Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 302 Even if there is a strong wind, ride the wind to reach the top again!

Chapter 302 - Even if there is a strong wind, ride the wind to reach the top again!

On the field, when Ryze reached level 2, he directly imprisoned Lucian in place.

At this time, Yuan Shen also cooperated with TheShy to reduce Lucian's health, and Duke was not panicked at all.

The most important thing is that because he attracted the hatred of the blue side's minions, Lucian only needed one minion to reach level 2, and he made up for the damage with a general attack and cleared the health of the last minion.

The slowing effect of the red buff was triggered, and Lucian also reached level 2.

At this time, TheShy and Yuan Shen's faces became solemn.

When Lucian reached level 2, he had E and flash, so it was easy to leave.

As soon as the imprisonment ended, Duke went back directly with E.

However, with the red buff slowing down and sticking, Ryze could still chase and attack all the way.

"Lucian is too flexible, his health hasn't dropped too much. He still has flash, can he leave?"

"Prince is also moving over now, the Gromp has been cleared, this flash should be used when Lee Sin uses Q. Hey hey! He went straight up with the ward, you have E skill, Lee Sin also has W!! Both have two stages of displacement, who is afraid of whom?? The red buff has slowed down, this wave of Lucian is going to be in trouble!! Yuan Shen is very understanding, he never uses Q, just chases you and attacks!"

In the game, everyone watched a Lucian and a Lee Sin walking and attacking at the same time. The most outrageous thing is that they seemed to have agreed to attack each other all the time.

"The prince is coming, the third wave of soldiers is coming soon, it feels hard to kill him!!

But the rhythm of this basic attack is still good. Every time Lucian attacks, Lee Sin also attacks, so it won't lead to the situation where Lucian escapes because of greedy basic attack."

In the game, Duke's positioning is still very good. When the third wave of soldiers came, he deliberately stuck the soldiers between himself and Lee Sin.

The next moment, he flashed and directly opened the distance.

In this wave, Lee Sin's Q is absolutely impossible to hit. Even if it hits, the prince is coming very fast, and Lee Sin will die in the tower. He may not even have to die!

"Hey hey? This flash is too decisive, right? In this case, Lee Sin can't Q at all! There are too many soldiers!!"

Wawa didn't finish her words, and suddenly her eyes widened.

"Oh my god! This can even hit??"

After a moment of silence, the audience at the scene immediately burst into earth-shaking cheers.

In the game, Duke's calculations can be regarded as very accurate.

With the help of the minions, he used flash to instantly distance himself.

If Yuan Shen rushed to use Q, he would definitely be blocked by the minions!

However, Duke had just landed when Lee Sin's Q followed...

When Lucian landed, Lee Sin also landed!

The second stage of Q's killing effect was triggered, and the true damage of the red buff continued to burn.

Basic attack!

Enter the tower and then basic attack! !

Lucian's health gradually dropped to the bottom...

"IG-Yuanshen (Blind Monk) killed SKT-Duke (Holy Spear Ranger)!!!"

"First Blood!!!"

First Blood!!!

"Q hit!!! Oh my god!! Level 2 tower dive!!! Lee Sin got the first blood!!!"


"Yuan Shen!!!!"

The audience cheered like crazy.

In this situation, Yuan Shen got the first blood again!

In the battle of Tianwang Mountain, IG took the lead in conquering the next city!

"This prediction! This vision! My God, I still don't know how this Q hits!"

"It feels like it passed through at least two soldiers. This Q is too outrageous!!!"

"It's like it passed through the crowd of soldiers. My God, it's really unbelievable."

The commentators of all the major regions were all questioning.

"Where's the director!!!"

"Replay, replay!!!"

"Don't you want the chicken legs anymore?"

The audience in the live broadcast room were all excited.

This wave really did the impossible!

In the background, the director also quickly gave a replay.

At the moment Lucian flashed, because the third wave of soldiers was attracted by the hatred of the blind monk, the first two soldiers went down, and the next four went forward.

In this way, there was a vacancy in the gap between the soldiers!

This opportunity would be missed even if it was 0.1 seconds earlier or 0.1 seconds later.

But such an opportunity was seized by Yuan Shen!

At an oblique angle, predict Q!

When Lucian landed, the blind monk's second stage Q also hit successfully!

"This wave, the details are really full, whether it is Lucian or Lee Sin, they all do their best!

This first blood is really exciting!!"

"IG wants to fight you in the early stage! If you don't prepare well in the early stage, you can't stop IG's offensive rhythm in the mid-term.

