Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 237 Black Technology Routine, Artillery Card

Chapter 237 - Black technology routine, cannon card

"What equipment did Card use?"

"Did he buy the wrong one???"

"Did the Tangmen mid laner stay up all night to watch the show? Didn't he wake up?"

The audience in the live broadcast room discovered the abnormality of the equipment column earlier than the commentator, and raised questions one after another.

In this arena that concerns national honor, no one questioned Wei Shen's match-fixing, but they all expressed their inner doubts.

Because Card used an equipment that has never been used by AP heroes.


(The first cannon card in the LPL professional arena should be released by ut in 2020)

If you say that playing AD Card, it is natural to use a three-phase cannon, but the problem is that Wei Shen's card is obviously the mainstream equipment in the arena.

Wand of Time, Lich Bane, Cooling Shoes.

The next one, whether it is Zhonya, Ghost Book, or Hat, is acceptable.

But what the hell is a cannon?

The players on the field are not aware of the doubts and public opinion on the Internet, and even if they know, they will not care.

It is normal to be questioned when new things are just released.

Wei Shen is also a player who loves black technology routines. In S4, he developed an egg-hat flow clockwork, which instantly became popular in major leagues. Even Faker imitated this routine and played an egg-hat flow EZ. From then on, Wei Shen was on the road of eating his own jungle resources and never looked back.

However, the idea of ​​the artillery card was not his own idea.

Instead, Yuan Shen mentioned it casually during training, and he took it seriously. He tried it many times in the training game and took it out after confirming that it was effective.

With so many strong players gathered together, each player has a different understanding of the game, playing style, and detail processing methods. Sharing and communicating with each other, inspiration and ideas converge, and it is easy to give birth to new understandings.

"Go, go, go!" Wei Shen took the lead and walked at the front of the team.

"They don't know I have a cannon yet, so we can start this wave!"

The audience from the God's perspective can see his equipment clearly, but the equipment update status in the game will only be updated when Card appears in the enemy's field of vision.

Here, we can play a surprise attack.

When the Chinese team arrived at the dragon pit, the opponent had already started fighting.


An obscure invisible force suddenly swept across the entire Summoner's Rift.

At the same time.

A series of cold and strange scarlet eyes slowly opened from the void above the heads of the five blue heroes in the canyon.

Card's ultimate move.


The gaze from the long river of destiny emerged, and every move of the enemy was taken into his eyes.

Most of Card's functions were replaced by Rock Bird. But not all, Card still has its unique advantages.

The enemy information provided by Card's ultimate move allowed the Chinese team to quickly sort out the next team battle ideas. Several people quickly communicated in the team voice,

Bending the world!

The next second, the light of Ryze's teleportation array appeared in the center of the five enemies.

Ryze's ultimate is driving. If he drives well, he will be the god of driving in Akina Mountain. If he drives badly, he will be the death train.

The Korean team had no idea how many people would come to this teleportation array, who would come, or whether it was just a trick. They couldn't help but ask: "Young man, what kind of car is this?"

Taliyah spread the stone array, Ekko predicted and threw W, Gragas threw a charged Q, and Ashe threw W at the right time.

The light of the teleportation array flickered, and the one coming down was...


The moment Meiko got off the car, his ultimate skill removed all control effects, and then he decisively flashed out with D.

The Q skill knocked Gragas away, and Ekko and the other player found a good angle and pushed Gragas out of the dragon pit with one W.

Gragas faced Ryze, Jhin and Kindred straight away.

This beautiful teamfight put Peanut in danger. If the jungler Gragas was killed, their dragon would be gone.

Tam reacted very quickly. Before Jhin's fatal brilliance was released, he flashed and swallowed Gragas into his stomach, defusing this crisis.

Peanut couldn't help but shout "Nice!!".

Little did they know that the tactical goal of the Chinese team was that the Alistar started a teamfight to divide the battlefield and force Tam's W.

Faker sent out several signals in a row, allowing them to see Card using his ultimate to go around.

At this time, Card was holding a yellow card and walking towards Ashe.

Because the battlefield was divided by Alistar and Ryze's ultimate tricked him into many skills, they temporarily did not have the ability to kill Card.

Pray did not use flash either, because at this distance, Card could not reach him unless he flashed.

