Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 858: 858、It's all equal in love 1

Han Yinqian did not speak, his black eyes flashed with unpredictable light, as if he was squinting, his eyes floating and sinking inside, showing the curves of evil spirits.

So deep, it makes people unable to guess what he is thinking.

"An Nuo... loves me, that woman... She is not wrong, I shouldn't... do this to her, but she shouldn't marry An Nuo, An Nuo is mine, it has always been mine... …" Han Qianqian's body is weak and her voice is weak.

However, the expression in her eyes was full of trembling sharpness and madness at this moment.

"Do you know what you are doing? Han Xiqian, I thought Shi Annuo was wrong in this matter, but now it seems that you are the only one who is wrong. Do you know that you are becoming more and more disgusting now, before you Although arrogant and self-willed, but your nature is not bad, but now you see how you are, lying on the bed to die or not, you still want to do bad things, and want me to help you, if it wasn't for my mother I feel sorry for you, do you think I would be willing to see you? Help you, although I am not a kind person, I have always adhered to the principle that people will not offend me and I will not be a prisoner." Han Yinqian looked at Han Qianqian, if she was lying in the hospital bed, it would have been The meeting slapped her forward, and then shook her up.

Han Qianqian's lips trembled, and she stared at Han Yinqian: "If you don't help me, you don't need to teach me here. You are not qualified to teach me. Knowing that there will be everything today, it is all your fault. If you didn't grab Han's with me at the beginning , Can I wrong myself for the sake of my father’s protection of Han, and then push Anno away with heartache? How can Anno do this, doesn’t he really love me? Love me, he shouldn’t marry other women, and Should protect me and help me, and then protect the Han together."

Han Yinqian looked at her mockingly, curled her lips wickedly, with such a sarcasm: "Guard you? Help you? It seems that you have forgotten what happened before. At that time, it was not that he didn't want to help you, but you kept rejecting him. help you."

In my heart, it seemed like a grumpy lion lived, struggling in the hospital bed.

Han Yinqian looked on coldly, but said coldly: "Move, it's best to die directly!"

It was a pity after all, Han Qianqian immediately stopped moving, lying on her back on the bed, trying to breathe evenly, staring at the ceiling with wide eyes.

It seemed that after a while, she said again, but she was still so willful: "Anyway, now Anno... still loves me, he doesn't love... that woman, he loves me, and I love him too. , You...should be together, should be together."

Han Yinqian pulled the chair next to him, and sat on it with Erlang's legs tilted up, his posture was evil but charming and graceful.

He looked at Han Qianqian coldly and asked, "If Shi Annuo has to marry another woman in order to get the Shi family, just like you have to marry another man for the Han family's death, try every means to pursue another woman. , And then abandon you, although you know that he has to marry that woman, but you don’t give up, you make him believe in you, you say you can help him, but in the end, he abandoned you and decided to be with that woman. Because of this woman, Shi Annuo has mastered Shijia. At this time, he found that he wanted to save you again, so he came to you again and said that he wanted to be with you, Han Xiqian. If Shi Annuo was this man, you would still ?"

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