Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 281 Assassin's Creed, the designer's assist!

Chapter 281 - Assassin's Creed, the designer's assist!

The lineups of both sides were determined, but when the heroes were exchanged, there were different answers.

"IG Red Side:

Top TheShy: Wild Huntress - Nidalee

Jungle Yuanshen: Exile Blade - Riven

Mid Rookie: Desert Emperor - Azir

Bottom JackeyLove: Fate Master - Jhin

Support Ming: Rising Thorns - Zyra

ANX Blue Side:

Top Smurf: Deep Sea Titan - Nautilus

Jungle PvPStejos: Spider Queen - Elise

Mid Kira: Shadow Master - Zed

Bottom aMiracle: Piltover Policewoman - Caitlyn

Support Likkrit: Tidecaller - Nami."

As soon as this lineup came out, the audience was immediately blown up!

"Jungle Riven? No, Riven is carrying a teleport, this is a top lane Riven!! "

"The world's top laner returns for a limited time!! Smeb's underwear is cold!"

"Okay, okay, BYD plays like this, right?"

"IG, you still say you are not acting!!!"

The LPL audience made jokes, but the foreign audience at the scene were confused.

They knew Yuan Shen's ability to play top lane, after all, the previous Olympics had a great influence.

But TheShy's jungle Nidalee last appeared at MSI, against SKT. (Chapter 208)

The other teams watching this game were also disappointed.

"TheShy seems to only know how to play jungle Nidalee. As long as she is banned, their top and jungle can't swing."

Kkoma gave a suggestion.

Swinging top and jungle, this unique play style of IG, they are the first victim.

"But... there are not enough ban positions!"

Faker was silent for a while, but what he said made Kkoma unable to refute.

EZ Jayce jungle, climbing combination, Caitlyn fast push system, Lucian three-way swing...

Even if we put aside the previous double shooter system and the top single Victor Corki and other gameplay, IG can bring out too many things in this version!

So many that three ban positions can't be restricted at all.

The current IG is enough to give any team a headache in BP.

This is different from last year's World Championship.

In last year's World Championship, IG was able to deal with the two heroes Captain and Iron Man, and Yuan Shen also had two signatures, Crocodile and Fiora, which must be targeted, plus Ryze...

Although BP is difficult, it is not like this year.

Because SKT also has its own signature.

They can also deal with Iron Man, they can also play Ryze, and there is also Rumble, which must be targeted, and MaRin has also practiced Captain.

To be honest, IG had an advantage in BP last year but did not have an absolute advantage. It was completely the reaction of Yuan Shen to the top single version.

But this year is different.

This year's IG makes everyone feel powerless.

“In order to seize the rhythm point of the jungle spider, ANX released Zyra, the top support hero in this version, so that IG got a very smooth Jhin + Zyra combination in the bottom lane. But it is obvious that ANX came prepared. They released Zyra because they were confident in dealing with this hero and brought out a support that was unpopular in the arena.” Wawa explained.

Nami, the Tidecaller.

Yuan Shen was not surprised by the appearance of this mermaid.

This hero has been developed since the summer season. Originally, Wolf also chose Nami as his S6 champion skin.

The original purpose of being developed was to enhance the early laning ability of the bottom lane, in order to be able to deal with strong support heroes in the bottom lane such as Zyra and Malzahar.

The combination of Nami and the policewoman is not at all inferior to Jhin + Zyra in the laning.

“As expected of the first wild card, the brain is really fast.” Yuan Shen muttered.

"By the way, is this version of Riven still playable?" Jack expressed doubt, "I've seen you haven't played this hero in a long time in your Rank game.

This version of Riven is really a sewer in the early stage.

Let's not talk about other heroes, let's say the opponent's top laner Titan, Riven EQs up to exchange blood, Titan counterattacks with WEQ to consume blood and trigger Grasp of the Undying, Riven is definitely the one who loses.

Titan's current E skill has too high basic damage, and the shield of W is also very thick. A set of light speed OA in the early stage can just be offset by the shield of W and Grasp of the Undying.

"It's okay, the opponent's lineup is quite fragile, I have a set of equipment and play that I want to try. "Yuan Shen shrugged. Although they would not deliberately act this time, they were not obliged to play too seriously. Just play normally.

It was just right to try out a new outfit.

