Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 809: 809、It's just a matter of fact. 1

Song Qinghuan was taken aback. He didn't know what was going on. He only saw the man who was lying on the ground being pushed by a black muzzle, but the man's way of holding the gun was so concealed that most people couldn't see it at all.

Only the angle of Song Qinghuan and Shi Yuhan can clearly see.

Song Qinghuan was very scared at the beginning, clutching Shi Yuhan's arm tightly, but seeing Shi Yuhan expressionless and calm, he seemed to have known that the man with the gun was by his side.

Or that the man with the gun actually listened to his dispatch and kept hiding around to protect them.

Seeing the man with the gun, grabbing another man to a remote place, at this moment, Song Qinghuan realized that she and Shi Yuhan came out to go shopping. The so-called freedom was a waste of manpower and material resources.

She wanted to pretend not to know, but she couldn't pretend.

It seems that if the old man does not catch them, they will not be able to move normally.

But so, Shi Yuhan still didn't want to put pressure on her, and wanted to create a good atmosphere for her.

The heart seemed to be irradiated by warm sunlight. Song Qinghuan raised her eyes to protect herself from the cold, her nose was slightly sour, and there were many things in her heart, but she didn't know what to say.

Sometimes language doesn't mean anything, only the eyes can express everything.

"Why are you here?" Suddenly, a familiar voice came from behind.

Song Qinghuan and Shi Yuhan quickly turned their faces and saw a man wearing a ball cap at a bar at night.

Although the hat covered most of his face, Yuhan and Song Qinghuan recognized him at first glance.

Song Qinghuan looked at him in surprise: "Shimu, why are you here?"

Didn’t you go abroad? When did you come back? It seems that after the quarrel with Si Chen, he wanted to kill him and didn't deal with each other. Now he came back suddenly. Could it be that he and Si Chen have already reconciled.

Shi Mu Qing said: "Come and play."

Song Qinghuan snorted, "Just have fun."

"Mu," this was a teenager walking up to Shi Mu.

Shi Mu smiled at the young man. Song Qinghuan followed Shi Mu's gaze to the young man. The young man's face was a little pale and he was very handsome. When he looked at people, his eyes were very gentle and cute, which was very cute.

Shi Mu suddenly returned to China to play here, but for him? Uh, is this already a new boyfriend? So he and Si Chen really become a thing of the past?

Outside the bar, Shi Yuhan and Song Qinghuan bid farewell to Shi Mu.

The young man stood quietly, looked at him again at Song Qinghuan, and smiled slightly at her. It was a very subtle smile, and his eyes were moist.

At first glance, it is a kind of man with a cute, gentle, caring, and kind-hearted, considerate of others, a bit of a wife, plus a very beautiful appearance, like Shi Mu who has just suffered. It seems difficult for injured men not to be deeply attracted.

Song Qinghuan didn't say anything, anyway, as long as it wasn't her elder brother who spoke plainly, Shi Mu could be with anyone.

However, Shi Yuhan asked gently: "Did you not contact Si Chen recently?"

Perhaps Shi Yuhan rejected Si Chen and even pushed Si Chen far away, but when it appeared that Yu Han was concerned about Si Chen, after all, Si Chen was once a brother with him and saved his life, so no matter how he was After so much hatred and resentment, in the end he still hoped that Si Chen would have a good time.

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