
Xi Xi rubbed his eyebrows and leaned back on the chair, staring at Mo Xiaoxie with some headache: "no why, it's not your business. If you feel nothing to do, boring, you can go shopping, buy clothes, surf the Internet, sleep, ah, can. Even if you don't come to work or report, it doesn't matter. I'll give you the same salary. "

Mo Xiaoxie was stunned. What is this?

"Xi Xi, I graduated from my undergraduate course. Although not as good as those outside your company famous university graduates, but I am also serious with the honorary certificate graduation. Although I married you, I can do nothing and enjoy the money you earn. But I'm not a moth. I can't. I need to prove that I am a valuable person

When Xi Xi heard Mo Xiaoxie say this, he couldn't help but look at her differently.

"Also, we agreed before. I make money at work and pay you 30% of the 10 million. Now you say that I don't come to work and pay me. What's the meaning of what we said before? You might as well just let me go, or you can save my salary and come back! "

"Have you finished?" Xi Xi asked when Mo Xiaoxie stopped.

Mo Xiaoxie was not happy and said nothing. See Mo Xiaoxie did not speak, Xi Xi Xi then dialled Lin Meijuan's phone.

"I will give the company's accounts of last year to Mo Xiaoxie later." With that, Xi hung up the phone. On the other end of the phone, Lin Meijuan couldn't say a word. She just obeyed orders.

Mo Xiaoxie see Xi Xi Xi willing to give her information, can not help but feel a joy.

"Then you should be busy first."

Mo Xiaoxie left this sentence and left in a hurry. Xi Xi took a look at Mo Xiaoxie's back and shook his head with a smile. Then, he plunges into the work again.

Mo Xiaoxie, who got the account, was very happy. He had been studying the account all afternoon.

Until evening off work, Xi Zhen drove Mo Xiaoxie home. Along the way, Mo Xiaoxie was very excited and did not feel tired at all.

She has been talking about the problems in the company's accounts, dancing and comparing. But in Xi's eyes, it was an ignorant child who was amusing himself

All the way, Mo Xiaoxie talks to himself. Xi Xi doesn't pay attention to it, so Mo Xiaoxie shakes him. Xi Xi was helpless, but he couldn't put in a word. He nodded his head.

When he got home, Xi Xi felt relieved. He stopped the car, then entered the villa, straight to the study.

"Where are you going?"

"I go to the study to work, there are still a lot of work unfinished, very busy, do not disturb."

Xi Xi pulled his tie and got into the study. After closing the door, he didn't come out again. Mo Xiaoxie is very sensible, she did not disturb Xi Xi, but immediately changed the high-heeled shoes!

After a day's work, Mo Xiaoxie felt as if she didn't have a job. After all, her superior didn't arrange much work for her. The only thing she found interesting was reading the company's accounts all afternoon.

Even when she was off watching TV, she was thinking about the accounts.

It was not until the evening, when the smell of food wafted from the kitchen, that moxiaoxie realized that it was already late.

Mo Xiaoxie looked at the dishes on the table. It was really better and better than her.

"Can't you come down to dinner?"

"The young master said he was very busy and had no time to eat."

"No matter how busy you are, you have to eat, or you will have stomachache again. It will be bad if you depend on me." Mo Xiaoxie said to himself.

She filled a bowl of rice, carried a few dishes, and went to the study.

"Dinner Mo Xiaoxie called out.

Xi Xi was startled and took a silent look at Mo Xiaoxie. Mo Xiaoxie carefully brought the food to the table, but Xi Xi immediately put the food on the table.

"Why? Don't eat? "

"What if I get the documents?" Xi asked.

Mo Xiaoxie realized that the desk was full of documents. It was not good to eat on that desk.

Xi Xi left his work for the time being and ate the food from Mo Xiaoxie.

The table was fast because of the lack of time. But Mo Xiaoxie thought that the table was too hungry and the food was too delicious.

"As for it? You're a CEO, can you pay attention to image? "

"Pay attention to the image. I'm in a hurry."

Mo Xiaoxie nose out of breath: "cut, I see you eat so sweet, is too hungry, don't make excuses."

"Yes, it's better than your steak."

Mo Xiaoxie listen, immediately do not know how to reply, simply hold back! It's an indisputable fact that it's better than her steak, but can you keep it in mind

After dinner, Mo Xiaoxie cleaned up the dishes and chopsticks, and his mouth could not be wiped. He began to work again. It seemed that he was really busy.

"I'll help you." Mo Xiaoxie then helped Xi Xi Xi to sort out the data and documents, while sorting out the accounts.

It's too difficult to find the first day of work! Mo Xiaoxie didn't say it, and he felt miserable in his heart.

Xi's thoughts were interrupted by Mo Xiaoxie. He didn't want to hear Mo Xiaoxie say these things here. He just wanted to finish the work as soon as possible."All right, all right, you go and have a rest. I'll do it alone."

"No, I'm not going. I'm not sleepy at all. I'm not finished! And... "

Before Mo Xiaoxie's words finished, Xi Xi Xi suddenly got up, pressed her on the wall and gave her a kiss!

Mo Xiaoxie opened his eyes and immediately pushed aside the mat. She wiped her mouth hard: "what are you doing! Aren't you busy? Still time to kiss? "

Xi Xi Xie laughed and played the wall Dong.

"No matter how busy I am, I will fulfill my duty as a husband."

With that, Xi Xi Xi's slender fingers began to unbutton his shirt. Mo Xiaoxie's eyes widened, and looking at Xi Xi, he was about to untie the button on his chest. Mo Xiaoxie covered his eyes subconsciously.


Don't stay here for a long time. Don't let Xiaoxie escape! Not waiting for the seat to react to come over, she ran off, severely fell on the door of the study.

Looking at Mo Xiaoxie's back, Xi can't help laughing.

Mo Xiaoxie, who escaped into the bedroom, was in shock! She leaned against the bedroom door, panting, recalling the shy scene. She couldn't help blushing and swallowing.

Mo Xiaoxie just wanted to go to bed and lie down for a while, then he thought of something!

"No, I have to lock the door. Otherwise, what if that rascal comes in the middle of the night? No, I can't. I'll lock it up as soon as possible. "

Mo Xiaoxie said to herself that she was afraid of Xi Xi's surprise attack in the middle of the night. She did not think of anything and locked the door without hesitation.

In this way, Xi can't get in! Mo Xiaoxie smiles triumphantly and takes a long breath.

After sleeping peacefully, Mo Xiaoxie tossed and turned in bed. I don't know what Xi Xi Xi is up to. He is so busy that Mo Xiaoxie can't sleep.

Mo Xiaoxie looked at the clock at the head of the bed. It was almost zero. She slowly sat up, some uneasy seat, then got out of bed and went to the study.

Mo Xiaoxie walked into the study and saw xi xi lie asleep in front of the computer.

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