Dear Mr. Shi

Chapter 883: Chapter 883: Calm, Absolute Decision 2

Shi Annuo grabbed her hand: "Zhao Zhao, since I separated from Cici, I never thought that I would be with Cici again, and I would never be with her again with or without you. No matter what I am to her, I can never be with her again."

However, it was known, and he turned away again: "But everyone thinks that you will be together eventually, and no one seems to be optimistic about our marriage. Sometimes I feel like a stranger who suddenly broke into the world. Probably because of these, I am often in conflict. I enjoy the happiness of being with you. At the same time, I also have the sobriety of an outsider, soberly knowing that I and you will be parted one day, so I always feel deeply about you. The woman I love is jealous. I once thought about not caring about anything, but in the end I found that I couldn't do it myself."

I closed my eyes. She sighed softly: "Anno, I don't want to love you anymore, but I want to thank you for giving me a very beautiful marriage. I have a very happy life here."

In this passage, it seemed that something was gradually breaking down in his heart, peeling off layer by layer, Shi Annuo felt that the heart was as painful as it was being pulled by something.

In this marriage, she has been giving him wholeheartedly, and what has he given her?

He didn't seem to have given anything, and then he felt as if he really gave it. At this moment, he was like a person walking on a tightrope, and his heart was wavering.

If you are not careful, you may fall to pieces.

Is it like now?

He didn't understand why she was the one who filed for the divorce, but it seemed that the most painful person was him.

Seeing Wen Zhaozhao holding his arms, sitting down at the corner of the bed, tilting his head, so tired and weak, Shi Annuo sat down opposite her: "Zhaozhao, I won't get a divorce."

Wen Zhaozhao sighed: "I am so sleepy now, I want to sleep, anyway, I have already told you about the divorce."

"I have already decided on the divorce, Zhao Zhao, I am actually..."

Something seemed to blurt out, but Shi Annuo couldn't say it.

It was not because of falsehood, but because of the truth. It was so true that he himself couldn't believe it, and was afraid that the other party would think he was not serious, so he just talked casually.

So he chose to be silent, he felt that it should be a formal occasion to speak out.

"Okay, you have a good rest, I won't bother you." Shi Annuo said, and lay down on the bed: "However, I sleep here, I know you recognize the bed, you will not be able to rest well when you sleep in the guest room."

Wen Zhaozhao sat up from the bed while he was lying down.

She had a sore nose, bit her lip, closed her blinking red eyes, got up, and left the door.

After this day, Anno seemed to be very rusty when we heard about it.

But Han Qianqian suddenly became behaved, speaking less, not the same as before, always looking at Shi Annuo with a wounded look.

Shi Annuo felt very uncomfortable. At first, he just thought that Wen Zhaozhao was just talking about it, but now he felt that Wen Zhaozhao was like that, either he didn't mention divorce, and once he did, he would be separated.

Even if he wanted to save it, it seemed extremely difficult.

Do they really want to divorce?

No, Shi Annuo knew that he didn't want to get a divorce, and he didn't want to reconcile with Han Qianqian.

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