Chapter 224 - New Goal

After a ten-minute break, the second game started soon, and IG got the red side, which they are best at.

However, the scene that LPL fans imagined that the red side would be undefeated and win the game with overwhelming force did not appear.

On the contrary, this game was extremely difficult.

With the counter position, IG once had an advantage in the early laning phase.

But soon, Xmithie found an opportunity again in the bottom lane with an overly aggressive play style.

Blind Monk ganked three times in a row and hit something.

IG was once left with a 5,000 economic gap in the mid-term.

However, under the single-lane of Ekko chosen by TheShy, IG once again used the split push system to slow down CLG's offensive rhythm.

The game time was forcibly extended to 37 minutes, until both Cs were in the sixth god.

In the last big dragon team battle, IG won the game with three for five.

A narrow victory!

The degree of difficulty was beyond everyone's expectations.

Some viewers couldn't help but stand up and criticize the poor bottom lane duo.

Even though they won the game, the black fans on the Internet did not relax their attitude towards IG.

Because it was different from what they expected.

In their eyes, IG should have swept all the way to win the championship.

The current situation made them a little unacceptable.

And the rhythm of this criticism was soon raised to a peak.

The trend of the third game was exactly the same as the previous one.

The problem in the bottom lane was too big, and Xmithie's blind monk found an opportunity again.

Yuan Shen has been playing in the middle and jungle, and TheShy and Rookie have also developed very well.

However, when using the four-one system to split the push and drag the late game, something went wrong.

The blind monk's roundhouse kick kicked Jack out of the IG crowd and killed him instantly.

IG, which lost a C position, could not handle the frontal team battle at all.

Fortunately, Yuan Shen's prince grabbed the big dragon and dragged the situation down.

But the developed policewoman is too strong in frontal combat.

Jack's Lucian can't even touch the policewoman, and will be shot by two shots.

CLG once led by 7,000 economy!

IG lost in 37 minutes.

CLG made the score 1 to 2.

Just after losing a BO1, some LPL fans who claim to be the world's No. 1 league started.

The fans' strength is not bad, just blaming.

But some black fans with twisted mentality can't accept it.

On the Internet, many people have been leading the rhythm of "CLG let 2 come back 3".

Just lost a game, and Jack's nationality was almost deprived.

TheShy also became a cancer of the team, only able to carry alone and never fight in a team.

Even Rookie was innocently caught in the crossfire, saying that he took so many resources, but couldn't even be the C.

However, they were soon slapped in the face.

In the fourth game, IG came to the red side again.

Yuan Shen also got Kindred, his best jungler, and the double shooter system of EZ in the bottom lane. The whole team seemed to have awakened. After steady development in the early stage and the formation of equipment in the mid-term, IG played perfectly in team battles, won three consecutive team battles, and won the finals like a whirlwind.

Yuan Shen's Kindred won the MVP of this game with a KDA of 9-2-11 and a 37% output share.

3 to 1! !

"IG!!! IG!!!"

The audience instantly forgot the previous disadvantages, and the whole venue was filled with applause and cheers like a tsunami. The whole audience shouted the name of this king's team.

Taking off the headphones, Yuan Shen touched his forehead, and his palms were full of sweat.

Even against SKT, they won 3 to 0, but when they played CLG, a team with a gap in hard power, they actually overturned.

After winning the game, everyone breathed a sigh of relief.

But Yuan Shen still felt a little scared.

It is really hard to imagine what kind of infamy you will bear if you lose the game.

When LCK dominated the S game, the whole world was shrouded in the shadow of the LCK region. Many fans said at that time that as long as there was a team that defeated LCK and won the championship, it would be the face of the region and they would be free from blackmail for life.

But in fact, they became legends after defeating legends.

After winning the championship, you can't lose even more.

Because your results are too dazzling, you have ascended to the altar, and fans' requirements for you are getting higher and higher.

Many champion fans can't even tolerate you losing a small game, thinking that you shouldn't lose at all, and that if you lose the game, you are either controlling the score or playing a fake game.

The higher you climb, the worse you fall.

Whether it is RNG in the S8 World Championship or IG in the S9 Mid-Season Championship, they have proved this point.

Free from blackmail after winning the championship?

Not true.

"Let's go, go hold the trophy first, even if it's time to reflect, it's not now."

Rookie patted Jack's big head. Jack's problem today is actually the biggest.

Xiao Ming had a few good performances when he was still at a disadvantage.

"Yes, now is the time to celebrate, be energetic and don't lose face."

Yuan Shen took the lead and walked towards CLG's half of the area.

Their performance today was very good.

Even in the last game, IG had already established a huge advantage, but CLG still did not give up and was still looking for a chance even if it was a one in a million chance.

