Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 815: Chapter 815: Discovery, Tracking 1

People say that a person in love is a child. If you are not willful or presumptuous, it means that you are not in love with each other sincerely.

After Song Qinghuan allowed herself to be self-willed and presumptuous for a while, she once again recognized one thing in her heart, and that was being with Shi Yuhan, which was the happiest thing in her life.

It seems that every girl feels this way after being self-willed in front of her boyfriend or husband.

Of course, the premise is that men allow and indulge your waywardness.

Of course, after indulging, they will be more considerate of each other.

Although very tired the day before, Song Qinghuan still got up early the next day and personally prepared breakfast for his beloved man.

While having breakfast, an uninvited guest came, and it was Si Chen who was on the phone yesterday.

He made a face at the surprised Song Qinghuan, "I didn't eat breakfast either."

Song Qinghuan was full of black lines, glared at him and then motioned to Aunt He to add a seat.

Shi Yuhan just glanced at Si Chen indifferently, then wiped his mouth and got up: "I'm going to the company."

"Brother, why do you leave as soon as I come, you don't want to see me." Si Chen said grievedly.

"It's not waiting to be seen." Shi Yuhan left this sentence lightly and left without expression.

Jin Lin and Song Qinghuan couldn’t help them, they all laughed, Si Chen glared at them like a wolf, and then fixed on Song Qinghuan: "What is the laugh? What is funny? Believe it or not. Brother introduced a beautiful woman, made him like that beautiful woman, and then dumped you."

Song Qinghuan disagreed, and smiled triumphantly: "Okay! Go and introduce. If you let him dump me because of the beautiful woman you introduced, it must not be my loss, but his loss, loss. I am such a good wife."

Jin Lin gave them a white look, knowing that the two were about to quarrel, and she was out of sight and worried, and she put down her chopsticks and left.

Si Chen said: "Shameless, really shameless, do you think you are the best in heaven and earth? I tell you, there are simply too many women I know who are better and better than you."

Song Qinghuan glanced at him lightly: "Oh, know so many outstanding women, then you mean you have found a girlfriend, right?"

"Yes!" Si Chen replied readily.

"Then where is your girlfriend? Why don't you bring it out for us to see?" Song Qinghuan asked with his chin in his hand.

Si Chen replied coldly, "Why should I show it to you."

Song Qinghuan joked, "Isn't it still in kindergarten?"

Si Chen glared at her: "The dog can't spit out ivory."

Song Qinghuan shrugged innocently: "You think of going there. I mean she won't be a kindergarten teacher. The kindergarten teacher is so gentle. If so, it will be fine. Take her out next time."

Si Chen was speechless, and squinted at her coldly: "Song Qinghuan, do you know how a pig died?"

Of course Song Qinghuan knew what he meant to express, and replied angrily: "How you died in the future, probably how it died."

Si Chen turned around and cursed Song Qinghuan: "Sure enough, some people are so stupid that they don't even know how pigs died. Pigs were killed. As for me, you think someone can kill me. I really don't admit it. You are my sister-in-law, that's right."

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