Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 72: Unstoppable Development, Blazing Blade

Chapter 72 - Unable to develop, blazing fire

"What harm is this?"

"Dashu: Where is my health bar??"

"The Captain is Lumberjack No. 2? Sword Girl is No. 1?"

"Yuan: How dare you play with a big tree in front of me!!"

The competition scene was a blast.

There was also a lively discussion in the live broadcast room.

But Yuan Shen was not surprised at all about his injury.

The captain's E can additionally cause damage when detonating the powder barrel.

In other words, when Q detonates the powder keg, the damage is actually the damage of Q+E.

Moreover, Q can critically hit.

At the same time, the current powder keg can ignore 60% of the armor. What is the concept?

Da Qingyu is only 35%.

For the second-level captain, level A comes with a passive that deals 100 real damage, and QE second company ignores armor and can deal 80 drops of blood.

One second, three hundred damage.

How much blood does a level 2 tree have?

Yuan Shen could tell it even with his eyes closed.

The basic attributes are 570, and each level increases by 90 points. Counting talents and runes, it is only 800.

He felt a little sorry for Brother A after being knocked out of 37.5% of his health in one second.

But there is no way, who told you to ban Riven and Sword Princess?

Yuan Shen put away the pity in his eyes and replaced it with a touch of determination.

"Damn it! Brother A, where is your health bar?"

Taobao Quan had just finished the second group of wild monsters, and when he switched to the top lane, he was immediately stunned.

Is the new version of the captain so powerful?

The captain's level 1 Q only has 40 HP, and you... have been Qed seven times?

Not so! !

"Passive, really hurt, painful."

Acorn almost cried.

The sword girl and the captain were killed, they were all seriously injured, and they were not friendly to the tree at all.

Fist, you turned people into ghosts!

But think about it, the captain’s backstory is that he was resurrected after being killed by a female gunner. He paid the price of a broken hand, but he has the ability to throw barrels...

Acorn is also a top laner, and he quickly figured out part of the captain's skill mechanism.

Refreshing his passive and firing as many fire knives as possible in the shortest time is his main output method.

The unknown is the scariest thing. Once you understand this, you will have a solid foundation for the battle.

During the laning phase, Acorn was very careful and did not give the captain a chance to use his A Fire Knife.

However, there are some things that he can't avoid if he wants to.

At the moment of finishing his attack, a powder keg suddenly stood in front of him.

The barrel that the captain had hidden in the grass in advance was instantly detonated. When the big tree was blown up, his movement speed dropped sharply!

The captain, on the other hand, gained an acceleration effect.

The captain is a canyon relativity researcher like Ike Swordsman.

Facing the captain who was chasing after him with great strides, Dashu turned around and tried to knock him away with his Q. However, because the difference in movement speed between the two men was so big, the captain just twisted and successfully dodged the Q skill.

Interrogation by fire!

Blades of fire!

With one strike of the knife, the tree's blood volume dropped by nearly two hundred points again.

After two consecutive waves of blood exchanges, the captain only lost less than 200 blood.

And the big tree has lost a full 500 blood!

In top lane matchups, the cost of consecutive failed exchanges is very high.

One wave of losses and the line rights are gone.

After two waves of losses, the last hit can't make up for it.

Three waves of losses, don’t call the jungler to come, don’t even hear the experience!

The top laner's line of troops is too long, and he can't fight against them.

It's only been three minutes since last last minute of laning, and Dashu has already reached the point where QE's first last hit is just a matter of experience.

The number of last hits between the two people was unknowingly widened again.

"I can't go, why is this blind monk always on top!"

Taobao Quan sees it in his eyes and feels anxious in his heart.

It's not like he never thought about helping Acorn relieve the pressure, but the three times he went there, he either got caught in sight early or encountered the blind monk squatting back.

After three waves of fighting, instead of gaining any advantage, they actually lost their own flash.

The Imp in the bottom lane can stabilize Jack and Keke, and Hirano Aya's Guardian Bull is not just a boast.

But facing a strong plane in the lane and a Broon with full protection ability, they had no good solution.

Six minutes passed, not even a single head broke out on the field, and all three lines entered a stable development period.

LGD finally found an opportunity to launch a wave of encirclement and suppression on the bottom lane, but as soon as they started, the captain's ultimate move came down, covering the aircraft and Braum's retreat.

For eight minutes, the economic gap between the two sides remained at around 1,000, and it was not widened.

"IG played very conservatively today. All three lines were very stable, giving LGD no chance at all."

"Yes, IG's stability today is a bit unfamiliar. It seems that the captain is indeed a development hero and is not good at attacking in the early stage."

The doll smiled.

"You can't say that. Although there are no casualties, the captain is already nearly a thousand gold ahead in the matchup. The tree's last hit and level... are a bit miserable."

Miller added.

Looking at the field again, the captain already has the Yaoguang Net Erosion Straw Shoes in his hand. To be able to develop like this in less than nine minutes, the captain can be said to be extremely rich.

Follow the time to finish the last hit, reward money...

Facing the big tree, it was all about getting what it wanted, and the big tree didn't even have the ability to fight back.

With two barrels, Q skills, and fire knives, Dashu's life was simply miserable.

And it was at this time that Taobao Quan finally found an opportunity!

He had been looking for opportunities in the middle and bottom during this period, but IG's vision was too good.

The two wards of Braum and Lee Sin directly blocked all his gank routes.

He couldn't catch anyone, but was killed by Kakao and several groups of wild monsters, which was completely in a net loss.

Taobao Quan's playing style is somewhat similar to Kakao, both of them are carnivorous junglers.

No gank, no death.

"The barrel seems to be on top, and the tree is a little restless. You can try to control the little dragon."

Yuan Shen glanced at the river without vision and said directly.

Although the vision did not see the barrel, the tree's action had betrayed Taobao Quan.

The tree that was beaten by the head just now and was cautious to make a knife dared to come up to exchange blood?

How is it possible!

Acting is not like this!

Looking at his ultimate skill with more than ten seconds of cooldown, Yuan Shen silently calculated in his heart.

He did not retreat directly, which would scare the barrel away.

On the contrary, after taking a look at his status, Yuan Shen directly placed the gunpowder barrel in the bushes.

Then, he continued to move forward to last hit.

He was about to reach level nine.

Captain, this hero, is very dependent on levels.

The rate of decay of the gunpowder barrel's health will evolve at levels seven and thirteen.

And with each level of Q and each level of E improvement, the captain's damage can be raised to a higher level.

A level nine captain can have a level five Q skill!

The moment Yuan Shen upgraded to level nine, LGD's top and jungle players moved directly.

Gragas successfully went around and appeared from the triangle bushes.

The tree approached at the same time, but Yuan Shen was not worried at all, but analyzed the situation.

Gragas could appear at this time and position, and it was highly likely that he did not have the E skill.

Otherwise, it would take a long time to delay the rhythm.

If Gragas's E does not hit anyone, the CD will be longer.

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