This wave of Prince spawned an extra group of jungle, but Lee Sin got a head! This line of soldiers is still very friendly to Ryze. This wave of Lucian's teleport will also be hit, and the double summons are gone. Duke is so uncomfortable!"

"This Lee Sin is really a bit outrageous. If SKT dares to let Lee Sin go, they must be prepared to be led by the rhythm in the early stage. This wave of ganks successfully got the first blood!!!!"

"Momentum!!! The most important thing about IG is this kind of momentum in the finals!! As long as we can show momentum, our IG will definitely win!!"


"Yuan Shen is so handsome!!!"

At the game site, because Blind Sin's Gank got first blood, the IG fans at the scene cheered!

"If Lucian is double-summoned this time, IG can give it a try. It is not easy for the hero Lucian to have equipment. Whether it is level or development, it will be slower. Now Yuanshen should... eh eh ? ? Going to fight against the three wolves!

"Isn't this... a bit too much? Going directly against the jungle? Could it be that Yuanshen doesn't know that the prince is in the top half?"

"I feel it's very possible, otherwise I wouldn't have fought like this."

In the game, after taking first blood, the Blind Sin plunged directly into the upper half of the blue side's wild area.

The audience at the scene was confused.

Is it possible that the prince will be killed this time? ?

This is a monk! !

Kill to stop killing and save all sentient beings? ?

Blank didn't have any fear, he made a ward at the entrance of the jungle.

In this game, whether it is the middle lane or the top lane, it is absolutely impossible to survive at this time.

If the blind monk really comes, he will have no choice but to choose the blind monk to fight for punishment.

As long as he can capture these three wolves, he can be promoted to level three!

When the time comes, even if it's a duel in the jungle, he won't be afraid at all!

"We're about to hit him. This wave of Yuanshen shouldn't be able to level up even if he grabs them. Only a red buff and online experience shouldn't be enough.

On the contrary, if the prince gets the three wolves, he will reach level three!

This wave is dangerous, and the prince has Yuanshen's vision! "

In the game, Blank is given vision at the entrance to the jungle. As long as the blind monk dares to invade, he will definitely be able to find it.

However, Yuan Shen obviously realized something. When he entered the jungle, he went around from the back of the blue buff.

As for Blank, he did not notice Yuan Shen's movements.

"I didn't realize that Yuanshen's hand around the field of vision is really amazing!!

This wave of princes didn't know that the blind monk was coming. Is there any chance to grab it? ? There are penalties on both sides.

If the prince makes a mistake in punishing him, something will happen this time.

The blind monk has a red buff, and his combat ability is much stronger than that of the prince with a blue buff! "

Miller was a little excited. After getting the first wave of blood just now, he was already on top!

"There is a chance! The prince's current state is similar to that of the blind monk. As long as we can grab the wild monsters and don't give the prince a chance to regenerate his blood and upgrade to level three through punishment, there is definitely a chance in this wave!"

"Blank didn't notice the movements of the blind monk in this wave. This card's vision is so awesome!! Blank has no defense at all!

The last wave was supposed to support the top lane, but unfortunately Lucian fell before he showed up.

If this were not the case, this wave of princes would not have been arrested. "

"It can only be said to be a chain reaction. As IG's teamfight engine, Yuanshen has always been like this. As long as there is an opportunity, he will never miss it!"

In the game, Yuan Shen has already touched the back of the wall of Three Wolves.

Because he had no vision, Yuan Shen did not take action directly.

The position of the prince is to brush the jungle while pulling towards the middle.

So no matter what happens in this wave, he cannot appear from the right.

Tianyinbo took action and directly hit the prince!

Blank never thought that the blind monk, who had just ganked on the top lane and was beaten to half health by the defense tower, would still have the guts to invade the jungle!

His moment of sluggishness caused him to miss the best opportunity to punish him!

Yuan Shen didn't hesitate, and with the help of the 40% attack speed bonus brought by the passive skill [Storm and Wind], he took the punishment at level A and accepted the big wolf.

Then, the blind monk's body suddenly lit up with the light of upgrade!

"Level 3!!! Oh my god, I got it! The blind monk has reached level 3! Something big is going to happen this time!!!"

"The prince can't escape. There is no EQ in this wave! Why is the blind monk only at level three!!"

Everyone in the commentary box was a little confused.

First blood experience, a red buff, a big wolf, a little experience online, and you've reached level three? ?

Did you bring experience runes? ?

