Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 220 World Record, Recorded in History

Chapter 220 - World Record, Recorded in History

In just fifteen minutes, a jungler had the highest level in the game, and he was two levels ahead of the second place.

Enchantment Devourer, Guinsoo's Rageblade, Attack Speed ​​Boots, Storm Sword.

A rough calculation shows that the total economy is already around 10,000!

Sure enough, the director opened the economic panel and proved Wang Duoduo's guess.

It may not be a big deal to say that the economy is 10,000.

But the opponent's mid laner Karma has developed peacefully so far, and the economy is only over 6,000.

And IG's Lulu in the bottom lane is even worse, with only 5,300 economy.

This economy and equipment——

"Is it too exaggerated?"

Faker looked at the equipment of the Swordmaster and felt a little desperate.

It's only been fifteen minutes, and you are 4,000 yuan ahead of me?

More than an Infinity? ?

But this is not an exaggeration, this is the power of the jungle core lineup.

Let alone others, just in terms of the jungle core system, someone has achieved a record of 319 knives in 20 minutes and 500 knives in 32 minutes under the tilt of resources.

(2018 Uzi punished Xayah in the middle and lost.)

Under the tilt of the team's resources, don't underestimate the development ability and basic skills of top players.

"Can we start?"

Yuan Shen's mouth curled up.

Gem Swordmaster, or Devourer routine, Riot will definitely make a move.

But it is definitely worth it to exchange him for an MSI championship.

Besides, Riot can only cut off Devourer, and the jungle core system can still be played.

Even if Riot targets it, it can't beat the players' imagination.

Last-hitting penalty, ranged soldiers are only one dollar?

Good brothers have a way to make it two dollars!

There are several classic cores in the jungle core lineup.

Karthus Nunu, Rat Gem, Xayah Rakan Phoenix Legend, Graves Braum...

Looking at all the jungle core lineups, Swordmaster Gem is also one of the top ones.

Because Juggernaut is the big brother, not only is he extremely powerful in the late game, but he can also be formed earlier than some shooters and mages in the early and mid-game, and he has the initial combat power of the big brother level.

For example, now.

After clearing two more groups of wild monsters, Yuan Shen's Devourer can be stacked to 30 layers.

The general attack carries 30 points of magic damage, and each additional layer of Buff adds an additional layer of magic damage.

The Devourer of 30 layers has 60 points of additional magic damage per hit, and not only that, it also provides additional attack effects.

What does it mean?

It means that if Vayne uses this, one general attack is equivalent to two general attacks.

A can trigger the third ring twice.

Similarly, Juggernaut can trigger the passive double strike by slashing twice, and slash one more time.

The same is true for Xin Zhao and weapons.

Once Juggernaut enters the combat state, he can stack the sheep knife in two seconds by activating the ultimate move!

The Devourer is usually formed after 25 minutes, and it is invincible, but it slows down the rhythm too much.

Now, with the team's resources tilted, Juggernaut was formed ten minutes ahead of schedule.

Like cutting leeks, Yuan Shen went out and walked to F4, just when this group of wild monsters refreshed.

After killing F4, Yuan Shen took Rookie to the middle lane.

In the middle lane, Faker was trying to push the line and prepare to roam, not realizing the danger at all.

When he realized the danger, it was too late.

Plateau blood!

After Juggernaut activated his ultimate, he charged like a Bolt flying man!


Faker reacted quickly and put on an acceleration shield for himself, ran behind the defense tower, and called the jungler at the same time.

At the moment when Juggernaut Alpha attacked, Faker pressed the flash and brought Juggernaut into the tower.

When Juggernaut landed, the glare of the gem was triggered.


Juggernaut attacked with a flat attack, and the defense tower attacked the man who crossed the line.

It was at this moment that Juggernaut and the gem lit up two rays of light at the same time.

Glory of the universe!

After a 2.5 second delay, the friendly army will enter a 2.5 second invincible state.

Because the delay of this skill is too high, it is far less useful than that of Angel, so even if the gem is revised, not many people will use it.

But now, Faker has realized the horror of the Juggernaut gem combination!

Karma counterattacked RQW and dealt a little damage, but it was meaningless.

Juggernaut killed him alive with the tower. Not only that, Bengi, who climbed over the wall from the jungle to support his teammates, looked at the corpses of his teammates who died in a few seconds and the Juggernaut who entered the invincible state with a confused face.

Master Yi, who was full of stars, refreshed Alpha Strike and rushed directly to the Nidalee.

After killing Karma, the Devourer happened to be full!

Bengi quickly flashed to open the distance, trying to delay the invincibility time.

