Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 88 Heavy-armored Warriors, drawing ceremony!

Chapter 88 - Heavy Warrior, draw ceremony!

The departure ceremony ended quickly.

Wearing the official blue and white porcelain uniforms, all IG members were very happy and took photos.

All three teams were confirmed, which also meant that the summer season of major regions around the world was completely over.

In the next month or even two months, League of Legends has only one theme, that is, the World Championship!

With the update of the national version on September 5, the World Championship version came, and the heavy warriors came out of nowhere, setting off a bloody storm on the Rank ladder of Ionia.

And it was the official release of version 5.18 that people saw what kind of big game Riot was playing!

Noxus and Iron Man were reworked, and other warrior heroes were also reworked to varying degrees.

Such as Garen's big villain mechanism, Scorpion's crystal passive...

At the same time, a large number of new equipment suitable for top warrior heroes appeared!

Sterak's Gauntlet of Defiance, Dead Man's Plate, free switching between Giant Hydra and Greedy Hydra, the new version of Black Cleaver...

Each piece of equipment perfectly fits the positioning of the heavy warrior. Not only that, in the previous versions, Riot has slowly weakened the data strength of many mid-lane and ADC heroes.

Some teams that were not very sensitive before thought it was just a normal update, but now it seems that it is clearly paving the way for the version where the top lane is king!

Zhe's ultimate skill needs one second to return to the original position.

The judgment range of Leblanc's chain has been reduced, the flight speed of the W skill has been slowed down, and the damage of the Q skill has been greatly reduced.

Ryze, who has been popular for a season, has also been weakened. Many people think that Ryze is useless.

Although Lucian has increased the damage of his skills, his range has been shortened.

The Q skill of Annie has been weakened, the damage of W has been weakened, the QE of Skateboard Shoes has been cut, the additional damage of W to the Contractor has also been weakened, and the mana consumption of Jinx's Q skill has been increased...

These changes are all released slowly, not all at once.

But looking at the changes in several versions, the ecological environment of the entire game can be said to have undergone earth-shaking changes! !

However, compared with the LPL, which was caught off guard by the version update in history and could not adapt to it all at once, the current LPL has been very calm.

On the Riot ranking list, Yuan Shen has been listed as the world's No. 1 top laner.

Under the influence of IG's one-year implementation of the top lane core tactics, other LPL teams have already fully understood this version.

Top lane will be the most eye-catching position in the entire S5!

The door to the world championship was opened with a bang, and various powerful teams followed one after another.

The teams participating in the world championship in various major regions have been determined, and the draw ceremony is about to take place.

After the draw ceremony, the three LPL teams will board the plane to Paris.

In the early morning of September 14, all IG people squatted in front of the computer screen.

The person in charge of the draw was OMG's mid laner, Wushuang, who traveled across the ocean to Los Angeles, USA.

The first to be released was the No. 1 seed seat in each group.

Group A, the No. 1 seed of the North American LCS region, the strongest Wings of Hope, CLG.

Group B, the No. 1 seed of the European LCS region, the S1 world champion, the e-sports giant FNC team.

Group C, the No. 1 seed of the Korean LCK region, the S3 world champion, SKT T1 team.

Group D, the No. 1 seed of the Chinese LPL region, IG team.

When each team appeared, they had a brilliant past record, including the North American Wings of Hope CLG, and also had a video of winning the season championship.

But IG was more embarrassed. The most brilliant record was when PDD was there, when they won the SWL championship, and then the video of winning the summer season.

As the draw progressed, the other nine teams also slowly appeared and came to their respective groups.

The second team in Group A, the second seed of the LMS region, Flash Wolves FW team.

The third team, KOO Tigers, the third seed of LCK.

Everyone in IG looked at each other.

Group A, at this moment, is already a death group!

Two strong teams in the five major regions, plus a Tiger team, no matter LGD or EDG, they will have to be skinned if they want to play.

When the last team of Group A appeared, everyone in IG breathed a sigh of relief.

Brazil wildcard region, PNG team.

In this way, the situation in Group A is very clear.

The second seed of South Korea, KOO Tiger team, and CLG team with veteran star Doublelift who has been fighting since the 2012 season are relatively strong, but FW and the Brazilian champion also have the possibility of upset.

FNC team in Group B is also a strong opponent.

In the summer season, FNC set a record of undefeated regular season. Young player Huni is known as the No. 1 top laner in Europe, and he has killed through the line many times. The genius mid laner Febiven, the core of the team Yellowstar and other players also performed very well during MSI.

The second draw was LGD.

Everyone in IG breathed a sigh of relief.

For LGD, the situation is already very clear.

Among the remaining teams, there are basically no big opponents.

Unless KT is picked over...

In that case, Group B will be a group of death that is no less terrible than Group A.

The third draw, the No. 1 seed of the LMS region, AHQ team.

With the star player Simon, AHQ itself is also a veteran team in the LMS.

The fourth draw, the No. 3 seed of the North American LCS region, the C9 team known as the artistic team!

After three consecutive wins in the playoffs, they twice came back from 2-0 to 3-0 before entering the World Championship, which made this team a relatively weak team in the group stage.

"This... is definitely a good draw!"

"LGD was drawn to the only group without a Korean team, so it won't take off?"

"It's a pity, it would be better if they switched with EDG."

"Yes, EDG is the father of AHQ..."

The barrage in the live broadcast room exploded instantly.

And with Group A and Group B all selected, the remaining groups are already very clear.

Following the principle of avoiding the group stage in the same region, EDG is impossible to go to Group D, and can only face SKT in Group C in advance, while KT will face IG in Group D.

The final draw results are:

Group A, CLG, KOO, FW, PNG

Group B: FNC, LGD, AHQ, C9

Group C: SKT, EDG, H2K, BKT

Group D: IG, KT, TSM, OG

As soon as the grouping was announced, the entire LPL circle was instantly as lively as a pot of boiling water.

Commentators and players from major regions expressed their views on the grouping.

Among the four groups, the situation of Group C is the most complicated. EDG and SKT will face off again, and Yue Lun and Faker will face off. Among these three teams, SKT has a higher chance of qualifying, and EDG and H2K also have a chance. The remaining BKT is just a runner-up, and it can almost be announced in advance that it will stop in the top 16.

In comparison, the situation in Group B is not bad. Without the intervention of the Korean team, the strength of FNC and LGD is obviously higher than that of the other two teams.

And Group A and Group D are absolutely the death groups.

FW, KOO, and CLG are all at the top of the division and have good strength.

Group D is even more outrageous. As the champion of LPL, IG has strong competitiveness.

And Yuan Shen was also rated as the world's No. 1 top laner by Riot, the new light of top laner.

KT is the LCK runner-up team, and the top laner Ssumday is the absolute core, perfectly fitting the current world game version.

TSM, known as the North American cult, has Bjergsen as its core player, but their summer season performance is not very good.

OG team, in the entire European LCS region, they are considered to be the second only to FNC.

XPeke, sister-in-law, Amzing and others are all frequent visitors to the world game. When they left FNC to establish OG at the beginning of the year, no one thought they could get to this point.

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