Chapter 28 - Wow! Chew! Chicken!

"Damn... am I playing the market?"

After Aluka teleported to the defense tower, he saw that three blue soldiers had been killed, while his own soldiers were in high spirits.

Originally, after killing the toad and returning to the city to teleport to the top lane, he would lose at most two soldiers' experience.

But this time, he lost one soldier. What happened to this soldier line? ?

"He got stuck in the line."

Xiye said briefly. He and Rookie were under great pressure in the line, but he still paid attention to observe the situation in the top lane.

This trick seems to be applicable to the mid laner as well?


Xiye just analyzed it a little and gave up the idea.

This little trick is unique to the top laner.

The mid lane soldier line is too short, so it doesn't make much sense to get stuck in the soldiers.

The bottom lane duo must fight for the second push line, and there is no need to get stuck in the line.

When the Centaur rushed to the soldier line, another Jayce appeared in the bushes.


After transforming into a cannon, Jayce has a 40 movement speed bonus that lasts for 1.25 seconds. He uses electric shock and basic attack, not greedy at all, and goes directly into the bush to pull the aggro of the minions.

Because the operation and positioning are too smooth, the minions don't even turn their heads.

Aluka frowned. There are hundreds of Jayces on the line, not to mention thousands, but this Jayce... Why is it so disgusting?

However, when Aluka thought that Yuan Shen was originally from OMG, he was relieved.

After all, it is the pioneering team of the shock wave theory, so it is understandable that Jayce is good at playing.

The advantage of Jayce as a hero in the mid lane is high-intensity Poke and physical burst, and the advantage of Jayce in the top lane is long arms and flexibility.

In a one-on-one fight, many heroes are better than Jayce.

But the combination of flexible pulling and various small skills is the biggest reason why Jayce can dominate the top lane.

If a short-handed hero wants to last hit, he will have to eat Jayce's basic attacks and skills, and his health will be infinitely reduced. If you want to rush in and hit, Jayce can also switch to hammer form and use E skill to knock you away.

The bushes in the top lane allow Jayce to avoid the hatred of the minions. He can run and fight, which is quite rogue.

No matter how good the top laner is, it is difficult to gain the upper hand against Jayce of the same level. It is not easy to avoid being killed alone.

The only thing you can do is to go back to the city to replenish when your health is consumed to the kill line.

But in this way, the last hits are suppressed, the economy is suppressed, the line rights and initiative are all lost, and the upper half can only take a defensive position, and the jungler will suffer.

Of course, there is a way to deal with this situation.

Putting a ward in the bush can prevent Jayce from consuming recklessly and use the minions to pull away the hatred.

Standing by the river can also make Jayce afraid to act rashly.

But in this way, it is clearly stripping off clothes to seduce the jungler.

No matter how the top laner plays, it is still a matter between husband and wife. But if you take off your clothes in the river, it is seducing the jungler.

The placement of the wards and the position when laning are very particular.

League of Legends is a game for five people, not a 1V1 solo laning. There are too many things to consider.

Especially professional players, who is not a smart person?

Even if you have set up vision, they will try their best to catch you around the vision, not to mention that there is no vision at all.

Especially when facing the top laner Jayce, Aluka doesn't want to insert wards casually.

Anyone knows that if a hero like Jayce is selected in the top lane, it must be the laning that the jungler focuses on protecting. Otherwise, why would you choose it?

Fortunately, he started with Crystal Bottle this time, which can more or less withstand the pressure.

Of course, there is another way...

"Duoyun, save him!"

The ultimate move of the top laner is here!

"Okay, wait until I reach level 3."

Little Sprite also understands that it is not impossible not to target the hero Jayce.

Besides, he really has nowhere to go in the early stage.

Whether in the middle or bottom lane, there is not much chance for him to gank.

"Both junglers are moving up. Now it depends on whether Yuan can react. If it is the current situation, Gragas will have a chance to catch Jayce if he goes to the top lane first with Centaur."

Miller seemed to be affected by the situation on the field, and even spoke in a lower voice.

At this moment, Yuan Shen was still thinking about other things.

Use Jayce in the line?

This kind of thing is too simple!

The A-level proficiency inherited from PDD can bring him a 10% bonus to all attributes. In addition, the two characteristics of the top lane light and the top lane overlord play a role at the same time, which adds an additional 4 points of all attributes.

In terms of operation alone, the score has reached 95.

In addition, he himself knows a lot of laning skills.

Blocking the soldier line is just the most basic one.

Blocking the attack interval of the soldiers, blocking the attack interval of the defense tower, and even the afterimage mechanism of League of Legends...

He knows how to use these things.

But knowing is knowing, and whether to use it is another matter.

