Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 249 Post-match interview, aftershocks of debut

Chapter 249 - Post-match interview, aftershocks of the debut

Despite the economic lag and the opponent's ADC being extremely fat, the IM team did not give up the game.

In terms of playing style and tactical system, the IM team can be said to be a replica of the past EDG, but there is only one characteristic that has been retained.

That is...toughness.

In history, when the S team played against WE in the early stage, the four lanes exploded, the top lane was infinitely targeted, and the economy was 10,000 behind. The high ground of two lanes was broken and only the last lane was left. Facing WE's double dragon BUFF on the high ground, they finally held on with tenacity, defended the double dragon twice in a row, and turned the tables.

Unfortunately, after IM became BLG, this characteristic was lost.

The strong resilience of this team was once praised by foreign media.

"As long as the base doesn't explode, this team will never give up hope of winning."

"Rely on tenacity to create miracles, the world's biggest dark horse team."

At the moment, IG's leading advantages did not make IM give up the game. Although the infinitely targeted Jinjiao cursed, he never gave up any opportunity to make up for the development.

The other members of IM also tried their best to give him resources and defend the eyes.

For IM, it is natural to be weaker than others and fall into disadvantages.

Because the play style is imitated, the players are all abandoned generals that others don't want, and no one is optimistic about them.

The only way to win is to rely on tenacity and hard work.

The IM team, which was collapsing in the early stage, finally stabilized after Sivir made the blue-absorbing knife.

If you want to drag the late stage, there must be heroes with very strong line-clearing ability in the lineup.

The Tsar and Sivir are typical.

This pair of Shurima grandparents and grandchildren are the core key C position of countless late-stage comebacks.

Even if they are taken out alone, they are an absolute guarantee in the late stage.

Sivir, who made a blue-sucking knife, can clear a wave of soldiers with a set of QWA combos.

Although the card's ability to clear the line is not as good as that of the Tsar, it is not bad. The deterrent power of pinching the yellow card under the tower is also very strong. Moreover, it has a better ability to support the line than the Tsar, plus the line-clearing ability of the male gun.

A wave of soldiers was gone before entering the tower.

The tankiness and control of the top tree and Braum also prevented IG from crossing the tower at will.

After getting an advantage in the game, any team will face a problem.

How to end the game?

Especially when facing a team that is tenacious and can drag the late-stage lineup.

"It's stinky and hard. We are almost like laning against five defensive towers. It's a bit difficult!" Jack said jokingly.

But it is undeniable that IM's way of handling it is indeed a bit rogue.

Choose a lineup with strong line-clearing ability and strong team battles in the late stage. If you can't beat you in the early stage, just drag it to the late stage, drag it to six god equipment, even if you are 10,000 behind in economy, both sides are on the same starting line.

With IM's lineup, even if IG got the Baron buff, they could probably only take down all the outer towers, and it would be difficult to get to the high ground.

In history, WE got two consecutive Barons, but they couldn't take down IM's high ground. This shows the defensive strength of IM and the resilience of the players.

"Look for an opportunity to take the Baron. Chengluo will go solo, and Xiaoming should pay attention to protecting the eyes." Yuan Shen commanded.

IG's lineup has only Kled in the front row, and the rest are squishy. If they go straight to the dragon, it will easily give the opponent a chance.

Therefore, it is safer to kill one member of IM first, or force him home with low health, and then take the dragon.

If there is no opportunity, then TheShy must go solo and delay the front as much as possible.

Rookie cast his sights on the Card who was split-pushing the side lane.

He took out Kled this time, which was beyond everyone's expectations.

Ever since watching Yuan Shen's live broadcast that time, he has keenly realized the potential of Kled as a hero in the middle lane.

As mentioned before, there are very few players who can master a new hero in such a short time and bring it to the professional arena stage.

Although Rookie's speed of practicing heroes is not as fast as Yuan Shen's, it is definitely not slow.

In just a few days, Rookie mastered Kled.

Of course, Yuan Shen also helped him a lot and taught him some laning details and hero understanding of Kled.

There are two completely different levels of learning speed when someone teaches and when no one teaches.

In this game, Rookie was able to gain an advantage against Athena, who was as stable as a tower, and occupied the roaming line. Every time he supported, he was faster than Card, proving that his attainments in Kled were qualified.