However, something unexpected happened.

At a distance that was obviously out of Card's attack range, Card actually threw out a yellow card.

Pray's brain obviously froze for a moment. He had never expected such a thing to happen. He was stunned without even using his flash.

For professional players, being mentally prepared and not being mentally prepared are two completely different concepts.

Without being prepared, most professional players cannot dodge the stone man's ultimate.


And the unreasonable W distance of Card was even more unexpected.

The moment Han Bing was stunned, Yuan Shen decisively flashed and rushed up.


The terrifying magic damage poured into Han Bing's weak body, instantly melting his health.

Yuan Shen and Ryze's combo was as fast as ever.

Grandpa, who came out of the toad's belly, used E to flash Ryze at the first moment, but he didn't have time to save his own ADC's life.

He used a big move to blast Ryze back to the center of their formation, trying to focus fire and kill him instantly.

However, the burst was not enough!

The ADC was killed. Taliyah's burst damage was 70% due to the WEQ combo, but it was deceived by Ryze's big move before, and it is still on cooldown.

Gragas's set of skills, Taliyah's QW damage, plus Ekko's three rings, are not enough to kill Ryze who has opened the Seraph shield.

As long as he is not killed instantly by the Korean team's output, this Ryze will not die.

Because the Chinese team has a Kindred.

Kindred's big move is enough to protect any C position!

Mingkai flashed and Q, and used the big move in seconds. This decisive attitude of protecting the top order would make Tong Yang cry and Flandre silent.

Sheep spirits are alive!

The lively blood lock array enveloped Ryze's body.

Death is prohibited here!

Death's blessing saved Ryze's life.

The reason why Kindred became a hot player right after it was released is the strategic significance of its ultimate.

Moreover, Kindred's ultimate can be used to target teammates.

Although it has been changed to only be used on oneself, it does not affect his strength at all.

Five against four, after the death of the ADC and the failure to kill Ryze with a lot of skills, the Korean team had no chance of winning the team battle.

The defeat was like a landslide.

The Korean team realized that they would lose this wave and immediately made the decision to retreat.

They played very rationally and often cut off their own strength. This time they were also ready to sell Tam and Gragas who had no flash.

As long as the top and mid didn't die, the opponent couldn't open the dragon.

However, they underestimated the Chinese team's resolute killing intent. The card that started sprinting had golden light flashing under his feet!

A yellow card with a cannon special effect was fired, and Ekko was kept at the extreme distance.

As a last resort, Ekko used his ultimate to avoid the yellow card, but he also flew back to where he was 4 seconds ago and was surrounded by four members of the Chinese team.

Full of big men.jpg.

In the end, only Faker's Taliyah escaped, while the Chinese team lost the Alien Head who took tons of damage.

One for four, a big win! !

Ryze returned to the city first, and the others didn't even look at the wind dragon that caused the battle, just like a scumbag who despised his wife, and pursued the alien rich woman Baron Nashor again.

Ryze recovered his status and TPed to the dragon pit again.

"This... is difficult."

Faker looked serious.

This wave can't be blamed on Pray. No one expected that the casting distance of that card would be so long, and no one expected that the opponent's team cooperation would be so beautiful, and the thinking was very clear.

"Cannon Card..."

Faker pondered over this outfit. As a professional player, he naturally had a different vision from ordinary spectators and commentators, and soon realized the value of this outfit.

What makes Card better than Taliyah is the strategic vision of his ultimate and the stable control of his W.

But as a man, Card is a little short, just like his good friend Graves.

With a normal attack distance of 525, facing mainstream mid-lanes such as Tsar, Syndra, Taliyah, who can he touch unless he flashes and throws away his cards?

With Card's small body, he would probably be beaten black and blue by various skills on the way to the enemy.

The stable control of W has become nonsense.

But Card with Cannon is different. After charging, Card's normal attack distance suddenly becomes 675 yards, which is longer than that of Miss Police.

In addition, the attack speed and movement speed bonuses granted by Cannon are also very useful for Card.

The attack speed bonus can effectively stack the frequency of Card's E skill passive, and can also trigger critical strikes.

The movement speed bonus of the cannon, combined with the movement speed of the lich and runes, makes the card's roaming and chasing ability stronger.

