Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 272 Trust me, I am a steady person

Chapter 272 - Trust me, I'm a steady person

"Wow! The prince's decisive prediction of the reverse EQ really scared me."

"This is Yuan Shen, he is so daring!"

This wave of operations shocked everyone.

To do this kind of operation, it is completely based on courage and luck. Once the bet is lost, it may become an indelible black spot in your career.

In international competitions, reverse operations, if successful, it will be a show, and if it fails, even Yuan Shen will become a clown.

"Really confident, the world stage is Yuan Shen's show. I saw it from last year's world championship. Tristana was confused and didn't have time to hand over the double summons. When has the European division seen such an operation!"

After the words fell, the director's camera was already given to Yuan Shen. This wave of prediction was successful, even Yuan Shen couldn't help but smile.

It's just that the victory has not been established yet, so Yuan Shen's smile seems unusually restrained, but the corners of his mouth that are harder to suppress than AK have fully betrayed his heart.

Jack and Xiao Ming on the side were already stunned.

"Yuan Shen, you are such a god! You can even hit this!"

"Predict EQ, Brother Yuan, you are too confident, aren't you afraid of taking the blame for the failure of the operation?" Xiao Ming couldn't help but glance at Yuan Shen.

"If it succeeds, it's amazing. If it loses, the worst thing is to learn from Xiang Guo and go on a hunger strike. Isn't it good for the four of you to lead me to win?"

Yuan Shen shrugged.

IG's current configuration has a tolerance rate.

You can appropriately do some high-risk and high-return behaviors.

Even if you fail, there are teammates to support you.

You can't be afraid of taking the blame when playing jungle in IG, if you are afraid, then you are done.

"It's the first blood..."

TheShy was very happy to hit Shen with the electronic harpoon in the top lane, and he didn't know what happened in the bottom lane.

"IG got the first blood at the beginning, and Morgana was also injured and had to return to the city. If you dare to defend this tower, IG will dare to cross it!"

"Then Yuan Shen made a lot of money in this invasion, he can go back... Eh? Is he going to counter the red buff?"

On the field, the prince went straight into the triangle grass, but did not return to his own jungle area, but went straight to the opposite red buff.

It was impossible to go back this time. Lee Sin saw him showing up in the bottom lane and killing someone, so he would definitely go to counter his red buff. He could only be forced to exchange jungle.

"Chenglu, be careful of ganks. I can't go in the early stage. I'll go in the next wave after the troops are controlled."


TheShy responded and started to push the line quickly.

As long as the troops are quickly pushed into the tower before Lee Sin comes, he can shrink back and wait to push the line back.

The most important thing is to be fast enough!

"After taking the red buff, does the prince still want to counter the stone beetle? The troops just passed by, and this wave was not discovered."

Miller's voice was a little lower, and he felt very involved.

On the field, Tristana just resurrected and walked out of the second tower.

"No, they are going to catch another wave!! My god, Yuan Shen values ​​this Tristana too much, this is Bang's treatment!"

"A fasting jungler, catching two buffs twice, Xiang Guo is not so aggressive!"

"Don't talk nonsense, Xiang Guo is much more stable than Yuan Shen!"

"It's really a humanoid jungler, Yuan Shen is in a bad mood today, IG's bottom lane is not here, Yuan Shen is not in full condition, this... go up!!"

Wawa suddenly raised his voice, and the prince rushed out after he finished speaking.

Tristana didn't expect the prince to be here to wait for him. After all, after Lee Sin killed the red buff on the opposite side, he saw that there was no chance in the top lane and chose to return to the city. Now he can come to defend his own bottom half jungle area immediately.

"Fuck!! Is this person sick!"

FORG1VEN is Greek, usually loves to drink Amul, and has a good impression of China.

But now, he feels IG's deep malice towards him.

However, although he is only level 1, he is not too panicked.

Because Lee Sin is coming soon, and Morgana is also on the way and will arrive soon.

The IG bottom lane duo is still separated from here by a defensive tower. If the prince goes deep into the enemy's rear alone, it is simply a gift!