"It's over. Originally, the blood volume of the prince and the blind monk were about the same, but with this punishment, the blood volume of the blind monk will be restored to full!!!"

"Once the EQ is restored, the prince can run away if he has the skills.

The blind monk does not have the Q skill this wave, so it is a bit difficult to chase him down! The jewelry eye hasn't improved either, so it's hard to kill this wave. "

"Yeah, it depends on how you choose. I don't think it's easy to kill."

Wawa said, the blood volume of both people on the field dropped to a very dangerous level.

Faker's Dragon King just walked over from the middle to help Blank make up for a lot of damage.

In the SKT player bench, Blank kept making calculations in his mind.

Blind Sin's Q skill has a level-1 cooldown time of 11 seconds.

And his E skill has a cooldown time of 13 seconds!

The two people's skills improved almost at the same time!

"The Dragon King has arrived early! This wave is dangerous! Yasuo needs to be slower to support!! Hey! The wind is blowing! Can it be killed??"

"Be careful!!! The prince's EQ is about to recover!!! Is Yuanshen's Q ready? Hit!!!"

The doll said loudly, staring at the big screen motionlessly.

Things had reached a critical moment, and all the mid laners from both sides came to support.

Both Yuan Shen and Blank have extremely high blood volume.

Yuan Shen knew very well that if he wanted to kill the prince, his second stage of Q could not be interrupted.

He needs two sections of Q damage plus one basic attack, while the prince also needs EQ damage.

The Q skill was launched and directly hit the prince, but the second stage Q did not rush to take action.

The prince's Q has been kept, so this wave of EQ is definitely there!

When Blank saw the blind monk using his Q, he understood very well.

EQ takes action, and the damage of E skill is dealt simultaneously!

However, just after Blind Monk Q took action, his first reaction was not to keep up with the second Q, but to move! !

Blank's EQ is going to fail!

Seeing this scene, Blank couldn't help but feel cold in his heart.

He must defeat the blind monk in this wave!

The knock-up time of 0.75 seconds is enough for him to hit a flat A with the passive [Rhythm of War]!

When the time comes, the Dragon King will make up for the draw and he can still kill!

"This wave has been avoided! Oh my god, the blind monk moved to avoid the prince's EQ, eh?? Blank is still coming!!"

At the commentary table, the doll's eyes suddenly widened before he could finish speaking.

In the game, the prince's reaction is almost at its peak!

On the way to EQ, golden light flashed under the prince’s feet!

EQ flash!

Although the damage of the Q skill is missing, the knock-up effect can still be triggered!

The prince's body abruptly made a "7" in the air, pointing directly at the blind monk!

Yuan Shen, on the other hand, handed over Flash almost simultaneously.

Flashed and dodged the prince's EQ flash! ! !

Moreover, in this position, the Dragon King's Q can be avoided!

After landing, Blank frantically hit the floor, and on the other side of the three wolf wall, the blind monk's figure flew back again.

The prince hit A directly in the air, the damage of the second stage Q exploded, and a basic attack directly emptied the prince's health bar!

"IG-Yuanshen (Blind Monk) killed SKT-Blank (Prince of Demacia)!!!"

Dangerous Game triggers blood recovery, and the blind monk's blood volume increases again!

And with this amount of blood, he could resist the Dragon King for a while...

The scene was silent for less than a tenth of a second before it exploded!

"Oh my god!!! The blind monk is not dead!!! The second stage of Q killed the prince, and the Dragon King's Q was also dodged!!

This time, the Dragon King has to answer here! "

"What kind of reaction speed is this! Move around to dodge EQ, dodge to dodge Dragon King Q and Prince's EQ, oh my god!!!

miracle! ! This wave of princes were manipulated to death! ! "

"The prince has tried his best. Only by constantly attacking the floor can he get out before the blind monk hits the second stage of Q damage. But it's useless. Dangerous Game restores blood, and the blind monk can't die!!"

"Eh? The Dragon King is about to die too. Yasuo's damage is not low!! He flashed, does Rookie want to follow??"

"The Dragon King is going to die too!! Rookie's Yasuo almost stood there and chopped him down for a long time!!"

Wawa said, on the court, watching the blind monk smearing oil on the soles of his feet, Faker had no choice but to do anything.

After flashing over the wall, start walking immediately!

With his HP, he can't resist Yasuo's Q or Yasuo's basic attack.

On the other side, Rookie was about to dodge and chase, but suddenly he felt cold all over and stopped his pursuit abruptly.