This outfit was developed by him and TheShy. They had tried it several times on the Korean server with a small account, and the effect was pretty good.

After the reading was finished, Summoner's Rift came into view.

The talent Yuan Shen brought made the Haier brothers discuss it.

"Riven with Thunder Lord?" Wawa asked curiously.

"Before the Thunder League, it was not strange for any hero to bring Thunder. ADC could bring Thunder, and Riven was no exception. "Miller analyzed: "But after Thunder was weakened, basically no Riven would bring this. Riven's strength lies in the ability to fight continuously under high cooling, not in the assassin who can burst out a set of attacks. "

"At present, in the casual game, War Fervor is generally used, followed by Grasp of the Undying. Of course, I will not question Yuanshen's understanding of the hero Riven." Miller added frantically.

"He may have another understanding."

After all, Miller is also an old commentator who has watched Yuanshen grow, become famous, and win the championship since his debut. He knows Yuanshen's style very well and guessed the truth.

IG's lane division soon shocked everyone.

Riven, who used the [Assassin's Creed] skin, went out with Doran's Blade and walked to... the middle lane with the sword!

Netizens immediately talked about it.

"Mid lane... Riven?"

"Turtle, I'm dreaming of S3, Riven vs. Zed?"

"Mid lane Riven was originally moved to the arena by Faker to counter Zed and Gragas who were very popular at the time."

"You also said that that was the S3 version of Riven. I don't know how many times Riven has been nerfed now. She no longer has such a big advantage."

"Indeed, if you only look at the heroes in the middle lane, it's a 50-50 chance."

"Yuanshen: Xianghe, look carefully in the audience, this is my Broken Wing Dance, are your wings ready?"

"I haven't seen mid lane Riven for a long time!" Kira was still quite serious when playing the game.

"Their lane change is very clever. It's a bit difficult for Riven to fight against Titan in this version, but it's different for Tsar. Tsar has no pressure against Titan."

You know, the reason why Kira chose Zed in this game was to counter Rookie's Tsar on the opposite side.

But in the end, it was perfectly avoided.

The lines are about to touch, and it is too late for ANX to change lines now.

However, ANX in the past would not be able to play freely and did not play on their own due to lack of experience in major competitions.

But after playing in the world championship for four consecutive days, they have more or less adapted to the rhythm of the world championship.

It is not so easy for IG to easily win them this time!

The laning begins.

Kira has already seen the talent that Riven brought in the reading interface, as for this rune...

After clicking on the attribute panel, Kira couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

"Armor penetration rune..."

The armor penetration rune significantly improves the burst of AD heroes.

So, assassin heroes like Zed and Male Knife basically have to bring armor penetration to improve their burst of output.

But if it comes to continuous combat capability, the attack power attribute is still more profitable. ADC heroes and top single warriors basically bring attack power.

Riven is positioned as a warrior... The armor penetration rune doesn't seem to benefit much?

Although Riven has been weakened many times, it is no longer possible to crush Zed from beginning to end like before.

But from the perspective of the hero mechanism, it is still relatively comfortable to play against Zed.

Before level 6, it is difficult for Zed to beat Riven in a head-on confrontation.

Riven is too flexible and can easily dodge Zed's crucial shuriken. Even if she can't dodge, the white shield of the E skill can offset some of the damage. The high burst damage of the three-stage light-speed QA and the hard control of W make Zed lose his temper.

After enduring to level 6, Zed has the space to show off Riven.


"I have one more ignite than him, this is the advantage." Kira calculated in his heart, secretly murderous. "

"Running to an unfamiliar environment to line up with me, plus I have one less summoner skill, maybe I can kill him alone! "

Kira played very cautiously and kept a safe distance from Yuan Shen.

If Zed doesn't touch the line, the enemy soldiers' health will not drop quickly. Zed's Q skill, which has a cooldown of only 6 seconds, can help him take most of the soldiers.

Even if Riven takes the means of pushing the line, Zed's passive can also make up for the tower damage.

Yuan Shen knew this, and due to Kira's cautious positioning, there were not many confrontations in the middle lane in the early stage.

In the top lane, it goes without saying that Titan will definitely be suppressed by Tsar. If Rookie can't suppress the opponent with a long-range attack, it would be a dereliction of duty.

Tsar made full preparations for the line change this time, and also brought a TP, so mana consumption was not a problem.

