Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 441: 441、What do you want to know through me?

Si Chen's eyes widened in horror, and looked sideways at him: "You..."

The corners of Shi Mu's lips were lightly filled with a subtle and complicated smile, his handsome eyebrows were slightly frowned, and his long eyelashes cast a shallow shadow on his face, with a touch of melancholy.

The flow of air suddenly seemed to become slower.

Si Chen lowered his eyes and asked the time lightly, "It turns out that you have never believed in me. You thought I hadn't given up yet."

Shi Mu smiled like a bamboo and smiled: "Why have you ever done something that I believe, or that you have never moved forward and stayed in place, so there is no way to give up, so you dare not give up Tell anyone about our relationship. In fact, you are not afraid of the eyes of the dead, but when you are afraid of the eyes of the cold, you think he knows nothing, but in fact, he already knows the relationship between us."

A sharp pain struck quickly, and after he finished speaking, he felt that his chest pain was beyond repetitive.

But Si Chen seemed to be breathing heavily, but like a drowning person who was about to suffocate, he looked at Shi Mu with a gloomy look.

Sitting in the shadow, Song Qinghuan gradually showed a look of surprise. She opened her lips as if she wanted to say something, but found that she was like a gaffe, and she should be speechless.

It turns out that Si Chen likes Shi to keep out the cold, and Shi Mu likes Si Chen, and he seems to be with Si Chen.

So Si Chen would fall out with the time to keep out the cold because of love and hatred.

I don't know when, it started to rain outside, and silver and purple lightning flashed from time to time on the pitch-black sky. Then thunder rolled and heavy rain poured down.

Shi Yuhan’s expression has not changed. Except for indifference, only Yin Han is left: "I remember that I warned you before. Don’t do what you shouldn’t do. Letting you go does not mean that I don’t know anything. Mu, I know everything about you. The reason for letting go is just because of Grandpa's face."

A cold gaze stared at him, Shi Mu said coldly: "So now? Are you going to kill me!"

"You just need to answer me, wherever your four fingers are, I'll let you go!" Shi Yuhan's tone still shows no ups and downs, his thin lips as sharp as a knife faintly pursed.

Shi Mu frowned slightly, her eyes sharp: "What do you want to know through me?"

"What four fingers? Who are the four fingers?" Si Chen asked subconsciously, taking a look at Shi Mu.

There was no answer at Shi Mu, and then he glanced at Shi to protect himself from the cold.

When looking at each other, Shi Yuhan's eyes frowned extremely lightly, and he could see that he was bored.

The deep, icy disgust severely poured Si Chen a scoop of cold water.

He only felt the moment of suffocation of the heart, as if it was about to stop beating forever.

Shi Yuhan's icy eyes smoothed over him, and his pupils narrowed and looked at Shi Mu: "I don't know the four fingers, then you should know that the words are plain!"

He changed a person and came to ask Shi Mu.

With this name, Shi Mu's face changed drastically, sliding across a suffocating paleness.

His eyes widened, and when he stared complicatedly to protect him from the cold, he seemed to be asking him, how could he know!

He moved his lips, but didn't say anything, just shook the chain desperately.

The crisp sound was particularly noisy in the empty warehouse.

Si Chen's eyes trembled violently, and he looked at him steadily: "Amu, are you hiding what I did?"

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