Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 879: Chapter 879: Training, Falling in Love with Me 9

"Wait." Han Qianqian's voice rang and walked over to Wen Zhaozhao, pushing the wheelchair by herself.

Hearing Han Qianqian's voice, Wen Zhaozhao paused. She stopped in front of the stairs of the lower pavilion, and then looked back at Han Qianqian: "What's the matter?"

Han Qianqian pushed the wheelchair and stood still on the stairs, standing face to face with Wen Zhaozhao.

"Wen Zhaozhao, can you not pretend to be a white lotus flower? You came here because you obviously saw us standing here. Why did you pretend to walk around?" Han Qianqian sneered, mockingly overflowing.

Wen Zhaozhao's heart froze. She couldn't restrain herself, and her hands trembled with anger: "Yes, I saw you standing here, so I came down. I thought that there was no need to ask at all. Since you asked in a false sense, again Why bother to say that I gave a false answer."

Han Qianqian mocked: "This represents Anno, and I don't want you to be here at all."

"Han Qianqian, shut up," Shi Anuo quickly moved forward, frowning, and then took Wen Zhaozhao's hand, "Just ignore her, let's go back to the room."

Wen Zhaozhao only felt that his lungs were about to explode. He threw away his hand and said tremblingly: "I don't ask, I pretend that I don't know anything. It doesn't mean that I am a white lotus flower. I just respect you. And I believe you, you will take care of the matter, shouldn’t I provoke the matter so that you can solve it immediately.”

"Zhao Zhao." Shi Annuo seemed to be really annoying, he turned around, "Are you going to force me now."

"I haven't forced you, I always let you solve it by yourself, and I never bother you, no matter how upset I am, but I still don't say anything, because I know you are annoying, and I don't want to annoy you more. But now, just now, what she said, can't you hear? Anno, whether you love me or not, I will always be your wife..."

There was fierce sarcasm in Han Qianqian’s eyes, and her thin lips uttered a low voice: "Since you know that he doesn't love you, why do you still pester her? It is clear that you should find someone who loves you to get married. ."

"You shut up." Shi Annuo paled, with blue veins on his forehead violent.

His sharp shout stung Han Qianqian sharply like a needle, and she yelled: "Why did I shut up? In the hospital that day, do you know how nervous you were with me? You told me not to have an accident, I said to me I'm going to die, if I don't die, can I marry you? You tell me not to die, say you..."

"Shut up, Han Qianqian, you shut up." Shi Annuo panicked and broke her words loudly.

Han Qianqian wanted to say something, she yelled a few times, "Aoaoao", and then rushed towards the pavilion like a gust of wind.

At this moment, Han Qianqian and Wen Zhaozhao were standing side by side on the steps leading to the pavilion.

At this violent speed at the time of childbirth, one person would definitely be injured when these two people rushed in.

So you must get out of the way at this time to avoid injury.

But neither of the two moved, as if Shi Annuo was the one who rushed over. As long as anyone moved, Shi Annuo would be lost forever.

At this moment, they stood quietly.

At this moment, they stared at each other closely.

At this moment, there is only one thought left in their minds. If Zi Shi will definitely hurt them, then who will Shi Annuo protect?

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