"Two heads??? Lie down, lie down!!"

Jack and Xiao Ming are in a good mood. When the rhythm of the blind monk rises, they are the most comfortable in the bottom lane! !

"Lao Song is so calm this time! He didn't even flash to chase."

In the IG lounge, Xiao Yu kept patting her chest with a look of fear on her face.

"Yeah, it would be weird if you flashed that position and didn't hit the wall!"

The gesture with a smile and Song Yijin's flash of hitting the wall have become IG's classic repertoire! !

"This reaction is really awesome..."

Principal Wang couldn't help sighing at the side, moving to dodge EQ, dodge EQ and Dragon King's Q, and then the second stage of Q came back to kill people, using Dangerous Game to recover health, but he still didn't die! !

"Yes, Yuan Shen's reactions and operations are truly the best in the world."

Fu Manduo couldn't help but sigh. Although this wave is not as awesome as the first one when Qian Jue apparated three times, it is no worse than the first one in terms of danger and difficulty of operation! !

At the commentary table, Wawa was all smiles, "This wave of princes can be said to have suffered a loss of blood! Moreover, the middle and upper levels have no flashes, so it will be much easier for the blind monk to do things next!"

"Yeah, it's unreasonable to highlight one of the two combinations of Yasuo and Blind Sin when they have the advantage!"

"Outrageous, too outrageous!! Brothers, is this in the river??"

Miller and PDD were also sweating profusely. Less than four minutes into the game, Blind Sin caused two big things!

PDD's eyes widened even more at this moment, and he felt even more regretful.

With Yuan Shen's strength, if they had made great efforts to keep him in YM, they might have won a world championship!

"IG plays games with blood! In this game, Yuanshen was too strong.

Two waves of rhythm almost blew up all the top, mid and jungle of SKT!

The middle lane has no flash, and the bottom lane has no line rights. In this case, there are two river crabs!!"

Wawa said, and the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room cheered.


"IG is invincible!!!"

"Yuan Shen!!"

"Fuck, I cried brothers, little IG, charge me!!!"

"This... I can't believe that the game against SKT started so smoothly??"

"Blank's head was broken by the show!!!"

"Fuck, it's so fucking refreshing!!"


The scene was boiling. Just based on Yuan Shen's performance in these three games, even if SKT won the championship, Riot gave the FMVP to the runner-up, and it would be nothing to say to Yuan Shen!

This performance is simply invincible!

"SKT is basically unable to fight now. Players like Yuanshen are like this. If you survive in the early stage, you may still have a chance in the mid-term. But if you release a hero like Lee Sin and let him get it in the early stage, the pressure in the early stage will be so great! He can even ignore everything and kill you directly with his operation!"

"You can have two river crabs in this wave. It's so comfortable to develop. I think it's OK to go to counter the red buff. IG's bottom lane bomber has the line right. Hey?? Is he going to go to the top?? My God, Lee Sin is living in the top jungle! If something happens to Lucian again in this wave, it will be over!"

In the game, after taking the river crab, Lee Sin's condition improved a lot and recovered to half of his health.

And in the top lane, because TheShy was controlling the line, Lucian's position was not very good now.

"It's not easy to catch! Lee Sin's condition is not very good, and Ryze's mana is also... two layers of corruption potion, well, Ryze still has combat power in this wave."

Wawa said. In the game, when he saw Lee Sin appear, Duke directly chose to escape with E backwards.

However, when Ryze flashed to imprison, all the actions became useless.

Lucian, who did not flash, had no room to operate.

Yuan Shen used the second stage of his E skill [Broken Bones] slowly, and after slowing down Lucian, he directly used his Q skill [Sound Wave].

He blocked the position and attacked normally, and waited until the slowing effect on Lucian was lifted and he was about to walk out of the normal attack range, and then used the second stage of Q [Echo Shot] to follow up.

"Duke is going to suffer again this time! He is not yet level 3, and he has lost too much experience!"

"This is too desperate. I will be angry with anyone who says that TheShy is the best in the world and is easy to catch! Obviously Duke is! TheShy is second at most!"

Wawa said with a smile, and on the field, Ryze strode forward and threw a set of military boxing at Lucian.

At this time, Duke could do almost nothing except getting beaten...

After a few seconds, Lucian's health dropped to the bottom.

"IG-Yuanshen (Blind Monk) killed SKT-Duke (Holy Lance Ranger)!!!"


Three kills in a row!

Massive kills!!

