Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 263 Pentakill, Become a God in the First Battle

Chapter 263 - Five kills, the first battle to become a god

"The game has now entered the stage of switching operations. Before the next wave of dragons are refreshed, it is difficult for the two sides to collide. IG brushed the Rift Herald, and the buff was still given to Kassadin."

Miller explained the situation: "The Rift Pioneer is secondary. This version of the Rift Pioneer is the icing on the cake. Only the advantageous side will take it by the way. The disadvantaged side simply does not have the time and space to fight this smelly and hard canyon." pioneer."

"The most important thing is that Kassadin got five heads and the economy of the first-blood tower..."

Miller looked worried.

In the civil war between LPL teams, it is a basic professional quality for the commentator to think from the perspective of the weaker side and leave the game suspenseful.

He is now also putting himself in RNG's shoes to think of ways to break the situation.

"Five kills plus one health tower, a simple calculation, there is more than 2,300 economic advantages in the matchup, coupled with TheShy's last hit suppression, Looper's vampire seems to be almost a big thing behind. This kind of The developed Kassadin will be too unsolvable in the middle of the game. RNG must find a way to target TheShy's Kassadin. It is best to kill him once or twice to interrupt his development rhythm. "

Miller said the only way to break the situation.

The five RNG people on the scene also knew this very well.

Nosuke, Xiang Guo and Mata, have been paying attention to Kassadin's every move, trying to find his flaws.

Unfortunately, regardless of TheShy's personal strength, the reason why Kassadin is considered unsolvable after he gains weight is that he cannot be targeted.

The level three ultimate move has a basic cooldown of only two seconds.

Use cooldown-reducing equipment, and in the later stages, there will be a displacement skill equivalent to a flash...

Currently, TheShy's Kassadin is not at level 16 yet, but because of his good development, he has reached level 11 early and has upgraded his [Void Walk], which has a cooldown of less than four seconds.

With RNG's lineup, only Ice Girl and Wine Barrel can stay. It will be too difficult to catch Kassadin to death unless he makes a very serious mistake.

Moreover, with Yuan Shen's command and Ming's omnipresent vision and control, it would be too difficult to assemble more than three troops to encircle and suppress Kassadin without IG noticing.

Even if it is possible, it still has to pay for the second tower. After all, the Fire and Earth Dragon is an important strategic resource, and it may not be possible to capture it to death.

TheShy Kassadin develops in the single lane in the bottom lane, and the Looper vampire only takes the lane in the second tower in the bottom lane.

Mata Zyra and the wine barrel of the incense pot tried to gank Kassadin several times, but they were all detected by the field of vision and avoided by Kassadin in advance.

Not to mention Kassadin was not captured to death, but a lot of RNG Nosuke's development time was wasted.

Especially the Xiangguo, which is extremely underdeveloped and is already three levels behind Yuan Shen's excavator.

no way.

Why is the jungler designated to take the blame during the game?

Because the jungler in the disadvantageous round is too difficult and cannot benefit from the economy at all.

The online economy must belong to the three Cs, right?

Can't the assistant do the eye positioning alone?

wild area?

The jungle area for the disadvantaged side is the public toilet, and anyone can use it.

Either he was countered by five people on the opposite side, or he was used by his teammates to replenish his growth. All the meat was eaten up, and the jungler on the disadvantaged side could only drink soup.

You can only rely on experience.

Even if the top laner, mid laner and ADC collapse, they still have resources to eat. The support is inherently weak. Even the support of the dominant side cannot eat any resources. All they get are assists or the team economy of the defensive tower.

If you get the head, the other party will be glad that you didn't get the C position. This head is not a big loss...

Only in the jungle, you eat grass and squeeze blood.

The most obvious difference in situation between the dominant side and the disadvantaged side is the jungle position.

Therefore, whether it is a professional game or a pub game, the jungler takes the blame the most.

Mala Xiangguo's hunger strike style of play makes things even worse in disadvantageous situations.

"Mata and Xiangguo started trying to capture Kassadin again. Hey? TheShy can see it from here, why don't you leave?? This wave is dangerous!!"

The doll muttered.

Miller was surprised instead.

"No! The fragrant pot cannot be used this time!"

As time passed by, seeing Kassadin's equipment getting better and better, the economic gap gradually being widened by operations, the mentality of the RNG players gradually became impatient.

Incense pot is no exception.

Seeing that TheShy didn't leave immediately, all he could think about was that this was an opportunity.

The two Korean aid players, Shangfu, were relatively calm, but due to the language, they had no time to persuade him. They saw the wine barrel of the incense pot, and without even pressing W, they hit Kassadin with an E dodge.

E flash QARQ......

The fluent and quick combo operations are thrown out, and the visual effects are gorgeous and full.

The hurt... is extremely touching.

One operation is as fierce as a tiger, and the damage is 250.

Kassadin only lost one-fifth of his health.

"This damage... is wrong, my level is too low."

When Xiangguo saw that Kassadin's level was four levels higher than his own, his heart suddenly skipped a beat.