"Is Yuan Shen a little impatient this time? There is no chance to start without blocking vision EQ! Just retreat after a while, otherwise you will be surrounded." Wawa was a little confused.

On the field, the prince couldn't touch the cannon, and the cannon also walked A very calmly, but he was on the line in the middle of the road just now, so the distance was very close. The prince took his own red buff again. If he was stuck by the opponent, even if he didn't die, he would lose a lot of health, which would be very uncomfortable in the line.

So FORG1VEN thought about it, and directly jumped W from the spot, and was about to jump under his own tower.

But at this time, the prince moved again!

It was still a predicted EQ, but this time it was not in the opposite direction, but it successfully intercepted the cannon that was W!

The cannon just jumped up, and the next second he saw the prince as if he had installed a radar, and he appeared in front of him instantly!

Tristana was picked off directly.

Scored twice!


FORG1VEN was completely dumbfounded. Another predicted EQ? ?

What the hell is this!

But this is not the time to complain.

Tristana was close to Prince, got hit by Prince's EQ, and was stuck by the red buff.

Prince is one level higher than Tristana, and Tristana is also fragile.

After just a few basic attacks, FORG1VEN's health began to drop rapidly.

"This Tristana was picked off again. Yuan Shen is in great shape today!"

"Another predictive EQ. This EQ is too accurate!"

"Yuan Shen doesn't play the hero Prince very often. It seems that he has played no more than five games in official competitions. But if you watch his Prince, you will find that all the previous Princes were played in vain. This person's Prince is different from others!"

The competition scene was instantly crazy.

"Prince stuck to Tristana. The damage was very high. Thunder triggered Tristana and he still had half health left!!"

"Brand also came up, Q flash E! JackeyLove stunned Tristana! Nami can receive the bubble, so in this case..."

"Tristana is going to die again!"

"Morgana is not far away, but he can't protect anyone. All three IG players are level 2. How can he defend!!"

Tristana couldn't even use flash and was killed on the spot.

"Very profitable, Brand got the kill, this flash is not a loss, Tristana died twice in the early stage and was already blown up, the level will be at least three levels behind, and it's too outrageous to push back!"

"After three minutes of laning, the economic gap is running towards 1,000 yuan..."

"Blind Monk will come soon, this wave will be withdrawn."

As the commentators expected, the prince, who got a kill and an assist, left the bottom lane contentedly.

And the arrival of the blind monk was just to protect Morgana from a wave of tower soldiers and prevent IG from crossing the tower.

"The risk of crossing the tower is still a bit high, you guys take your time, I'll go to brush the waves of wild monsters."

Yuan Shen said as he walked to the position of the triangle bush.

"Okay, you first...wait, where are you going?"

Seeing Yuan Shen's actions, Jack was completely dumbfounded.

Aren't you going to brush the wild monsters? ?

Why did you go to the red buff? You forgot it just after you countered the wild monsters?

"Brush the wild monsters, wait a minute, the lamb is coming to work."

Yuan Shen said happily.

In the bushes directly opposite the H2K Krug, there is a vision he left.

From this position, you can clearly see the health status of the Krug and the movements of the blind monk.

"This... is to grab the wild monsters! The prince is only level 2 now! The blind monk has reached level 3 after eating the tower soldiers. Isn't Yuan Shen taking too much risk?"

"It is indeed very risky. The early rhythm of the junglers of both sides is very strange. The blind monk is also forced to come back to protect the bottom lane, otherwise he will be ahead of at least three groups of junglers."

As soon as Wawa finished speaking, Yuan Shen had already controlled the prince to the side wall of the Krug.

This position can have the vision of the Krug without being discovered by the blind monk.

Jankos was brushing the jungle while observing the movements on the line. It is not so easy for the blind monk to catch people before level 6. At level 6, it is a qualitative change with the ultimate move.

There is no chance in the bottom lane. The level and development of the cannon are too poor. Even if he is there, it is difficult to win. Maybe he will be beaten by the opponent's bottom lane duo two against three.

"Ryu, wait for me, I... Mage!!"

Jankos turned back to the screen and saw the prince passing in front of him.