And now, he once again set his sights on Card, who had not been able to kill him alone before.

Card is the most difficult existence when IG wants to move the dragon.

With Card's ultimate, the difficulty of ambush in blind vision is greatly increased, and Card's Q skill Poke ability is also extremely difficult in terrain like the dragon pit.

Kill him, and the dragon will be stable.

Both midlaners were splitting the lane at the side of the top lane. After Kled pushed the lane, Card was clearing the lane under the tower, never leaving the defensive tower, not giving Card any chance.

But this time it was different. After clearing the lane, Kled squatted at the red side's Golem, turned on the scan, made sure he was not detected by the enemy's vision, and watched Card clearing the lane under the tower through the wall.

At the moment Card threw the red card to clear the lane, Rookie Kled flashed over the wall and hooked Card.

Q flash!

AAEA, full of black cut special effects, the fourth basic attack with a percentage of health value, and then Tiamat.

When Kled ignites and hangs up, the card flashes to distance himself, avoiding the damage of the second Q.

When the second phase [Contest] is triggered, the person hit by the first phase E will be forced to lock on. Even if the opponent escapes to the ends of the earth, Kled will force him to compete with him.

Kled raised his face and slashed wildly with his knife.

The W skill of the card has finally cooled down. The ID of Athena is correct. She is worthy of being a goddess. The first one is a yellow card.

A yellow card will be drawn in a second and thrown away in a second.

As long as Kled is stunned, the card will have a chance to escape.

However, at this moment, Rookie reacted very quickly and released his ultimate move!

charge! !

Kled's ultimate move will form a small circle around him. Once the small circle appears, his mount Skaar will hit the first enemy hero hit.

This impact effect is also forced to lock, even if the displacement is applied, it will be useless.

Use the impact effect to offset the yellow card control of the card.

Kled swung his sword and struck with his Q, killing the card.

Yuan Shen saw this wave of detailed operations, and when he was about to say a few words of praise, someone on the team's voice was one step ahead of him.

"Brother Yijin is invincible, Tianxiu, LPL's number one mid laner deserves the title, 66666!!"

Yuan Shen was still wondering who was bragging. When he heard it again, wasn't it his own voice?

When did you become such a person?

Yuan Shen, Yuan Shen, where was your pride in the past?

Where is your pride?

How can you be such a shameless licker...

"Big dragon, big dragon, GOGOGO!"

Jack shouted excitedly, completely unaware of the little theater Yuan Shen was thinking about.

When his teammates were rushing Baron Nash, TheShy was bringing pressure in the bottom lane.

The most important thing about IG's lineup is damage. Without him, they can still beat the dragon.

On the contrary, if the Angel continues to lead alone, the IM team must allocate manpower to contain it.


"How can this hero demolish the tower so quickly?"

Jin Jiao said in surprise when he saw half of the health of the bottom highland tower suddenly disappearing just three seconds after the Angel took action.

Judgment Angel Kyle, this hero has a very simple mechanism and is no stranger to professional players.

But even if you say you are familiar with it, you are not very familiar with it. After all, this is a hero who is not on the bench in the game. Professional players basically only focus on studying the popular version.

In fact, the old version of Angel's passive [Holy Flame] is a powerful weapon for demolishing towers and cutting tanks.

[Holy Flame]: When Kyle attacks the enemy hero, he will lose armor and 3% magic resistance for 5 seconds. This effect can be superimposed up to 5 times.

This effect also works on defense towers. With [Holy Flame] around, even without spell-piercing and object-piercing equipment, tank heroes are completely untenable in front of Kyle.

"Nash, sheep knife, ice staff, attack speed shoes..."

Opening the Tab panel, Jin Jiao saw the angel's equipment.

TheShy's Angel is relatively invisible, developing throughout the process, and its record so far is 0/0/0.

He didn't get any kill money, but his development was not bad at all. Because he didn't fight, he focused on last-hitting and clearing the jungle. Now he has the most last-hitting in the game, leading the second place by nearly 30 kills. The big tree is even more than fifty knives behind.

"This monster..." Jinjiao said with a headache.

The most troublesome thing about IG is the personal strength of the five people.

