After listening to Nannan's words, Tang Wan: "

When the two men came to the car, Tang Wan stood still, looked at Gu Zeyan through the window and said, "I'm coming."

As soon as Tang Wan made a sound, Gu Zeyan turned his head from the car. The dark eyes swept over Tang Wan's face, looked her up and down one by one, and finally said, "it's disappeared for so long. I want to know how you made yourself look like a ghost."


Tang Wan was about to speak, but Gu Zeyan interrupted, "now, get in the car."

"Oh -"

With a reply, Tang Wan turned and Nan Nan got on Gu Zeyan's car.

Immediately, Gu Zeyan ordered the locomotive to start.

Tang Wan sat in the back seat, while Nan Nan sat in the co pilot's position. As soon as she got on the bus, Nan Nan felt that the atmosphere in the car was too depressed. She stole a look at the two people in the back seat from the rearview mirror, and Nan Nan quickly took back her eyes.

Lowering her head, Nannan took out her mobile phone and began to send a message to Su Liang.

Nannan asked Su Liang if he had arrived at the wedding banquet. A minute later, Su Liang returned the information and said he was at the police station.

Nannan asked Su Liang how she was at the police station. Su Liang said she was afraid she couldn't go to the wedding banquet. It seemed that there was a problem with the hospital's love donation to a depressed child. Things seemed to be making a lot of trouble.

Nannan saw Su Liang coming back and was about to go back to the past, but Gu Zeyan in the back seat said to Tang Wan, "have you been drinking?"

Nannan quickly put down her mobile phone and looked up through the rearview mirror to observe the movements of the two people in the back seat.

Gu Zeyan's words fell. Tang Wan pinched his fingers and replied, "well."

"Well, what do you mean?" Gu Zeyan's side eyes fixed Tang Wan motionlessly, and his sight was as sharp as a knife.

Tang Wan's heart tightened and said, "well, that's what I mean by drinking."

"Tang Wan, I really underestimated you." Gu Zeyan sneered, "don't hesitate to answer. It seems that you don't think drinking is a big deal."

"I don't think it's a big deal to drink." Tang Wan turned his head and looked at Gu Zeyan sharply, "it's just me..."

"Just what, continue to say?" Gu Zeyan's voice was as cold as ice, and his dark black eyes seemed to penetrate Tang Wan.

"Just want to drink." Tang Wan lowered his eyes and said low.

Although Tang Wan's voice was low, Gu Zeyan still listened carefully and sneered again. Gu Zeyan said, "have you forgotten what you promised me? You can't drink more even if it's water without my permission in the future."

Tang Wan really doesn't know what Gu fayan is thinking. He has money and power. She has to listen to what the president says. So far, does she still have personal freedom?

"When you hear it, answer me." Gu Zeyan said again.

"I see." Tang Wan replied.

"Repeat it for me."

"Without your permission in the future, don't say drinking, even water can't drink more." Tang Wan repeated numbly.


The engagement banquet was held on a cruise ship named Jiahua. I heard that the cruise ship can accommodate thousands of people. The seaside leading to the cruise ship was blocked by Gu Zeyan's people, and no fly could fly. Although the media knew Gu Zeyan held the engagement banquet in advance, they did not know any news about the engagement.

Even if some people suspect that the photo sent by Ling Feng last time is true, not joking, Tang Wan is indeed Gu Zeyan's fiancee, and this time the fiancee who doesn't know the true face is actually Tang Wan. It's a pity that some people doubt, but no one can come up with evidence. Without evidence, it's just speculation. Everything is just empty talk. Who will believe it.

As for the last time Gu Zeyan admitted Tang Wan as his fiancee in front of Sheng Shuxian's fans, but up to now, those fans have not come out of the police station, and no one mentioned it. Tang Wan doesn't know how Gu Zeyan solved it and didn't disturb anyone.

Therefore, this engagement banquet, which did not know the true face of his fiancee, caused a sensation in the whole T city. Firstly, Gu Zeyan's influence. Secondly, this engagement banquet is not only Gu Zeyan's engagement with Tang Wan, but also Gu Zeyan's eldest brother, who wants to be engaged with famous model Sheng Shuxian!

Early this morning, newspapers in major sections of T city were full of news about Gu Zeyan's engagement, and even a character portrait was attached next to the section with a question mark on it.

The title is - the president of KCB, a commercial giant in T City, is engaged, and his fiancee doesn't know his true face.

The car stopped by the sea. Tang Wan looked and saw a long red carpet from the entrance of the huge cruise ship to the sea. The wind was strong on the sea. Tang Wan's long hair was blown up and her hair was even more messy. Anyone who saw her like this might not believe that she was Gu Zeyan's fiancee.

Standing beside Tang Wan, Gu Zeyan said coldly, "hold me."

Tang Wan took Gu Zeyan's arm and walked towards the entrance of the cruise ship.

Inside the cruise ship, you can see champagne bottles, men in straight suits and women with exquisite makeup.

