There were too many lunch boxes. Tang Wan really couldn't finish it. He secretly distributed a lot to the nurses and doctors in the hospital. There was no left.

I have to say that after eating, Tang Wan felt much more comfortable in his stomach.

At about 3:30 p.m., Tang Wan met Hilton.

Of course, Tang Wan doesn't recognize Hilton. It was Nannan who searched Hilton's personal information on the Internet and showed it to Tang Wan. Tang Wan knew Hilton's identity.

Hilton looks over 50, with a touch of British Gentlemanliness all over her.

After seeing Ye Zhen's condition in the ICU intensive care unit, he came out and said to Tang Wan in twisted Chinese, "don't be too sad. I'll do my best to save my wife's life. Please trust me."

Tang Wan looked at Hilton's kind eyes and thanked him.

At about five o'clock, Nannan had something to go back to the company. She said, "the editor in chief saw that you didn't come to work before. Cheng Jia fanned the flames nearby and almost blew up. However, I told the editor about my aunt. He told me how much I care about you after his aunt was hospitalized. In short, you don't have to worry about anything now. Just take good care of your aunt."

Tang Wan said, "fortunately, you and Su Liang are here."

"Of course, Su Liang and I are your best friends."

Looking at Nannan's faint smile at the corner of her mouth, Tang Wan's heavy heart was slightly relieved until this time.

After Nannan left, Tang Wan sat in the corridor of the hospital. During this period, Su Liang came once, and the two talked for a while.

When Su Liang finished talking and left, it was already 6:30 p.m. Tang Wan remembered that Gu Zeyan would come to pick her up in the evening. She didn't walk around.

At about seven o'clock, Gu Zeyan came. He said hello to Hilton. The two seemed to know each other. Tang Wan's English was poor and he couldn't understand what they were talking about.

After greeting Hilton, Gu Zeyan walked towards Tang Wan. When Tang Wan saw him coming, he got up from the bench.

Until Gu Zeyan stood in front of her, Tang Wan kept a wooden posture. It can be seen from Gu Zeyan's eyes that he didn't like Tang Wan's rigid appearance.

Both of them didn't speak. Gu Zeyan looked at Tang Wan with dark eyes. Instead, he raised his hand and grabbed her chin, forcing her to look up at herself and said, "do you think it's very wronged to be my fiancee?"

Tang Wan looked at his eyes, "how can I? Gu always has power and power. This is my voluntary. How can I be wronged."

"It's good to have this self-knowledge." Gu Zeyan's eyes darkened. "I've helped you do everything you asked me. As a man, you should know how to repay kindness, understand?"

"Of course, I will repay Mr. Gu."

"Call me Gu Zeyan. I've repeated it several times. I hope this is my last repetition."

Long eyelashes gathered all the emotions under his eyes, and Tang Wan nodded, "I see."

After that, Gu Zeyan took her outside the hospital. Tang Wanmo followed him silently, strangely quiet.

Gu Zeyan's car was parked outside the hospital. The two men came to the car. Tang Wan got on the car without Gu Zeyan saying. Gu Zeyan stared at her. There was a strange emotion in his dark eyes. However, he didn't say anything and ordered the driver in front to drive.

The car stopped at a high-end restaurant. The two got off together and entered the box reserved in advance.

Gu Zeyan asked Tang Wan what he needed to eat. Tang Wan said casually. Gu Zeyan's dark eyes darkened again. There was no superfluous emotion on his solemn outline, so he ordered according to his own ideas.

After the waiter left, there were only Gu Zeyan and Tang Wan left in the private room. Tang Wan was still dull and didn't say a word. She would answer only when Gu Zeyan asked her.

The waiter quickly brought up the dishes. Gu Zeyan looked at the shrimp in front of him and asked Tang Wan, "do you like this?"

Tang Wan answered without looking, "it's OK."

Finally, these two words completely angered Gu Zeyan. He got up from his position, directly put Tang Wan against the wall of the box and said, "Tang Wan, if you don't want to be my fiancee, now I can give you a chance to regret, but if you pull a face to me like this, I will directly do you here and make you cry for mercy."

His eyes were too sinister. Tang Wan looked at him and his eyes moved. "Gu Zeyan, I have promised to be your fiancee. What else do you want to do? In the face of a person you don't like, do you want me to flatter you? If so, you will be happy and I will consider doing it."