CLG's performance made Yuan Shen see what e-sports should be like.

After losing the game, Xmithie lay on the table and cried bitterly.

If Yuan Shen was asked to select a SVP, Xmithie would definitely be the one who deserved it for CLG.

However, e-sports is like this.

The winner takes all, and the loser eats dust.

No one sympathizes with CLG, and no one cares who the runner-up is...


When they won the game, the stage was flooded with white mist flames, and the silver-white ribbons covered the sky and landed on the ground like rain.

Silver rain!

This is also a small detail from Riot.

In terms of gold content, MSI naturally cannot reach the level of the S game. MSI is a level down, and silver rain is good.

IG, who won this championship, proved that they are the strongest team in all regions in spring!

Under the silver rain, the six IG players and the coach walked to the center of the stage, on the round table with the MSI championship trophy.

Last year's MSI was the first, so the competition system and trophy were in the initial stage, very simple.

After winning the championship, each player was only given a medal, and there was no trophy at all.

So, everyone saw the MSI trophy for the first time.

The MSI trophy is not as big as the S-League championship trophy and the Summoner's Cup, but it is still made of pure silver and very heavy.

The six people bathed in the silver rain and worked together to hold up this trophy that was very heavy for one person.

Just like the game, it is impossible to win to the end by one person alone.

The moment the trophy was held up, the shouts of the home audience were like a tsunami, and the ceiling of the entire venue seemed to be overturned.

The driver on the road outside the stadium was frightened by the sound waves and almost stepped on the accelerator and ran a red light.

IG held up the trophy, enjoying the cheers of the audience and savoring the feeling of victory.

Xiao Ming and TheShy were the most excited, as this was their first world championship in their lives.

The performances of the others were relatively calm.

Riot officials quickly selected the FMVP of this MSI, and naturally, it was Yuan Shen who performed the best.

Kindred, Prince, and Troll in the group stage all left a deep impression on audiences around the world.

In the knockout stage, the invincible jungler Swordmaster was brought out again, not only breaking the world record, but also opening up a path that no one had ever imagined...

These are all famous scenes of this 2016 MSI.

Not only Yuan Shen, but many novel tactics of the IG team also opened the eyes of audiences around the world.

Gem Swordmaster, the perfect operation of the four-one system, the unique tricks of the two shooters, the swing of the red side...

Then, it was soon time for the post-match interview.

The candidates that the official wanted to interview were Yuan Shen and Rookie.

Yuan Shen has a high appearance rate. He will be interviewed seven or eight times out of ten times IG wins a game.

The official seems to favor him very much, but there is no way, the audience wants to see it.

What's more, Yuan Shen was originally the FMVP player of this MSI, it would be a pity not to interview him.

As for Rookie, his performance in this MSI was also very eye-catching, perfectly showing the strength of the world's top mid laner.

The S championship plus the MSI championship, if the league championship is counted, Rookie's current results are already better than Pawn.

Even Faker is slightly inferior.

Even Faker can't compare with Pawn's honor.

Some people have already called Rookie the world's number one mid laner.

In the first game of the finals, Rookie completely let the world see his strength.

In addition to the mid and jungle, the official also wants to interview Xiao Ming the most.

When playing against SKT, the terrifying Titan in the laning and teamfights, and the vision control in the disadvantageous game against CLG...

You know, many people say that the LPL's bottom lane is strong, most of the time it means that the ADC is strong.

But in this version of the support dominating the bottom lane this year, IG's bottom lane has reached a world-class level, and Xiao Ming has proved his status and strength.

Although the performance in the finals was not good, it did not make others despise them.

"The first question, Rookie and Yuanshen won the MSI championship and achieved their own Grand Slam. May I ask, how do you feel now?" Ren Dong asked with a smile, and handed the microphone to Rookie first.

"I feel very happy, I can win the championship, which proves that our team is still strong." Rookie said.

Rookie speaks very cautiously and officially, because the media these days is too powerful, and if you accidentally say something wrong, the rhythm may be all over the sky.

Moreover, they did not perform very well in the finals.

Although there was a problem with the bottom lane to a large extent, IG is a team after all.

In the eyes of many people, it doesn't matter whether the bottom lane is a scumbag or others are scumbags, they are all rubbish anyway.

Fortunately, they won.

As the saying goes, if you want to wear the crown, you must bear its weight.

The more popular the team, the more public figures with more traffic, the more cautious they should be.

"I'm also happy to win a Grand Slam, but I want to set a record more."

"Oh?" Ren Dong raised his eyebrows and asked curiously: "For example, what record is it?"

"For example, the unprecedented second consecutive championship." Yuan Shen smiled, "For example, the recognized legend of the Triple Crown in competitive sports... The sense of accomplishment of setting these records must be great."


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