Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 876: Chapter 876: Training, Falling in Love with Me 6

Song Qinghuan thought for a while, then said softly: "Okay, wait for me."

Having said that, Song Qinghuan turned around and returned to the store again, and told Wen Zhaozhao that he would leave for a while, let her go shopping first, come to her later, and then go out again.

She opened the car door and sat in, smiling slightly, "Si Xiangbei, are you here especially for me?"

Si Canan raised his right lip lightly, eyes dotted with bright stars, like fireflies: "No, I just happened to see you, so I thought it was a coincidence, so I stayed outside for a while."

When Song Qinghuan fastened his seat belt, Si Jianan had already drove forward. He drove the car to a nearby elegant and casual, simple and elegant, but modern and luxurious teahouse.

The box was very quiet, Song Qinghuan looked at Si Jianan quietly, as if waiting for him to speak.

It happened that she believed it, but she felt that Si Jianan had been waiting for her for so long, so she probably wanted to say something to celebrate with her.

Si Jianan chuckled and asked jokingly: "Qing Huan, you keep looking at me in a daze like this, it will make me misunderstand, you are not infatuated with me, right?"

Song Qinghuan frowned, "It's really narcissistic!"

Si Jianan smiled happily: "It's still the same as before, you can't make a joke."

At this moment, the waiter walked in, followed by a brief silence.

The waiter skillfully started to make tea, and after a while the fragrance of tea escaped and filled the entire box.

Song Qinghuan closed his eyes as if enjoying the aroma. Song Qinghuan took a cup of tea and sniffed, "It's really fragrant."

When she saw Si Jianan on the opposite side, tasting tea in a decent way, she couldn't bear to laugh and said, "It's really hard to imagine, Si Xiangbei, who looks like you, actually like Kung Fu tea."

Si Jianan took a sip of the fragrant tea and asked, "A person like me, what kind of person am I?"

Song Qinghuan put down the ceramic cup in his hand, coughed his throat, and said in a joking tone: "Young people, young people nowadays generally don't like Kung Fu tea!"

Si Canan smiled and said, "It seems that you are younger than me."

Song Qing smiled: "That's why I don't like it."

Seeing Si Jianan smiling, as if he was particularly helpless, Song Qinghuan asked again: "Where have you been recently?"

"I lived in a foreign country for a period of time, and I still found that China is good, and home is good." Si Jianan said generally insinuatingly.

Song Qinghuan said, "Why didn't I find that your kid loves the country and family so much?"

Si Jianan poured himself a cup of tea and hummed to Song Qinghuan: "Don't keep calling this kid, this kid, I'm older than you."

After a pause, he sighed: "Besides, people can change. I didn't really have this idea before."

"Novel, it turns out that you are like this now, so what were you like before?" The door of the box was suddenly opened, and at the same time a nice voice came.

I saw a slender beauty with short, it was a beautiful man...because she was very handsome. But it's not right, because he looks very beautiful.

Uh, is it a beautiful woman... or a beautiful man? Song Qinghuan found that his vision began to appear in a state of confusion.

This person came uninvited and sat down grandiosely, without the slightest conscious of trespassing into someone else's space on his face.

He (she) glanced at Song Qinghuan with a smile, and then looked at Si Jianan playfully: "It turns out that this is the type you like."

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