Chapter 222 - You are invincible

The MSI Finals has begun. For the global audience, this finals is unique.

The North American division has not reached the finals for a long time.

In other words, have they ever gone in?

Maybe not.

LPL is the first division.

As for the second division, it is the North American division...

In the group stage, CLG double-killed SKT and reached the finals unstoppably. No matter how you look at it, they are on the rise!

The two major competition regions of China and the United States happen to be the ones with the largest number of players. The attention of this final is no worse than the semi-finals of SKT and IG. It even adds a lot of popularity because of the bonus of the final.

Riot Games is happy to see this happen, as this kind of competition is vital.

In terms of version changes, they have always been very biased towards North America. However, North America fails to live up to expectations every year, and even the top eight is difficult.

The North American division is the official birthplace of Riot Games. Although the number of players is not as high as that of China, the per capita recharge consumption of North American LOL players, as well as the total in-game recharge amount, are both No. 1 in the world, and the club's treatment for professional players is also the highest...

"Welcome to the stage of the MSI Finals and watch this big showdown between China and the United States! This scene is unique!"

Appearing on the stage of the finals was the commentator, Su Xiaoyan, and a special guest.

After the two commentators greeted each other, it was the guest's turn to speak.

"Hello everyone, I am EDG's substitute jungler, Ai Loli."

When reading his ID, Mr. Zhao was a little shy.

Damn it, why did you choose such a name when you were in second grade in high school? I really want to slap myself.

"So, who do you think has a better chance of winning today?"

Remember to ask.

"Well, if I'm being modest, I'd say six or four. It might be a three-to-one win, but it's unlikely to be a three-to-two or a three-to-zero win."

Mr. Xiao Zhao said this, but his face was full of confidence.

"Okay, be humble and three to one!"

I remember joking with a smile, but nodded.

"From my perspective, today's score should be 3-0, no problem. It's not about inflation, but confidence in IG. There is indeed a gap in hard power between the two teams."

"Yes, I also think it's 3-0. IG's performance recently has been so good. Even strong teams like SKT win 3-0. The probability of losing is very low."

Not only the LPL commentary booth, but also the commentary booths in other divisions probably have the same result.

Even the three English commentators in the North American division gave very pessimistic predictions of a three-to-zero defeat.

In terms of trash talk before the game, there is nothing to reveal this time, because CLG players are very humble and have no aggressiveness at all.

Both sides were friendly and kind, and it felt like friendship came first and competition came second.

In the first game, CLG took the initiative to choose the red side.

The blue side's IG banned the policewoman, snake girl, and gunman.

The three heroes banned by CLG are Vampire, Kindred, and Spider.

The Female Police Dragon King can be said to be CLG’s signature system in this MSI.

Although the atmosphere in the IG team has been a bit loose these days, it has not reached the point of being out of control. They were very serious in the first game.

The lineups of both sides were quickly determined.

"IG Blue Party

Top laner TheShy: Lost Fang-Gnar

Jungle Yuanshen: Dragon Blood Warrior Sivana

Mid laner Rookie: Star-Forging Dragon King-Aurelion Sol

Bottom lane JackeyLove: Paladin Ranger-Lucian

Auxiliary Ming: Deep Sea Titan-Nautilus

CLG red side:

Top laner Darshan: Twisted Dryad-Maokai

Jungler Xmithie: Winter’s Wrath-Sejuani

Mid laner Huhi: Lord of Shadow Stream-Jie

Bottom lane Stixxay: Destiny Master-Jhin

Support Aphronmoo: Rise of Thorns-Zyra. "

"Dragon King plus Dragon Girl... this combination was used by IG before when we played training matches with us."

(mentioned in Chapter 183)

Ai Luoli pursed her lips slightly, remembering some past events.

At that time, he was the jungler for EDG. In the early stage, he was fine, and he could play against Dragon Girl. However, in the middle and late stages, he was turned into a fool by Yuan Shen's AP Dragon Girl.

"IG is here well prepared. I wonder if it can bring us some surprises today. I'm already looking forward to the next draft of IG's red side."

Su Xiaoyan smiled.

Since eliminating SKT in the semifinals, almost everyone has assumed that IG will be the champion of this MSI.

Moreover, it is very likely that it will be an unprecedented victory! !

With a 10-0 record in the group stage, they swept SKT 3-0 in the semifinals.

No one thinks that CLG can hinder IG.

"Let's go, first-level regiment!"

As soon as he entered the game, Yuan Shen marked the enemy jungle area and motioned for his teammates to follow.

The Dragon King's first-level regiment's continuous combat capability and AOE are too strong, plus Lucian and Gnar can barely count as two-shooters, and Titan's group start.

Even if Dragon Girl is weak at the first level, it is not a reason for CLG to fight back.

CLG also understood this very well and had no plans to form a first-level group. When they saw the Dragon King leading the charge, they immediately chose to retreat.