Yuan Shen's record has reached 3-0!


Rookie was the first to find something wrong. Although Yuan Shen was also fierce in the past, he had never performed like today.

No jungle, only ganking.

Xiang Guo topped the account? ?

But the jungler in this version should be able to carry the game and play the C position! !

"Huh? What's wrong? It's a good thing you didn't use flash just now by the wall. I was really afraid that you would get too excited!"

Yuan Shen smiled. At this time, Rookie's pressure was no less than his.

"We will win, Paratrooper One, we, don't lose again..."

TheShy's voice suddenly sounded. His Jayce didn't perform very well in the last game.

But this time, he wanted to fight again.

"We will win, 3 to 1."

Yuan Shen smiled. Just thinking about this feeling makes him feel good!

"A big kill!! Lee Sin!! Four minutes!! Three kills in a row!!"

"Hunger strike jungler! I see!! In this development version, Yuan Shen can also play the most classic style of our LPL!! Hunger strike!! No jungle, only people! So fierce! So reckless!!!"

"Reminds me of spicy hotpot! Yuan Shen's style of play perfectly combines the styles of Zz1tai and Xiangguo. He is really good at research."

Wawa and Miller talked back and forth, and the atmosphere on the scene instantly became hot.

This year, Yuan Shen is the last hope of LPL!

IG is the last hope of LPL!

In the game, when Yuan Shen, who had three kills in a row, returned to the city, he first lit up the IG team logo, and then the LPL division logo.

Seeing this scene, the audience at the scene and in the live broadcast room went crazy instantly!

The scene was about to get out of control, but after seeing the Lee Sin who showed off the whole scene light up the sign, it went completely crazy!

"Oh my god!! IG's performance in this game was really great!"

"The current IG is even stronger than last year!! IG is the most powerful team in the history of our LPL!!"



“IG awesome review!!!”

In the commentary box, both Wawa and Miller were about to get excited, and Wawa almost jumped up.

"Three consecutive kills!!! Invincible IG!!!"

“IG awesome!!”

"The rhythm of the blind monk is so perfect!"

"Killing makes a mark, killing kills the heart!!! I'm asking you if you accept it! Yuanshen is so brave! He was caught twice in a row, and Lucian died twice in a row!! The connection was immediately disconnected! "

"SKT's top jungler is going to be stunned..."

The doll shouted excitedly.

In fact, commentators from all major competition regions around the world are extremely excited at this time.

Yuan Shen's performance in this scene was completely beyond everyone's expectations!

"IG is really brave, but we are still a little timid."

Xiaohu lowered his head and said softly, when they played SKT, had they ever thought of playing like this?

"Yeah, the more I study, the more headaches I get. If I had known better, I wouldn't have watched so many of their videos, I would have just done it..."

Xiangguo also sighed.

Now think about it, they were completely frightened by SKT's video.

As a result, they did not show all their strength when facing SKT.

There is also someone who is suspected of being a match-fixer, and it is really a dog.

"IG now has a big advantage. With this wave, the blind monk still has the lower half of the jungle to farm, and the rhythm is perfect!"

Wawa said excitedly, and Miller on the side took a deep breath, and then said: "IG now has a big advantage. The hero Blind Sin has become fatter, and it is unreasonable in the early stage! When he reaches level 6, he has A set with the ability to instantly kill crispy skin!”

After Miller finished speaking, the audience cheered.

The jungle knife was upgraded, and then a pair of straw sandals were found.

SKT's top, middle, and jungle are all out of action now.

And they are also Yuan Shen's main gank targets. After all, even if they are captured, Bomberman's burst is not very high.

"Xiao Ming, come with me!"

Yuan Shen said, after finishing the blue buff and the magic swamp frog, he went directly to the middle.

Faker's Dragon King is also a signature hero.

In the next few minutes, SKT's jungler became obviously obscene.

Seeing this scene, many LCK viewers couldn't accept it.

You know, since the summer split, SKT has been a team that mainly focuses on the mid and jungle.

Even in the World Championship, no one can push SKT to this level!

But now, IG has suppressed SKT's top, middle and jungle!

This blind monk almost single-handedly defeated SKT's top, middle and junglers! ! !

SKT not only has the strong operational zone defense capabilities of a traditional LCK team, but also has the ability to disrupt battles similar to the LPL.

However, today they met their opponent!

IG also started out by fighting, and its online abilities and personal strength are equally outstanding!

Moreover, IG’s top, middle and jungle are equally powerful! !

