Tang Wan and Gu Zeyan came out of the conference room. Tang Wan walked fast, but Gu Zeyan grabbed her wrist from behind and put her against the corridor wall of the hospital.

People came and went in the corridor of the hospital. Tang Wan didn't expect Gu Zeyan to be so direct.

"This is the hospital." Tang Wan looked up at Gu Zeyan.

Gu Zeyan's eyes were deep, "so?"

"You let go of me."

"If you admit your mistake first, I'll put it."

Want her to admit her mistake?

What did she do wrong?

Tang Wan frowned slightly and turned his head, "I don't know what you're talking about."

"If you don't know, I'll remind you." Gu Zeyan said, "you shouldn't talk back to me and eat such unsanitary things."

As soon as Tang Wan heard this, he turned his head again, "didn't you eat it too?"

"I ate it. That's why I want to know whether it's difficult or not."

"What happened?"

"It's terrible, much worse than I thought," Gu Zeyan said.

Tang Wan thought for a moment. When he was in the conference room, he didn't look terrible. She thought he had changed.

She didn't do anything wrong. Why should she admit her mistake? Tang Wan tightly pursed her lips and didn't want to pay attention to the man's words.

"Tang Wan, it is stated in the tenth line of Article 101 in the document that Party B has done something wrong and should admit his mistake to Party A." Gu Zeyan's eyes were deep and whispered to Tang Wan.

It's the document again. She didn't recite all the regulations on the document, did she?

Tang Wan was a little angry. His clear eyes looked at Gu Zeyan. "Mr. Gu, I am a man, not your slave. You have no right to implement those autocratic regulations on me. I'm right!"

"Say it again?"

"I'm right!"

Gu Zeyan's eyes narrowed and something dangerous crossed his eyes.

Tang Wan coagulated his eyes, and the back suddenly flashed a trace of coolness.

No, I can't bow my head in front of this man. Thinking like this, Tang Wan's chin lifted slightly, as if announcing to Gu Zeyan that he would never give in!

Gu Zeyan looked at the jelly colored lips and wondered what would happen if she bit her lips. Thinking of this, the fundus of his eyes became darker.

He leaned slightly, the more he wanted to kiss her.

Tang Wan's chest jumped fast. She knew what he wanted to do, but this was the hospital. If he really kissed it, she would have to cover her face in the future.

Just as his kiss fell, Tang Wan suddenly turned his head, and Gu Zeyan's kiss fell on her side face and cheek.

The eyes were cold. Gu Zeyan pulled her face back with his big palm. The more he wanted to kiss her again, Tang Wan suddenly heard the people in the corridor shouting, "something happened to the patient in intensive care unit 210!"

210 intensive care unit

Tang Wan's body was cold. It was Ye Zhen's ward!

Regardless of pushing Gu Zeyan away, Tang Wan raised his feet and ran towards the intensive care unit.

How could something happen? It was fine before. What happened?!

Tang Wan came to the intensive care unit. Through the glass window, he saw the medical staff inside rescuing Ye Zhen. Tang Wan grabbed a nurse and asked anxiously, "what happened?"

The nurse replied, "I don't know how to remove the patient's oxygen mask. Now the patient is in shock and hypoxia. The situation is very urgent."

Tang Wan's head seemed to be hit by something. He was frozen in place and couldn't return to God.

"Please let me go first. I have to go in and give first aid to the patient." the nurse said to Tang Wan again.

Tang Wan was distracted and relaxed. Just at this time, Gu Zeyan came over from behind her. His dark eyes glanced at the doctor who hurriedly rescued Ye Zhen in the ICU and said, "the oxygen mask will not be removed for no reason. I will find out about this."

Gu Zeyan heard the conversation between the nurse and Tang Wan just now. There are doubts about this matter.

Tang Wan tried to calm herself down. At last, she said softly.

During Ye Zhen's rescue, Tang Wan kept watching. During this period, Gu Zeyan left for a while. When he came back, Ye Zhen's rescue was over.

Hilton came out of the intensive care unit. His face was a little coagulated. Tang Wan came forward and asked, "how's it going, doctor?"

"The situation is not very good and we need to prepare for surgery immediately," Hilton said.

Tang Wan's throat was dry. It took a lot of effort to spit out a word, "OK."

Hilton quickly left to prepare for the operation. Gu Zeyan frowned slightly, glanced at Tang Wan and said: "the video in the monitoring room can't see when the oxygen mask on your mother's face was removed. In other words, someone blocked the camera hole in the heavy room,

This is the double-sided tape that someone just took off the camera. "

With that, Gu Zeyan took out the double-sided tape and showed it to Tang Wan. Tang Wan saw the double-sided tape and his pupils contracted. "Do you mean that someone deliberately blocked the camera and pulled out my mother's oxygen mask?"

"It's not too stupid," Gu Zeyan said. "Tell me, have you offended anyone recently?"

Tang Wan lowered his head and meditated for a few seconds, then raised his head and said to Gu Zeyan, "you are the one I have offended most recently."

