Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 189: 189、Expensive gifts, give it a try

"This is mine..." Song Qinghuan held the spoon and looked at him with staring eyes.

Shi Yuhan glanced at Song Qinghuan, then set the dessert aside: "In the morning, it's not good to eat sweets."

He raised his hand to signal Aunt He, and gave Song Qinghuan another breakfast.

"..." Song Qinghuan was about to protest and said it was bad, when Shi Yuhan suddenly threw the plastic bag he had brought to Song Qinghuan.

Song Qinghuan reached out and took the plastic bag, "For me?"

Shi Yuhan said calmly: "Your phone was not robbed."

"Well, didn't you mean to help me find the bag?" Song Qinghuan asked weakly.

"No? Then lose it!" Shi Yuhan unfolded the Global Daily and read it intently, not paying attention to him.

"I want, thank you!!" Song Qinghuan wrinkled her nose, then took the phone out of the plastic bag.

VertuforBentley? A mobile phone brand you haven’t heard of...a copycat? Really stingy, so rich, even reluctant to give her an apple, actually gave a copycat machine.

This... is too stingy!

However, this cottage looks so high-end, it seems even better than Apple, she still likes it.

Shi Yuhan, who was watching the newspaper intently, moved the newspaper aside, glanced at her lightly, and saw that she smiled and turned the phone right and left, then moved the newspaper back.

Behind the newspaper, he faintly curled his lips and smiled faintly.

That smile was not a cruel sneer, nor a mocking sneer, but a simple smile.

A little bit fainted from the corner of his mouth, like spring soft petals, drifting to the frozen water surface, the ice surface slowly melted away, and the petals floated gently, like a beautiful picture.

Thinking that she was a copycat machine, Song Qinghuan didn't feel anything wrong, she got the company very generously, and shared with Yu Yang that she had changed her phone, saying it was a gift from her husband.

When Yu Yang saw her mobile phone, his eyes widened in astonishment.

She seemed a little unbelievable, so she checked the internet and was shocked when she was sure. She hurriedly asked Song Qinghuan what her husband did, and how could she give her such an expensive mobile phone?

At this time, Song Qinghuan knew that the fake VertuforBentley in her mouth was actually a luxury mobile phone launched by the luxury brand Vertu and Bentley.

Song Qinghuan was frightened, and quickly put the phone away.

Then it was a copycat machine, not the real VertuforBentley.

Yu Yang was dubious and strongly demanded that Song Qinghuan want to see her husband. Song Qinghuan used a slow strategy and temporarily agreed to get through.

After a little shock, Song Qinghuan, holding an expensive mobile phone, was even more sure to give Shi Yuhan a little surprise.

Regardless of the price of the mobile phone, when she received this mobile phone and thought it was a copycat, she felt sweet in her heart, as if she had eaten honey, she wanted to protect Shi from the cold for his birthday and give him a little surprise. , To return his heart.

Didn't she let Han Qianqian have a try? Maybe she can try it too...

It's night, and it's not too early to come back from the cold.

When he raised his wrist and looked at it, it was already ten o'clock. Song Qinghuan would have been asleep by this time, but the villa in front of it was still brightly lit today.

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