At one o'clock in the afternoon, as soon as Tang Wan returned to the company, he saw Nannan hurried towards her with a document in her hand and said, "look at this."

Then Nannan handed the document in her hand to her.

Tang Wan saw that it was Lu Fengnian's lawyer's letter to her.

I didn't expect Lu Fengnian to send her the lawyer's letter so soon. Is this determined to let her bear the responsibility for the broken porcelain vase?

Tang Wan thought calmly. She felt it necessary to make an appointment with Lu Fengnian tomorrow.


In a coffee shop in T City, a man wearing a cap handed a sealed bag to Gu qinyi. Gu qinyi took the sealed bag handed by the man and said, "I've hit your account. You'll check it later."

The man listened to Gu qinyi's words and nodded. He handed the sealed bag to Gu qinyi and left. Gu qinyi held the sealed bag tightly, and his finger joints were slightly white.

That is, she slowly opened the sealed bag.

The sealed bag is full of photos, including Tang Wan, Gu Zeyan, Tang Wan and Gu Zeyan. In short, they are all photos.

From those photos, take out a photo of Tang Wan and Gu Zeyan kissing in jixiangju box. Gu qinyi focuses on the two people in the photo with sharp eyes. Her eyes finally fall on Tang Wan, who is held in Gu Zeyan's arms. Her lips move. The tumultuous mood in her heart is about to drown her.

At 8:30 p.m., Tang Wan returned to his apartment.

When ye Zhen saw Tang Wan coming back, she said, "your second uncle called today and asked us how we are now."

Tang Wan glanced at Ye Zhen and said, "what did he call to do? Did he want to borrow money?"

"Hey." Ye Zhen sighed and said, "it's not easy for your second uncle. His clothing company hasn't made much profit recently. It's said that the supplier's hands and feet on materials have made your second uncle lose a lot of money."

"It's none of our business that he didn't make a profit. Mom, don't you forget what he did when his father died? When he called again later, you're not allowed to answer. He finally moved away from City C and away from the blood sucking family. Does he think it's not enough for us?"

Thinking of what happened in those years, Ye Zhen sighed again, didn't speak again, and asked Tang Wan, "did you eat? Su Liang just brought something over, and I didn't eat much. Wait, I'll heat it up for you."

Tang Wan pinched his temple, closed his eyes and lay on the sofa. Suddenly, she only heard a bang from the kitchen. Tang Wan was startled and rushed into the kitchen.

Ten minutes later,! " Here comes 20.

Tang Wan followed the ambulance to the hospital. When she got to the hospital, the doctor told her that Ye Zhen fainted in the kitchen because of the increase of intracranial pressure caused by the lack of oxygen in cardiovascular and cerebrovascular vessels.

Ye Zhen had a heart disease. When Tang Wan had just turned 18, she was checked out. Because she didn't care at that time, she didn't have an operation. Later, her father committed suicide. Ye Zhen fell down in front of her father's tombstone. The doctor said that if she didn't have an operation, her life would be in danger.

Those years were almost the darkest and most helpless time in Tang Wan's life. She wanted to borrow money from her second uncle, but her second aunt stopped her outside the door. Her second aunt tilted her eyebrows and looked at her and said, "your second uncle is not here, and our family has no money. Let's go."

That kind of indifferent eyes almost made Tang Wan feel that her blood had been frozen. It still reminds her of it, and it also made her hands and feet cold.

After Ye Zhen survived the operation, Tang Wan thought he would recover. Until the attack began again in the past two years, the original transplanted heart began to reject.

"Your mother needs a second operation," the doctor said without hesitation.

Tang Wan pondered, "at the latest, when can I have an operation?"

"In the case of your mother, it can't exceed three weeks at the latest. Of course, accidents can't be ruled out."

"How much does the operation cost?"

"Half a million," said the doctor.

Five hundred thousand... Tang Wan flashed this number in his mind, then nodded and said to the doctor, "I know."

At eight o'clock the next morning, as soon as Su Liang arrived at the hospital, he rushed over to the ward and asked Tang Wan, "how's aunt?"

After taking a look at Ye Zhen sleeping in bed, Tang Wan said, "as before, there is a heart problem again."



What flashed through Su Liang's eyes, "how much is the operation fee?"

"Half a million."

Not to mention Tang Wan, this is also a big number for Su Liang, who has good economic conditions at home. Moreover, she knows that Tang Wan doesn't have much savings. Tang Wan doesn't have a father. The economic source of a family depends on Tang Wan. It's good to save expenses at ordinary times, not to mention savings.

"Tang Wan, I still have some money in my hand, but not much. I'll ask my brother to borrow it again, and you'll ask Nannan to see if there's any."

Tang Wan looked at Su Liang, and an inexplicable emotion surged up from the bottom of her heart, making her eyes astringent.

At half past eight, Tang Wan arrived at the company.

Su Liang was afraid that Tang Wan would be embarrassed to talk to Nannan, so when Tang Wan took a taxi to the company, he called Nannan and told Nannan about Tang Wan.

