As soon as he entered the restaurant, Tang Wan saw a little boy in front swinging his arm towards Tang Wan. When he was about to approach Tang Wan, the little boy's arm suddenly fell on Tang Wan and hit Tang Wan.

It didn't hurt, but Tang Wan frowned and didn't think much. However, Gu Zeyan suddenly grabbed her wrist and pulled her behind her. His big palm directly pressed the little boy's head and said coldly, "apologize."

The little boy's head was held down by Gu Zeyan. The whole man couldn't move. He raised his head and cried in fear of Gu Zeyan's sharp eyes, "Wuwu, mom..."

Bean tears came down from the corners of his eyes and penetrated the whole silent restaurant. People in the restaurant looked this way.

Tang Wan lowered his head, coughed twice and said to Gu Zeyan, "he's just a child. Don't scare him."

With that, Tang Wan quickly grabbed Gu Zeyan's sleeve and dragged Gu Zeyan to the second floor of the restaurant with great efforts.

Up to the second floor, Tang Wan could still hear the little boy's cry.


Relieved, Tang Wan asked the waiter for a box.

Entering the box, the waiter brought up the menu. Tang Wan was not sure what Gu Zeyan wanted to eat, so he handed the menu to him. As a result, Gu Zeyan still said two words. Tang Wan had no way, so he ordered some by himself.

After the dishes came up, Tang Wan made great efforts to bring vegetables to Gu Zeyan. He thought of something and asked, "Gu Han is still with me. When will you pick him up?"

"Pick him up whenever you get engaged." Gu Zeyan replied indifferently without lifting his eyelids.

"Oh -"

Tang Wan is really not good at talking to Gu Zeyan. She is always easy to be cold, or she should speak differently. Gu Zeyan is always easy to make her cold.

The silence in the box was depressing. Tang Wan felt that she couldn't. She had to go out and breathe.

After thinking about it, Tang Wan said, "I'll go to the bathroom."

With that, Tang Wan stood up from his position, raised his feet, left the box and went outside the bathroom.

When she came to the bathroom, Tang Wan patted her cheek with cold water. She told herself to stay awake at all times. Even if she didn't want to stay with Gu Zeyan, she had to stay. As long as Gu Zeyan was happy, her cruise engagement banquet could be held.

Vigorously patted his cheek with cold water again. Tang Wan didn't leave the bathroom until he felt very awake. He had just left the bathroom. What Tang Wan didn't expect was that she just met Lu Fengnian who had just come out of the bathroom.

What a coincidence?

It was as if it had been arranged, Tang Wan thought to himself.

"Tang Wan." Lu Fengnian stopped at the door of the bathroom and shouted Tang Wan's name.

Tang Wan also stopped, smiled twice at Shanglu Fengnian's eyes, and said, "President Lu, what a coincidence."

"You come to dinner alone, or..."

"Oh, I came here with my friends."

"Where are your friends?" Lu Fengnian asked again.

Tang Wan was afraid that Lu Fengnian would come to the table as he did in the restaurant last time, so he said, "my friend is in the box. Well, I'll finish eating with my friend and leave later."

With the expression on Tang Wan's face, Lu Fengnian's painted eyes flashed through the dark light. He said, "do you remember the documents we signed? When will it start?"

Lu Fengnian refers to the nanny. Tang Wan naturally knows it very well.

"President Lu is sure to abide by the agreement on the document?" Tang Wan lowered his eyes and scratched in his mind what Lu Fengnian had done to himself on the bus that day.

"I'm sure." Lu Fengnian knew what Tang Wan was worried about and said, "30 million things can't be delayed all the time. It's good for you and me. After the things are solved, you don't have to be afraid that I'll find you again."

Tang Wan was silent and finally said, "three days later, I will fulfill the contents of the document."

Three days later, her engagement banquet with Gu Zeyan was over. She should be able to spare time.


Sitting in the box, Gu Zeyan didn't see Tang Wan coming back. Deep ink's eyes became darker and darker. Then he stood up from his position, left the box and went to the bathroom to find Tang Wan.

However, before reaching the bathroom, Gu Zeyan saw Tang Wan standing there talking to Lu Fengnian.

If the last banquet proved that Lu Fengnian and Tang Wan had an unspeakable relationship, this time Gu Zeyan saw Tang Wan and Lu Fengnian talking together, it proved that the two people not only had an unspeakable relationship, but also kept cutting and confusion.

It seems that this woman will never learn to stay by his side.

Tang Wan didn't know that Gu Zeyan was looking at her and Lu Fengnian from a distance. She was just talking to Lu Fengnian. A drunken man stumbled towards Tang Wan. Tang Wan was fiercely hit by the drunken man. With this collision, Tang Wan leaned forward and just fell into Lu Fengnian's chest. Lu Fengnian stretched out his arms and hugged Tang Wan.

