Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 33 Super dark horse, preparing for the battle with QG

Chapter 33 - Super Dark Horse, Preparing for QG

After the game between QG and LGD officially started, IG realized how wrong they were.

In the first game, Doinb took out Morgana in the middle to deal with Wei Shen's Fizz. The early rhythm of the mid-jungle was almost perfect. In the end, after 28 minutes of fierce battle, they ended the game with a 19-5 head ratio and an economic lead of 11,529.

And Swift's perfect record of 4-0-13 with the excavator and KDA made Fu Manduo couldn't help but marvel.

"This guy is very capable, and his playing style is also very fierce. Taobao Quan can't stand it."

"His strength is not worse than Kakao."

Yuan Shen nodded, and then coughed again in Kakao's weird eyes.

"But I still prefer to partner with Kakao."

Feeling that the eyes behind him gradually became gentle, Yuan Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

He didn't want to be the one who provoked the conflict.

However, Yuan Shen soon found the point.

"Fuck, Li Bingquan, do you understand???"


Seeing Yuan Shen's eyes widened in surprise, Kakao tilted his head and looked at Yuan Shen with the same surprised look.

"He just doesn't know how to express his thoughts in Chinese, so when he is anxious, he will speak Korean directly. It's not that he can't understand Chinese..."

Rookie rolled his eyes and sold out his older brother directly.

"Oh, you kid, I always thought you couldn't understand Chinese, and considered whether to learn a few Korean words..."

Yuan Shen walked over and pounded Kakao's shoulder, and everyone in IG laughed.

"What did you learn?"

Rookie was a little curious.

"Ahem, only one sentence, Top need you baby!"

"Go away, this is not English? Bullying me for not going to high school, right?"

Kid was dumbfounded, don't play like this!

"Okay, okay, continue."

Su Xiaoluo waved his hand. Although he didn't like the IG people being so noisy, he was still very satisfied with the harmonious atmosphere in the team.

"Let me tell you."

Rookie waved his hand. He also did some research on Swift.

"Swift, you can call him 100,000 volts, that's what everyone on the Internet calls him anyway. His real name is Bai Duoxun. He was born on May 29, 1996. He is very aggressive and is particularly good at playing Nidalee. He was rated as one of the top five blind monks in Korea by Korean media. When he played for Frost, he helped the team defeat Najin's Black Sword in NLB and won the championship..."

All the IG players were in deep thought, only Kakao looked at his little brother and wondered what he was thinking.

In the second game, Chris grabbed the excavator that Swift played very well and gave it to Taobao Quan to play. In the middle lane, Wei Shen chose Snake Girl to deal with Doinb's Morgana, but the jungle position was still blown up by Swift's Gragas.

Although the game time was dragged to 34 minutes, the 26-11 head ratio and the economic gap of 17031 made LGD look even worse...

"QG is strong enough. There is no point in studying the previous LSPL games. Find the video of their LSPL finals and find out their playing style as soon as possible. Don't miss any of QG's games in the future. I will also contact QG to play training games with them. Everyone is ready. We will have a meeting tonight to prepare for QG!"

Fu Manduo made the decision directly.

Although it was just a BO2, he could already see a lot of things.

QG's mid and jungle are centered on the jungler. The upper and lower configurations are standard and can be ranked in the upper middle in LPL.

In both games, Swift's performance was very eye-catching, but he noticed it.

The reason why Swift was able to attack recklessly was that Doinb suppressed Wei Shen's development in the middle lane.

Doinb was able to maximize the advantages of the jungler. He could operate online and cooperate with the jungler to roam. Sometimes he didn't even care about losing soldiers.

This is something Rookie doesn't have.


"Yuan Shen, didn't you say you studied QG before? How about giving me some information for reference? I have no idea now?"

Zzitai almost fell asleep watching the secondary league video. This V's laning is shit. What's the point of choosing a human and a tree to play against each other.


Yuan Shen nodded.

It is said that EDG has a huge database, which stores the laning style, ward placement, and even small habits of every LPL team and even every player, and has a set of effective countermeasures.

At present, it is not known whether this news is true or false, but Yuan Shen also has a small database.

And there are only three teams in it.


And QG.

"Give me a copy for reference."

Kid and Shekeke rushed over directly.

Their opponents, Tianzai Doomsday and Aishe Jiayi, don't look very powerful, so there is no need to study them specifically.

At 8 o'clock in the evening, after dinner, all the IG members came to the conference room.

"Okay, I believe that after this afternoon's research, you can more or less see something. Yuan Shen, let's start with you."

Fumanda waved his hand and signaled Su Xiaoluo, who was watching, to take minutes of the meeting. |

"Well, since the coach asked me to say a few words, I will simply say a few words. This QG cannot be ignored, but it cannot be taken too seriously. The consequences of not paying attention to it..."

"speak nicely!"

Su Xiaoluo frowned, when did this happen, what nonsense are you talking about?


Yuan Shen curled his lips and continued: "QG's top laner, QG.V, known as Yishui V, is a Chinese player, blue-collar top laner, nicknamed 957. His real name is a bit foreign, called Bao Bo.

Jungler, QG.Swift, transliterated as 100,000 Volt, Korean aid jungler, real name Bai Duoxun, born on May 29, 1996, very aggressive, especially good at Leopard Girl.

Mid laner, QG.Doinb, a Korean aid player, real name Kim Tae Sang, born on December 30, 1996, is the No. 1 Katarina and No. 1 Victor in the Korean server.

ADC, QG.TnT, Aishe Jiayi, real name Yu Rui, born on May 11, 1994, is the king of functionality and a very stable player.

Auxiliary, QG.TcT, original ID, MorZB, Doomsday, former LMQ Tianci auxiliary player, debuted in the Ehome ancient team, can be regarded as a living fossil in the e-sports world, good at Thresh, robots, and Fengnu.

Due to Riot Games' official restrictions on foreign aid, MorZB chose to return to the LPL after Season 4, and finally rejoined his former teammate Aishe Jiayi. He partnered with QG in the bottom lane and is the only veteran of the QG team who has experience in the World Championship.

Of course, there is another name that is even more resounding at the end of the natural disaster, and that is one of the four major trolls in the national server.

The so-called four major trolls in the national server are the Doomsday Natural Disaster, Hundreds of Black Shops, Mao Zeyuchun, Death Announcement...

"The QG team is a very typical LPL team. It is the kind of team that resists pressure in the top lane, stabilizes the lane in the bottom lane, takes over the game in the middle and late stages, and especially relies on the midfielder to lead the rhythm in the early and mid-term."

After Yuan Shen finished speaking, he looked at Fumanduo. In fact, he had studied a lot of things, but there was no need to finish them all. He had to at least leave some room for them to develop, right?

"I have one thing to correct. The number one player in Korean server Katarina is not Doinb, but BoriSal, the first Korean server champion in S5 and the mid laner before QG."

Fumanduo corrected a small mistake with a smile and waved his hand for Yuan Shen to sit down. He was obviously very satisfied with Yuan Shen's answer.

Yuan Shen breathed a sigh of relief and did not regret making such a mistake.

If your report is perfect, how can it appear that your leader is better than you?

Just a few tips.

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