As soon as Nannan saw Tang Wan, she directly put down a bank card in front of Tang Wan and said, "don't say anything. Take it. I won't buy a car. In short, your mother is my mother. The car can be bought at any time, but there is only one life."

Looking at the bank card in front of him, Tang Wan then raised his head and looked at Shang Nannan's eyes. He was moved beyond words, but softened the whole heart.

At noon, Tang Wan and Nan Nan went to the staff restaurant for dinner. When they came back from dinner, Nan Nan asked Tang Wan, "what happened to what you told Gu Zeyan?"

Tang Wan said, "he promised."

"Did he promise to help you?"


"I knew it!" Nannan said with a determined look on her face, "Tang Wan, how did you know Gu Zeyan?"

"I......" Tang Wan just wanted to talk, but her mobile phone rang. She looked at a strange number.

Then, a strange female voice came from the other end, "Miss Tang, is it? Our president wants to meet you today."

After thinking about it carefully, Tang Wan realized that it was the voice of assistant Lu Fengnian.

Tang Wan frowned, "where shall we meet?"

"Which cafe," said the assistant.


After hanging up, Nannan asked Tang Wan who called her. Tang Wan said, "it's Lu Fengnian's assistant. He said Lu Fengnian offered me to meet."

Hearing the words, Nannan was angry from his heart. "You said he was president Lu. Why did he like to embarrass others so much? He didn't have a good intention to ask you to meet. He must have asked you to sign a compensation agreement. No, I have to go with you."

At one o'clock in the afternoon.

Tang Wan told the editor in chief that he wanted to go to Lu Fengnian for a simple reason. He directly said that Lu Fengnian asked him to meet. The editor in chief didn't know that something unpleasant had happened between Tang Wan and Lu Niannian. He was very happy that Tang Wan went to see Lu Fengnian. Although he didn't understand why Nan Nan had to follow, he didn't ask much.

More than 40 minutes later, Tang Wan and Nan Nan took a bus to which cafe to stop.

Tang Wan and Nan Nan get off the bus. They walk into which Cafe together. Tang Wan sees Lu Fengnian at a glance.

Lu Fengnian sat at the east corner of the cafe. Tang Wan heard several girls in the cafe whispering about landing Fengnian.

Lu Fengnian and Gu Zeyan are two kinds of people who belong to the same circle. An introverted edge but not gentle makes you feel good about him at the first sight. He can force you to the corner with the most peaceful attitude. A sharp edge makes you shrink back at the first sight. Then he can cruelly deprive you of everything without even the opportunity to respond.

However, both of them have one thing in common, that is, they are not easy to mess with.

Tang Wan and Nan Nan walked over together. Lu Fengnian glanced at Nan Nan and said, "I'm not ready to see two people today."

Tang Wan sat down in front of Lu Fengnian. "General manager Lu's assistant didn't stipulate that he was not allowed to bring two people over."

Lu Fengnian suddenly smiled. I don't know whether he thought Tang Wan's words were funny or laughing. What's the use of Tang Wan even if he brought one more person?

Tang Wan saw the smile on the corner of his mouth and frowned. "If President Lu came to me for 30 million, it's best to make a long story short, because I'm ready to invite a lawyer to file a lawsuit with President Lu."

Lu Fengnian didn't show much surprise. "Oh, do you think you can win?"

"How do you know if you don't try? The law is not specially set up for the rich. Ordinary people like me always have to fight for a chance of life for themselves, don't they?"

"I didn't force you. I've made a condition for you. It's just that you don't agree." Lu Fengnian said.

Tang Wan would have yelled at Lu Fengnian if he hadn't practiced his endurance very well in his early years.


Gu Zeyan is like this, and Lu Fengnian is like this. She is just an ordinary person. She is not beautiful. Do they like her flat chest, or do they like her not beautiful and have a sense of security?

Take a deep breath, Tang Wan said, "Mr. Lu, you don't have to repeat it again and again. If you tell those 17-year-old girls what you offer, they may agree, but I really can't believe you're not making fun of me. It seems that this is the third time we've met?"

It's more bullshit than when Gu Zeyan said he wanted her to be his fiancee. Really.

Although Nannan didn't understand what they were talking about, she must know it was not a good thing to see Tang Wan's bad face.

It is said that rich people like hidden rules. Nannan secretly thinks whether it is Lu Fengnian who asks Tang Wan to devote himself, and then he can finish the 30 million thing?

Anyway, Lu Fengnian believed that Cheng Jia's stupid words were wrong. Nannan patted the table and stood up and said to Lu Fengnian: "Lu is always right. Tang Wan always abides by the law. Even ants are reluctant to step on one. I don't believe she smashed your porcelain vase and killed it. Lu is always the president of an international company, so he naturally has the ability to distinguish right from wrong. In the company, Cheng Jia and Tang Wan have always been different. I can't guarantee anything else, but I can guarantee that Tang Wan never smashed your 3000 Ten thousand bottles! "

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