Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 856: 856、I don't know what to do

Han Yinqian sneered: "Me? If you have that ability, do you need her to choose your brother for the Han family?"

Shi Annuo laughed at himself: "Ability? I have always suspected that I have no abilities, but later when I went abroad, I found that I can do all the things Han Qianqian said. I don't need to rely on my elder brother at all. I don’t believe me. I don’t think I am capable. She has never even tried it. It also makes me feel like a idiot."

"In that case, what are you doing here?" Han Yinqian's tone was so lonely.

Shi Anuo was cold and opened his mouth, trying to say something, but in the end, he just looked away coldly.

Song Qinghuan stepped forward and said softly, "Han Yinqian, no matter what happened in the past, what will happen in the future, shouldn't you just care about what happened to Han Xiqian now instead of arguing here."

Han Yinqian raised his eyebrows and glanced at the door of the operating room again.

In fact, Han Yinqian had been fighting with Han Qianqian on the surface for a long time, but in fact he was still very concerned. In Han Yinqian's heart, he had opinions on Shi Annuo, thinking that it was him but he failed to protect his sister.

This is a kind of protection for shortcomings, he has never thought about it, and has ignored it. It is not that Shi Annuo does not want to protect Han Qianqian, but that Han Qianqian has always not wanted Shi Annuo's protection at all.

Perhaps from the bottom of my heart, Han Qianqian looked down on Shi Annuo.

Whoever says to love a person will not look at that person.

No, love with a gap is like this. Han Qianqian has protected outdated Anno since she was a child, so she subconsciously believes that Shi Anno will always be a protected person and cannot be a protector.

However, people will grow up.

At the bottom of Shi Annuo's heart, she always felt that it was Han Yinqian who wanted to compete with Han Qianqian for the family property, that's why Han Qianqian felt so in crisis and pushed him away from him.

Wen Zhaozhao's gaze had been looking at Shi Annuo, but Han Yinqian's gaze had been on Wen Zhaozhao's body if it was meaningful.

She is Shi Annuo's new wife.

Standing with Han Qianqian, she didn't think she had any advantage.

Han Qianqian's injury was very serious. The huge impact caused her two ribs to be squeezed from the steering wheel, one of which was inserted into the lung lobe, causing a lot of blood in her chest.

Such a danger caused her to go around several times before the ghost gate closed. Fortunately, the operation was timely, and finally she was rescued safely.

Not long after coming out of the operating room, Han Qianqian woke up.

The first time she woke up, she wanted to see Shi Annuo.

When An Nuo sat on the bedside, she immediately held Shi An Nuo's hand. She seemed to have a lot to say, but she couldn't speak with the oxygen mask. In the end, she could only look at it with her eyes wide open. At this moment, Annuo looked sad, as if saying: Annuo don't ignore, don't ignore me.

Han Yinqian kept standing outside, but he did not come in.

Excessive expression of family affection is not his strong point.

In addition to Han Yinqian, there was Wen Zhaozhao standing outside. She felt that she didn't seem to be fit to enter, and she didn't want Han Qianqian to be stimulated. After all, she was a person who just woke up.

Feeling Han Yinqian's sharp eyes fixed on him, Wen Zhaozhao frowned slightly, a little unhappy that Han Yinqian had been staring at him, so he turned and left.

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