Yuan Shen also calculated his health and damage, and did not flash, but chased after him on foot.

Catch up in three steps, the second tower in the middle lane did not let Yuan Shen avoid it at all.

With full stacks of Sheep Knife and Devourer, attacking once triggers a double attack, attacking again, and the next attack is another double attack!

That's right, the second normal attack that comes with a double attack is also considered a normal attack.

E skill true damage, normal attack physical damage, Devourer magic damage...

With three prongs, the health bar of the Leopard Woman is like a fake, falling down.

It took more than two seconds to catch up with her, and the Leopard Woman was gone.

The speed of killing people in seconds makes some assassins feel ashamed.

Moreover, compared to the assassin who can only explode in seconds, this sword master can obviously continue to fight!

When the Sword Master came out of the tower, he turned on meditation to block the damage from the defense tower, but he still had 40% health left.

Not only that, Alpha Strike is off cooldown and Flash is ready at any time.

Not to mention the Leopard Girl in this wave, if there is another person, the Sword Master has the possibility of jumping over the tower and killing him.

This combat power is too exaggerated!

But this wave of tower-crossing kills in the middle is just the first appearance of the Sword Master Demon King.

Two minutes later, the Juggernaut rushed towards the bottom lane.

Leopard Girl and Karma immediately supported the bottom lane and wanted to persuade the opponent to retreat.

However, IG has no intention of retreating.

The four of them approached the second tower. After seeing that SKT had not given up the idea of ​​​​moving to the second tower at all, Xiao Ming's scarecrow read the article in front of his face and jumped up.

Lulu and Gem instantly added all the buffs to the sword master brother.

Touch of starlight, dazzling light, cosmic brilliance!

The gem QER is all out.

Use your imagination, help Pixar, and grow wild!

Lulu WER will give it all.


Really, this sword master can only be described as looking like a madman.

The Juggernaut's first attack opponent was Wheel Mom. Bang reacted quickly and accurately blocked the glare of the gem this time, but this time it was meaningless.

Alpha's attack was followed by two slashes, and he lost half of his health.

Wheel Mom flashed her ultimate move and tried to run away, but Juggernaut quickly followed her.

Daeshu, who wanted to control the Sword Master, was silenced by the fear of doomsday and could not do anything for four seconds.

Destroy everything!

The audience and commentators could only see the sword master chopping melons and vegetables with sparks and lightning.

Of the four SKT midfielders and bottom laners, no one could survive more than four seconds in the hands of the Juggernaut.

On the road, I finally got rid of the Titan entanglement, found the teleportation position of the troll, and saw my teammates who were defeated on the front battlefield, I was stunned.

Duke: "Why don't I go?"

After getting a reply from his teammates, Duke canceled the teleportation.

This scene also made the IG fans at the scene boo.


The Juggernaut scored four kills.

If the troll didn't cancel this teleportation, it would undoubtedly be a pentakill.

Everyone in SKT was a little confused. For a moment, everyone in the team was silent, and everyone was a little autistic.

Trailing 0 to 2, they invited Xingxiong Ancestor to save the game in the last game, but IG had no moral ethics at all and lost a king and exploded.

Bang felt that his hands were shaking. Wolf, who would have been comforting him, was too busy looking at himself at this time, staring blankly at the gray screen.

"This... what kind of monster sword master is this?"

The WeChat group of "LPL Love Each Other and Family" has exploded.

MLXG: "What the hell, that's a DJ, why is he so powerful!"

GODV: "Really like a ghost. Before, the economic gap was only about 1,000, but you dared to fight in a team battle with full health and jump over the tower??"

TBQ: “I feel like we can all play this routine, and it’s not too difficult. I can hunt in the wild and eat resources with three pendants, and I can do it myself!”

Meiko: “I don’t think the factory director can do this.”

ClearLove: "=.=Little brat, are you talking about chicken feathers?"

This wave of sword master's chopping melons and vegetables is a wave of European war that surpasses the second tower.

After the zero-for-four team battle, the second tower was demolished, directly destroying the high ground and crystals in the bottom lane.

It was less than 20 minutes, and the bottom lane crystal was removed. The side that gained a huge advantage was still confused and looked like a rubbish lineup.

This is unbelievable that this is actually the semi-finals of MSI! !

Riot designers are also watching this game.

Seeing this terrifying effect, he slapped the table and cursed angrily.

"Weaken it, we must weaken it, this style of play is too vicious!

Yes, IG’s lineup is not a strong combination of heroes, but...

The playing system is strong.