There were no setbacks in the first-level teams of both sides. After placing a few eye positions in the jungle, everyone returned to the line.

The reason why we need to fight in a first-level group is to seize the field of view of the jungle and gain insight into the enemy's jungle position in the early stage.

This is to ensure the development of the jungle dragon girl.

IG has practiced this routine many times, and they don’t even need to communicate with each other.

Dragon Girl's combat ability in the jungle in the early stage is really too weak. Fortunately, in this game, she chose Pig Girl instead of someone like Blind Monk Olaf who is strong in the jungle. Otherwise, Yuan Shen's life in the early stage would not be too bad. Better off.

Of course, after the equipment is formed, whether it is AD or AP Dragon Girl, its combat effectiveness will be very strong.

Yuan Shen was brushing the wild while observing the situation online.

The most critical point in this game is Rookie.

IG needs Rookie to step up and set the pace in the early stages.

Huhi himself is also a top Dragon King user, but when using Zed against Rookie Dragon King, he still inevitably fell into a disadvantage.

The soldiers on both sides got into position and started to attack. As soon as they met, Rookie activated W.

Dragon King's star track, after expansion, covers a distance of 650 yards, which is equivalent to the range of a policewoman. W can keep turning until the mana is empty.

In addition to the level A damage, basically no hero can beat the Dragon King in a level one long-distance fight.

The first level of Dragon King is the pinnacle.

Huhi's robbery was obviously a bit greedy.

Move forward and want to hit the target.

The star orbit expanded, and the planet directly hit Zed.

Huhi retreated immediately and threw a shuriken directly at the same time.

Without any hesitation, Rookie steered the Dragon King straight forward, taking the damage from this Q and pressing the corrosive potion at the same time.

Planetary impact, the first hit, hit!

The second hit, hit!

Level A triggers Wind Cavalry, and the Dragon King's movement speed suddenly increases.

Rookie no longer moves in a straight line, but moves sideways.

Whenever possible, make sure to increase the frequency of planetary strikes by moving clockwise, thus increasing the damage.

In the first-level duel, Huhi was directly hit by W five times and took two basic attacks from Dragon King. Combined with the burning effect of the corruption potion, Jie's health volume dropped by nearly 60%!

"Rookie's Dragon King proficiency is very high!! Speaking of which, Rookie and Huhi should be the two players who use Dragon King the most at this MSI!" I remember saying.

"Huhi has some laning problems at level one, but it's not a big problem. It's normal for the hero Zed to be suppressed by AP heroes before level 3. Levels 3 and 6 are when Zed will exert his power." Su Xiaoyan rolled over herself notebook, but unfortunately there is no data on Zie's matchup with Dragon King.

The Dragon King shrunk the star orbit, and half of the blue energy was lost.

This hero is still quite lacking in mana.

However, even if W is not activated, as long as it can get close to the minions, Star Trail can still cause damage, and the speed of pushing the line is very amazing.

The first wave of soldiers in the middle was cleared before the second wave of soldiers came online.

With this level of line clearing speed, no hero in the entire league can match Dragon King.

After pushing the line, the Dragon King disappeared directly on the line.

Huhi didn't think much about it.

He didn't think a first-level Dragon King could do anything.

However, relying on the strength of the first-level team, IG's vision discovered the figure of Pig Girl.

"Fuck him!"

Yuan Shen quickly brushed the first round of wild monsters, and at the same time gave Rookie a look assist.

Zhumei didn't realize at all that she was farming the three wolves under the surveillance of her field of vision, and her farming was very casual, without any details.

Calculating the damage accurately, Rookie activated W, the planet's damage plus basic attack, and directly snatched away the big wolf.

Xmithie was confused. He knew that the Dragon King had disappeared, but he only thought that he had made a deeper ward. Who knew that the Dragon King would directly choose to invade? ?

Before he could recover, he was hit by the silver galaxy and was stunned in place.

The Dragon King snatched away the big wolf and was directly promoted to level two!

The pig girl, who was already dissatisfied with her blood volume, was beaten to death by this attack, so she handed over the flash.

"Don't hit the wall!"

Yuan Shen exclaimed.

The next moment, Rookie flashed steadily to follow up. Planets kept hitting the pig girl, and her blood volume gradually dropped.

Seeing that he was about to die, Xmithie wanted to move around to delay time and let his teammates come.

However, the movement speed of Storm Rider and Rookie's reflexes completely blocked the distance of Dragon King's movement.

As soon as Pig Girl stopped, Rookie also pressed S. Pig Girl moved forward, and Rookie also chased after her.

The three planets output almost the entire process, and coupled with the connected basic attacks, no output was wasted.

"IG-Rookie (Starcast Dragon King) killed CLG-Xmithie (Winter's Fury)!!!"

"First Blood!!"

first drop of blood! !


A question mark suddenly appeared next to Rookie.

