Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 867: Chapter 867: The Identity of Song Qinghuan 3

Song Qinghuan felt that he was caught off guard like an alien being suddenly attacked by an earthling.

Shi Yuhanwei, sitting elegantly in the leather chair, turned his handsome face, and cast his eyes at her without blinking, and an inconspicuous arc was drawn carelessly on the cold lips.

"I'm sorry, I'm sorry, I don't know you are in a meeting, continue to continue..." Song Qinghuan was uncomfortable and wanted to quit quickly.

But some doors are easy for you to enter, but it is not so easy for you to exit.

"Song Qinghuan, haven't you been fired? Why are you here?" Wang Yiling let out an angrily, and she stared at Song Qinghuan coldly, "and also broke into the top floor privately to interrupt our meeting, do you want to eavesdrop? confidential."

Then, she raised her finger to the door of the meeting room, "Get out immediately, or you will be arrested immediately!"

Song Qinghuan, who was reprimanded by the woman in public, suddenly got angry in her chest. She instinctively looked at Shi Yuhan, and her face was expressionless when she saw Shi Yuhan, as if she had no intention to speak for her.

Suddenly, a wave of nameless anger burned Song Qinghuan uncomfortable.

When **** it, keep out of the cold and call her over, is it to indulge other women to bully her? Although that woman is her subordinate and he has always treated the employees of Times Group well, but she is his wife!

"I'm speaking, don't you understand Mandarin?" Wang Yiling roared again.

"I won't go out, what can you do to me." As if angering someone, Song Qinghuan found a place to sit down angrily.

Wang Yiling died of anger. When she saw Yuhan's expressionless face, she seemed to have a conniving expression on her face. She had to coldly say to Zhao Jingnan: "What's the matter with you, whoever you hired, has gone, why come to the company to make trouble. "

"That's the end of today's meeting." Shi Yuhan stood up suddenly, and then walked to the door.

When passing by Song Qinghuan, he stopped and smiled softly at her: "Come with me!"

Of course, this smile was only seen by Song Qinghuan and Liu Yuandong. Everyone looked at me and I looked at you. In fact, they still don’t understand what happened, but it’s a bit certain. Song Qinghuan is probably the same as the rumors. Has an unusual relationship with the president.

Angrily, Song Qing followed Shi Yuhan into the office.

She found out that Shi Yuhan was a big man. A group of people would not face her and take care of her carefully. Seeing it now, you know what to pretend to be a cold cat. Song Qinghuan really wanted to bite her, and she did it too. Just bite on Shi's cold-proof neck.

hiss! ! When Yuhan was suffering from the pain, he pulled her away and fixed it in his arms: "What are you going crazy? You dried lentils."

Song Qinghuan pushed him and said angrily: "I'm crazy, why don't you say that your employees have a stubborn attitude, and they directly contradict and scold the boss. Such a stubborn employee who contradicts the boss, you are not expelled. If I don't bite you hard, I am mentally unbalanced."

Shi Yuhan smiled deeply and said, "When did you become their boss?"

Song Qinghuan answered naturally, "You are their boss, I am your boss, and of course also their boss."

Shi Yuhan raised his eyebrows: "My boss?"

Song Qinghuan didn't get angry, don't make a small face, "If you dare to say no, you are dead!"

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