While the aerial punishment killed the big stone beetle, the damage of EQ also killed the small stone beetle.

And the landing point of the flag was behind the stone beetle wall!

"Why is he here!!"

Jankos reacted quickly and threw out the sound wave, but the prince did not think of escaping after landing, but circled towards the red buff pit.

The prediction failed, and the sound wave passed by the prince while sliding.

But his W is still on cooldown...

"Got it! In this way, both junglers are level 3, and Yuan Shenchun earned a kill and an assist!"

"Too extreme, this position, Jankos is dumbfounded haha."

"The new jungler was taught a lesson!"

"Great rhythm, the rhythm of the prince in the early stage is too perfect."

"IG has such a big advantage in the early stage, and they can win without dragging it to the late stage."

"That's right, you know that IG's lineup has such a big advantage before it reaches the power stage, then..."

Wawa didn't finish his words, but everyone understood what he meant.

IG's lineup, the power point is after level 6.

Whether it is Rambo, Prince Yasuo, or Brand Nami, the ultimate skills have a great improvement in combat effectiveness.

On the field, it entered a period of stable development.

But everyone understands that this is just a prelude to the storm.

In seven minutes, the blind monk who has reached level 6 launched the first gank of this game.

The R flash was very smooth, but Rookie predicted in advance and handed over the wind wall, which also blocked the snake girl's W. Because of the angle problem, the ultimate move only had a slowing effect.

The low-health Yasuo seamlessly used E to distance himself, and then E Lee Sin to come under the tower.

I thought this wave was a one-on-two show, but Jankos predicted the sound wave and hit Yasuo accurately.

"Wan La!"

Miller slapped his thigh fiercely, and the doll next to him grinned.

"This wave of Q hit Yasuo, but it can still be killed!"

"The prince is nearby, but..."

On the field, Jankos's sound wave hit, and he followed up with the second stage of Q without hesitation, pressing E in the air.

Lee Sin's combo can deal E damage before the second stage of Q damage explodes, making the second stage of Q's killing damage higher!


Yuan Shen's voice was short and anxious. Before Rookie had time to think about it, he had already pressed his finger.

"The blind monk was taken there!!!"

"You can't kill him even if you enter the tower. The blind monk is in good condition."

It all happened in an instant, so fast that there was no time to react.

But the next moment, the prince rushed over like a ghost.

EQ passed the wall and flashed forward at the extreme distance.

Then, he appeared in front of the blind monk just like teleporting!

In mid-air, two people met around the corner!

The sudden appearance of the prince made the two of them crash like a car in the air. The blind monk lost his temper in an instant, and his body flying in mid-air was directly hit to the ground by the prince's EQ!

"The prince's EQ interrupted the blind monk's second Q, and Yasuo survived!!"

Not only that, the defense tower locked on the blind monk. Without flash and W, the blind monk could only wait for death on the spot! !

After the commentators from each competition area reacted, they started shouting like crazy.

Although the damage of EQ is not dealt, with the output of the defense tower, the blind monk will definitely die even if he is at full status!

"Yasuo is dancing on the spot hahaha, Rookie is so cool!"

"My mentality is broken. This wave of blind monks made almost no mistakes, but Yasuo still ran away. He was going to die. The blind monk's first flash and ultimate move after reaching six cost him his life. !”

"IG-Yuanshen (Prince of Demacia) killed H2K-Jankos (Blind Monk)!!!"

The prince of 2-0-1 stood on the corpse of the blind monk.

The moment the audience saw this scene, it was as if a dynamite barrel had been lit and exploded instantly.

"Oh My God!!"

"Edi God!"

"Oh My God!"

"Wotty Gui Gui!"

At this moment, everyone stands up!

"This wave of princes is so impressive!! Yasuo was destined to die, but he was saved and brought back to life with a wonderful hand, Doctor Yuan!"

"It's really an operational monster, but Rookie's handling is also crucial. The wind wall just blocked Snake Girl's W."

"Both humans and ghosts are showing off, only the blind monk is being beaten."

