Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 848: Chapter 848: Flash Marriage 4

Wen Zhaozhao made no sound, but felt sad. When he was sad, he couldn't help crying, and when he shed tears, he sobbed.

"Zhao Zhao." Shi Annuo sighed, and then sat on the ground along the door. .

He raised his hand, took a look at the things Han Qianqian gave him, then threw it aside, and then said softly: "I took these things out today, not because I missed her, nor did I tell myself not to forget her, but I felt I'm already with you, so I shouldn't be confused with the past anymore, so I decided to take out what belongs to her and throw them away."

Wen Zhaozhao in the room stopped crying, and instead smiled, but she didn't open the door immediately, but bit her lip and looked at Shi Anuo through the door.

Shi Annuo's voice rang outside again: "Zhao Zhao, open the door, I have something to say to you, but I don't want to talk to you through the door. Will you come out?"

Wen Zhaozhao leaned on the door and finally said: "An Nuo, I have loved you for five years. I thought I could be your friend forever. Without your love, I would be happy as long as I could see you, but you said to I will be your girlfriend. Although only your girlfriend for seven days, I am greedy. I want your love. I especially want to and care about Han Qianqian. I don’t want you to have anything to do with her."

"There will be no more involvement. I have already said that I take these things to clear up the relationship with the past. I will love you wholeheartedly in the future. Zhaozhao, will you open the door? Let's sit down and talk face to face, mainly because I have a lot of I'll talk to you about important things." Shi Annuo coaxed softly.

But Wen Zhaozhao still did not open the door.

It’s not that she is still angry now, but she just cried, her eyes are so swollen at the moment, she doesn’t want Shi Anuo to see her ugly side

"Wait a moment..." Wen Zhaozhao flattened his mouth and said softly: "I want to be quiet now, and talk later, you will leave me alone..."

"How could I let you think about it all by yourself?!" Shi Annuo's voice increased. Unlike the gentleness just now, he seemed to have lost his patience at this moment. His voice was cold and domineering: "Well, I will count to three. , If you don’t come out again, I’ll kick the door open.”

"Wait a minute..." Wen Zhaozhao said: "I'm not angry with you anymore, I just want to be quiet."

He was not angry anymore, but he refused to come out. For Shi Annuo, he was angry. He began to make an ultimatum. Even though the overbearing president felt: "One..."



Then, without even saying anything, Shi Annuo kicked towards the door.

Of course Shi Annuo wouldn't kick hard, he just kicked it casually. He knew Wen Zhaozhao was standing behind him, and he would hurt Wen Zhaozhao if he kicked the door so hard.

But Wen Zhaozhao was taken aback. Wen Zhaozhao didn't expect Shi Annuo to have such a violent side.

They knew her for five years, and Shi Annuo always gave her the impression of being polite, polite, and sometimes wicked, but most of the time he was considerate.

Therefore, Wen Zhaozhao was shocked and opened the door quickly.

As soon as she opened the door, Shi Annuo immediately walked towards her, held her shoulders with both hands, and then leaned down and kissed her lips.

Wen Zhaozhao froze immediately, thinking that he was dreaming, because this was the first time Shi Annuo kissed her.

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