The laning on the top lane is already a bit difficult.

A Lucian has been suppressed by Ryze.

As for Blank's prince, he couldn't find any gank opportunities at this time.

Whether it's the top or the middle, it's not easy to catch!

The most important thing is that Blank is now a little afraid of Yuan Shen.

If he was counter-crouched one more time, he would really explode!

"SKT didn't dare to move. Now that I think about it, before things get better, they should be on the defensive like they did in the last game."

"It's cool! It's really so cool, you know?? IG's rhythm in the previous few waves scared SKT! Now this 3-0 blind monk is like Da Da hanging above SKT's top, middle and jungle. They don’t dare to touch the Sword of Morris!”

"But I'm really a little scared. If IG's lineup can't perform well, or is held back by SKT like the last game, it will be difficult to play in the mid-term." Miller was a little worried.

The doll on the side smiled and said: "Hey, it's okay. You forgot that the strongest combo of blind monk and Yasuo is the ultimate combo after level 6. If it were other blind monks, I would be a little afraid that they wouldn't be able to hit it, but Yuanshen The blind monk definitely has this qualification."

"If I can't find a chance in the upper, middle and jungle, I feel like I can still look at the bottom lane."

PDD gave his own suggestions and immediately said: "The first dragon is the fire dragon. I feel that neither side will let it go. Whether it is IG or SKT, the lineup chosen for this game is a fighting lineup."

In the game, seven minutes.

The first wave of handing over the flashing prince and Lucian, the flashing has also improved.

But Yuan Shen's current target is no longer them.

This time, he is going to the bottom lane to get Xiaolong.

However, SKT's vision spotted Yuan Shen's actions almost immediately.

Whether it was the bottom duo or the top, middle and jungle trio, they all responded immediately.

"Let's fight! The first wave of fighting between the two sides. TheShy on the road is in trouble this time. Lucian did not teleport."

"SKT should be hard to beat. The ultimate combo of Lee Sin and Yasuo is enough to kill anyone on SKT's side."

"Eh? Thresh and Tristana have a chance in this position! Can you hit it with Q?"

Wawa suddenly widened his eyes. In the game, SKT's bottom lane duo walked directly in front of Lee Sin.

Yuan Shen and Tristana were only separated by a wall!

But Yuan Shen didn't rush to attack. Xiao Ming and Jack were not there in this wave. If he followed, there would be no follow-up control and damage.

"Eh, Thresh put in a ward and saw Lee Sin. My God, this wave is going to be surrounded!!"

"He can't die! Lee Sin is now a big head. If he is killed, IG's early advantage will be gone!

As a rhythm engine, Lee Sin's death is a big loss!"

After seeing this scene, everyone became nervous.

But IG still has no time to support, and SKT's actions are very fast.

In just a short time, Yuan Shen has been surrounded by SKT in the dragon pit.

Dragon King's super-long EQ directly stunned Yuan Shen's Lee Sin on the spot.

And the output of Thresh and Tristana also poured out like mercury.

Almost in an instant, Yuan Shen's health disappeared by more than half!

"This Q! My God! This wave is going to be a big deal! Tristana's set of skills hurts so much!"

"Lee Sin is a damage equipment!!!"

"It's going to be a second, it's going to be a second! This wave of Fire Dragon belongs to SKT!"

On the field, with Faker's super-long EQ, the commentators of major competition areas were all excited.

In the game, the situation has become extremely tense.

Tristana and Thresh's damage is not low, on the other side, Prince and Dragon King are also walking over.

"It's over! SKT is so decisive! They are so determined to fight for this little dragon! Lucian is almost going to the middle lane now!"

"What is this! Is it that serious? Thresh flashed E directly, isn't this too targeted?"

"I can see that SKT has only one tactic, avoiding Yuanshen in the laning phase and focusing on killing him in teamfights!

The other IG members are still far away, so it's hard to support them now. The top lane... Hey? Ryze teleported!! TheShy needs to save him this time!"

In the game, when the situation was extremely critical, TheShy teleported and landed directly in the dragon pit!

"TheShy teleported! My God, IG is also decisive this time, they are going to protect Lee Sin!"

In the game, after Ryze landed, he directly froze Tristana.

On the other side, Thresh had to use his W skill to put a layer of shield on Tristana.

At this time, the bottom lane duo were both level 5 and had no ultimate skills to use.

And the moment Yuan Shen got rid of the control, he directly used his E skill [Thunder Break] to shoot him down.

Then, he walked forward brazenly!