As for the bottom lane, it became the focus of the director's attention in the early stage of this game.

Both sides are very strong duos on the line, and the fight is extremely fierce.

The policewoman's details and operations are full, and Nami actually played to her full potential The suppression power on the line is not inferior to that of Zyra, and the two sides fought evenly.

When the bottom lane was level 3, this gunpowder smell immediately attracted the junglers on both sides.

Nidalee and Elise arrived at the scene almost at the same time, but it was TheShy's Nidalee who took the initiative. He used Nidalee's Q to hit the opposite policewoman.

But unfortunately, before Nidalee could pounce and deal a set of combos, she was stunned by the anti-camping Spider's cocoon, and the policewoman gave up the flash to avoid Zyra's subsequent control.

The controlled Nidalee was hit by ANX three times.

If Jhin hadn't given a healer to support Nidalee's health, the first blood would probably be lost here.

In this small-scale fight, IG suffered a little loss.

Nidalee and policewoman exchanged flashes, and Jhin gave up the healer. Intuitively, Jhin lost a healer.

But from a longer-term perspective, Nidalee, who escaped with low health, had to return to the city, and the jungle might be countered by Elise. One or two groups of wild monsters.

"He should go to counter the Toad in the bottom half. Be careful in the bottom lane, don't get flanked." Yuan Shen took a look at the situation in the bottom lane and commanded.

"OK." IG's bottom lane nodded repeatedly, indicating that they would not give him a chance.

Indeed, according to the most stable rhythm, Spider should go to counter the jungle.

But this is not absolute... The first-line junglers on the field are the most lacking in counter-rhythm ganks.

After Spider left the bottom lane, he did not counter the two groups of wild monsters that he was sure to get, but chose to... gank the middle!

"Wow, this wave of Yuan Shen is a bit dangerous! He may be hit by a flash!" Wawa shouted.

On the big screen, Spider went from the bottom half to the back, passing through the vision of the defense tower, and came to the flank to block Riven's retreat.

At the same time, Zed WEQ was released instantly and rushed into Riven.

Yuan Shen reacted quickly. At the moment Zed WEQ, he handed in a diagonal [Go Forward] to avoid Zed's shuriken, and the shield offset part of the damage of the ghost slash.

After Soul Shocking Roar controlled Zed, Riven ran towards the tower.

Generally speaking, when the middle lane is ganked, you can make deceptive behaviors.

For example, if the opponent's jungler comes to gank from the bottom half, you don't have to flee back to the tower directly, you can go to the upper half.

The opponent can't figure out whether your jungler is counter-camping in the upper half, so they often give up chasing.

But Yuan Shen can't... at least not now, because Nidalee's health must return to the city, and it is impossible for her to appear in the upper half, so Riven can only bite the bullet and flee back to the tower.

"E skill, can't be eaten, if eaten, you will die."

Yuan Shen stared at the screen intently, trying to save Q to avoid cocoon.

However, Spider didn't rush to release E, but first used QW in human form, and then kept attacking, using the red buff to slow down Riven.

In desperation, Riven could only use Q skill to distance herself.

It was at this moment that Spider suddenly flashed to the face and threw out a fatal cocoon.

Instinctively, 90% of the players will use flash to escape.

10% of the professional players may be stunned at this moment and fail to react.

But Yuan Shen held back... Yes, it's not that he didn't react, but that he held back.

Because, this cocoon was predicted by flash.

"Fuck, is this person's heart made of iron? Can he hold back this?" ANX jungler PvPStejos cursed. No matter how stupid he was, he would not think that Yuanshen didn't react.

The opponent predicted that he would flash E. Predicted flash.

It sounds a bit mysterious, but prediction is something mysterious in itself. No matter how strong the prediction is, 70% depends on luck.

Yuan Shen did predict. In this wave of game, the speed of reaction is not the key point, because this kind of close-up E cannot be operated by pure reaction.

If the cocoon is empty, this Riven can't be killed.

There is no way, the spider can only turn into a beast form, bite a wave of Riven, and knock down Riven's blood to vent.

Because, when he came to the middle lane, Nidalee probably went out to the jungle, so it was impossible for the two groups of wild monsters to counter. Losing two groups of wild monsters in the early stage was like a line hero missing a wave of soldiers with a cannon cart.