Although TheShy debuted less than a year ago, under the training of the old monster Yuan Shen, there is absolutely no problem in being said to be the top three top laners in the LPL.

And coupled with his unique style of play and inhuman aggression, some people even think that facing him is more of a headache than facing MaRin.

When playing against MaRin, he can still withstand pressure in the lane, but he won't kill everyone.

But against TheShy, who will make you choke at every turn, who can stand this!

For TheShy, we can only suppress his lead, but cannot suppress his development.

This will even lead to a lot of room for others in IG to perform.

Not targeting TheShy, it's one thing whether his top laner can withstand the pressure. Even if he can, he can't suppress his terrifying development ability.

Not to mention, IG's midfield strength is unique in the world...

Just like now.

"The other side has launched a dragon!" AmazingJ reminded,

"I'm going to try to grab the dragon, and the assistant can help me open up my field of vision!!" Ben4 said.

"I'll go guard the tower."

Golden Horn said.

Their understanding of the game was similar, and IM and the others reached a consensus instantly.

The tree can no longer defend this kind of developed Angel. When the card is killed, the best candidate is Sivir, who has a strong line clearing ability.

Sivir has a big move and a double move. He can clear the line under the tower and leave immediately. What could happen?

However, when he saw Sivir alone behind the tower, and at the same time, the enemy Suke Ueno was near the dragon pit on the mini-map, TheShy instantly showed his fangs.

The troops entered the tower, and at the moment when Sivir's A soldier was present, the angel suddenly rose up.

Holy Blessing——

The blood regeneration and the acceleration buff that lasted for three seconds were applied to the angel himself.

The wrath of justice slashed out with his sword, and the burning holy flames shot into Sivir's body, triggering the deceleration effect of the ice staff and the special effects of the sheep knife.

Just finished pushing the line, War Fervor and Sheep Knife are both full.

Holy Flame, Righteous Wrath, Sheep Knife, War Fervor, Ice Staff - every basic attack of Kayle comes with many buffs.

For a hero with special attack effects, the damage is simply incomprehensible.

In the accelerated state, Kayle went A to the limit, fanning out three times in one second.

At the first moment, Jinjiao subconsciously opened the magic shield, but Kayle's damage all came from basic attacks, which could not be stopped at all. The Holy Flame surged, and in just one second, Sivir's health suddenly disappeared by half.

Jinjiao, who just reacted, flashed the ultimate skill and used all the healing!

Use flash but not kill... This principle does not seem to apply to TheShy.

After all, he is a foreigner, so it is understandable that he does not understand the local rules.

But Jinjiao suffered a heavy loss.

Sivir with ultimate skills and dual skills is too difficult to kill.

Originally, TheShy just wanted to force a skill, but Jinjiao made a mistake. Jinjiao subconsciously gave up the magic shield, which made him change his mind.


Angel flashed over the tower and followed.

At the same time, Jinjiao hurriedly called for help from his teammates, and a red whirlwind appeared on the highland tower.

The TP from the tree did not shake TheShy's determination.

Although Sivir had treatment and the ultimate skill to speed up, he did not run fast because of the effect of the ice staff, and Angel also had the three-second acceleration of [Holy Blessing].

When the acceleration effect on himself disappeared, and it was also the last second for Sivir's magic shield to disappear, Angel threw out the Q skill [Reckoning].

A ball of holy flame attacked Sivir.

The full-level Q has a huge deceleration of 55%.

Angel successfully closed the distance, wielded the sword of justice in his hand, and killed Sivir with three holy flames.

The tree TP landed, flashed EW, and tied the angel within the attack range of the highland tower.

Revenge vortex!

Arcane slam!

The tree's WR skills were all used, and coupled with the continuous output of lasers from the highland tower, Angel's health dropped rapidly.

But TheShy was not in a hurry. He was not in a hurry to use his ultimate. Instead, he used W to attack himself again, recovered health faster, walked out of the defense tower, and pretended to leave.

Of course, the tree did not give up. He opened the Glory of Justice and threw a Q to continue to entangle.

But he was soon pulled away by the angel again.

Angel went to A to counterattack, and the tree's health dropped wildly at a visible trend.

On the contrary, the angel who pulled the distance perfectly did not move, and kept about 20% of the health.