At least facing Aluka, Yuan Shen felt that there was no need to use too many tricks, as this would be suspected of showing off.

Half a year after his rebirth, he had already been smoothed out.

What you think of the old League of Legends players: old-fashioned, ignorant, poor forehand, weak backhand, no skills, only some superficial understanding of the game.

Actual old League of Legends players: True Three, Qifan, 3C game transformation, Moba veteran, e-sports living fossil.

What they lack is the in-depth exploration of game mechanisms and routine analysis, but they are definitely not the kind of old antiques who are stubborn and conservative.

In fact, Yuan Shen has never underestimated the learning speed of professional teams and professional players.

As long as something is proven to be effective, they will choose to use it without hesitation.

The more things are exposed, the more teams will study him.

Lee Sin's roundhouse kick and R flash, Prince's EQ flash, Clockwork's R flash, Riven's light speed QA, last year's Egg Sword EZ, Yaso plus Monkey King's mid-jungle routine...

As long as it appears in professional competitions or in the public eye, it will be immediately learned by professional players, and even analyzed and cracked.

In Yuan Shen's memory, after winning the S5 championship, countless players, commentators, and passers-by were studying and applying this hero in just one month, forcing Riot to redo Ryze again.

And now, he also has to learn to hide his weakness...

"Gank, Xiaoxin."

Kakao's voice sounded, and he was already rushing to the top lane. Jayce's line of soldiers was well controlled, which made him feel very comfortable.

Whether it was invading the jungle or counter-camping, Jayce could take the initiative.

"Don't worry."

Yuan Shen agreed, but he didn't care in his heart.

His Jayce was almost full of health, and Centaur was only two-thirds of his health. In this state, no jungler would dare to catch him.

In fact, it was true.

"I can't catch this line of soldiers..."

Xiao Xuebi was very embarrassed.

If this line of soldiers was counter-camped by the excavator, not only Centaur would collapse, but his jungler would also explode.

"Help me with vision."

Aluka was also very uncomfortable.

He was stuck in the line of soldiers at level 1, and he couldn't push in, and he couldn't control it back.

Too weak.

This Jayce's details can be said to be quite in place.

The accuracy of the Q skill is also very high.

If he wants to last hit, his normal attack will be consumed by Jayce, and his Q skill will further push the line. Nothing he does will be right.

"Don't worry, we will win. I can handle the pressure."

Aluka took a deep breath and exhaled slowly.

He was not blindly confident, but had a precise grasp of the version.

Centaur is at least a popular T1 top laner in the version. What is your Jayce?

It's not even T3.

Centaur can accept disadvantages.

First of all, his hero mechanism determines that it is difficult to collapse.

Use QW's AOE damage and bloodsucking to force the line, then make shoes enchanted with home guards as soon as possible, use the movement speed bonus of E skill to speed up the return line, and frequently replenish the layers of crystal bottle.

Even if the economy is backward, the development is not too bad.

As long as he makes the Slag Giant, he has a chance to turn over.

This version of the Slag Giant is very buggy. After synthesizing the red jungle knife, it can not only brush the jungle without damage, but also cause the dual effects of damage reduction and true damage to the enemy C position.

400 maximum health, damage reduction buff, additional 25% health bonus from Slag Giant...

Jayce's teamfight ability is not strong, let alone against Centaur?

A developed punishing Centaur can also play a big role in teamfights with teleport, E and R.

Moreover, he has punishment, and can eat stone beetles to make up for development.

There is no need to distinguish the superiority in the line, winning the teamfight is the real win.

Aluka knows this very well.

The vision left by the barrel also made Aluka feel more at ease, and he began to push the line with confidence.

However, in the God's perspective, after the barrel returned to the city, an excavator rushed out of the dragon pit.

It took a long way to catch the Centaur who did not flash.

In the triangle grass on the blue side, a level 3 excavator used the E skill to dig the map and came to the front of the defense tower.

Gank behind the triangle grass, Rek'Sai's classic gank route.

"Damn! How come Wow Chicken is here?"

Aluka was dumbfounded and couldn't even speak.

No teleport, no flash, he was doomed now.

Without any fancy operations, the excavator simply surrounded him, knocked him back and decelerated him, AQQQ, and E with full rage. After a set of damage, the Centaur's health dropped by half instantly.

With Jayce's several A and QE combos to finish, the Centaur performed the classic Dalaran Academy drama "Man and Horse Fell on the Ground".

"IG-Yuan (Guardian of the Future) killed WE-Aluka (Shadow of War)!!!"

"First Blood!!"

First Blood!

This chapter has been secretly written for 2,800, almost 3,000. No one should tell me to edit it. Anyway, you don't know who my editor is XD

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