At this time, the director was also very powerful. At this moment, he knew that this operation would definitely be a TOP1 classic without even thinking about it, so he cut out the replay as quickly as possible.

"The EQ flash, the EQ flash after observing the movement trajectory of the blind monk's second stage Q..."

The director cut out the first-person perspective, allowing everyone to see the scene that just happened.

Yuan Shen only observed the movement trajectory of the blind monk after EQ passed the wall.

"The reaction of a nineteen-year-old, in his prime!"

"Not only that, have you noticed? Yasuo's flash was also directed by Yuan Shen. You could clearly see Yuan Shen talking just now!"

"It's so thin, brother!"

"Of course, who doesn't know me the most?"

This wave of playback, even in the specially slowed down shots, appears to be very smooth and fast.

If it is played at normal speed, no one can see the specific details of the operation.

"Changing fate against the will of heaven, with unparalleled divine power, the general is on top, saving lives and healing the wounded!!"

"BYD is still pressing down from here?"

"Is this really a human being?"

"You show off when you're playing top lane, and you show off when you're in the jungle. This guy was born for the World Championship!"

This wave of rhythm is over, and H2K's early rhythm is considered rotten.

The bottom lane is at a disadvantage and the jungler collapses.

This was something no one thought of before the game.

After all, with the lineup for this game, H2K’s three lines are not easy to grasp.

And in just seven minutes, the prince ganked, countered the jungle, grabbed the jungle, counter-crouched, protected...

Yuan Shen has done everything the jungler can do!

The prince who has gained the advantage is not afraid of the blind monk at all in jungle battles.

The crazy invasion made Jankos miserable, but there was almost no help available to him online!

Shen on the road has been pushed out of the line. As long as he dares to use his ultimate move, Rambo can take a tower. Red Wen Rambo is not slow in demolishing towers.

"There is no lane right. Yue Lun's Snake Girl was suppressed by Rookie in lane. I feel that Rookie's lane ability is even more exaggerated now than last year!"

"The prince cooperates with Yasuo to push the lane and roam. H2K can't stop him at all. As long as the prince's EQ can hit, a Yasuo will fly over from thousands of miles away."

After the baby finished speaking, a fight broke out on the field.

Rambo had lane rights on the road, ran to the middle of the river, and used a big move directly on Snake. In conjunction with Yasuo's output, he hit Snake's flash, forcing Snake to go home.

After Rookie finished pushing the lane, he and Yuan Shen gank the bottom lane, forcing Shen to use Shen's ultimate move.

The two sides were entangled in the bottom lane for a while, and the news that the defense tower on the top lane was demolished was revealed to the canyon.

"Perfect rhythm, just flowing."

"The top lane protects the mid lane and pushes the lane, the mid and jungle roams to catch the enemy and force the big move, Rambo demolishes the tower, IG's cooperation and linkage are so smooth, H2K is completely overwhelmed!"

Miller is right, H2K is in a bit of a mess now.

The disadvantage in the early stage was so great that they were unable to take on team fights in the mid-term and could only be beaten at IG's pace.

In fifteen minutes, H2K was already nearly 6,000 behind, which was already a very big gap.

Twenty-three minutes later, IG successfully pushed down the H2K crystal.

"Congratulations to IG for winning another game. They still maintain the first place in the group with a score of 2-0!"

"Congratulations to IG!!"

"H2K has lost two games in a row and is now the last in Group A. SSG and ANX both have a record of 1-1. I feel that there is still no suspense in Group A of this World Championship."

"That's right. Although ANX is not weak, it is still a little worse than SSG and IG."

Wawa was very happy, but was soon slapped in the face.

In the second game, SSG actually lost!

ANX won SSG after a fierce battle of 37 minutes!

Whether it is said that SSG is hiding a trick or underestimated the enemy, the result is the same.

ANX defeated SSG.

This team from the CIS gave everyone a huge surprise and shock!

(ANX won one game against ROX, and it is not too much to win one game against SSG, right?)

ANX's victory is not a big deal, but SSG is embarrassed.

As the third seed of South Korea, SSG, who defeated KT to enter the World Championship, has been criticized on the Korean forum.