Of course, AJ did not come up to give it up for free, but to keep people.


The resurrected Card activated the ultimate move, and the landing point was determined to be near the angel.

The angel did not retreat but advanced, and took the initiative to approach the landing point of the card.

The card landed and took the yellow card. If the angel was hurt by the next WQA combo, the angel would definitely die. TheShy pressed QR at the limit of his hand speed, causing a huge deceleration effect on the card, making it impossible for him to kite the angel, and giving himself an invincible effect.

Holy Protection!

During the two-second invincibility, Card held onto Q and didn't waste damage.

Angel recovered from the stun of the yellow card and transferred the output target to Card. The horrible damage, in just one second, three Holy Flames burned half of Card's health.

The invincibility disappeared, Card turned around and QA, but was set by Angel's W, and the blood recovery accelerated, and he moved and twisted to avoid it.

Two more Holy Flames were swung, and Card died.

Double Kill! !

At the same time as Card died, the skill of the tree had just finished cooling down, and another W was tied up, and the Q skill was smashed, killing Angel in the jungle.


TheShy closed his eyes and raised his head.

The health was too low.

If it was a little more, he could wait until the dangerous game was triggered, and it would not be impossible to kill the tree.

"I was shown off again."

Although he took down Angel's head, he paid the price of two heads, and AJ looked very unhappy.

Sometimes, life is like a woman's death. Since you can't resist, you can only enjoy it.

He has lost count of how many times he has faced TheShy, and each time he was beaten badly.

He has won a lot of training matches, but it basically has nothing to do with him.

He gets used to being shown off so many times.

AJ finds joy in suffering and seeks pleasure in the life of a woman's death. He often watches the video of Yuan Shen and TheShy's game and learns some details of the top order. In the past year, his ability to withstand pressure has grown a lot and he has become the mainstay of the IM team.

But there are some things that you can't learn even by watching videos.

This wave of Angel's operation is like this.

High-frequency micro-operation of walking A, the timing and sequence of skill release, and the judgment of damage...

Unlike the details that can be imitated such as combos and routines, the handling methods of the above details will change with the changes in the situation and rely purely on temporary decisions.

TheShy's handling of details in this wave is so flawless that no one can find fault with it. It is undoubtedly the best solution.


Yuan Shen silently complained.

If he were to do it, he could kill three people and not die.

In that case, IM's high ground tower would have a chance to be destroyed.

But being able to do this is already pretty good.


"The damage of the angel is outrageous."

"Three against one and two were replaced, do you know how to play?"

I thought that Angel's operation was just a matter of having hands, right?"

"What are you talking about? Can you show off your skills when I give you Garen? Do you understand the details?"

Heroes like Angel, Garen, Stoneman, and Werewolf are completely fool-proof operations, but some people can use them to rush to the strongest king, such as AmazingJ, who is the famous No. 1 Garen in the national server. And some people can only fight with elementary school students in the bronze rank.

What is the difference?

It is the handling of details.

On the field, after IG took down the big dragon and returned to the city for repair, they directly broke the high ground of IM on both sides.

The speed of Angel's tower demolition is really too scary. When Sivir tried to stop Angel, the next scene perfectly explained what it means to be a mantis trying to stop a chariot.

Angel W accelerated his own blood recovery and chased Sivir, no more, no less, five basic attacks, triggered two special effects of the sheep knife, and slapped Sivir to death.

As if casually slapping an ant to death, Angel turned around and continued to demolish the tower .

The Crystal Castle exploded, and IG won the first game.

In the second game, IG, who was on the red side, still took out a lineup that was strong in the middle and jungle in the early and mid-term, and the top laner guaranteed the late game.

IG completely let the top lane go in the early stage, and fought crazily in the lower half of the area. Even if there was no opportunity to fight, they would force it to create it. The strong aggression it showed surprised many professional team players and coaches watching the game.

The IM team, whose style of play was rigid and rigid, failed to find a way to deal with it. The same rhythm as the first game, the development of the middle and jungle collapsed, and because TheShy exerted force after the equipment was formed, the game could not be dragged to the late stage, and was simply ended by IG.


"Let us congratulate IG for winning the game against the IM team today!"

