Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 39: Charge System, Justice and Glory

Chapter 39-Charging system, justice and glory

"The men on the road are facing the double-teaming of three IG people, and they can't escape at all!! V can only use his ultimate move to clear the line as much as possible. The fear effect is blocked by Olaf's ultimate move. This wave of kills... Rookie If you get the head, you won’t be able to save the first tower on the road!”

"Doinb in the bottom lane also handed over the teleport, and Kid and Keke couldn't escape. QG's most signature four-pack-two system, the kills were taken by Victor and Jinx. QG's double C's development was very good in this game. ah!"

"That's right, the bottom lane itself is the most powerful one. If we take down the next tower and dragon in this wave, the economic gap between the two sides is not that big."

Su Xiaoyan looked at the situation on the court and explained.

Now IG's economic lead basically lies with Olaf. The mid laner is evenly developed, and QG is better in the bottom lane. If you really want to decide the outcome, you still have to look at team battles.

"Heroes such as Centaur cannot be defeated. As long as they have a pair of shoes and a Slag Giant jungle knife, the functionality and tankiness are about the same. All the remaining resources can be given to the C position."

Miller was a little emotional.

This is the tank version.

This is the power of versions.

The tank hero has good statistics, cheap equipment, and high cost performance.

The same economy may only give ADC two pieces of equipment, but tank heroes can hold back three big items...

"In this round of exchanges between the two sides, I feel like IG still loses."

Miller concluded.

Go up to the tower and switch to the next tower, one head for two heads, and you also lose a small dragon.

No matter how you look at it, it’s a loss.

"While they are taking down the tower to get the little dragon, think of a way to take down the middle tower as well."

Yuan Shen commanded.

They demolished them faster on the road. If you want to get something back this time, you must seize the time difference when the opponent has no skills and returns to the city for supplies.


Rookie and Kakao decisively agreed.

Rookie has been controlling the army line in the middle very well. During this period, he has been studying the army line mechanism with Yuan Shen, and Yuan Shen even taught him a few tips.

"IG is going to... demolish the mid tower!! Morgana is also heading to the mid lane, and QG has no time to come back for help!"

"IG's command is a bit awesome. The capture at this time is really good. Victor and the troops are not teleported. The only one who can come is Nunu, but IG has three people here!"

"The middle tower is going to fall!"

Su Xiaoyan sighed secretly.

The game lasted eight and a half minutes, and the most important middle tower in the early and middle stages of the game was gone. This had a huge impact.

Especially a team like IG that is very good at playing advantageous games.

With vision suppressed and jungle invasion, Nunu could only run when he saw the blind monk.

There is no room for the jungler to develop, the field of vision is dark, and the lane must be wretched.

The entire team had very little room for development and had to wait under the tower for the troops to be pushed over.

The economic gap between the two sides is widening every minute.

Although IG has chosen a lineup that is close to a four-core lineup, everyone's development is not bad!

Olaf and Syndra have gained kills, and Lee Sin can brush the opposite jungle area. Wheel Mom can also brush her own jungle area from time to time to replenish development.

Eighteen minutes later, Yuan Shen returned to the city to make up for the third big piece and strengthen his armor.

"OK, prepare the dragon vision, my equipment is ready."

After hearing what Yuan Shen said, Kid, who was still stealing Kakao toads, opened Tab and was dumbfounded.

"Not a buddy? Why do you have a three-piece suit?"

Kid Baisi, who only had a pair of endless and attack speed shoes, and the electric knife had not yet been synthesized, was puzzled.

"Just brush it."

The answer given by Yuan Shen made everyone in IG fall silent.

Indeed, Olaf with two heads and two hundred dollars in eighteen minutes can indeed have this economy.

But are we asking you this?

The question is how did you get the two hundred dollars? !

In addition to Olaf, the fattest Syndra is two levels lower than Olaf.

Olaf, who is level 14, has experience runes?


Yuan Shen can't comment on this issue.

Because the hero Olaf has his own position as a jungler, relying on the setting of low blood volume and attack speed and the blood-sucking ability, Olaf's jungle efficiency can be very high.

And now there is no setting that reduces experience and gold coins by killing wild monsters without using a jungle knife. It is not difficult for Olaf, who has no brain development, to achieve such results.

The top laner's ability to supplement development and steal resources is also very important.

To do this, you must have a deep understanding of the army line mechanism and the wild monster mechanism.

The refresh time of wild monsters and the handling of soldier lines are very critical.

Basically, for such a long time, Olaf was either clearing the army line or brushing wild monsters.

It took countless experiences and skills to create an 18-minute and 14-level Olaf.

Black Cut, Uplifting, Justice and Glory, Quicksilver Child.

Olaf in the three-piece suit has already reached the peak of his combat power.

"Then do it! Let them see our system."

Take a deep breath.

Charge into battle!

This is a new lineup they have come up with during this time.

The core is high movement speed and high maneuverability.

Although the current lineup is not complete, it already has a foundation.

Wheel Mom + Olaf, that’s enough!

What's more, there is also the equipment of Glory of Justice.

As a must-have equipment for heroes who charge into battle, Glory of Justice is extremely cost-effective.

2650 price, 400 health bonus, 300 mana bonus, 30 armor, 100% basic health regeneration and 10% cooldown reduction.

Active effect: Provides you with 75% movement speed for 4 seconds, only effective when moving towards the enemy or enemy defense tower. Once close to an enemy hero (or after 4 seconds), a shock wave will be released, reducing the movement speed of nearby enemy heroes by 75% for 2 seconds (cooldown time: 90 seconds).

This equipment can be said to be a reborn and enhanced version of Shuriya's Battle Song in the top position. Of course, now it is the Ascension Amulet, not the Crown, that has the same effect.

The two-stage active effect, similar to Shuriya's Battle Song and Randuin's Omen, is a blessing for short-legged heroes. It is a weapon for starting a team fight first. With the acceleration of the big move of the wheel mother, it is not a problem to easily break the speed of 1,000!


Nineteen minutes, this time point is very sensitive.

How sensitive is it?

It will appear at the touch!


Eight people from both IG and QG were constantly dealing with the minion line and checking vision near the dragon pit.

Although IG had an overall economic lead, QG's double Cs were not bad.

Nunu and Centaur almost gave up development and gave all resources to the double Cs.

Olaf and Centaur, both of them were still leading the minion line in the bottom lane.

But as Kakao's Lee Sin touched his eyes and R flashed to kick Nunu back, the team battle broke out instantly!

Two beams of teleportation light shot up into the sky, and Centaur and Olaf chose to teleport to the front almost at the same time!

Lee Sin and Nunu fell to the ground almost at the same time. After landing, Centaur was ready to retreat with QG teammates, but at this time, IG's offensive was officially launched!

Forgot to update, sorry brothers!

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