"It's okay, I knocked him out of the TP this time, and I got the line right back." Kira comforted his teammates: "I will seize this advantage!"

"Well, you have to work hard." PvPStejos's face looked a little better.

After Riven returned to the city, she TPed back to the line.

Kira looked at the equipment and found that the opponent had added another Doran's Blade and a true eye.

Riven went to the river to make an eye somewhere, and then she started to fight against Zed again.

Kira did not return to the city to replenish the equipment, and still had a long sword + reusable potion as the starting equipment.

Because when Spider came to gank just now, he shared a little experience. If he returned to the city again, he probably wouldn't be able to grab 6.

In Kira's calculation, he wanted to grab 6 and kill Riven once with ignite.

However, Yuan Shen, who returned to the line, suddenly played very aggressively.


He rushed forward several times and forced Thunderbolt to exchange blood with Zed.

Kira also reacted quickly and WEWQ in the opposite direction.

Of course, this aggressiveness is not mindless. Riven has been close to the upper river where the true eye is deployed, and with the flash, she is not afraid of being caught.

This forced exchange of blood is actually a taboo for Riven.

After all, all the skills are used for displacement, where is the damage to exchange blood?

Therefore, even if there is an extra Doran's Blade, Riven will not gain from exchanging blood, and the two sides will be evenly matched.

The health of both sides soon dropped to about 60%.

However, this allowed Riven to control the line right in the middle lane.

"Tsk, it seems that he will reach level 6 three or four soldiers faster than me."

Kira judged uncertainly.

Professional players count experience, which is actually not so accurate.

In addition to the common sense of 6 soldiers in a single lane and 8 soldiers in a double lane when fighting for level 2, all other experience calculations are based on the experience of your own hero.

For example, I am still a few soldiers away from level 6, and then I look at the experience of the opponent who has more soldiers than me, and I can make a prediction.

Because Spider's gank has shared some experience, Kira can't make an accurate judgment now.

And this is the single kill opportunity that Yuan Shen is aiming for.

"There is another soldier..."

Yuan Shen looked at the enemy soldier with low health not far away, but in his heart he wanted him to die slowly.

Because his Thunderbolt still had a few seconds to cool down.

The damage of the Thunderlord could not be missed in his expected operation.

This soldier was very considerate and held on until the Thunderlord cooled down. Riven took two steps forward and swung her sword to kill this low-health soldier.


At the moment when the upgrade special effect appeared, Kira, who was under the middle tower, instinctively pulled back a little distance.

However, it was too late.

The power of the Holy Spirit poured into the broken sword, and a sword chant containing brutal killing intent was emitted.

"The time for chatting is over."

After starting with the ER combo, Riven flashed into the tower without hesitation!

Jie also flashed, but seeing that the health was just over 60%, which was very safe in the early stage, Kira did not decisively use flash.

And this announced Kira's death.

Filled with the power of the Holy Spirit, the basic attack is launched, and W seamlessly cancels the backswing of the basic attack, controlling Zed.

The first part of the Wing Dance is released, which cancels the animation effect of the former. Then, the Wind Slash is launched, canceling the backswing of Q, and seamlessly connects to the second part of the Wing Dance, canceling the backswing of Wind Slash.

The flight speed of Wind Slash was weakened by Riot designers, so the damage of the second part of the Wing Dance takes effect one step faster than Wind Slash, maximizing the killing effect of Wind Slash.


The decree of the Thunder Lord is triggered!

Too fast!

Zed's health disappeared in a blink of an eye, leaving only the corpse wailing and dying miserably.

Riven's third part of Q turned back and left the tower, and only suffered a defensive attack.

" did you get killed?"

ANX jungler PvPStejos looked at Kira with an expression that said "you failed me", which made Kira come back to his senses from the shock and show an embarrassed expression

"I didn't expect his damage to be so fast, and I've never seen such a combo before..."

This combo was too fast, and it was almost in the blink of an eye that all the bursts were released. Zed had no room to counterattack or use flash, and the barrage was full of 666.

After the director played it back in slow motion, the audience could see every detail of the operation clearly.

"What a fast knife! This combo sequence is interesting. There was no such combo idea before..."

"IG doesn't seem to want to lose! Yuanshen hits so hard!"

"Kira: Why are you hitting so hard!! "

"Nice, it's boring to mess with Oscar every day. E-sports should be purer. That's the style of a strong team!"