Zyra and Zed had arrived to support them, but it was of no use.

Xiao Ming's Titan is not slow in coming, and IG is not afraid of two against two.

"No, Lao Song, I thought you were going to hit a wall."

"Naisi, Yijin, just lie down today."

Yuan Shen and Jack were on the left and right, making Rookie want to laugh but felt embarrassed.

"I have been practicing flashing through the wall in the training mode for three days. I will never be able to flash into the wall again!"

Rookie is very confident, and he paid a huge price to practice his flashing skills!

That is to say, there is a training mode now. If it used to take five minutes to wait for a flash, it would be impossible to practice.

"It's a pity it's a red buff, it would be great if it was a blue buff."

Rookie clicked his tongue, feeling a little regretful.

Compared to the combat power of the red buff, the Dragon King needs the battery life of the blue buff more.

However, in this way, Jie could no longer exchange blood with the Dragon King, and could only watch the Dragon King push the line and disappear from sight again.

Huhi was helpless, but he could only send a Miss to remind his teammates to be careful of the Dragon King.

The pressure of mid lane roaming made Xmithie feel uncomfortable.

Originally, he wanted to take advantage of Dragon Girl's early weakness and directly invade the jungle.

Now, he has to worry about the Dragon King protecting the Dragon Girl and invading his wild area.

It is simply the opposite of Tiangang!

After using all the blue, Rookie directly added a dark seal and straw sandals when returning to the city in the first wave.

Dragon King E is online, and movement speed is very critical.

However, Rookie did not choose to return to the lane, but came to the bottom lane.

The dragon king's level 1 E skill has a flying distance of three thousand yards.

Stixxay's Jhin is also very proficient.

In cooperation with Ziera, she suppressed Jack and Xiao Ming.

However, precisely because they were in a tight situation, when they saw the Dragon King, they had no possibility of escaping.

Xiao Ming directly flashed the basic attack and used his passive to immobilize Stixxay's Jhin, and combined with the output of Lucian and Dragon King to directly take Jhin away, and then hooked back Zyra who flashed and escaped.

The two heads were all accepted by the Dragon King.

After grabbing the bottom lane, Rookie returned to the middle lane, just enough to take a wave of tower knives.

"Three heads..."

The audience and commentators were a little surprised.

In the first game of the finals, did IG play so fiercely from the start?

In less than five minutes, Dragon King has three heads in hand. This is already a dream start! !

"Dragon King can completely replace the jungler to gank in the early stage. This also gives Yuanshen enough development time. Once Dragon Girl's equipment is formed, she will also be the big brother in the middle and late stages. This version of the jungle core strategy developed by IG can be said to be invincible."

Ai Luoli smiled and continued: "The IG team is very unique. They are not like others who talk about one thing, but in the end they cannot do it. Once they have an idea, they will definitely be able to put it into practice. , just find the most suitable way to type it out..."

"It's just that the rhythm of this game is too smooth. I'm afraid that CLG won't be able to hold on when Dragon Girl exerts her strength!"

I remember taking the conversation and smiling.

Not only them, but everyone in the world is teasing IG!

Rookie's understanding of Dragon King is definitely very high.

The three-speed shoes are equipped with the joy enchantment, and their wandering ability is maximized.

Dragon King himself is also a hero who extremely pursues early-stage suppression, clearing speed and roaming speed.

In order to roam, Rookie even chose movement speed for the three major essences.

"Yuan'er, don't worry, I'll definitely get there first if there's a fight."

Rookie is confident.

In his opinion, not only for the jungle, but also for the heroes who need to be developed on the wing, he can still have a protective effect.

In the early stage, one drags four, and in the later stage, he becomes a tool.

There is no problem.

Just like Splinter, the master of the Teenage Mutant Ninja Turtles.

"Fakeer!! Come again!!"

In the CLG team's voice chat, there was already a quarrel.

When Huhi took the Dragon King, they had never thought this hero was so disgusting!

Even if Huhi can roam, he must be at level six or above.

But Rookie's wandering can cause them a lot of trouble in the early stage.

The bottom lane was not even level 6, but the Dragon King came three times!

And it works every time.

Jhin died three times and Zyra died twice.

Even the big tree on the road was caught and killed once by the Dragon King's sprint.

Even a serious jungle hero might not be able to roam and gank at such a high frequency.

On the other hand, Yuan Shen was invisible and did not show his face the whole time. He also stole several wild monsters from Pig Girl.

Pig Girl, on the other hand, was too busy taking care of herself that she could hardly defend the wild area.

The people who watched the barrage were dumbfounded.

"Fake junglers can only catch people, real junglers can only fight in the jungle (funny)."

"I just play jungle. If I were given a mid laner like the Dragon King, I would be so happy!"

"Why is the Dragon King I play different from him!!"

“I’m laughing so hard, Miracle Walker is still farming!!”

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