Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 133: 133、How about calling a wife?

Bai Rubing shook his head: "Thank you, I still have business tonight and can't go."

Then she glanced at Shi Annuo. The man who called just now was a man. In front of Shi Annuo, she agreed to the man's invitation.

Song Qinghuan, this woman, looks dull and cute, but she has the means to play these men around.

Not only was Anno not angry at all at this time, but he actually cared about her.

Isn't their relationship what everyone thinks?

"Oh, then I'll go alone," said Song Qinghuan, turning to Shi Annuo: "Wait a moment, I will get off at the subway entrance with Rubing."

Shi Annuo didn't talk about it, nor said it was bad. There was a certain unexplained emotion in his narrow eyes, and he took a deep look at Shi Yuhan.

Seeing that he was still silent and still staring at the newspaper, he stopped doing more to keep him, but his tone was a little helpless: "Let's do it."

While they were talking, the subway station arrived.

Chen Tian pulled the car aside and parked aside, Song Qinghuan and Bai Rubing got out of the car together.

Compared with Bai Rubing's reluctance to give up, Song Qinghuan almost seemed to run away for his life, wanting to stay away quickly. It wasn't until the Maybach that was protected from the cold left that she breathed a deep sigh of relief.

After Bai Rubing and Song Qinghuan bid farewell, they took the subway home, while Song Qinghuan stayed at the subway entrance and waited for the regulations.

The charter came very fast, and he arrived in 20 minutes after 30 minutes' journey.

When Song Qinghuan lowered his head and looked at the phone, he suddenly heard the voice of the regulations, "Xiao Huanhuan, let you wait for a long time! I'm here, give me a hug."

Lifting his eyes, Song Qinghuan saw the tall man facing the pouring rain.

He slowly approached with a gentle smile on his face. He was dressed in casual clothes. His dark brown hair had grown past his ears, and his hair was slightly curly at the end, which made his handsome features look a little exotic.

"Get out!" Song Qinghuan was very disgusted and waved away the people who ran in front of him.

Immediately, she gritted her teeth and warned: "Call me Xiao Huanhuan again, and I will ignore you again."

Xiao Huanhuan, as if calling his pet, can be as ugly as it is.

The regulations laughed and said, "How about a wife?"

Song Qinghuan glared at him: "Get out!"

"How about rolling with you holding you?" The charter smiled playfully, and then took Song Qinghuan's hand: "Let's go, the car is parked over there."

Song Qinghuan shook his hand away, and the regulations didn't force it, opened the umbrella in his hand and picked her out.

The space for the umbrella was limited, and Song Qinghuan had no choice but to get close to him.

How could the charter miss such a good opportunity? I quickly put one arm around Song Qinghuan's shoulder to protect her from the heavy rain.

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