Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 713: 713、I'm so jealous.

Song Qinghuan kept her mouth flat and choked out: "...I am not good, you are hurt, I am still angry with you..."

Shi Yuhan's breath choked in his throat, bowed his head and kissed her lips: "Of course not, I am not good, because I did not give you enough sense of security, otherwise you won't think about it?"

Lowering his head and kissing her eyes, he helped Song Qinghuan to lie down under the quilt: "It's getting late, go to sleep."

Song Qinghuan held his hand and pulled him to lie down together: "I'm not sleepy, you sleep, you come so far, you must be asleep, you go to bed, I look at you, then I will call you."

Shi Yuhan curled his lips and smiled and closed his eyes.

Song Qinghuan's whispered voice sounded, lingering like soft light in her ears: "Good night! Before meeting me, she seemed rich, but she actually had nothing. After meeting me, she has a good husband from all over the world."

The warm words seemed to melt his heart.

Although he was very tired at this moment, Shi Yuhan felt very happy. This kind of happiness made him feel that no matter how tired or sleepy he was, he didn't mind.

"Stay away from Si Kanan." When it seemed that he was sleeping, he suddenly said.

Song Qinghuan was startled, and then kissed him on the cheek with a bitter smile.

In the long and short night, she originally planned to keep out of the cold while watching Shi.

But looking at her, she was sleepy, her eyes were glued together, her mind was dazed, and she fell asleep somehow.

Two hours is two hours, and the biological clock that keeps away from the cold is terrifying.

There was no response. At five o'clock, he woke up naturally.

After a long time of reluctance, he got up and left Qinghuan's bedroom.

While having breakfast in the living room, he ran into Si Jianan.

In fact, Si Canaan wouldn't get up so early, but he wanted to see Si Canaan, so naturally there was a way to wake Si Canaan.

Si Jianan was really awakened. When he went down to the first floor, he saw Shi who was sitting at the table to keep out the cold, and the housekeeper Aunt Wang respectfully served breakfast and called him: "Sir!"

But she called Song Qinghuan: "Madam."

Therefore, there is no need for any explanation or introduction. Si Jianan understands Shi Yuhan's identity.

It is also unclear to know that although he and Song Qinghuan are divorced, they have never been separated.

The man Song Qinghuan thought of, seemed to be better than he thought of you, handsome in appearance, like a jade tree, cold and arrogant, lonely and arrogant, and his actions were full of deterrence.

Such a man, it is no wonder Song Qinghuan would say that he must be in this life.

So, losing to such a man is not ashamed? Si Canan thought to himself mockingly.

He constricted his eyes, suppressed the tumultuous emotions in his heart, and raised his thin lips to protect the time from the cold and greeted: "Hello, Si Jianan."

Shi Yuhan's posture did not move, and his lips were slightly curled: "Hello, Shi Yuhan, please sit down."

In the posture of the master, Si Jianan actively invited Si Jianan to sit down, but the whole body was exuding, a cold low pressure.

The butler also served breakfast to Si Canaan.

But the two of them didn't use the breakfast on the plate, but fixedly looked at each other.

Indifferent eyes collided in the air, seemingly calm, but in fact, there seemed to be a murderous factor exploding, making the sound of piercing and generating electricity in the air.

At this moment, Xia Yang walked in, and when he arrived, Yuhan was behind him: "Boss, everything has been prepared."

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