"We owe KT a world championship."

"Curse SSG to crash and swim back home."

"Samsung's ten sons took away Samsung's last glory."

Cyber ​​violence in Korea is much more serious than in China.

It is said that the gate of SSG's club has been splashed with paint, and there are even people who mailed razor blades and dead mice to Samsung.

But the worst is H2K.

Now their situation is the same as EDG. They lost two games in a row. If they lose another game, they will only have a theoretical chance of qualifying.

"Come on in the next game!"

On the way back to the lounge, IG also met EDG's starting five on the road.

Their game is the third game, and the opponent is SKT.

For them, it is another tough battle.

"Yuan'er, you are in good shape today."

Mingkai seems to be in good shape, and the two of them exchanged fists.

"Yi Jin, tell me the truth, were you scared to the point of peeing your pants just now?"

Zizi came up and asked meanly.

"Go away! I'm not panicking at all, okay?"

"That's right, if Yuan Shen asked me to use flash, I wouldn't panic either, he never does meaningless things."

"Well said, I'll trick you into using death flash next time."

Yuan Shen smiled, and the EDG people on the side were envious, their eyes kept wandering between Yuan Shen and Ming Kai.

"What are you looking at."

Xiao Ming asked curiously.

"I envy you, you have such a strong jungler."

Meiko had just finished speaking when Ming Kai, whose face turned black and turned into Dark Kai, pinched the back of fate's neck.

"What are you hinting at, little bastard?"

"It's not much better! Yuan Shen just has a better rhythm, better command, higher gank success rate, more awareness, and better operation, but it's not much... oh ho ho."

Fu Manduo laughed as he spoke, and everyone else around him was stunned.

What are you talking about!

"Come on, come on. SKT is not that strong. You are not afraid of him in terms of operation. Who will play today, Yuan Shuo or Li Can?"

"Li Can, there are not many opportunities to play against SKT. I am willing to trust him."

Abu smiled.

Pawn's waist injury is very serious. It has improved a lot after the summer season, but it got worse when preparing for the world game.

"What about A Guang? He didn't come with us this time."

"He went home. He said his father was sick. Fortunately, he found it early and it's not a big problem."

Ming Kai sighed and then showed determination.

EDG is now 0-2. If they lose again, it will be too miserable.

Let's not talk about what the outside public opinion will be like. He himself can't accept the result of going home in the top 16.

On the way back to the lounge, players from other regions kept greeting Yuan Shen and asked for autographs.

In this world, there are circles everywhere.

Where there are people, there are circles.

The quality of a circle sometimes even has a great impact on a person's fate and future.

In the LPL region, Yuan Shen’s debut time is not long, less than two years at most.

But the achievements made in the past two years have made most players unable to catch up in their lifetime.

This S game brought together top star players from various countries. Now that everyone took the initiative to say hello, it also proved Yuan Shen’s current status in the minds of players from major regions.

Two group matches, two MVPs.

Such achievements can’t help but make the players who participated in the S5 World Championship recall the fear of being dominated by the top laner last year.

On the other side, Yuan Shen has followed Su Xiaoluo to the LCK interview area.

He played several games and went to the European interview seat and the LPL interview seat, but he has never been to North America and South Korea.

Especially in LCK, this time he went there, mostly facing Korean audiences.

"Today, the LCK host asked for leave for something, so they asked a new host to interview. This person used to be a translator." Su Xiaoluo said worriedly.

Yuan Shen nodded, and then walked out of the stage through the passage.

As soon as he came out, a wave of heat hit him, and then he heard the audience in this area cheering.


"Oppa!! Oppa!!"

"Oppa! Come on!!"

"Strong!! The No. 1 jungler in LPL?!"

Yuan Shen was startled by the cheers, because most of what they said was in Korean, which Yuan Shen could not understand, and he could only understand his English ID.

At this time, he also saw the host who was interviewing him clearly.

She was 1.7 meters tall, very beautiful, and had a good figure. She was a typical Korean woman at first glance.

"Welcome everyone to the post-match interview... I am today's host Park Ji-sun... um."