Different from other systems such as Poke, Four Guarantees and One, etc., this is a style of play that has a very low threshold and can be learned immediately by any team or even the five black players in the pub game.

It means that resources are tilted to support the elder brother.

There is no point in weakening the Gem Sword Master. There are too many heroes in the league who can be the big brother.

Moreover, this style of play is quite vicious.

Everyone else chooses an auxiliary or functional hero, leaving the victory or defeat entirely to one player to decide. There is no interactivity at all, and it is impossible to distinguish the strength of the team.

Appreciation is average.

Although the audience is happy now, if there are several games with this kind of wild core lineup, they will soon get bored.

The problem is that this routine is really too strong.

Haven't you seen SKT being crushed like this?

Moreover, many team coaches and analysts could not think of breaking this routine in a short period of time.

If it is not contained, this style of play, like last year's iron men's and women's tank combination, will quickly become popular in all major competitions and become another version bug.

"It's IG again, they are so annoying!"

Said the designer who has always advocated nerfing.

He didn't even know how many heroes he had worked overtime to weaken due to IG's performance, and the dark circles under his eyes were getting thicker after staying up all night.

Counting four kills, the Sword Master already had eight heads in hand.


Super God?

pilgrimage! !

Countless jungle players worshipped the saint in their hearts in the live broadcast room.

As the female voice of the system sounded, the swordsman had already entered the realm of immortals on land.

When IG gathered in the middle lane to push a tower, SKT did not dare to let go at all, and could only use skills to clear the line from a distance.

After pushing this wave of lines, Yuan Shen ate two lanes of soldiers and the jungle area, and returned to the city at 20 minutes.

The number of last hits reached an exaggerated 356.

"I just received a message from the director that Yuanshen has broken our world record for the number of last hits in 20 minutes and entered the history of the league."

Miller said.

"Wow! This record happened to us, it's a bit cool!"

Baby smiled, and then looked at Miller curiously.

"Who was the previous world record holder?"

"Froggen, his Karthus brushed 300 in 20 minutes."

Wang Duoduo said.

He still remembered these data.

The number of last hits in the world record, plus eight kills, defensive tower money, the swordsman's equipment is luxurious and terrifying.

Sheep Knife, full-stack Devourer, attack speed boots, Bloodthirster, Ice Hammer...

The dual effect of Devourer will also have an effect on the bloodsucking of Sheep Knife, Ice Hammer, and Bloodthirster.

That is, double deceleration and double bloodsucking.

This equipment is too overwhelming.

Many viewers were shocked and a little regretful.

If the Killing Sword had not been removed in version 5.22, it would definitely appear on the field this time.

With Juggernaut's current equipment alone, even without Lulu, Gem and Doom as a dog, a diamond player can kill people on the field now.

Of course, diamond players may have to study how to get these eight heads and last hits on the opposite side of SKT.

There was no idea of ​​even fighting the big dragon. The game time was 22 minutes, and IG pushed forward the middle high ground.

Seizing an opportunity, Yuan Shen rushed directly to the face.

It was still the same old routine.

Doom jumped first, and this wave also had Titan to start a team fight together.

Lulu and Gem gave all their skills to Juggernaut as pendants.

SKT simply couldn't limit this Juggernaut.

The two front-line tanks, the Tree and the Troll, couldn't withstand the real damage of the Juggernaut's slashes, and the formation was defeated in the blink of an eye.

Unfortunately, this wave of charge did not get a pentakill, and one of the heads was taken away by Jack's Q skill.

It's a pity that there was no pentakill, but such a small thing is completely incomparable to the joy of victory.

After the team was wiped out on the middle highland, the super soldiers in the bottom lane were directly taken to destroy the opponent's front tower and crystal main fort.

3 to 0, when this result really appeared, the LPL commentator and the audience had a feeling that it was not real.

This... won? ?

Or a crushing 3 to 0? ?

BO5 is the best competition system to test the strength of a team!

It tests the hero pool, tactical depth, player mentality, concentration, and even the depth of the bench in all aspects.

BO1 upset can be said to be careless and underestimate the enemy, but losing in BO5 means that the skills are completely inferior to others, there is nothing to say.

But even if the skills are inferior to others, they can be divided into three levels.

3-2 proves that the two teams are on par in terms of strength and status. It is not surprising who wins if they play again. It depends on luck and the performance of the players.

3-1 proves that there is a certain degree of hard power gap between the two teams.

And 3-0, needless to say, both the players' performance and the tactical depth were completely blown away!

And now, IG actually defeated the king of LCK Spring 3-0, and completely defeated this SKT! !

It's not that I didn't think I could win, but I didn't think I could win so overwhelmingly! !

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