"Tang Wan, I can tell you plainly that if you like me, maybe you will suffer less and I will let you go as soon as possible, but if you want to continue to be stubborn with me, the deadline will be more than three years."

Tang Wan looked into his eyes and found that the man was not teasing her.

As long as he likes, he can let himself go?

At one moment, Tang Wan had to admit that his mind was a little shaken.

When Tang Wan was absent-minded for a moment, Gu Zeyan leaned over and kissed her lips, forcing her to tangle with his lips.

Tang Wan found that Gu Zeyan was a kissing maniac. Kissing her was like a regular meal. Just as now, he would not let her go until he choked her.

A few minutes later, Gu Zeyan came down from her lips. If his hand was not holding Tang Wan's waist at the moment, Tang Wan would slide down the wall in the next second.

"Now, it's time to show your mind. I'll give you three seconds to consider whether you regret being my fiancee or continue to be my fiancee."

"One, two, three."

You need to think about it. If she regrets, what should she do about her mother's illness? Not everyone can invite someone like Hilton.

Tang Wan said, "don't think about it. I'll continue to be your fiancee."

"Since you choose to continue to be my fiancee, be good to me in the future, at least act like a fiancee." Gu Zeyan said coldly.

"Sorry, it's the first time I'm someone else's fiancee. Why don't you tell me what to do to behave like a fiancee?" Tang Wan asked back.

"That's a good question." Gu Zeyan squinted and turned to speak, "come in."

As soon as his words fell, the door of the box was pushed open. The man who had previously delivered boxed lunch to Tang Wan in the hospital came in with a thick stack of documents in his hand.

"Give me the papers."

The man came to Gu Zeyan and handed the document to Gu Zeyan. Gu Zeyan took the document and directly said to Tang Wan, "sign it."

Tang Wan didn't know what the document in Gu Zeyan's hand was. He could only see the binding regulations formulated by Tang Wan in the three-year personal agreement of Party B on the cover.

Tang Wan's eyes shrunk, "what's this?"

"It's clearly written on it. You can't read?" Gu Zeyan said.

She was not illiterate, but did not understand that Gu Zeyan would draft documents to bind her. In this way, she had no personal freedom in three years.

"I won't sign." Tang Wan refused directly.

"Are you sure?" Gu Zeyan's voice was low, mixed with a trace of danger.

"I don't know what's written in it at all. If there are a lot of unfair treaties in it, do you want me to sell myself?" Tang Wan said sharply.

"I can give you an hour to read the contents of the document. Is that enough?" Gu Zeyan said to her deeply.

Tang Wan began to meditate. Gu Zeyan seemed to have given her a step. If she didn't know how to be interesting, according to his character, he might even deprive her of this hour, and then directly force her to sign.

Barbarism and ruthlessness are synonymous with him.

Tang Wan said, "OK, give me an hour."

After receiving the document, Tang Wan looked at it carefully in the box. There were too many contents in the document. Tang Wan was dazzled.

The document says that within a week, she must have five days to stay with him, and the time to stay with him every day must be three hours later, which can be equal to three hours, but it must not be less than three hours.

In addition, has the final say that the number of two people has a relationship, Party B can not resist the kiss of Party A. when Party A has physiological needs, Party B can choose comfortable posture, but can never avoid with some boring excuse.

Seeing this, Tang Wan stopped. She said to Gu Zeyan, "I refuse to have sex with you. Obviously you have a lot of bed partners, don't you?"

"When did you see that I have many bed companions?" Gu Zeyan glanced at her. "I like clean women, and it happens that you look very clean."

If he doesn't have many bed companions, he doesn't believe killing Tang Wan. Rich people like to play the game of changing bed companions, don't they?

"Anyway, I refuse."

"You have no right to refuse."

"This is clearly the treaty you made by torturing me!" Tang Wan's face was very heavy. "I have no right at all. You can promise not to touch me!"

"Yes, I can promise not to touch you, but when I was patient, you didn't take it seriously, did you? When you saw this document, you remembered what I said before, but why didn't you promise to be my fiancee while I was patient, and now you argue with me about these? After comparison, you know that some things you think are bad But it's not the worst, Tang Wan. Do you think so? "

Tang Wan listened to Gu Zeyan's words. She wanted to refute them, but she couldn't say a word.

Gu Zeyan looked at her face and said, "I can let you decide the number of relationships, but only if I have a request."

"What requirements?"

"When your mother is well, move in with me."

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