Moreover, there is one thing that only Yuan Shen, the reborn, knows.

After the cannon is fully charged, the additional magic damage will be weakened to 140 in the later version.

Now, the maximum magic damage of the cannon is 200.

These 200 additional magic damage are enough to match the increase of any other magic power equipment on the card's W.

The most important thing is that the current cannon is too cheap.

It only costs 2500, you can't buy it at a loss, you can't buy it, and the cost performance is very high.

Apart from other things, Faker's Rock Bird is fatter than Card in this game, but because he has only produced high-quality equipment, he has not yet produced the third big item, the Death Cap of the World Destroyer, and has only produced the Ghost Book + Ice Staff + Magic Penetration Shoes + Useless Rod + Explosive Wand.

This is also one of the reasons why the Korean team failed in this team battle.

If Taliyah's burst was a little higher, Ryze might be killed instantly.

In professional competitions, any factor will have a huge impact on the situation. .

Only Taliyah survived the Korean team, and there was no way to interfere with the opponent's fight for the Baron.

Faker didn't even try to grab it, and took the opportunity to kill the Wind Dragon alone.

He was disgusted while killing it.

Of the four elemental dragons, the Wind Dragon is recognized to have the lowest effect... but it is still useful. The speed bonus when out of combat can make the lane support and the jungler and support work faster.

One second faster is a chance to win.

But compared with the Baron BUFF, it's the difference between a beautiful and rich girl and a tank girl, which is boring.

When Faker killed the Wind Dragon alone, Nash died.

"This team battle was so beautiful!"

Miller completely forgot about his previous doubts and said with a genuine look on his face: "If you think about it carefully, artillery can greatly increase the card's effect on the card, especially the point control ability of the card, which can be combined with sprinting and team battle guerrilla capabilities. Excellent ability to retain people. ”

"Wei Shen has always been a very spiritual mid laner and very daring to try." Wawa praised.


During training, Yuan Shen did bring up the new idea of ​​using cards to produce artillery. However, since he is not a mid laner and is not familiar with the current version of the mid lane ecological environment, he cannot say that artillery cards will definitely be successful. There will definitely be some. effect.

Most mid laners will not study T2 level mid laners like cards just because of the possibility.

But Wei Shen did it.

Just like Uzi worked hard to practice Jhin, which he is not good at, Jack went to practice Bomberman, and Mingkai went to practice Kindred Blind Monk and other heroes, Wei Shen also tried the feasibility of artillery cards in their respective games. When will the best time be played? Okay, what are the advantages and disadvantages of this kind of outfit... In order to win the game, everyone worked hard and made changes.

Of course, it is enough to show how much Yuan Shen's understanding beyond versions and times has helped professional players.

"After winning the Baron, our team's winning rate is now 70%, which is not too much." Miller analyzed: "But we can't relax yet. The Korean team's ability to operate in a disadvantageous situation is well known. How to end this game is the key." The point.”

"That's right." Wang Duoduo said: "Our team is obviously a three-core output lineup for team battles. It is very strong in counterattacks and positional battles, but its ability to forcefully start a team is not good. Only one bull can open it."

In other words, this lineup can easily get bogged down.

Of course, the Chinese team was also prepared for this when selecting the lineup.

How could the lineups be so different in a competition between top teams?

The essence of the 4+1 system is to put huge defensive pressure on the enemy.

In fact, it can go further.

131 points.

Ryze took it down, the card was taken up, and the other three were in the middle.

Three-way baron buff, lead the line to advance.


The huge defensive pressure from the three lines made the Korean team sweat instantly.

The four-one split zone can be established because the top order has teleportation.

In other words, it has the ability to support the battlefield in a timely manner.

That's the case with Ryze.

For 131 to be established, the conditions are more stringent. The most basic condition is that the extra 1 must also have the ability to support the frontal battlefield.

In addition, there is the most difficult condition.

That is, the three people on the frontal battlefield can withstand the team attack from the opposite side.

This is obviously more difficult to achieve than 4+1 four-on-five.

However, the existence of Qian Jue and Niu Tou can achieve this harsh condition.

These two heroes have a collective immortality buff, and the other combines group starting, control, and damage reduction.