"This... Yuanshen's Riven got the first blood. Why do I feel like the game is over? Am I a little arrogant?"

"Inflated +1, I think so too.

Sometimes, the hero of faith named by the player's ID has the magic that makes people want to trust unconsciously.

Yuan Shen was ready to change lanes, and the runes were naturally targeted. He brought red physical penetration, yellow/color armor, blue fixed cooldown, and essence was also physical penetration.

With the talent runes of physical penetration and thunderbolt, Yuan Shen's previous combo of ER flash AWQRQ had a kill line of about 70%, and he more safely suppressed Zed to 60%.

(This combo can still be used now, but it needs to be replaced with electrocution.)

After getting the first blood, Riven pushed another wave of soldiers, and only pressed the recall button after maximizing the benefits of a single kill, and directly exposed a Tiamat.

Riven, who had no flash, wanted to continue to kill a Zed who had flash and a big move, unless Kira bought the outer perimeter and walked to Riven's face to give warmth, otherwise the chance was too small.

Continuing to fight with Kira, the benefits were too small.

Therefore, Yuan Shen chose the route of pushing the line, roaming and developing.

When he went online, he cleared the line with light speed QA + Tiamat. After pushing the line to the tower, Riven disappeared from the line.

The disadvantaged Zed could not hinder Riven's rhythm.

Yuan Shen played a temporary guest role in the mid lane.

Once the mid laner who gained an advantage disappeared, the pressure on the side lane and jungle was very great.

Titan, whose health was already suppressed by the Tsar, hurriedly placed wards in his own jungle, fearing that the opponent's mid and jungle would cross the tower and kill him.

ANX's bottom lane immediately became a little timid, giving up the line and health.

Spider also had to spend money to invest in wards in his own jungle, so as not to be caught by Riven and Nidalee.

Yuan Shen observed the line to find opportunities, and if he couldn't find any, he would brush the jungle.

TheShy gave F6 and three wolves to Yuan Shen.

He himself could rely on the advantage of the middle lane to invade the jungle and find Spider to pull his hair.

And this is also his favorite way of playing.

What to do if there is no opportunity on the line?

Go to the opposite jungle to kill the opponent alone Jungle.

With Tiamat, Riven can play jungle with ease.

Her skill damage is all AOE, and now even her basic attack has AOE, plus the white shield to offset damage, and the W skill to interrupt the key basic attack of the big wild monster.

Not only is the jungle fast, but it also does not cause any damage.

The deterrent power of the mid-lane advantage makes it difficult for ANX to handle all three lanes.

After all, this is a version that originally belongs to the mid-jungle,

and the importance of the mid-lane is beyond doubt.

No matter which version, the mid-lane always has a place.

It is not an exaggeration to say that the game of League of Legends is a game of mid-jungle.

The top position has only started to rise since S5, and its status in S6 and S7 is a bit embarrassing.

Under the high-intensity roaming pressure of Riven, ANX's defense finally made a mistake.

When Rookie Huangji returned to the city, the top laner Titan hurriedly tried to push the line of soldiers to the tower. Yuan Shen took the opportunity to t to the ward position in the bush on the top lane, and he and TheShy came to the back to encircle and suppress. Yuan Shen's Riven took the kill again without even using the ultimate.

Of course, ANX did not sit still and wait for death.

While Riven was clearing the top lane and rushing to the middle lane, Zed and Spider immediately went to the bottom lane and launched a four-on-two attack.

Kira's support was too fast, and the IG bottom lane, which was in a state of pushing the line, had no chance to retreat.

Even if they barely escaped into the tower, they were still killed by ANX by crossing the tower. Whether it was Zed's ultimate mechanism or Spider's ascension, they were all powerful tools for crossing the tower.

Zed and Spider each got a kill.

"Little Dragon, Little Dragon!" PvPStejos shouted loudly, "The opposing jungler is fighting the Rift Herald!"

It's normal to exchange resources.

ANX's four-man team in the middle and jungle immediately started the little dragon.


"What does Yuan Shen want to do with this action?" Wawa asked in surprise.

"He probably wants to use his ultimate to grab the little dragon." Miller thought for a while and guessed, "Inside the dragon pit, there is a fake eye that Ming had placed before, and ANX is not aware of this. If the damage calculation is accurate, it feels like Wind Slash has a chance to grab the little dragon.