A blind monk with only one-third of his health walked towards the three SKT mid, bottom and support players! !

He was so imposing and looked down upon the world!

"Oh my God!! Does the blind monk still want to fight?? He won't leave?"

"Crazy, crazy!!! IG is also crazy! What kind of game are we watching?! I can't stand it anymore!!"

In the game, facing SKT's sudden attack, everyone in IG chose to face it head-on! !

No one wanted to give up this fire dragon!

Whether it was IG or SKT, the blessing of the fire dragon was very useful!

Tristana was controlled by Ryze, and Thresh's lantern had not yet turned.

On the field, the blind monk's Q skill [Sound Wave] directly hit the Dragon King.

Then the second stage of Q followed, E in the air and A to Tiamat.

The pure output blind monk, the damage at this time is simply incomprehensible!

The Dragon King's health instantly dropped to less than half!

After exchanging blood with Rookie in the middle lane, the Dragon King's health was not very healthy.

And now, the Dragon King's health is about to reach the bottom...

If he is chased by Lee Sin and hit a few more times, he might be dead.

"Go!! This Q is so accurate!! Oh my god, the Dragon King is going to be killed instantly!!"

"This damage is too high! But it still doesn't work! Lee Sin's condition is really too bad!"

"The Ziggs and Leona in the bottom lane have come, Tristana is restricted, and Yasuo is here too!

Both sides support very quickly in this wave, it's all chaos!!!"

"Prince!! Prince is still here, Lucian is here too!! They have to kill Lee Sin first!"

Wawa was very excited, Prince EQ blocked the big move on the field, and then Lucian also rushed over with the E skill.

Yuan Shen's hand speed exploded to the extreme at this moment. If he was hit by Prince's ultimate move, then the Dragon King's ultimate move would definitely kill him instantly.

The W at the extreme distance didn't even give the prince enough distance to use his ultimate move!

At the same time, he dodged Lucian's Q!!

After landing, he used another R flash, knocking all three SKT top, mid and jungle players into the air!

Yasuo's figure came in an instant from a thousand yards away!!

Countless waves of sword energy swept across the world, and the three SKT top, mid and jungle players were all shrouded in sword energy and unable to move in the air!!

"Frenzy of Breath!!!"

On the commentary stand, Wawa and Miller's eyes widened instantly.

"R flash!!! This wave is saved!!! Yasuo is going to harvest!!"

"What kind of reaction speed is this!!!"

"Even if there is a strong wind, ride the wind to reach the top again!!!"


The audience at the scene was full of excitement!

In the dragon pit, IG's top and bottom three players restricted SKT's bottom lane duo!

On the other side, Rookie and Yuan Shen completed the siege of SKT's top, mid and jungle three players! !

"IG-Rookie (Sword Master) killed SKT-Faker (Star Forger)!!!"

In the game, the moment Yasuo's ultimate fell, he was framed by the prince!

But without the E skill, Lucian and a stunted prince had almost no way to deal with Yasuo at this time.

The white shield was triggered after landing, and within fifteen seconds after the ultimate, Yasuo's combat power was undoubtedly the strongest!

50% armor penetration bonus, ignoring the target's armor value from equipment, buffs, runes and talents!

The high armor penetration effect made Lucian almost a fragile skin!

"Kill it!! Kill it!! Lee Sin is back!! Oh my god!! All SKT will die in this wave!"

"Kill, kill, kill!!!!"


In the commentary booth, Wawa was excited and shouted loudly.

In the game, when Yuan Shen ate the honey fruit in the river, he used his Q skill to hit the prince again.

The second echo hit came in, and all SKT players were blocked by IG!

"Kill them all, kill them all!!! Chenglu, can you do it?"

Yuan Shen smiled, but his men were not slow at all.

The E skill [Thunder Break] was used, and the W skill directly supported Rookie.

Three kill prompts in a row instantly filled the screen!

"IG-Rookie (Blade Master) killed SKT-Duke (Holy Lance Ranger)!!!"

"IG-Yuanshen (Blind Monk) killed SKT-Blank (Demacia Prince)!!!"

"IG-TheShy (Rune Mage) killed SKT-Bang (McGunner)!!!"


Rampage!!! 1

Except for Wolf, the support of SKT, who successfully escaped, the other four players all died in the river.

And in this wave, Rookie's Yasuo and TheShy's Ryze all became fatter!!

The people at the scene shouted like crazy.