Gu Zeyan had an impulse to strangle her when he heard her.

His face suddenly sank. Gu Zeyan said, "I'm not in the mood to joke with you."

She is not in the mood to joke with him. The person she has offended most recently is indeed him, no one else.

Lowering his head again, Tang Wan continued to meditate and thought of Xiaoxuan's mother and the middle-aged woman who said she touched porcelain. However, these two people didn't have the opportunity to do so, and they didn't know that Ye Zhen was hospitalized.

Who else?

Suddenly, Tang Wan's mind crossed Sheng Shuxian's face. As soon as her fingers tightened, she didn't know why she thought it was probably done by Sheng Shuxian, although Sheng Shuxian never appeared in the hospital since the last time.

Is she thinking too much?

Taking back his thoughts, Tang Wan didn't continue to think about it. No matter who it was, he had to have evidence.

"I can't think of it." Tang Wan shook his head and said.

Gu Zeyan said, "you don't have to think about it. With your head, it's estimated that you can't give me an answer for how long."

He's indirectly saying she's stupid again.

Tang Wan felt that every time this man showed his superiority of high IQ in front of him.

Although it was annoying, Tang Wan didn't speak again.

Twelve noon.

All the doctors began to prepare for Ye Zhen's operation.

Gu Zeyan is away, Tang Wanle is at leisure, but Gu Han comes.

"Sister, the school will have a parents' meeting on Friday. Can you come?" Gu Han said.

Wednesday, today, Tuesday, three more days.

"Gu Zeyan can't go?" Tang Wan asked.

Gu Han shook his head. "It's not that I can't go, but I don't want him to go. What if he pulls the iceberg's face and scares the teacher?"

Tang Wan smiled helplessly, "is it so serious?"

"Don't you think, sister?" Gu Han blinked and said, "before, there was a young nanny in our family. She was frightened to cry by Baba just two days ago because she put the things in the fridge where Baba didn't like."

It was Gu Zeyan's behavior, Tang Wan thought.

"Why do you call him Baba instead of dad?"

"Because Baba is equal to poop, sister, don't you think he stinks like a piece of poop?"

Tang Wan: "

Gu Han covered his mouth and smiled.

"Who do you say is like a piece of poop?" Gu Zeyan's cold and frightened voice suddenly sounded behind the two people.

Tang Wan was stunned. Gu Han hid directly behind Tang Wan and said, "Baba, you heard wrong. I didn't say anything."

Tang Wan looked up and saw that Gu Zeyan's face was gloomy and could drip water. This should be a correct sentence. You can't speak ill of others behind your back.

"Come here."

"If you promise not to beat me, I'll go," Gu Han said.

Gu Zeyan didn't speak, but sneered.

When Gu Han heard Gu Han's sneer, he shrank his whole body behind Tang Wan, even his head. He cried and said, "sister, Baba is going to beat me."

Tang Wan: "

Gu Zeyan just moved and wanted to drag Gu Han out of Tang Wan's back. However, Gu Han kicked his calf and ran away. He wouldn't stand in place and wait for Gu Zeyan to come and catch him.

After Gu Han left, Gu Zeyan looked at Tang Wan and asked, "what did you say to him?"

"Nothing. We're praising you for being handsome."

Gu Zeyan didn't believe Tang Wan's words. He said, "don't get too close to that little thing in the future."

Tang Wan really wants to say, Mr. President, what you said is the imperial edict, but you swallowed it back when it came to your mouth.

The two men were silent for a while. Gu Zeyan turned and said, "come with me."

"Where are you going?"

"Go and see someone."

"But my mother is about to have an operation. I have to watch in the operating room."

"If you don't follow, you will bear the consequences."


He always had a hundred ways to threaten her, and she was always threatened by him every time.

Tang Wan left with Gu Zeyan. A few minutes later, he came to a doctor's office. Gu Zeyan pushed the door in, and Tang Wan followed.

After entering, Tang Wan found that there were several people in black and white suits in the office, including the doctor she had not known several times before.

Why did Gu Zeyan bring her here?

The doctor had a cold sweat and looked very scared.

Did Gu Zeyan threaten others again?

Just thinking like this, Gu Zexing suddenly opened his mouth, "do you know him?"

"He" refers to the doctor. Tang Wan shook his head, "I don't know."

"He took off the oxygen mask on his mother's face." Gu Zeyan said faintly.

As soon as she heard this, Tang Wan's whole body stretched. She looked at the doctor incredulously. After Gu Zeyan finished speaking, the cold sweat on his forehead became worse.

"What's the matter? It's impossible!" she didn't know the doctor and had no hatred for the doctor. Why did he take off the oxygen mask on Ye Zhen's face?

"He blocked the camera and even wore plastic wrap to cover up his fingerprints. Everything was done perfectly, but he forgot one thing."

"What's up?"

"Footprints." Gu Zeyan looked at the doctor and said coldly, "the things in the film are only those in the film. Now in life, if you want to commit a crime, you need not only a smart brain, but also careful technology. From what you do, I can judge that your IQ is even lower than that

My fiancee. "

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