The five ANX players also caught Riven's move to move down.

"He wants to grab the dragon, you guys harass him!" PvPStejos said,

"OK! "

ANX support Likkrit nodded in understanding, manipulated Nami to cast W on himself, and clicked on Riven outside the dragon pit, causing a slowdown, warning him not to approach casually.

The policewoman also placed a few traps to block Riven's way forward.

Even if the four ANX players did not have big moves, Riven's small body was too fragile. As long as she was hit by a control skill, she would be killed instantly.

So, in everyone's eyes, this Riven was trying to grab the dragon. Even Jack was now shouting in the team voice microphone, "Grab it if you can, and leave if you can't, you can't die. "

Yuan Shen did come here with the idea of ​​robbing the dragon.

But... the closer he got to the dragon pit, the more he saw the poor health of the four ANX players, and the more Yuan Shen inevitably had a bold idea.

The four people on the opposite side didn't have big moves, and after a wave of tower diving and dragon damage, their health was very low.

On the other hand, Riven had just TPed out and got a kill, and her equipment was updated to Youmeng + Tiamat, with big moves and flash.


Why can't we fight?

Yuan Shen stared at the positions of the four enemies. From a God's perspective, the four ANX players did not stand together, but kept a slightly dispersed distance that could be coordinated at any time.

At this distance, if R is activated, all can be W-ed!

Riven's big move not only increases the distance of the general attack, but also the distance of the skill.

Just this judgment made Yuan Shen make a decision.

He first released a dance of broken wings in the air, and then used the big move in seconds.

"Use violence to stop violence. "

The power of the Holy Spirit hums again, overflowing with light.

Go forward bravely.

Immediately, Wind Slash attacks directly!

As soon as the animation effect of Wind Slash appears, Riven flashes into the crowd.

The orange-red light blooms under Riven's feet. It is the special effect of Tiamat, followed by the soul-shaking roar of the female knight!

The four of them were stunned together, and the second stage of the Broken Wing Dance was released, forming another wave of AOE.

Tiamat + W + Q, three stages of damage, triggering the decree of the Thunder Lord.

Unlike the single-target damage of the new talent of S8, the Thunder Lord is a range of magic damage. The four people were judged by thunder at the same time!

Until this burst was played, it was cut The wind slash, which had weakened its flying speed, just flew to the dragon pit and passed over the bodies of four people.

ER flash Tiamat WQ.

It happened in a blink of an eye. Yuan Shen completed this set of instant-kill combos. The burst damage of Riven, who had advanced development and thunder armor penetration, was fully demonstrated at this moment.

The health bars of the policewoman and Nami, who were lower in level, melted directly.

The spider, who took the damage from the little dragon, was also killed directly.

Only Zed, who had higher health and level and had armor shoes, survived the first wave of the outbreak. However, Zed, who had no flash and no ultimate, was blown high by the third stage of the broken-wing dance and was taken down by another basic attack of Riven.

Quadra kill! !

When this English sound effect echoed in the Summoner's Rift, the entire venue fell into a brief silence,

"Oh oh oh oh oh-"

Then, a tsunami-like scream broke out,

"The Exiled Blade reappears, the god descends to earth and kills four!!!"

"???? What happened?"

"My girlfriend asked for it, and I gave it to her. It's only been a short while, and she killed four people??"

"Girlfriend? Haha, who's urinating yellow, wake up the upstairs, don't let diabetes come, lest he taste the sweetness.

"Turn it off, it's boring."

"The instant kill is confirmed! ! "

The screen is full of question marks in the live broadcast room, which can be said to be a unique scene when Yuan Shen plays a game.

When other players play some highlights, the live broadcast room is full of 666, but Yuan Shen is different. Those operations that are so pleasing to the eye that they are 666 are commonplace for him and can be seen often. For many fans, it is already a basic operation, so they all sit down.

However, Yuan Shen will suddenly show some strange operations that involve the audience's knowledge blind spots and make people unable to understand what happened.

At that time, the screen will be full of question marks.

Other professional players' operations are indeed showy, but they can see the principles clearly, and they can often see them in the highlights of the strong group.

But some of Yuan Shen's operations are always the first time in the world, and those who show off are scalp-numbing, and can't help but doubt whether they have played this game.

