Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 812: 812、Hey

Song Qinghuan was talking nonsense about the previous paragraph.

She wanted to stimulate Si Chen, hoping that Si Chen could see her heart clearly, and what the result would be depends on them.

"Today, boyfriend?" Si Chen murmured a few words, not knowing whether he was asking Song Qinghuan or himself.

Song Qinghuan raised his eyebrows: "Yes, boyfriend, congratulations, didn't you say that you hate Shimu? Now Shimu finally stops pestering you, so I think I should congratulate you. I'll tell you. , That boy is much worse than you, but when he smiles, he is beautiful and gentle. Ai Shimu is absolutely in love..."

This made Si Chen's heart suddenly cramped, pain for no reason.

He was suddenly very annoyed, as if his patience was exhausted, and sneered at Song Qinghuan: "You are sick, so you... it's okay to tell me what to do, he likes men is his business, I like women."

"Oh~" Song Qinghuan deliberately stretched her voice into a long voice: "Yes, you like women, but I think everyone is friends. Now that they have found their own happiness, they should be informed and then bless each other. "

"Now I know, it's okay." Si Chen's voice was suppressed anger.

Song Qinghuan felt very cool. She was not a sadist, but seeing Si Chen all kinds of crazy, she really felt very energetic. No wonder some people always like to tease people so much.

She sighed and pretended to be sad: "Yes, but Si Chen, if I were a man, not a woman, I fell in love with Shi Yuhan, and then between Shi Yuhan, you and Shi Mu also happened. Things, then I will definitely not let go..."

He speaks slowly and softly, his voice is honest, and the hint is very deep.

At this moment, Si Chen felt that Song Qinghuan was even more annoying to him than before. He really didn't want to talk to her anymore. He didn't like a word, so he hung up his phone.

"Toot toot..." came, Song Qinghuan put the phone back in place, suddenly burst into laughter.

Shi Yuhan glanced at her: "Very funny?"

"Of course it's funny! You didn't know that he just..." Song Qinghuan's eyes were full of bright light, and she couldn't help but smile: "He...he hung up on my phone, he must be angry, is he still tempered? Pride is so bad and so desperate to save face, it’s no wonder that Shi Mu empathizes with each other. With such a bad temper, it seems impossible to reconcile. The boy was pretty good just now, maybe Shi Mu is better with him ,What do you think?"

Shi Yuhan glanced at her as if seeing her through: "I think you care about Shimu so much, so happy that he is looking for a boyfriend again because he is afraid that your brother will really be with him."

Song Qinghuan was stunned for a while, and then he knew it, leaning on Shi Yuhan: "Haha, really I can't hide anything from you, you know everything I want in my heart, my brother should still like women, if he and Shi Mu is together, so I really don’t like women at all in the future. My father has only one son. I think it’s better for him to stay with women."

Shi Yuhan asked, "Then what if your brother really wants to be with Shi Mu?"

Song Qinghuan bulged and smiled helplessly, "I don't mean to discriminate. If he really likes it so much, then I can also bless him."

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