Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 851: 851、The restless heart 2

Although Shi Annuo married her, she could feel Shi Annuo still in love with Han Qianqian.

If... that kind of if, Wen Zhaozhao dare not think about it, she always feels that she is not better than Han Qianqian, and will lose to Han Qianqian, not because she is inferior, not because of her appearance or family background, but because she can feel it, although Shi Annuo is good to her , But did not really fall in love with her.

"Not that day!" Shi Annuo leaned down and kissed her infamous lips again.

Undoubtedly, Wen Zhaozhao is a good wife, trusting him, supporting him, and loving him deeply, making him feel that life can be so enjoyable.

I don't know if he has fallen in love with him, but he can't do without her, she is the only fetter in his life.

But no matter what promise Shi Annuo gave herself, Wen Zhaozhao was still worried, worried that Shi Annuo would make peace with Han Qianqian after seeing Han Qianqian.

After returning to China, she was a little tired due to the jet lag, and went back to the room early to rest, but after a while, she did not see An Nuo return to the room.

Wen Zhaozhao picked up the phone and checked the time. It was already ten o'clock in the evening. He should be as tired as hers, why doesn't he have a good rest?

Worried about her husband’s body, she put on a coat and prepared to go outside and call Shi Annuo to rest.

When I was about to go downstairs, I heard Song Qinghuan's voice, she was calling Shi Annuo.

Wen Zhaozhao immediately stopped and looked downstairs subconsciously, and saw Shi Annuo turning around and looking at Song Qinghuan: "Sister-in-law, what's the matter?"

I originally wanted to say hello to the two of them, but when I heard Song Qinghuan's sentence: "Want to talk with you?" She immediately suppressed her voice and stood still.

"Huh? What does my sister-in-law want to talk about?" When Shi Annuo's voice sounded, Wen Zhaozhao wanted to turn around and return to the room.

She thought that after Shi Annuo talked, she should go back to the room to rest, so she shouldn't bother and wait for her in the room.

Song Qinghuan looked at Shi Annuo, her voice was always calm: "I like Zhaozhao, but Han Qianqian..."

Hearing this sentence, Wen Zhaozhao paused, and then he couldn't move forward anyway.

Shi Annuo let out a laugh: "Sister-in-law, what do you want to say?"

Song Qinghuan also smiled, then pursed her lips and returned to a serious expression. Then she said: "I didn't want to say anything, I just think there are things to tell you. Last night, Han Qianqian knew that you were going back to China. The family came to me and asked me to beg the cold to allow her to see you. Later, I refused. She stood outside the house for a long, long time. It was raining in the back, or heavy rain. It is probably because of a cold and catching a cold, so it will be today. I didn't come to see you, but she should show up tomorrow!"

"..." Shi Annuo said nothing, just lowered his eyes and looked at his feet.

Song Qinghuan continued: "You are already married. There are some things. I think you should think about it clearly, and you must clearly distinguish it. Do you really never think about Han Qianqian anymore? Your father and Shi Yuhan back then When you were in an accident, when you were bullied by Shi Guozheng, it was Han Qianqian who stayed with you. Han Qianqian gave you up selfishly, but she didn't love you. If she begs you now, how would you choose? "

Shi Annuo took a long breath, then looked at Song Qinghuan and said, "Sister-in-law, thank you, I know what you mean by asking me like this."

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