"The IM team is the first strong team they met in the summer season, and IG's main lineup is also the first time to be gathered. IG used this BO3 victory to strongly announce their return!! It can be seen that every player of IG is in very good condition. "Miller made a post-match summary.

Wawa interrupted at the right time and said: "Hey, Miller, have you noticed that IG's play style has changed a lot today?"

"Of course." Miller nodded.

"Today's IG's play style is too fierce. In the past, IG's proactive attacks were basically to seize the opponent's mistakes or breakthroughs, which were reasonable attacks, but today they made a lot of unreasonable and risky attacks. "

"IG also made a lot of mistakes today. ”

Don’t blame the commentator for over-interpreting.

After winning the championship last year and reorganizing this year, IG has maintained its momentum throughout the spring and won the MSI championship again. Now, it is the team with the greatest hope of achieving the unprecedented miracle of two consecutive championships in the entire League of Legends.

Not only the LPL commentator, but also major regions around the world are paying attention to every move of this IG, and they can’t wait to use a magnifying glass to study every detail.

The 6.15 version has been greatly changed, and the systems of many teams have been impacted.

The first to bear the brunt is undoubtedly IG.

It’s not a day or two for Riot to target the world champion. Everyone understands this unspoken rule.

IG’s entire team’s play has undergone such a significant change. Obviously, this is their understanding of the 6.15 version and their new play.

“This play is very offensive. Once a breakthrough is opened, the first blood tower will be easily broken. It should not be underestimated.”

Some teams think so.

“Too many mistakes. It’s not a mature play at all. IG has gone astray. It’s not for worry. "

Some teams think the same way.

Tieba, Hupu, Zhihu, and major gaming media have different opinions on IG's style of play, some agree, and some sneer.

Yuan Shen doesn't know these things yet, and even if he knows, he won't care.

People are all like this, and their first reaction to new things is to question and reject them.

What Yuan Shen cares more about now is... what to say in the interview later?

Yes, the interview for this game was finally given to Yuan Shen.

Since he participated in the Olympic training camp, he hasn't appeared in front of the audience and accepted interviews for a long time. .

Before today's game, many fans and viewers sent private messages to the LPL official Weibo, saying that they must interview Yuan Shen, otherwise they would unfollow him...

What should we do?

Yuan Shen now has too many fans, even the official can't afford to offend him. Even if there are other plans, they can only accept the audience's request.

Of course, Yuan Shen is the traffic king, and the LPL official is also looking forward to the next interview.

"It's time for the post-match interview that we are most looking forward to. After two months, he returned to the LPL arena after a long absence and won the IM team, which is the third in the league. I wonder how Yuan Shen feels now?"

Yuan Shen took the microphone and looked at the host.

It was not Ren Dong, the old acquaintance who was responsible for the post-match interview before, but a woman wearing a black OL suit and outstanding appearance. Although her clothes were a little different from Yuan Shen's impression, he still recognized her appearance.

It was Yu Shuang, the gold medal female host of the LPL in the future.

Yu Shuang really became famous in the S7 World Finals next year.

The unique Chinese cheongsam, generous and decent conversation, and standard bilingual hosting have left a deep impression on the audience and even the commentators in major regions around the world.

But in fact, she joined the LPL as early as the summer of 2016, but she was not well-known and had not found her own position in terms of clothing style.

"That... player Yuan Shen?"

Seeing that Yuan Shen did not reply for a long time and looked at her from time to time, Yu Shuang could not help but feel a little confused and a little excited.

Regardless of gender, being noticed by the opposite sex with outstanding looks is undoubtedly a happy thing.

Yu Shuang, who had just broken up with her ex-boyfriend and had not yet started dating Guan Zeyuan, could not help but think wildly in her heart.

Could it be... my second spring is coming?

If Yuan Shen knew what she was thinking, he would definitely say no loudly, please don't think too much, it's impossible for us!

Let's not talk about the five-year age difference between the two. Just say that before the rebirth, Yuan Shen was one of the viewers who often brushed Aunt Yu Zhen in the barrage.

The reason why he frequently looked at Yu Shuang now was just because he found it interesting.

Not as a spectator, but as a professional player, I have witnessed the changes in LPL with my own eyes. There are more and more familiar faces in my memory. This feeling is very novel.

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