Soon, the bad prediction came true.

Kassadin backhanded R and sat on the barrel, EAWAQ, directly knocking out 70% of the blood.

TheShy moved and twisted to avoid Zyra's EW combo, and when the R skill was over, he used another R to hit Gragas, EAQ to get the kill, and chased Zyra. The third R forced Zyra to flash, and finally gave up the pursuit with the support of the rest of RNG.


"Xiangguo is crazy."

"That's it? That's it? That's it?"

"Is this the No. 1 jungler in LPL that you RNG fans are talking about?"

"Three people fighting one person and being killed, do you know how to play?"

"It's a bit like Pantheon at level 4 or Mantis at level 6."

Not only fans of other teams were mocking, but many RNG fans also thought it was outrageous.

Gragas, who is so backward in development, who gave you the courage to rush Kassadin's face.

"This damage is too low." Wawa muttered.

"The damage of Gragas is all AP." Miller raised his eyebrows, his face showing a look of realization, "Speaking of which, on the RNG side, except for Uzi's Jhin, everyone else is AP-type damage. This kind of environment is just like a fish in water for Kassadin!"


This is also the main reason why Yuan Shen asked TheShy to take Kassadin later.

Vampire, Gragas, Ice Girl, Zyra... four AP-type damage.

Once it develops to the late stage, the only damage that can really threaten Kassadin is Uzi's Jhin.

But for an ADC without displacement, the most important thing to consider in the late stage is not how to output an assassin, but how not to be killed by Kassadin.

After taking the Gragas head, Kassadin's record came to 6/1/0.

The jungler died, and the third dragon that was about to refresh was handed over. With one enemy dead, IG quickly came to a group push and pushed down the middle lane tower of the RNG team.

Without the middle tower, it is difficult to establish vision, and the possibility of RNG competing for the Nashor Baron that is about to refresh is even lower.

The chain effect of the jungler's death can be seen by viewers who have a little understanding of the game.

Therefore, at this time, countless people on the Internet ridiculed Mlxg, even the fans of the RNG team were no exception.

"The big dragon is about to refresh." Miller said.

"This big dragon determines the life and death of RNG in this game."

Obviously, all the players on the field realized this.

One minute before the big dragon was about to refresh, some people began to return to the city to update equipment and replenish true eyes.

It was not the kind of return to the city all at once, but a relay return to the city. There were always people wandering around the dragon pit. The advantaged side ensured that the vision was not taken back, and the disadvantaged side would take a look at the dragon pit from time to time to ensure that the opponent did not move the big dragon.

This level of teamwork is simply impossible for passers-by players.

As the C position of the team, TheShy is the last link of the relay return to the city.

Just like a relay race, the last player is often the strongest.

After developing comfortably and his teammates had taken care of everything, he only needed to play to his strength and carry the game.

At 20 minutes, TheShy updated his equipment to a very luxurious level.

Wand of Time, Archangel's Wand, Cooling Boots, Lich's Bane.

At this point, Kassadin, who already had three big items, had the highest level in the game. Even Rookie's Lucian was one level and a half experience lower than him. He was like a big devil coming out of the mountain.

RNG's players were a little cautious when they saw Kassadin developing like this.

"Pay attention to Kassadin's position, don't let him cut you." Mata reminded.

"I'll protect the AD." Xiang Guo said.

'He shouldn't cut in first, but harvest later, Uzi judged.

The rest of RNG also agreed with Uzi's inference. Although Kassadin's equipment was explosive, the risk was too high.

If Kassadin who didn't make Zhonya's hourglass went first to kill someone, he would be very likely to die.

Kassadin is so fat that he would lose no matter who he traded with.

If you think about it from another perspective, the safest and most troublesome way to play Kassadin during this period is to enter the field and harvest.

Coincidentally, IG also thought so.

"Xiao Ming and I will start a team fight, Lao Song and Jack will deal damage, and create space for Cheng Lu to harvest." Yuan Shen commanded.


"No problem."

The rest of IG had no objection.

But just a few seconds later, when the two sides were fighting near the dragon pit, throwing skills to consume and fighting for vision, Yuan Shen suddenly found an opportunity.

The Gragas, who had been following the ADC closely, suddenly lost touch with Jhin.

Because the vision in the dragon pit was cleared by IG, Xiang Guo wanted to go forward to add a true ward.

This kind of dangerous and dirty work is done by the support and jungle, and then the top laner.

The double C position cannot take risks and go to the dragon pit to place wards.

In this lineup, the support Zyra is too fragile, so Xiang Guo can only place wards.

So, there is nothing wrong with Xiang Guo's decision.

The problem is that without the protection of Gragas, Uzi did not open up the distance.

He made the same mistake as Looper.

Uzi subconsciously stood 500 yards away from Kassadin's ultimate and felt safe.

Combined with the previous judgment of Kassadin, this can't even be said to be a mistake.

Because Xiaohu's Ice Girl was not far from him. If Kassadin dared to come up, without mercury, purification and Central Asia, it would be equivalent to putting himself in death.