Everyone wants to know what happened and what is the principle of the operation?

Riven is like a god descending to earth and killing four people. After getting a quad kill, she took the little dragon.

The director only played a three-fold slow-motion replay at this time.

The director just watched it several times at 1x magnification before he understood it. Now, in order to let the audience understand it all at once, he has increased the magnification.

RER flash TWQ.

This combo has overturned many people's imagination of light-speed QA.

Because this combo doesn't even have an A.

Many low-level players use the speed of light-speed QA to evaluate a person's proficiency in Riven. The faster they play, the stronger they are.

This is actually wrong. Light-speed QA is just a basic skill for output. It only takes proficiency. No matter how fast you think about it, it will only be 0.1 to 0.3 seconds faster, which is not very meaningful. In actual combat, you rarely need that few tenths of a second.

The connection and release of the combo is the real focus.

Is the ANX team not familiar with the hero Riven?

Impossible, this kind of hero that is very popular in the casual game, professional players are familiar with its nature.

But they still fell into the trap.



"What kind of combo is this?"

"What's the principle? Can Riven flash R first and then use skills?"

"The damage is so high, play as an assassin with full armor penetration..."

The ANX team was discussing in voice, and the voices were full of confusion and amazement. Kira looked at the woman holding the Wind Blade on the screen, and suddenly felt that Riven's hero skin was so appropriate.

——Assassin's Creed.


Kira smiled bitterly.

In the picture, Riven, who got the little dragon, returned to the middle lane and joined Nidalee who got the Rift Herald Buff. Under the effect of the buff that strengthened the minions, the middle lane tower was quickly pushed down.

The opponent's resurrected bottom lane also took the opportunity to push down the bottom lane tower.

Just these two towers have an economic advantage of nearly 2,000

Not to mention these six kills, the unstoppable Riven.

Kira made a quick estimate and knew that the economic gap between the two sides was almost 5,000. It was only a dozen minutes. With IG's ability to operate in advantageous games, their chances of turning the tables were too small.

"Riven is positioned as a warrior, but Riot Games released the [Assassin's Creed] skin. Could it be that... did the designers foresee that Riven would have such a play style?

Kira couldn't help but think so.


"Shit!" Riven's designer stared at the big screen in shock. He had just woken up from a nap and heard from his friends that Riven had not appeared in a game for a long time, so he immediately couldn't wait to watch the world game.

The combo of killing Zed under the tower in the last wave shocked him and couldn't help but applaud.

For this wave of operations, he just wanted to ask, what the hell is this?

Can you players be more quiet? I didn't think of this when I designed Riven. My original intention of designing Riven was to let Riven wear a high-cooling meat suit and use displacement to cut in. Enemy formation, rely on control to attack the front row!

However, these players first made a light-speed QA, which completely made Riven popular. After becoming popular, all kinds of combos came, so that Riven was cut again and again. Last year, S5 did not intend to strengthen Riven, but it was still popularized by Yuan Shen in the world game.

So, the designers cut the flying speed and cooldown of the ultimate skill...

After the ultimate skill was weakened, not only did the confrontation decrease, but players in low segments could flash to avoid Riven's R.

What's the result?

This The weakened ultimate flight speed has become an opportunity for Yuanshen's new combo.

Yes, Riven's designer took a closer look and soon found the principle.

Why didn't anyone use this combo in the past few years?

Because, before Riven's ultimate was weakened, this combo was not practical at all and was too fancy.

The killing effect of Wind Slash is that the lower the enemy's health, the higher the damage.

With the previous flying speed of Riven's Wind Slash, you flashed over and Wind Slash was almost there.

When the enemy is at full health, the benefit of Wind Slash is greatly reduced, wasting the output of the ultimate.

But now the speed of Wind Slash has slowed down, and it is possible to go over and perform a combo after R flash.

Tiamat WQ, from the animation effect, only half of the release time of Tiamat and Q, only a few tenths of a second, to play a set of thunder armor-piercing burst, lowering the opponent's health and maximizing the benefit of Wind Slash.

This is the possibility of this instant kill combo.

In other words, the weakening of heroes by designers has become a weapon for players.

Throughout the history of hero changes in LOL, it is all a battle of wits and courage between players and designers.

The operation and playing style of many heroes can only be developed to the limit by players and professional players. In fact, the playing style of many heroes completely violates the original intention of the designers.