Tightly hugged Tang Wan in his arms, Lu Fengnian's Yu Guang went to the side, quickly took it back, and whispered in Tang Wan's ear, "are you okay?"

From the perspective of Gu Zeyan, the posture of the two people at this time was very ambiguous. Tang Wan almost buried his head in Lu Fengnian's arms.

Mood, inexplicably bad.

The dark black eyes were cold, and Gu Zeyan was cold all over, and slowly walked towards Tang Wan.


Tang Wan shook his head and just wanted Lu Fengnian to let go of himself, but Gu Zeyan's cold voice came from behind his ears, "Tang Wan, do you think you can do whatever you want without me?"

With a roar, his head was split by thunder, and Tang Wan's mind was blank.

The more you want to get out of Lu Fengnian's arms, the tighter Lu Fengnian holds. You just listen to Lu Fengnian and say, "what does president Gu mean? How did Tang Wan do whatever he wants?"

Turning his eyes, Gu Zeyan's eyes fell on Lu Fengnian. His eyes narrowed. "President Lu, I thought I had made it clear at the last banquet, but now it seems that you still don't understand. The woman in your arms, she, is my fiancee -"

The voice of her fiancee was long. Tang Wan could hear the cold and aggressive meaning from Gu Zeyan's tone. Her goose bumps all got up, and a chill could not help running out of her back.

I don't know why, the more she wants to take it out of Lu Fengnian's arms, the more she feels that Lu Fengnian will hold her tightly.

No, Tang Wan thought that Gu Zeyan would have to tear her apart.

At this moment, Lu Fengnian said again, "of course I understand what President Gu means. As a friend of Tang Wan, I just talked to her a few times?"

"Friends need hugs?"

"But it seems that no one stipulates that friends can't hug each other. What does Gu always think?"

Between the two people, Tang Wan could feel a strong smell of gunpowder brewing between the two men. The invisible cold dispersed. Tang Wan was in the middle and felt that he was about to be frozen.

No, if it goes on like this, Gu Zeyan will never spare her.

With all his strength, Tang Wan almost pushed Lu Fengnian away. As soon as he pushed Lu Fengnian away, Tang Wan turned around, turned his mouth and began to smile at Gu Zeyan.

The so-called reaching out without hitting the smiling face is always right, "Gu Zeyan, you made a mistake, we really have nothing..."

Now, does this woman dare to laugh with him?

Gu Zeyan's eyes grew deeper. Tang Wan's words fell. Gu Zeyan stretched out his hand and pulled Tang Wan over. The big palm immediately ran over her waist and let her stick to herself.


Tang Wan felt that Gu Zeyan's hand on his waist seemed to cut off his waist. Was this an indirect punishment for her?

Damn it, she's dying of pain.

"Mr. Lu, I think there are some things I need to remind again. I always don't like my fiancee to have heterosexual friends, so it's better to keep some distance from my fiancee in the future. After all, I can only be the man around her. If there is more, it will be troublesome and hinder." Gu Zeyan narrowed his eyes and said in a low and indifferent way.

"I think Gu Zong's thought is too old-fashioned. A woman is used to hurt, not to imprison her in a cage. Whether Tang Wan has heterosexual friends is her right and freedom. If a person is deprived of the right to pursue freedom, how painful should it be." Lu Fengnian greeted Gu Zeyan's eyes and said slowly.

Cold, Gu Zeyan suddenly sent out a bone chilling cold all over. He turned his head, pinched Tang Wan's chin, and said in a cold voice, "tell President Lu, are you in pain?"

Tang Wan's chin was pinched by Gu Zeyan. She kept shouting in the bottom of her heart. However, she was very calm on that face, and even had to raise the corners of her mouth to laugh.

Tang Wan said: "I'm kidding. What pain should I say is very happy."

"Did you hear that?" Gu Zeyan loosened Tang Wan's chin, and his voice was still cold. "My fiancee said she was very happy. President Lu had better worry more about his own affairs."

Lu Fengnian's eyebrows and eyes were slightly heavy. He just looked at Tang Wan and didn't speak.

Soon, Gu Zeyan left with Tang Wan.

As soon as he returned to the box, Gu Zeyan pressed Tang Wan on the wall in the box. His eyes were frighteningly cold, "tell me, how did you know Lu Fengnian?"

"I'll know you naturally." Tang Wan replied.

"Tang Wan, answer me honestly, or you know what kind of pain you will have..."

Looking at Gu Zeyan's eyes, Tang Wan moved his eyes and said, "the company sent me to interview him, and then I got to know him. There's really nothing between us. You think too much. Just now I met him outside the bathroom and said a few more words. Then someone met me and I bumped into him. He helped me by the way."

"You are so weak that you just hit his arms when you were touched?" Gu Zeyan asked with a gloomy look.

"How can you believe it? I'm going to be engaged to you, but Tao will be stupid enough to mess around under your eyes?!" Tang Wan was a little anxious, his tone was slightly high, and said to Gu Zeyan.

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