Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 228: 228、What?

Song Qinghuan was pretending to be asleep at first, but she didn't dare to act rashly anymore.

But because of tension and unaccustomedness, she couldn't fall asleep, but gradually she was too sleepy and finally couldn't hold on. As a result, she fell asleep as soon as she was careful.

After she was asleep, Shi Yuhan opened his eyes and looked at her. In the dark night, his eyes fell accurately on the face of the woman in his arms.

With the hazy moonlight outside, she could vaguely see her face.

He raised his hand, slowly stroked her delicate and beautiful cheeks, then lowered his head, and landed on her forehead with a soft kiss.

The next day, Song Qinghuan was awakened by the dazzling sunlight.

Before opening her sleepy eyes, she originally reached out to touch the phone, only to find that she was lying in her arms against the cold.

Opening her eyes, she saw that she and Shi Yuhan were embracing each other. She put one hand on his chest, one hand hooked his waist, and one hand was put under her head. , He put his chin on the soft head again, his other hand hugged her tightly.

Although this kind of intimacy was not the first time, she couldn't help feeling shy when she faced it like this again.

Because of this, Song Qinghuan dared not move.

She kept leaning on his chest obediently, listening to his regular heartbeat.

I don't know what the two of them are like. He has already said that she should not have any illusions about him, but why does she always do things that make her misunderstand?

But last night he didn't abandon her, which really moved her.

If he ignored her last night, no matter how scared and panic she was, he could coldly ignore her, then she would really give up.

I will never have any thoughts about this man anymore.

But he didn't, so his heart might not be as cold as she thought.

As time disappeared bit by bit, Song Qinghuan found that she was a little urinary and wanted to go to the bathroom, but she didn't dare to move, fearing that she would wake up when she was still sleeping to keep out the cold.

But she seemed to feel her hesitation. Shi Yuhan suddenly opened her eyes without warning.

As soon as he opened his eyes, he saw his face flushed, and he was looking at Song Qinghuan in confusion.

Shi Yuhan blinked lazily, then looked at her inexplicably, and raised his eyebrows. The whole person looked in a particularly good mood.

Suddenly meeting his loose, and with a little bit of wicked eyes, Song Qinghuan was taken aback for a while, and then her face turned red.

"That, I..."

When he didn't say the words, Shi Yuhan was betting his little mouth suddenly.

Then her whole body was kept out of the cold, and her kissing skills became more and more proficient, but at the same time she felt her lower abdomen swell even more.

So what, she really wants to go to the bathroom.

Song Qinghuan pushed him, struggling resistingly, making a "oooo" sound in her mouth.

Yesterday was fine, but this morning I had to resist him, which made Shi Yuhan seem very upset, letting go of her, and staring at her with a bit of cold eyes.

Song Qinghuan blushed, "I'm anxious, I want to go to the bathroom."

This small accident caused Shi Yuhan to be slightly taken aback, and then with a playful smile, he looked at Song Qinghuan, who was full of embarrassment, and gently pushed her away: "Go ahead."

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