Dean, stop being C, your teammates are not worthy!

Chapter 97: There is always someone better than you!

Chapter 97 - There is heaven outside the sky, and I am outside the world!

It is better to leave such a long translation to professionals.

After hearing Yuan Shen's answer, both Sjokz and the audience were stunned.

The audience in the LPL live broadcast room was also full of question marks.

"It's broken, put it up for him!"

"I'm laughing so hard. All you need is hands. There won't be anyone who doesn't have hands, right?"

"Is the basic operation worth your fuss?"

"I look at my sister-in-law as if she were selling Seoul with a price tag, but she would be butchering a pig or a dog!"

"Isn't Seoul the capital of South Korea? Why sell Seoul?"

Sjokz also stayed for a while, as if he didn't expect that this mysterious young man from the far east would be so rude.

However, she quickly adjusted and said with a smile: "Player Yuan is very humble. In this World Championship, you were selected as the world's number one top laner. Many teams said that they cannot let the Captain and Sword Princess be released to you. I Look, now we have to add another Nuoshou.”

"Well, I think there are too few Ban positions in League of Legends. Especially when some versions are unbalanced and the winning rate gap between the red and blue teams is too large, it is difficult to choose between the target Ban and the version Ban. If you want to target In my opinion, banning the hero is useless, it's better to think of other ways.

When I placed the first order, I felt it was a bit too much. I still have a lot to improve. After all, there are people outside the world. "

Yuan Shen's answer made the foreign audience sit up straight.

Everyone knows that when a Chinese person says a four-character idiom, he is actually giving you a hyperlink, and there are many little stories behind it..."

The translator at the Pullman venue was also troubled.

He doesn't understand Chinese culture very well.

However, under the expectant eyes of the audience, he could only bite the bullet and said: "The Ban of League of Legends... If you want to target me, you'd better find other ways. The title of the world's number one top laner is no longer enough. To describe his greatness, after all, it has exceeded the scope of human beings and the limitations of the atmosphere..."

As the translator spoke, cold sweat broke out on his forehead.

There are people outside the world, and there is a sky outside the sky. What does it mean?

Obviously he knew how to write the eight characters Yuan Shen said, but no matter how he translated them, they were wrong.

In the eyes of the audience, Yuan Shen's words had only one meaning, and that was, "The earth can no longer stop IG, and their next step is to march into the universe."

"Oh!! I understand!"

Sjokz nodded and looked at Yuan Shen with even more surprise.

Yuan Shen's words reminded her of Faker in S3.

At that time, Faker once said something during an interview.

All ganks and tactics that limit my performance through blue buffs will not be effective. If you want to defeat me, then do it through your operations!

If you think about it carefully, the two people's fame backgrounds are also very similar.

Before S3, the Korean division was not strong. In S2, the Dragon Tiger Cup was severely beaten by WE and IG. It was not until the All-Stars of S3 that the world saw the strength of the Korean division.

Subsequently, SKT won the S3 World Championship, allowing the Korean Division to ascend to the first division status.

Today's LPL, after experiencing two defeats in the World Championship, has also fallen into a wave of self-doubt and the introduction of Korean players.

It wasn't until EDG won the MSI championship that the whole world noticed the LPL's style.

There is nothing new under the sun.

S3 is the version where assassins are rampant.

The S5 is a version where the top laner is king.

Faker and Yuan Shen both encountered versions that best suited their performance in their respective positions.

There is only one problem now.

That is whether IG can win this world championship like SKT.

If possible, Yuan Shen will become Faker in the top lane position!

Different from the performance of foreign audiences, domestic audiences already laughed out loud.

"Gods are beyond the scope of human beings. How difficult is it to translate an idiom due to the limitations of the atmosphere?"

"There are indeed not enough Ban seats!! Captain Noshoe of Sword Princess has three Ban seats left. Should Riven be released? Should Crocodile be released? And where is Jace Olaf and Yasuo?"

"Tetsuo has to watch it too. In this case, it's better to give other positions a substitute."

"The main reason is that the top laner can't handle the pressure. Yuan Yuan can gain an advantage simply by relying on his personal strength."

"Come on, if Kakao wasn't here, it would be difficult for him to kill him alone."

There was a lot of discussion in the live broadcast room, and on the field, the interview was coming to an end.

"Last question, you will meet the KT team tomorrow, and your opponent is the current LCK top laner Ssumday. Is there anything you want to say to him?"

Sjokz asked.

Yuan Shen thought for a moment and shook his head.

Ssumday, or call him Sunday.

During the S5 era, he was the most famous top laner in LCK.

MaRin, Smeb, Ssumday, the three top laners of the LCK participating in the World Championship, all have good strength.

In their country, they also have top laners like Shy and Duke.

In the LPL youth training and secondary leagues, there are also potential players like TheShy, Khan, and Jin Gong.

This doesn't even include A-Brother, Princess, Looper...

The top laners in LCK are the best in the world in terms of both quantity and quality.

Smeb is just beginning to show his talent in the top lane position, and he needs time and results to prove himself.

MaRin also made his mark in this world championship and proved his worth.

Now, the most prestigious top laner in LCK is Sunday.

As a core player of KT, Sunday's performance in the domestic league has always been stronger than MaRin and Smeb.

He is also recognized as the top top laner in LCK.

When the draw was over, everyone was looking forward to this scene.

The top top laner in LPL, the top top laner in LCK.

What kind of sparks will be produced if these two meet?

"I hope he can perform better. I haven't met a top laner who can fight me 50-50 for a long time."

After Yuan Shen finished speaking, he couldn't help but stand up straighter, as if he had triggered some incredible forbidden spell.

In the live broadcast room of LPL, the screen was instantly filled with question marks.

"Which one?"

"Say it again? Which one?"

"It's so funny, it's 2020, and Master Lu is still being whipped!"

"Doesn't anyone think Faker and Yuan Shen are very similar?"


Sjokz was very satisfied with Yuan Shen's answer.

Although Yuan Shen was arrogant, he didn't belittle his opponent.

Compared with the senior brother Doublelift, he was still much stronger.

After all, belittling the opponent is actually belittling yourself.


After the interview, IG went straight back to the hotel.

They would watch the replay of the game between EDG and LGD, but they would not cheer on the scene.

The rhythm of the group stage was very tight, and there was no time to rest and relax.

Adjusting the state as soon as possible and solving the problem are what they need to do most.

As expected, EDG defeated H2K.

And LGD did not choose Brand over Iron Man when Homme participated in the training. Facing C9's attack, they played steadily and successfully dragged it to the late stage, relying on the performance of Imp and Wei Shen's double C.

LPL, 5 wins!

LCK, 4 wins!

The two major regions of China and South Korea still maintain an undefeated record.

When SKT faced BKT, they took out the mid-lane Olaf and chopped down BKT's mid-lane Irelia head-on.

Please read! The next chapter will be at 12 noon!

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