Gu Zeyan told her before that the engagement party was held until the evening. After all the guests got on the cruise ship, the cruise ship would open and arrive at the island nearest to T city. The island is a resort invested and developed by KCB. There are everything on the island. It has just been developed and has not been opened to the outside world. These people are regarded as these people who enter the island.

"Here you are."

Suddenly a clear voice came from behind. Gu Zeyan and Tang Wan stopped and saw Sheng Shuxian and Gu zeshen standing behind them.

Tang Wan looked deeply at Sheng Shuxian's harmless and beautiful face. Instead, he listened to Sheng Shuxian call and said, "ah, Tang Wan, what's the matter? Why is it so dirty?"

She knew she was embarrassed, but she didn't need Sheng Shuxian to remind her.

Before Tang Wan opened his mouth, Gu zeshen took the words, frowned at Gu Zeyan and said, "on such a good day today, all the famous people in the business world have come. I'm afraid it's not good for my younger brothers and sisters to dress like this."

Gu Zeyan glanced at Sheng Shuxian and Gu zeshen, "good or bad, my own fiancee, it's not up to others to say, big brother or take care of himself and sister-in-law."

Gu zeshen smiled and opened his eyebrows. "Look what you said, I just joked with you."

"Sometimes it's not so easy to joke." Gu Zeyan looked down deeply.

He didn't care about the conversation between Gu Zeyan and Gu zeshen. Tang Wan just kept looking at Sheng Shuxian. He had to say that Sheng Shuxian was wearing a beautiful little dress with crimson diamonds. His hair was pulled up high. His makeup was impeccable and beautiful.

While Gu Zeyan was talking to Gu zeshen, Tang Wan clearly saw Sheng Shuxian smile at him. The smile was extremely ironic, as if laughing at himself like a beggar, incompatible with the cruise ship.

Gu Zeyan and Gu zeshen finished talking and soon left with Tang Wan. They went to the second floor of the cruise ship.

The second floor of the cruise ship is the rest area. Gu Zeyan was very angry when he went to pick up Tang Wan. This time, Gu zeshen said that his anger was even greater. He kicked open a room in the rest area. Gu Zeyan threw Tang Wan in and said to the staff in the room: "Take her to wash, wash this ghost for me, make her look like a fiancee for me, and then come down!"

After Gu Zeyan left, the staff was shocked. After Gu Zeyan left, they quickly followed Gu Zeyan's orders and took Tang Wan to take a bath.

Tang Wan enjoyed such advanced treatment for the first time. However, several people stood by and watched her take a bath, which made her too embarrassed. Some people wanted to come up to help her. Tang Wan just stubbornly refused. Joke, should she let several people rub her back together?

After a quick bath, one person brought her a dress, the other blew her hair, and the other made up her.

While making up, Ye Zhen came with Gu Han.

Ye Zhen was very happy when she knew she was going to be engaged to Gu Zeyan. As for Gu Han, Tang Wan never dared to tell Ye Zhen that Gu Han was actually Gu Zeyan's child. It can only be said that Gu Zeyan was the child supported by Gu Zeyan. When ye Zhen heard this, she not only felt that Gu Zeyan was worthy of Tang Wan's trust, but also a kind-hearted man.

In addition, Tang Wan didn't tell Gu Zeyan how rich he was. In Ye Zhen's eyes, Gu Zeyan was a rich man, but he wasn't very rich.

"Sister Tang, you are so beautiful." Gu Han came to Tang Wan and blinked at Tang Wan.

Tang Wan pulled out a smile at Gu Han. Then he only heard Ye Zhen say, "where did you go yesterday? You didn't answer your cell phone."

"Oh, I went out with Nannan yesterday." Tang Wan replied.

Ye Zhen nodded and said, "now that you are engaged to Zeyan, you should keep your temper. Mom doesn't want you to be rich. Mom just wants you to be happy and happy all your life..."


Maybe we can only wait until one day when we leave Gu Zeyan.


In a corner of the cruise ship, Fang Beiying and Lu Fengnian stood there with a glass of champagne in their hands.

Lu Fengnian's faint expression was reflected on the glass, and Fang Beiying opened his mouth, "In the bumper year, Tang Wan and Gu Zeyan are engaged. I don't think we should just forget it. Even if we get the invitation of the cruise ship, what can we do? In the end, we just stand here and watch Tang Wan and Gu Zeyan get engaged. Instead, we block ourselves. Besides, it's just a woman. There are so many women waiting for you in the world."

"She is no other woman," Lu Fengnian replied.

Fang Beiying was stunned and said, "I know she is very special and can make you react, but it doesn't matter. After taking medicine, even if an ordinary woman stands in front of you, you will react."

"At first, I thought the same as you. I thought she was very special, but later, I found myself..."

"Wocao, you won't like her!" Fang Beiying was surprised at Lu Fengnian's look, and his Champagne Cup almost fell to the ground.

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