Unless Qian Jue is killed instantly, even if it is 3 on 5, he can still hold on for at least ten seconds.

It takes ten seconds to fight in a team battle, and it takes at least ten seconds to defend back to the city, right?

In twenty seconds, you have demolished both highlands, and even if you kill three people, you will lose a lot of blood.

Regarding the question of whether Qian Jue will be defeated, Ming Kai confidently guarantees it.

"No one knows how to save life better than me!"

The Korean team struggled to cope with the huge offensive pressure from all three routes.

As for defending the middle lane, the other two lanes are demolishing towers. Artillery style cards are actually very effective in demolishing towers. Not to mention the attack speed boost, the extra magic damage can also be effective against defensive towers.

While guarding the wing, the middle lane was again drained by Qianjue and Jhin's double shooters.

Two fists are no match for four hands, and readers love tentacles the most.

After about a minute of 131 points, all three outer towers of the South Korean team fell, and the high ground was also crumbling.

Grab an order?

Not realistic.

There is another weakness in the 131-point belt, and that is the lack of vision!

Two single-strip lines, who can help protect the field of vision?

Do it for one of the single lines, and there will be no vision protection for the other single line.

Originally, it should be like this.


"Ritz has a golden body."

Pray's shoulders slumped.

"Ultimate move + golden body, so rogue, he doesn't need the protection of vision at all.


The Golden Cicada Escape created by Yuan Shen perfectly solves the biggest problem of single belt.



If a few people come to arrest me, I can run away.

Unless the League of Legends produces a hero who can break the golden body, no one can threaten Ryze.

Therefore, the Chinese team only needs to give the card the protective vision of a single belt.

Escape Plan is such a rogue and such a bug.

Therefore, Riot designers changed this operation.

"The perfect 131 lineup, is this the ultimate move they have carefully prepared during this period?"

The five members of the Korean team all had a headache. They couldn't think of a way to break the game. The more they thought about it, the more disgusting they felt that Jin Chan's escape from the shell was too disgusting.

Of course, this lineup is not perfect, and there are ways to crack it.

If single belting is at a disadvantage, then single belting is simply a no-brainer.

But the problem is that the Korean team Ekko can't beat Ryze, and the rock bird can't kill the card.


When there were only forty seconds left for the Baron buff, the highland tower on the road was broken!

The tower-destroying ability of artillery cards is so amazing that it cannot be limited at all.

The three players in the middle lane of the Chinese team immediately moved to the top lane, perfectly transitioning from 131 to 4+1, allowing Ryze to continue to single-handedly push the bottom lane.

The health of the barracks in the top lane was constantly depleted. The Korean team, which had been led by the nose, finally couldn't bear the humiliation and didn't want to die slowly, so they forced a team fight.

Magic Crystal Arrow!

Pray's Frost took the lead, but unfortunately, Meiko stood up again.

Minotaur blocked Frost's ultimate for the back row and controlled it in seconds.

Taliyah's ultimate blocked the road, Tam drove with Gragas around,

and a 4v4 began.

In this team fight, the Korean team played very beautifully, and Peanut finally showed the significance of his choice of Gragas.

The ultimate was thrown out, disrupting the opponent's formation, so that Kindred's [Sheep Spirit Life] could not play the greatest role.

Despite this, the counterattack ability of the Chinese team's lineup was also fully demonstrated.

Minotaur controlled, protected, and took damage, and Meiko's performance was impeccable.

Kindred and Jhin, two shooters, covered each other, and the pigs and dogs worked together to break metal.

And Tam and Gragas went around, which meant...

There was no one to protect Ashe and Taliyah.

Weishen opened a sprint and rushed up like a ghost, throwing a yellow card and going straight for Ashe.

The main reason for not attacking Taliyah was that Taliyah had Purification and could not be controlled.

This time, Pray learned his lesson. In order to prevent being controlled and focused, he directly used flash to pull away.

As the fight went on, people on both sides died.

Gragas and Tam on the Korean team died, while Minotaur and Card on the Chinese team died.

Just when both sides were killing furiously, a piece of bad news calmed the Korean team down.

Their bottom lane highland tower was broken.

Ekko, can't defend this Ryze.

Every 500 monthly tickets will add 5,000 words~

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