That's just what Yuan Shen thinks.

The remaining nine professional players on the field did not think this was an opportunity.

Therefore, when Xiao Ming heard Yuan Shen's cry of "Titan, keep an eye on the ice girl, record, burn instantly!" in the team voice, he was confused.

TheShy also sensed an opportunity the moment he heard Yuan Shen's voice.

The white-robed walker holding the [Star-grabbing Demon Blade] suddenly rose up.

R flash instantly crossed the ultra-long-range distance of 1,000 yards and trampled on the body of the fate master Jhin.

Void energy pours out.

AWAED, a set of combos are all executed in just one second.

Uzi reacted quickly and handed over healing and flash, raising the blood line and widening the distance at the same time.

However, all this was to no avail.

The blood line raised by the treatment could not withstand the damage caused by the explosion of Kassadin, who was developing like a big devil.

The distance he opened in a flash was followed by the [Void Sphere] following him like a shadow.

In just one second, Jhin was killed, and Uzi's screen turned into darkness.

Seeing the ADC being killed instantly, Xiaohu became anxious and flashed to close the distance, hoping to use his ultimate move to immobilize Kassadin and let his teammates focus on him.

But just when Lissandra flashed and raised her hand to release her ultimate move, a hook from the deep sea hit her.

"The sea is boundless--!"

The Titan of the Deep Sea, Nautilus, murmured dullly and reliably.

Lissandra's ultimate move has a very short initial movement.

And Ming flashed the hook crucially, interrupting Xiaohu's ultimate move.

Considering the flying speed of the hook and Lissandra's starting speed, this wave cannot be a reaction, but a prediction!

"Uzi was knocked out!!?!"

“What??Why does TheShy dare to come up???”

“Oh my god, Ming’s prediction hook!!”

In the commentary booths of each competition area, various voices echoed in the voices of the RNG player team.

Excitement, shock, regret, surprise...all emotions were ignited at this moment.

Ice Girl's ultimate move was interrupted and was directly controlled by Titan. She had no choice but to give the ultimate move to herself, avoiding the damage and control of Titan's subsequent ultimate move.

The vampire Looper entered the scene to contain the rest of IG, and turned to attack the Titans and Kassadin who came on the scene.

But this did not restore RNG's decline.

The frozen mausoleum disappeared, and the first ice girl who made an hourglass was as brittle as paper in the face of Kassadin's horrific damage. With the Titan's damage, AWAEQ instantly turned into powder.

Double kill! !

The second shot of Void Walking directly mounted Zyra's face, and the upper wave passed the flashing Mata. There was no way to escape. After Kassadin's skills were cooled down, he was directly beheaded from his horse.

Triple kill! !

Kassadin looked back at the front battlefield. After the Looper vampire finished a set of output, he used the golden body and blood pool to delay for a long time. After fully exerting the hero's effect, he used flash to escape.

However, the disadvantages of equipment and level still failed to make Looper lose any C position of IG in an instant, and he was so immortal that he flashed in the direction of escape and bumped into Kassadin.

Kassadin RAW directly accepted the vampire head.

Quadra kill! ! !

This wave of team battles started too suddenly and inexplicably. Xiangguo had no room to intervene during the whole process. The team battle was over when it was on the edge of ob.

Hearing the word "Four Kills" in his voice, he decisively turned around and ran away.

Send pentakill?

If this was a life-or-death situation, and there was no chance of a comeback and defeat was inevitable, he wouldn't mind giving a favor.

But this is the first game of B05.

In the first game, someone else got five kills, which was very demoralizing.

Xiangguo ran away immediately, forcing many IG fans to immediately curse in the barrage.

Yuan Shen couldn't control the fan's brother's behavior, but he felt that he might not be able to win this wave of five kills.

He clearly remembered that Wine Barrel and Zyra Shangbo both had flashes.

"Chenglu continued to chase, he didn't flash, we are the big dragon."


TheShy agreed.

Kassadin continued to pursue, [Walking in the Void] turned over the ridge, and chased all the way to the high ground.

Every time the R skill is released, the mana consumption will be doubled.

After throwing his skills all the way to the high ground, Kassadin's mana was almost empty at this time, even with the mana blessings of Archangel and Time.

With the last R skill, TheShy made a prejudgment R, climbed over the high wall, and accurately sat on the barrel.


Amid the wave of enthusiastic cheers at the scene, Kassadin AWA returned to blue, EQ took action, and with the last shot of R, he took the head of the wine barrel.

The most shocking and solemn sound effect sounded in Summoner's Rift again.

Penta kill! !



You are insignificant and worthless.

The walker from the Void, who swore revenge, whispered.

After scoring five kills, Kassadin's mana was completely gone and he couldn't use his R skill anymore, so TheShy directly pressed Return.

In his eyes, this was a very common operation, but in the eyes of the commentators and the audience, it was extremely domineering.

Before RNG's second tower was destroyed, this Kassadin killed his way to the opposite high ground alone and returned to the city in the opposite base.

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