Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 66: Meeting the principal, his worth skyrocketed!

Chapter 66 - Meet the principal, the value has skyrocketed!

"It has changed, the version has changed, IG has directly broken this window paper!!"

Looking at Flandre beside him, Masto's eyes were complicated.

The version has really changed!

In the past team battles, the final endgame harvesters were ADC and mid laners.

But now, the top laner can also do this.

This was simply unimaginable before.

More importantly, if EDG does not find a way to deal with the gap in the top lane position, they will not be able to win today's BO5.

The gap between AJ and Yuan Shen is really too big!

"Maybe we can also try to let Flandre carry the game. We also have such ability and tactics."

Beast bit his finger and suggested.

"Prepare for the bubble game, we may be able to compete for a place in the world championship."


After the first game, the major forums, live broadcast rooms, and forums have been quarreled.

But the EDG people have no mind to worry about these things.

Although they only lost the first game, it was still BO5, they had enough time to adjust their tactics and find a way.

But the Fiora, who had pointed at the high ground in less than 15 minutes, had terrifying chasing ability, and was invincible in the 4-1 split push, appeared in front of them like a nightmare.

"Ban Fiora, we can't handle this hero, but we can still fight after banning Fiora."

Mingkai sighed.

Preparing to ban Fiora before the game is completely different from banning after being defeated.

The former is tactical preparation, internal intelligence, fear and respect.

The latter is being defeated and fearful.

Despite the humiliation, EDG had to admit that they had no way to deal with this Fiora.

The line-changing tactic is also just a stopgap measure.

Hero Counter can change the order of selection, but what about ID Counter?

You can't ban Yuan Shen, right?

"It's easier to play by switching lines. At least don't let the top laner develop so comfortably. As long as time is dragged on, we have a chance."

After a brief discussion, EDG determined the play style.

However, EDG, once the darling of the version, has now become the abandoned child of the version.

With IG defending and grouping up to prevent lane changes in every game, EDG did not find any chance to change lanes.

Fiora was banned, and Yuan Shen picked Riven again. The rhythm of each game was exactly the same as the first game.

The top lane was broken through, and then IG snowballed to end the game.

In the last team fight, Riven entered the field and got a quad kill, cutting EDG's back row into pieces alone.

Even in the third game, Pawn's mentality was problematic, and Victor was killed by Rookie's Leblanc.

3 to 0!

Amid the thunderous cheers in the venue, EDG lost the semi-finals in an almost ugly manner.

And the opponent was IG, whom they had not lost to for a whole year.

Even in S4, EDG had never lost to IG, and at most it was a tie.

0 to 3, this made EDG fans a little difficult to accept.

"Before the game, they said they were studying the opponents of the World Championship. Now, after studying for a long time, they decided not to go."

"Hehe, the top laner always picks Treant and Gnar first, and they always get beaten to a pulp."

"When will EDG's top laner be able to play heroes like Fiora and Riven!!!"

"To be honest, EDG deserves it. They underestimated the opponent before the playoffs. They also said they were studying the World Championship. How can this team enter the World Championship?"


Esports, bragging when winning and slander when losing, that's the reality.

In the three games, EDG had some resistance except for the first game. In the remaining two games, IG completely controlled the offensive rhythm.

It's not that EDG is bad, but when IG's offensive rhythm started, it was too difficult to suppress!

The three spears in the middle, top and jungle were like sharp tridents that caused trouble in various places in the Summoner's Rift. EDG, with a single core, couldn't defend at all.

"Great brothers!!"

"I said that you can only see me if you beat Yuan Shen. I didn't expect EDG to be so useless!"

Zizi smiled so hard that his mouth couldn't close.

Really·made it to the finals! !

Yuan Shen's performance today was completely within his expectations.

He didn't know when he had become the most die-hard fan of Yuan.

"Yuan Shen, come here!"

At this moment, Su Xiaoluo suddenly hurried in.


Yuan Shen followed him out, but saw Su Xiaoluo's face full of smiles, and said happily: "You played well, and finally let out a sigh of relief."

Yuan Shen nodded, but it was obvious that Su Xiaoluo had not finished speaking.

"Well, maybe you don't know, the principal has been watching the game on the spot today. I didn't notify you in advance because I was afraid of putting pressure on you. I didn't expect you to play so well!"

"The principal is outside now, come with me to meet him."


Yuan Shen was stunned. He was still very familiar with the principal.

After all, he was his own boss.

They had met several times during the regular season before, but they had never met alone like now.

He followed Su Xiaoluo out of the lounge and went directly to the car outside the court.

"Are you here? You're welcome, sit down."

Principal Wang crossed his legs very wantonly, and the smile on his face could not be concealed.

"Damn, you guys are too strong today. The Weibo hot search has reached the second place. We lost to EDG for the whole year this year, and finally fought back once."

Principal Wang was cheerful. He knew EDG's boss, Aide Zhu, and was ridiculed once when he lost to EDG in the spring game before.

This time, what's the use of EDG's first place in the regular season?

You still have to play the bubble game after the first round of the playoffs!

"Yuan Shen, I asked you to come here today for only one thing. Have you ever considered... starting a live broadcast? Or, becoming an e-sports star?"

Yuan Shen was stunned, and the words Panda Live and Banana Plan flashed in his mind.

These are all things that happened in S6. Calculating the time, it's time to prepare now.

"We are preparing for the World Championship now, and we haven't thought about these yet."

Yuan Shen shook his head. Recently, IG has been studying the World Championship version most of the time and perfecting its own tactics. How can there be so much time to think about other things.

"Well... let's not talk about this for now. I heard that you only signed a half-year contract? Have you considered signing a long-term contract? The price is not a problem. I just think you have great potential and want to keep you in IG.

If you are willing, I can give you the same treatment as the Korean aid, 5 million a year, how about it?"

"I have said this before, but Yuan Shen has not replied to me."

Su Xiaoluo quickly made up.

In the past three months, he has been scolded by the principal for this matter.

The better Yuan Shen performs, the worse he is scolded.

Such a good player, who is disgusted by signing a half-year contract?

"Let's wait until the World Championship is over. I am confident that we will definitely get a good ranking in the World Championship this time. The last time we entered the World Championship was S2, and the quarterfinals will definitely not be our end."

Yuan Shen gave his answer directly without any hesitation.

To be honest, I am still very happy to stay in IG for these few months.

Rookie is as reliable as a big brother, Kakao has also changed a lot, and even Jack was pulled in by him.

In a few months, he will have to consider whether to bring the village dogs to IG to guard the door.

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