Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 37 I'm going to use the Berserker Axe!

Chapter 37 - I'm going to use the Battle Fury!

Yuan Shen's choice can be said to be extremely unconventional.

Generally, when facing Centaur, you either go online early, or block the line, or force the line to grab the line. If you don't want to lose too much, you can solo the Gromp, and then teleport to the line.

Although you will go online later than Centaur without punishment, the overall economy and experience will not lag behind too much.

But this kind of ambush directly next to Centaur to disrupt Centaur's fixed start is the first time people have seen it.

"Olaf can't stay too long. Centaur's first-level punishment damage is 390 points. It's best to kill Gromp when there is still 1,000 HP left... Move!"

Miller exclaimed.

On the field, Olaf carried two axes and went around behind Centaur.

At this time, Gromp still had 1,200 HP, and Centaur only had two-thirds of HP left.

"Damn, why is he here? Can someone come?"


Bobo couldn't even laugh. The time when Olaf appeared was too outrageous.

He couldn't continue to fight the frog, nor could he run away.

As for fighting Olaf, he had no such idea at all.

Not to mention that his health was not full, even if his health was full, it would be an unwise choice to fight Olaf at level 1.

"I can't come! You go first!"

Swift gave the answer immediately.

"Go quickly, Olaf is too strong at level 1."

Doinb also said.


Bobo had to give up the frog and run towards the top tower.

But just as he started, an axe hit him directly.

Throw against the current!

In addition to causing 70 basic damage, Olaf's Q skill also has a slowing effect of at least 29%, which lasts for at least 1.5 seconds.

What's even more outrageous is that Olaf can reduce the cooldown of the Q skill by picking up the axe!

The cooldown of the first-level countercurrent throw is 7 seconds, and picking up the axe can reduce it by 4.5 seconds.

Counting the cooldown reduction in runes and talents, the remaining cooldown is only about two seconds.

"I chop! I chop again!"

Olaf holds two axes in his hands and attacks frantically.

Even if V twists left and right, trying to twist Olaf's axe by moving.

But no matter how he operates, Olaf's axe is like a navigation, always hitting him.

The movement speed of the Centaur at level 1 is only 350 points, and it is slowed down for 1.5 seconds every 2 seconds. The top lane tower, which is not far away, seems to be separated by a chasm at this moment!

"Olaf is too fierce, the Centaur can't get away at all!"

"Centaur without flash... won't be killed at level 1?"

Su Xiaoyan was confused.

Killed at level 1?

How long has it been since this happened on the field?

On the field, the health of the Centaur was less than one-third at this moment. Although he was constantly hitting the crystal bottle, Olaf used his speed advantage to move in front of the Centaur while slowing down the Centaur!


Go A!

Melee heroes also have pre-swing and post-swing of attacks, and they can go A smoothly and silky to the extreme!

The health of the Centaur was getting lower and lower, and occasionally he used the Q skill [Rampage] to exchange blood, but the result was that Olaf's attack speed was getting faster and faster.

Berserker, for every 1% loss of health, the attack speed will increase by 1%!

"Too brutal..."

Some of the audience at the scene were afraid to watch.

This Olaf was too brutal.

"Lockfar's power is approaching!"

In this way, one axe after another, the health of the Centaur was gradually emptied to the bottom, and finally returned to zero...

"IG-Yuan (Berserker) killed QG-V (Shadow of War)!!!"

"First Blood!!"

First blood! !

Single kill! !

This is something that has never happened in the LPL. A single kill at level 1!

The scene was boiling instantly!

Countless people shouted.

Although people had a premonition of this scene, when such a thing happened in the game, people still found it hard to believe.

This is a professional game! !

The last time it happened was in S3, when Faker's Riven flashed and used a light-speed QA to ignite, killing Ryze who had no flash.

In the LPL, the fastest single kill was also Zzitai's ignition of Karthus, who Q-killed the opponent at level 2.

"This wave of Centaur was a huge loss. Not only was the start of level 1 destroyed, but the first blood was also given away. It was even more difficult to play in the early stage. Olaf was originally strong in the early laning phase."

Miller looked at the situation on the field and felt sorry for V.

"Is Olaf going to return to the city? It seems not. Player Yuan chose to go online directly, but Centaur has a teleport. In this case, it seems that Olaf will give way at level 1."

Su Xiaoyan analyzed.

However, it is indeed the case.

If you die at level 1, the resurrection time is very short.

V teleported to the defense tower and directly chose to go online to clear soldiers.

Stacking passive.

Q skill is rampage. If it hits the enemy and causes damage, it will stack a layer of passive, reducing the CD of Q skill by 1 second, and it can be stacked up to two layers.

The cooldown time of the first level Q skill of Centaur is four seconds. Stacking two layers of passive means one Q every two seconds. After doing the core three-phase force, the Q skill can connect with the general attack to cause high damage.

Many melee heroes cannot beat Centaur because of the mechanism of this skill.

In terms of pure laning, although Centaur is not as good as Olaf, he is definitely not weak.

At least Olaf, who is at low health, does not have enough ability to fight at this moment.

"I control the line."

Yuan Shen said.

In this wave of soldiers, he can choose to control them back, and the experience and economy will not be much different.

He has 400 pieces of blood on him. As long as he returns to the city to replenish equipment and converts the economic advantage into equipment advantage, Centaur will no longer be able to fight back.

A qualified top laner can correctly judge the situation and have the most intuitive judgment when to go up and when not to go up.

After achieving laning suppression, V became anxious.

He also knew that this would be his last chance to suppress Olaf.

As long as Olaf returns home once, he will be wretched.

Therefore, V played very aggressively.

Every time Olaf wanted to replenish the low-blood soldiers, he would be consumed by Centaur using the Q skill, unless he gave up the last hit.

"V's handling is also very experienced. This is his last chance."

"That's right. The range of Centaur's Q skill is not small. It is 350 yards. Olaf's attack range is only 125 yards. A skilled Centaur player can consume without injury."

Su Xiaoyan flipped through the notebook. She knew the data of Centaur, a common hero in this version.

"Yuan was not to be outdone. He threw a backhand countercurrent. Both sides attacked A. This is a young player. He can't bear any loss!"

Miller kept explaining.

On the field, the two distanced themselves and avoided the hatred of the soldiers.

The fight is over!

Yuan Shen retreated directly.

It seems that Olaf picked up the axe, and the cooldown of the Q skill will not be long, but if he picks up the axe, he must bear the damage of the soldiers. The Centaur has already stacked the passive layer of rampage, and he will lose if he exchanges blood.

Besides, the Centaur starts with a crystal bottle, and he is Doran's Blade. He will suffer if he exchanges too much blood.

Looking at the Centaur who has been pushing the line, Yuan Shen breathed a sigh of relief.

"Kakao, help me keep an eye on the opponent's jungler, this Centaur is dead."

Kakao: "Huh?"

Please~ read more~Thank you everyone!

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