Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 30: Man and gun combine to kill Xiye instantly!

Chapter 30 - Human and artillery work together to kill Xiye instantly!

Yuan Shen silently calculated the damage and looked at his experience bar.

In the case of a single player, experience is easy to calculate.

But when there are head bursts and jungle experience points, even he doesn't know when he will level up, let alone Aluka.

And this is his chance.

Killing a single player at a certain level is not a new skill, it's just chicken attack.

And to deal with a top laner like Aluka, the basic skills are enough.

However, if you want to kill a single player, you still have to make a plan.

After taking a look at the soldiers of both sides and his own level, Yuan Shen immediately had an idea in his mind.

Aluka's skills turned on, knocked down the crystal bottle and prepared to continue to use QW to force the line, and the remaining half of the health was restored at a speed visible to the naked eye.

It was just a few basic attacks from Jayce, and he thought he could still withstand it.

However, Yuan Shen's reaction made him a little confused.

"Why don't you hit me? I'm not used to it!"

Aluka frowned. This Jayce had been very aggressive since the beginning of the laning phase. He always wanted to find an opportunity to secretly hit him a few times, but why did he suddenly change his nature now?

Aluka was so embarrassed.

Suddenly, Aluka found a bright spot.

The health of the soldiers around him had reached a very dangerous level under the output of Jayce and the enemy soldiers.

"It's broken!"

They were all old top laners, and they still had some early warning of danger.

The E skill was activated, and the Centaur's movement speed gradually increased.

Prepare to run away!

However, it was too late!

Jayce's cannon form activated the W skill super energy load, and then directly transformed into the hammer form.

Sky Leap!

The AOE range of the Q skill is very small, but it is enough to kill the soldiers around the Centaur.

The three pure love soldiers fell to the ground, and Jayce's body lit up with the upgrade light!

Level 5!

The deceleration effect of Sky Leap affected the Centaur, and the Centaur, who had just accelerated, had his legs broken instantly.

W skill Lightning Field is activated, Jayce is constantly illuminated by the electric current effect, and Mercury's Hammer with additional magic damage and armor-piercing effect crashes down!

Basic attack!

Basic attack!

Another basic attack!

Jayce, whose attack speed reaches 2.5, waved his hands like a twitch, and the health of the Centaur's head dropped instantly!

Using the soldiers as a springboard to release the WRQWA combo!

The lightning field damage lasting four seconds is full, and when the Centaur is about to leave the attack distance, Jayce's feet flash with golden light.

Roll back to the enemy!

Yuan Shen tapped his fingers continuously, his eyes focused, and the E skill not only knocked the Centaur back to the original place, but also prevented the Centaur from pulling the soldiers' hatred.

Aluka saw that his health was about to bottom out, and he didn't care much. He saw the Centaur turned around and kicked the soldiers, forming a small displacement.

The last ripple of the E skill!

Then, he ran towards the river without looking back, twisting his body constantly.

Really - non-stop!

However, Yuan Shen completely ignored the Centaur's movements and just attacked the minions twice.

After the R skill was cooled down, he instantly used RQE to hit the Centaur.

Electric shock!

Acceleration Gate!

The azure acceleration gate pointed directly at the Centaur, just like Ruofeng's death finger.


The cannon shot the Centaur's butt and killed Cardi, and Jayce took off without anyone stopping him.

"IG-Yuan (Future Guardian) killed WE-Aluka (Shadow of War)!!!"

Single kill! !


Aluka swallowed his saliva, and he felt four hot eyes looking at him, as if saying "What's the matter, little brother", "Didn't you say that the top lane can hold up"...

But what can he do?

What can he say?

What can i say?

This Jayce is not at the same level as him.

Just open the damage panel and you will understand.

This wave of Jayce is really too detailed!

"A very beautiful wave of single kills!!"

Miller gave a comment.

In fact, it is true.

This wave of single kills, is not bragging, it is completely planned.

Calculate the experience value in advance, the attribute bonus after upgrading, the fluency of combos, the decisiveness of flash, the prediction of enemy behavior, a series of combos and attacks are smooth to the extreme, and the theoretical maximum damage value is fully played, even the continuous output of the soldiers is taken into account...

Of course, with the level of the commentator and the audience, they can't see so many things.

But it doesn't matter.

Single kills, it's awesome!

666 is over.

After killing the centaur, the top lane has an advantage in two waves of soldiers entering the tower.

Leading by two kills, the difference in last-hitting was widened to thirty.

The laning on the top lane has been completely blown up.

Moreover, another important reason why Jayce is called invincible in online ability is that his speed of pushing towers is really too fast!

The attack speed bonus of the passive and the super-loaded W skill in the cannon form makes Jayce's speed of pushing towers rank among the top in the entire League of Legends.

When facing Jayce, you can’t just leave the tower alone. It’s very likely that the top tower will be gone after two or three waves of soldiers arrive.

After pushing the soldiers in, Yuan Shen directly digs B back to the city.

Brutal force.

This equipment was put online again after winning the resurrection match in S14, and it is now at the last peak of the first generation.

In about half a year, it will be removed.

Brutality + Greedy Blade + Straw Sandals.

At level 6, Jayce with this equipment is better than the other nine people!

The top lane has gained an advantage, and the jungler can do whatever he wants in the upper half.

And not only the upper half, but also the laning in the middle lane will be affected.

Jayce pushed the line, and Centaur didn't even have the qualifications to take a look.

For a full five minutes, IG took the initiative in the upper half.

"Jayce is gone, Su Hanwei, you keep an eye on it~"

Aluka's voice was loud, but it had almost no effect.

Not only did he not dare to look, he didn't even dare to go to support.

What if Jayce was hiding in the bush?

"Damn, it's useless to just send a signal, come on!"

Xiye was completely overwhelmed, he was already sweating profusely against Rookie.

Here comes another Jayce who is fat.

Is he still playing the market trade?

Although the line of soldiers is still in the middle, he doesn't dare to go up to make up the knife.

There was no way, the deterrent power given by Jayce was too great.

Jayce didn't even need to come to the middle lane, as long as he disappeared from the field of vision, they had to be on high alert in the middle and bottom lanes.

"He probably didn't come..."

Xiye was still calculating the time it would take for Jayce to rush from the top lane to the middle lane, but what he didn't expect was that Varus, who was just last-hitting, drew his bow and arrow and flashed forward.


In the field of vision, Varus shot an arrow.

And in the shadow of the F4 bush, Jayce's cannon appeared almost at the same time.

Even, this is not over yet!

Along with the cannon, Jayce appeared!

QER flash QAE...

In just one second, Viktor, who still had half of his health, didn't even have time to put a force field under his feet and died on the spot.

Man and cannon combined to kill Xiye instantly!

"Damn! Why is it always you!!"

In just five minutes, Jayce has appeared three times! !

How old are you! ! !

Xiye slammed the table, but it didn't have any effect.

Please read it again! ~Write the contest tomorrow~!

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