Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 854: 854、I'm not in love with you 2

Shi Annuo took Wen Zhaozhao's hand and gently placed it on the left chest, which was the position of the heart.

As if swearing, he rigorously said: "Okay, you are my wife, and I will leave everything to you for safekeeping, what you say is what you say!"

Wen Zhaozhao curled his lips, smiled with happiness and sweetness, and then kissed his lips deeply.

Early in the morning, when the sun shined into the room, Wen Zhaozhao rubbed her eyes and woke up from her dream, just as she stretched out and drank happily, when she found that Anno had already woke up and looked at her.

"Morning, Zhao Zhao." Then sent a good morning kiss.

Wen Zhaozhao blushed, then hugged her tightly with his hands, leaning his head in her arms.

Just when the two were deeply affectionate, a guest came in the villa. She came over early in the morning just to find Shi Annuo. This guest, Song Qinghuan had a foreboding yesterday, she would come, but she didn’t. I thought of coming so early.

After a long absence, Shi Annuo saw Han Qianqian again, as if he hadn't met a friend, just smiled at her and introduced his new wife to her.

Like Song Qinghuan, he had long expected that Han Qianqian would come today, so he was particularly calm.

Han Qianqian's face was pale without a trace of blood. All the people or things around him disappeared suddenly. Only Shi Anuo and Wen Zhaozhao were in her eyes, and Shi Anuo's voice was only in her ears, "This is my wife Wen Zhaozhao. , This is my wife Wen Zhaozhao..."

She looked at Wen Zhaozhao's eyes with jealousy, and yelled at Shi Annuo: "How can you do this to me?"

Shi Annuo smiled sarcastically: "This is really funny. The person in the world who is least qualified to say this is you, okay?"

"Annuo!" Han Qianqian's tears fell uncontrollably.

However, Shi Annuo no longer looked at her, but at Song Qinghuan: "Sister-in-law, Zhao Zhao and I are going out today, so we won't have breakfast at home."

Han Qianqian felt that her heart was about to break, and her brain became a mess.

She ran out, Wen Zhaozhao looked at the heartbroken Han Qianqian, and looked at Shi Annuo with some worry, "She just went out like this, don't you need to chase her?"

Shi Annuo was expressionless, but said lightly: "No need!"

Immediately, he took Wen Zhaozhao's hand, "Let's go, didn't you say you want to buy clothes for Xiao Lele? Let's go shopping."

Song Qing said with a smile: "No need to buy, Shi Yimo has enough clothes."

"I didn't buy more by Annuo and I, did you?" Wen Zhaozhao said, raising his eyes to Shi Annuo: "Is it right."

"Hmm!" Shi Annuo seemed a little absent-minded.

Wen Zhaozhao obviously felt it, her expression sank, but then she returned to smile again, "Then let's go and buy a slightly larger one, so that we don't have to worry about the clothes being used."

"Good!" Shi Annuo took Wen Zhaozhao and said goodbye to Song Qinghuan.

Wen Zhaozhao has been quietly by Shi Annuo, except for a moment of loss of consciousness at first, he has always taken care of her carefully.

While having breakfast, Shi Annuo's phone rang, he took out the phone, looked at the number on it, his eyes darkened, and then ignored the call.

Wen Zhaozhao bit his chopsticks and looked at him quietly: "Why don't you answer the phone."

"People you don't know." Shi Annuo answered casually, and then lowered his head to concentrate on eating.

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