"SKT was defeated in this wave... Oh NO!!! This is incredible! IG is worthy of being the world's No. 1 team, and it has exploded with capabilities beyond everyone's imagination!!"

"Zero for four!!!"

"Oh my god!! How did IG play this??"

"A dead end game was dragged back like this??"

"This kick really wet me!!"

"It's really good at operation!!"

"Yasuo joined the team off the screen, damn!"

The team battle is over, IG's team battle, from a dead end game at the beginning, played a perfect zero for four ending! !

At this moment, everyone's three views were somewhat overturned!

What followed was endless excitement and carnival! !

"Fire Dragon!! There is also a chance to take the middle lane tower!!! Oh my god, this bomber!!"

TheShy went to the bottom lane to lead the line, and except for Yuan Shen and Xiao Ming who were fighting the dragon, Rookie and Jack all went to the middle lane!

With the bomber, the speed of pushing the tower is very fast!

Originally, SKT's first tower in the middle lane didn't have much health before, and this time with the bomber, the last 25% of the health of the first tower in the middle lane was directly destroyed in one second! !

"The tower is demolished too fast, the defense tower will be demolished soon!!"

"First blood tower, little dragon!! I want them all!!!"

"Four kills in this wave, my God, the economy is instantly widened by 2,000 yuan!

It's only been eight minutes, and IG is already leading by nearly 4,000 economy!!"

"This is the worst time SKT has been suppressed in the early stage!!"

"Really, IG is leading by 4,000 in eight minutes, first blood tower!"

Miller's eyes were almost red with excitement at this time.

Wawa was about to speak when he saw the replay of the previous team battle.

"Hey, the replay is here! Then in this team battle, let's take a look at how IG played again! Really, it's too scary! After this team battle, I feel a bit like a textbook."

After Wawa finished speaking, the rhythm in the field ended, and the director quickly played the replay.

This teamfight was weird from beginning to end.

IG was obviously at a disadvantage, and SKT had to do better in terms of support and initiative.

But the final result was that IG got a zero-for-four.

This was not a miracle teamfight, it was simply a weird teamfight!!

Audiences around the world were watching closely, and at this time, all of their eyes were on Yuan Shen's Lee Sin!

It was this Lee Sin, and no one could see how he operated just now.

The replay started, and Lee Sin was stealing the dragon at the beginning.

But SKT reacted quickly, and the support was quite in place!

TheShy's teleport arrived in the first place, and whether it was Jack Xiaoming or Rookie, their support was more than one step slower than SKT.

"From here you can see that the strength of the SKT team is really not bad. In terms of operation, they are not bad at all. They are all top-notch in the world. In terms of team fighting and support awareness, they are even top-notch in the world... But it's useless. Still lost."

The doll made a sharp turn and almost threw Miller and PDD away.

The audience in the live broadcast room and on site were also happy.

The Dragon King's ultra-long-range QE accurately stunned the blind monk. Thresh's Q kept up with the control. The next moment, the small cannon mounted the E skill [Explosive Spark] and turned on the Q to output a meal.

The blind monk's blood volume dropped rapidly, but no one was worried this time.

Ryze landed and locked the cannon as his first target.

Immediately after Yuan Shen released the control, he threw the Q skill [Tian Yin Wave] outside the dragon pit.

But there is no view over there!

The white Qigong bullet was locked on the Dragon King.

Then, high amounts of damage exploded in an instant.

The Dragon King's blood volume dropped crazily.

But at this moment, Lucian and the prince all provided support.

Prince EQ is about to use his ultimate move.

At this moment, the blind monk touched his eyes! !

The distance that was opened in an instant gave the prince no chance to use his ultimate move!

R flashes and knocks three people away!

Yasuo takes over, and the strong wind ceases...

When he saw this, PDD couldn't help laughing.

"Ya, I made up a story before to deceive water friends, saying that the blind monk W could avoid the prince's ultimate move by touching his eyes. As a result, many people said they knew what I made up...

Did everyone see it today? ? You can really hide!

But it's not too early, and I didn't give the prince a wide distance, otherwise it would be really easy. "

Watching the replay, Wawa was filled with emotion: "This reaction is really outrageous, do you know?

The blind monk's kick saved Yasuo at least six or seven seconds of traveling time.

And if this wave hadn't knocked three people away at the same time, the blind monk would have died!

Yasuo will die even if he lands!

The final result is likely to be a two-for-two ending.

And the prince is not dead yet. Not only did IG give away the big head of the blind monk, the dragon also got to drop it. "

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