Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 830: 830、I don't know what to do

Because he has killed people before, so there are many enemies, even if the old man's problem is solved, he still can't be like a normal person, does that mean?

But Bi Yuntao shook his head and denied it.

He said: "No, they train us like this, not for us to kill people, I just said to make money, they want us to make money,"

"Making money?" Song Qinghuan was puzzled: "Train you to make money but not kill people? Unlike a killer who kills people with money, how to make money?"

Bi Yuntao replied: "In the crime street at the time, what I just said, drug dealers steal and prostitute clients, in fact, these people live by one person, and that person is the owner of the crime street. For him, he does not think that drug trafficking is not the most important thing. To make money, he thinks boxing is the only thing he thinks. He has a boxing ring in his hand, and he has trained a group of people to become boxers. We are one of them. Have you seen horse racing? Have you seen cockfighting? That’s how we are. And the ones that are saved, in short, the gold master comes to the door, but we change into different tricks to let us fight or group a certain person. The gold master is very gambled on this."

Song Qinghuan bit her lip: "Then why don't you run away?"

Bi Yuntao smiled: "Escape, everyone wants to escape, but how do you escape? The boxing ring is in the basement. There is a secret tunnel in the basement that leads to the training ground. The training ground is in the mountains. There are cliffs on three sides, so I can't climb it. There is a river on the other side, but when the power grid is installed, the power grid is also surrounded by the base, and the river is full of corpses."

"..." Song Qinghuan couldn't tell how she felt at the moment, but she felt terrified when she thought of a word!

"As long as the youngsters of the boxing ring are 18 years old or younger, as long as they are over 18 years old, everyone will kill each other, saying that only the living can leave, but in fact, they can't leave safely if they kill each other, because there is still a barrier. It is to throw the only surviving person into a lion cage. There are two lions inside. You can only leave them alive when you kill the two lions with your bare hands. Like this fierce beast, you think it can be a pair that ordinary people can contend with, and it's still a pair. So no one has left alive. There are often scarlet minced meat and broken limbs in the river, so the training place exudes a foul smell all year round."

When Song Qinghuan heard this, his whole body was shivering. When it was such a day, I am afraid it would be hard to imagine what life would be like.

Shi Yuhan lived in such an environment after his mother left: "Then later, you..."

"Because Xia Yang and I were arrested on the same day as the boss and Yuan Dong Chen Tian, ​​we lived in the same house. The Boss never said a word since we moved in. Yuan Dong and Chen Tian thought that He is dumb. After being trapped there for several years, we will all face the arrival of eighteen years old. The age of Boss is the oldest, which means that he will face the situation of being killed at the earliest. Everyone has reached this point. He will be particularly anxious, but he is still so calm and calm, as if there is nothing wrong with him."

Bi Yuntao said, as if thinking of something, he paused for a while.

He sighed: "In fact, although we are one year younger than the boss, we are actually waiting to die, and we never thought about going out. We were chatting that night, talking about how much time we have to live, and finally sighed. After being locked in for many years, that was the first time Boss spoke."

Song Qinghuan asked softly: "What did he say?"

Bi Yuntao smiled softly: "He said, ‘My fate is my responsibility.’"

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