Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 293: Chapter 293: Debt collection, asking for money

"How do you thank me?" The charter is exactly the rhythm of climbing up the pole.

Song Qinghuan was embarrassed and speechless: "Let's go back and invite you to dinner, then hang up first!"

"Wait, hello..." The charter's voice suddenly cut off, and Song Qinghuan hung up and turned off the phone by the way.

She will have to keep in touch with the charter in the future. No matter if you know that the person from yesterday came to her or the charter, it is better not to involve the other party.

She didn't call, because she felt that she was saved by someone, so the charter must have been saved, after all, she was fainted before the charter.

So even if she didn't call, she would know that the regulations were all right.

Lifting her eyes, she suddenly met the gloomy and unclear eyes when she was against the cold.

Song Qinghuan's body stiffened slightly.

Only in an instant, Shi Yuhan's cold eyes moved away again, but Song Qinghuan felt that what he had done just now was something very unforgivable.

Suddenly, it made her feel a little uncomfortable. When she looked at it, she kept her lips from the cold, as if she wanted to say something.

As a result, Yuhan suddenly got up, just like the previous few times, leaving her with a cold and arrogant back.

Song Qinghuan bit her lip and continued to eat breakfast, thinking that she was just talking on the phone with the charter. What is so guilty and unforgivable.

He and Zhang Jie had dinner together yesterday.

Although it was agreed that each one could not, and something principled happened, how about ordinary friends making a phone call.

The food that was delivered to my mouth suddenly became tasteless.

Song Qinghuan didn't want to eat anymore, got up, took the bag and went to work.

But it was very surprising. She saw her mother Lu Meiyan and stepfather Song Qiliang outside the community.

Song Qinghuan was shocked: "Why are you here?"

She didn't seem to tell anyone that she lives here, including Mei Jun, how could these two people find here?

Song Qiliang said with a grin, "I have a friend who said that when I saw you come and go here often, he said that you must live here. At first I didn't believe it. I didn't expect it to be true."

Lu Meiyan glared at Song Qinghuan and cursed: "You die girl, your mother, I suffer every day, you actually live in a mansion."

Song Qinghuan looked at them with a headache: "No, this is not my house, I just live at a friend's house temporarily?"

Lu Meiyan didn’t believe it, and said bitterly, “What kind of friend’s house, it’s not an ordinary rich person who can live here. Whoever of those friends you know has money to let you live in, do you think your brother took a huge sum of money? For the house you bought here."

Song Qinghuan was speechless: "Where did you want to go, I'm too lazy to care about you, I'm going to work."

Bypassing them, Song Qinghuan wanted to leave quickly, but Song Qiliang immediately rushed up again, blocking her way: "Huanhuan, you can't die without saving it, it’s not my dad. The family really needs money now. If you don’t save us, our family will play."

Song Qinghuan frowned, just thinking about it, Lu Meiyan rushed over.

She slapped Song Qiliang on the shoulder, and weeped like a Nai woman: "You mean man, I'm ashamed to say, if it weren't for you, wouldn't our shop have it?"

Song Qinghuan thought: "What's the matter?"

Lu Meiyan cried out and cried: "Your dad recently met a friend. He is a rich man, but he doesn't have a small amount of money. He actually went gambling with someone. He lost some money before. Now it's all right. I lost, and my savings are gone. I still owe a million yuan outside!"

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