The first place in the group of the quarterfinals will have the right to choose the side first.

"Ah, what a pity, SKT still banned Jarvan IV." Wawa explained the situation: "But IG banned Star Mother tit for tat..."

The three-handed ban position of SKT on the blue side was given to Jarvan IV, Kindred, and Elise.

The red side IG blocked Star Mother, Jyra, and Alistar respectively.

The bans on both sides were very targeted, one side banned three junglers, and the other side banned three supports.

The former targeted the jungler, and the latter targeted the bottom lane, which undoubtedly exposed the core carry position of the two teams.

Yuan Shen and Rookie, the mid-jungle pair, cooperated very well, and the strength of the mid-jungle linkage was very high.

But Yuan Shen's playing style also has problems, that is, he always tends to help the top lane.

Perhaps it is because of the transformation of the top lane.

This is a bit like Bengi, but different.

No matter who is in the top lane and how strong they are, Bengi always subconsciously goes to the middle lane to help Faker open up the situation.

So in this unsuitable version, SKT put up Hei instead of Bengi.

Hei is more inclined to protect the bottom lane.

After all, he is the jungler of the Royal Club's second team, and he has a legacy in his bones.

Although he didn't have the opportunity to protect Uzi, he can now protect Bang, which makes him so much stronger.

Of course, this is only a problem that can be realized when the top teams compete with each other. In front of weaker opponents, this problem does not exist.

On the first floor of the blue side, Duke helped his teammates lock down the Graves in seconds.

Instead of banning, Hei's Graves is also a signature hero.

IG was not surprised by this, and the first and second floors immediately took down the combination of Karma + Nidalee.

Rookie's Karma has been played a lot this season, and the routine of the mid-lane Karma protecting the top and bottom double shooters is even more familiar.

And this hero can also appear as a swing position.

But Yuan Shen's Nidalee rarely appeared.

Many people think that Yuan Shen can't play Nidalee at all.

Both sides have been prepared for BP, and the selection of players was finalized without hesitation.

Soon, the lineup was finalized.

SKT: Ekko, Graves, Ryze, Jhin, Nami

IG: Jayce, Nidalee, Leblanc, Ezreal, Karma.

It can be seen that even if one side bans three junglers and the other side bans three supports, the top players on both sides can find heroes that can be replaced in the hero pool.

The serious lack of bans is also a very significant feature of professional competitions in the S6 version of the chaos.

If the ban is not enough, the importance of the BP link will be greatly reduced.

But if more bans are added, many strong heroes will not be able to appear on the stage, which seems very boring.

Just like balancing heroes, the balance of the BP link also requires League of Legends designers to rack their brains to consider.

Therefore, whether to increase the number of bans is also a hot topic among Riot designers.

"IG's lineup, the top, mid and jungle are so fierce!"

"That's right, Leblanc vs. Ryze, it's been a long time since we encountered such a matchup, and Nidalee vs. Graves, it's also a head-on fight."

"I didn't expect Faker to use Ryze. This hero was played by Faker, Rookie, and Yuanshen in the finals of the World Championship last year."

"I heard that the new version of Ryze has been reworked. This is probably the last swan song of Ryze."

After Wang Duoduo finished speaking, the audience sighed.

The focus of this game is obviously on the confrontation between the top, mid and jungle.

SKT did not directly use the four-protect-one system again at the beginning.

In history, after SKT won the championship, many people praised SKT's four-protect-one system for being particularly powerful and how strong Bang in the bottom lane was.

In fact, they did not understand the game, but just followed the champions.

After winning the championship, no matter how problematic the play is, it is the strongest play.

Four-protect-one is not SKT's killer move, but Kkoma and Faker are using the only ingredients to make a meal that is as delicious as possible.

In other words, SKT's four-protect-one strategy was a helpless move.

If it wasn't for the last resort, or if there were no serious flaws in the top, mid, and jungle synergy, no team would actively choose to play four-protect-one.

Except for RNG.

Because the four-protect-one strategy has a low tolerance rate, when playing other systems, even if the ADC is killed instantly, the teamfight may still win.

Any position in the top, mid and jungle can harvest.

However, if the ADC in the four-protect-one system is killed instantly, the teamfight is bound to be lost.

The four-protect-one system relies too much on the performance of the core C position.

And the ADC position itself is difficult to achieve explosive carry output while not dying.

This is not a problem of the player's level, but the ADC position itself is too good.

Even if it is the world's No. 1 ADC, the blood volume will not exceed 2,000, and the double resistance will not exceed 200. In the late stage, if the opponent is focused for more than two seconds, he will still die on the spot.

In ten teamfights, the ADC of the four-protect-one system will not perform perfectly nine times. As long as he dies once, he will be overturned.

If there is no problem with the top, mid and jungle linkage of SKT, even if Bang is strong, SKT will not give all the carry tasks to him.

The tolerance rate is too low.

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