Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 91 Noxus, first battle against OG!

Chapter 91 - Noxus, first match against OG!

"Warm up your hands, the pressure is on EDG now!"

"Mingkai, don't lose face! Be energetic!"

"We are all from LPL, we are all great!"

"It should be okay to play a wild card, go for it!"

The LGD and IG players were cheering for EDG, and the EDG players were also warming up their hands.

In the second game, C9 defeated AHQ by a large margin.

In the third game, SKT faced H2K and didn't give any chance.

MaRin, an old player, played his Fiora for the first time in front of the audience all over the world.

In a group fight with a small dragon, the Fiora flashed and killed the Mouth in seconds after teleporting around, breaking the deadlock and finally winning.

Yue Lun, lost to Faker again.

And in the next game, the audience in the LPL region felt that there was no surprise.

No matter how bad EDG is, it is still the third seed of LPL, the former three-time champion of the league, and it is not something that a wild card team like BKT can touch.

And the result of the game was unexpected and reasonable.

BKT, released Gangplank.

Although Tong Yang can't play Gangplank, Pawn can!

Noxus, Scorpion, Gangplank's top, mid and jungle combination, the three major LPL teams think are the strongest heroes in the version, EDG got three.

20 minutes and 21 seconds, EDG won.

Fourteen to one kill ratio, economic lead of 15,000!

Both games of LPL on the first day were won!

This made the LPL audience even more inflated.

Originally, the first division was just because EDG defeated SKT in MSI.

But now the results in the world game can better show that LPL is really strong!


After the first day of the game, many teams are working overtime to analyze the first day's game.

It is not feasible to work behind closed doors, and there may be hidden things in the training game.

Only the main game can explain the problem.

Back to the base, the first meeting.

"Our opponent tomorrow is OG. You have already learned about it. Although this team is new, the players are all veterans. Soaz and Xpeke are both veterans of FNC. They left the team this year to form OG. They have a certain level of skill in playing all the way here." Fu Manduo said while flipping through the OG player information. The jungler Amazing, who has a similar ID to AJ, is known as the No. 1 blind man and the No. 1 spider in Europe. "No problem, we will win!" "I think we can take it easy. As long as we can guarantee victory, we don't need to come up with too many things." Rookie is a bit conservative. They have prepared a lot of things for this world championship, and many of them are 100% able to play advantages. "Play steadily, don't take it lightly." Yuan Shen is relatively familiar with other teams. In history, LGD was given its first defeat by OG. It can be said that OG should bear a lot of responsibility for LGD's confidence being frustrated. However, because he joined IG, IG became the No. 1 seed of LPL and had to face LGD's former opponent. ... The second day's game came soon. After doing finger exercises, all IG members got on the bus to the Pullman venue.

LGD and EDG also had a match today, and the three teams met again at the venue.

With the blessings of LGD and EDG, the five IG members walked onto the stage and started their first world championship game!

The selection of the sides in the group stage was determined by drawing lots.

IG was on the blue side.

However, for the sake of fairness, when they met OG for the second time in the second half, IG was on the red side.

However, for IG, whether it was the blue side or the red side, it was actually not a big problem.

Their hero pool was too deep.

Especially in the middle and top, the heroes could not be banned at all.

IG banned Spider, Varus, and Tsar in the first three rounds.

OG had almost no choice in the first three rounds of banning.

Iron Man, Captain, Fiora.

The two most toxic heroes in the version, as well as Yuan Shen's most signature Fiora, were all banned.

When Iron Man was banned, Jack pretended to be very annoyed.


As long as he acts like this, no one will think he can't play Iron Man!!

Unless there is a traitor...

"You guys choose first, I can choose many heroes."

Yuan Shen took the initiative to give up the advantage of grabbing first.

For him, it doesn't matter what he plays.

Noxus, Crocodile, Riven, and even Garen are all fine.

"Then grab Lee Sin first."

Fu Manduo also made a decision.

Amaing's Lee Sin and Elise are both very strong. If one is banned first, grabbing Lee Sin is the best choice.

Grab instead of ban.

Moreover, when Kakao plays Lee Sin, he doesn't have much resistance to making Eyestone.

OG's first two picks locked Skateboard Shoes and Clockwork.

Prioritize the mid and bottom heroes, and prepare to leave the advantage of the back hand to the top.

Both sides picked people quickly.

When IG's last hero appeared, the game scene suddenly fell into cheers.

"Above all combat power!"

The newly reworked Hand of Noxus, Darius!!

"I've chosen it! Noxus, you can target him as you like, counter position, first move or second move, I've shown Noxus, how will you respond!"

Wawa was very excited.

In foreign wars, he was never afraid of being criticized. No matter whether the domestic team had an advantage or disadvantage, he would praise it, and it would be over!

The focus was clear and the position was firm.


Facing Yuan Shen's Noxus, my sister-in-law was not afraid at all.

Desert Butcher, Renekton.

Directly locked!

But for my sister-in-law's choice, Yuan Shen just wanted to laugh.

If he played any other hero, even Gnarl and Borez, he would not be so easy to beat.

But Crocodile...

Isn't this just giving him food?

SR's Crocodile proficiency, he can see through my sister-in-law's underwear!

Amid the cheers of the audience, the lineups of both sides were officially determined.

"IG Blue Side:

Top Lane Yuan: Hand of Noxus - Darius

Jungle Kakao: Lee Sin - Lee Sin

Mid Lane Rookie: Faerie Witch - Lulu

Bottom Lane JackeyLove: Goddess of War - Sivir

Support Kitties: Soul Warden - Thresh

OG Red Side:

Top Lane Soaz: Desert Butcher - Renekton

Jungle Amazing: Snow Knight - Nunu

Mid Lane Xpeke: Clockwork Enchantment - Orianna

Bottom Lane Zven: Spear of Vengeance - Kalista

Support Mithy: Daughter of Darkness - Annie"

The loading interface of the game appeared on the big screen.

But when they saw Noxus's summoner skills, the audience all widened their eyes and covered their mouths.

Noxus, did not bring Teleport, but chose Sprint! !

"Is this a wrong match? What should we do if we don't have Teleport? "

"Shouldn't we call a timeout?"

"It's been a long time since I saw a top laner without Teleport. Even Riven in the summer finals used Teleport and Ignite instead of Flash Ignite!"

Xiaoxiao and Wawa didn't quite understand and turned their eyes to PDD.

If it was two years ago, it was very common for the top laner to use Ignite to suppress.

It was not until S4 that Teleport became popular.

In addition to the factors of version changes such as Ignite being weakened and Teleport being strengthened, the most important thing is that the players have a high level of understanding of the game.

Tolerance, line control, operation, pulling...

More and more concepts are being applied to professional competitions, and even players in high-end games are learning these skills.

Without Teleport, the tolerance is too low.

If you are caught and killed once, and you don't have Teleport to make up the line, you will lose a lot of economy and experience.

Especially for the top laner, level is more important than economy.

If you get the first blood and the opponent teleports to block the line, you will lose more.

Line control has become one of the compulsory courses for top laners.

In the middle and late stages, whether it is to fill the line, support, or split push, it is obvious that Teleport is more advantageous.

For the top laner who is responsible for split push, Teleport is an indispensable summoner skill.

And Yuan Shen's Noxus has neither Ignite nor Teleport, but a very unpopular Sprint.

What does this mean? ?

Please read! The next chapter will be at 12 noon

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