Yuan Shen walked to the host and saw that the host was stuttering and very nervous while making an opening speech.

This kind of nervousness can be seen at a glance. Yuan Shen immediately understood why Su Xiaoluo reminded him, what the hell is this.

Why are Koreans so unprofessional.

"Wow! Yuanshen's contestant is so popular, it seems that he has a lot of fans." After Park Ji-sun's opening remarks, he was also stunned by the enthusiasm of the scene, and then hurriedly said in a panic.

"It's our first meeting, please take care of me!" Park Ji-sun turned her head and spoke in a somewhat poor but still proficient Chinese, and bowed to Yuan Shen.

Yuan Shen was full of questions. He knew that the other party was a translator, so he did not bring the translator from the IG team this time.

But what is this? What kind of bow is this?

Yuan Shen was very embarrassed, but he still turned sideways and bowed slightly politely.

He did not bow at a 90-degree angle like the other party, which always made Yuan Shen feel like he was being sent away.

But this turned out to be very unfortunate. Because the host was too nervous, he looked up very slowly. When Yuan Shen looked up, the two almost bumped into each other.

"Ah, Yuanshen, say hello to everyone?" Park Ji-sun said in Chinese with an embarrassed look on her face.

"Hello everyone, I'm IG's jungler Yuanshen!"

Most of the Korean audience at the scene probably didn't understand, but they also knew what it meant, and cheers immediately rang out from the audience!

"Wow, Yuanshen is really popular here! I'm very happy to interview you this time. In this game, Yuanshen played very well. I wonder if you are nervous... Oh no, it's... you played so well, you are really amazing."

Yuan Shen was completely dumbfounded.

The audience off the court was also stunned.

He can see that the host with a great figure and a very good appearance on the opposite side is definitely interviewing someone for the first time.

Because it's the first time you stand in such a venue with tens of thousands of people and speak, everyone will be nervous.

"Hey, your Chinese is very good. Have you been in China? It sounds very comfortable, and your voice is very nice." Yuan Shen pondered for a moment and praised the other party.

The expression is natural and sincere, and there is no artificiality or deliberateness.

"Really?" Park Ji-sun's eyes lit up immediately, and her face was more smiling. After hearing Yuan Shen's affirmation, her nervous mood was inexplicably relaxed.

As the number one opponent who ended the LCK's dominance, Yuan Shen has very complicated feelings towards LCK people.

Some people are his fans, while others hate him very much.

Just like there are many Faker fans in LPL.

For many top players, Yuan Shen has always been a god in their hearts.

It was he who changed the situation of top tanks and let the world see the possibility of top carry.

Although Park Ji-sun is not a fan of Yuan Shen, she has also heard of his deeds.

In fact, her Chinese is only okay, and it is precisely because of this that she was asked to interview and translate a Chinese player alone, which made her extremely nervous.

Now that she has been recognized by Yuan Shen, she is immediately relaxed, and at this moment, she has inexplicably developed a kind of trust in Yuan Shen beside her.

"Then Yuanshen, you played very well in this game. You led the key rhythms in the early stages. Your playing style is very unique, very brutal, and very aggressive. People say that you are the second Mala Xiangguo. What do you think of it?"

"Well... Actually, I am a jungler known for controlling the map and counter-camping. People who have watched the LPL Summer Finals know that I like to develop. If you know me, you will know that I am actually a very stable player!" Yuan Shen said seriously.

Park Ji-shen was stunned for a moment.


Do you think I haven't watched the game?

These two words are related to you??

Park Ji-shen translated it into Korean, and the LCK audience at the scene immediately burst into an uproar!"

"How can this person lie?"

"This Oppa looks handsome and a little shy, but he is not honest at all?"

"I am dying of laughter. Kill you and give me 300 yuan. How much does it cost to brush a group of jungle? Old development!"

"A canyon economic belt master? ? ”

“Steady means to catch you all to death, isn’t that normal? What are these LCK audiences making a fuss about?”

The few Chinese people in this area immediately laughed.

There’s nothing wrong with that!

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