This combo of R-Flash-Tiamat-W-Q is possible only after Riven is weakened. Since the weakening time is still short, no one has been able to achieve it so far.

Yuan Shen is the first player to show it and use it in the dance of professional competitions.

The first person to eat crabs will get the biggest benefits.

Because it is the first, the ANX team has no idea about this operation combo, and naturally, no defense.

Because it is the first, this classic scene of the god descending to earth and killing four was born.

Because of creating so many firsts, the ID Yuanshen will be so well-known in the arena, becoming another mountain in the minds of all LOL players after Faker.

Become the big devil in the single-player solo line.

Assassin Riven.

Because Yuanshen used the Assassin's Creed skin in this game, and the playing style was exactly the same as the assassin's one-shot, this style of Riven was quickly named by players.

Many people couldn't help but turn off the live broadcast and open a custom game to try it.

That combo is so cool and shocking

From the visual effect, with one R, the opponent's health bar melted instantly, and the one-shot speed is comparable to that of the peak period of Leblanc.

Of course, handsome as it is, the fault tolerance rate of the Thunderbolt Riven is quite low.

Because this pure output flow Riven is really too fragile, and it is particularly dependent on flash when entering a team battle. It can even be said that without flash, Riven can't fight in a team.

At the same time, once the opponent has a lot of control in the front row, even if it is a big advantage, the pure output flow Riven is easy to die.

However, these defects do not exist in this game.

First of all, he didn't pick Riven randomly, but determined that the ANX lineup lacked front row and hard control, so he boldly picked Riven. This is the privilege of the counter position.

A lineup with many squishy skins and not too much hard control is the favorite of all assassin players.

Secondly, Riven is too fat, and the leading equipment makes this Riven's output particularly explosive. Even if several skills are used for displacement and rushing, all thrown into the air, the remaining output of this Riven is enough to kill people. Riven's dependence on flash is reduced to the minimum.

Greedy Hydra, Phantom Dream, Duskblade, cooling shoes.

Riven with this equipment, using the ultimate to hit the policewoman, is about to melt with nearly half of her blood.

Finally, because she is too fat, this Riven enchanted her shoes with the [Distortion] effect early, reducing the cooldown time of flash by 20%.

There are too many players who can't see through these details and copycat, and it is expected that a large number of orphan Riven players will appear in the national server.

Riven is too advantageous now.

The so-called version strength refers to the strength under balanced development. When the economy is significantly ahead, the impact of the version is minimal. With a 3,000 economic lead, an extra Infinity or a big cap, the auxiliary hero can kill your ADC in seconds.

In the battlefield where this assassin Riven appeared, ANX did not dare to join the team at all. The defensive towers were pulled out one after another by IG. At 20 minutes, the economic gap rolled to 8,000.

A completely collapsed situation.

After Rookie's Tsar developed by eating the team's economy, the suppression power was particularly strong, especially the speed of killing the dragon.

When ANX cleared the soldiers pushed to the high ground by the opponent and hurried to the dragon pit, a wailing sound came from the dragon pit halfway.

The dragon was killed in seconds.

The fragile dragon that had just been born could not withstand the output of IG's five people, not to mention that IG also controlled two earth dragons in this game, and the speed of killing the dragon was very fast.

The game entered garbage time.

When attacking the front tower, Yuanshen reproduced the operation of the god descending to earth.

Because ANX was alert and their positions were scattered, it was difficult to kill four people in one second.

But it didn't matter, as long as the policewoman who was the main guard of the tower was killed in one second.

Another wave of R flash Hydra WQ, the policewoman couldn't move and fell to the ground in an instant.

Counting the time at the dragon pit, this was the third time that the policewoman was killed by Riven in one second.

aMiracle was very angry. The opposite Riven team battle was staring at him to kill, and almost every time she attacked, the policewoman would die suddenly.

"What hatred and resentment?"

He wanted to cry.

When this Riven's ultimate skill was used, one person on the ANX side would die.

Twenty-four minutes into the game, ANX's crystal main fort exploded and lost the game.

"It's a pity that ANX, the dark horse, didn't make it all the way." Wawa sighed: "Now if they want to qualify as the second in the group, they must win against SSG head-on."

"That's good too. In a head-on confrontation, whoever wins will qualify!"

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